Magento subcategory display on click parent - magento

I have created my own parent.phtml page in Magento to display a grid view on the home page and it is working.
My question is about clicking a parent category and then displaying all subcategories grid like subcategory.phtml. How do I set my URL which passes the parent id in the URL and redirect to subcategory.phtml? Is this possible?

you can try this It redirects to page displaying sub-categories along with images on clicking the main category.


Get Menu items in content zone in orchard cms

I have created one Content type called "Product", Then created one query that select all product and shows on home page. To show products on home page i have created projection widget.
Now when i click on particular product it gets redirect to the detail page of that product.
Question is i want to show Menu items (like navigation bar) beside the content.
in the attached image red portion will have menu items.
so how can i achieve this?
Please help.

Combine list.phtml & view.phtml together

Hello all i need to display product detail page right under category page so as you click on the category image it will display the same product details right under the same page.Also when user clicks on any category it comes with all products & with details of first item in list. Is it possible in magento & if yes then how can i do it. I am new in magento but it seems to me a great framework to work with. Please help me Thanks
To show product detail page on category page you have to make ajax request and get the whole detail and insert into div located at bottom of category page.
Follow this link
Magento - AJAX Call Product Page Elements to Category Page. Select Box Not Populated

Remove menu item name/alias from url in joomla

I have a menu and when i click a menu item i am redirected to the items content.
So i am in the page.
In the current page i have some categories and when i click on a category i get redirected to its content.
So i am in the page. When i am on that page i dont want the menu item name to be shown. I want
How could i achieve that by NOT using any external sef component?
Create a new level 1 menu item, of the "Category page" type, and give it the alias "category".

How to list the categories of the current store?

I have a site which have 2 store views. I want a page to list the categories of the current store and when I click on a category it should display all of the products in that category in a list.
Any who can give some idea about this?
That page already exists by default in Magento. It is probably a link in the page footer as "Site Map", or you can reach it directly by typing the URL of the store followed by /catalog/seo_sitemap/category

Magento get the root category url

I'm a Magento newbie.
I've customized the top navigation bar and now is something like this:
For the HOME link and the CMS_LINK links all it's ok but I would when an user click on the CATALOG will see a page with all categories (subcategories of the root category) in a grid view with category i
As part of the category controller action Magento validates the category against the Mage_Catalog_Helper_Category function canShow().
This will return false against the check against isInRootCategoryList(). This function goes and checks the category's parent ids against the store root category id:
$rootCategoryId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getRootCategoryId();
return in_array($rootCategoryId, $category->getParentIds());
The easiest solution that I can think of for your problem without changing core functionality would be to create a sub category of your root category named "Catalog" which would itself contain all the other categories. You can then set-up this category to not display products and only display a cms block.
