Heroku pictures - image

I'm trying to get my pictures to upload on Heroku and have been unsuccessful. I have changed the
config.serve_static_assets = false
config.serve_static_assets = true
I have also looked through the Heroku manual and it is very unclear about this issue at least to me.
Does anyone have an idea how to get it to work?
I appreciate the help

Heroku is the wrong place to store you uploaded images they recomend using a system like Cloudinary that stores the images in the AWS (Amazon Web Services).
Ryan Bates has a really good video on how to upload images as well Carrierwave file uploads


cloudinary images works well with img tag in laravel 8 locally but not on heroku/production -- img displays blank on heroku

I tried displaying uploaded images from cloudinary but it wasn't showing using the below
<img style="width:auto" src="https://res.cloudinary.com/hrwev09ub/image/upload/v1637132013/dnpic_1637127942.png">
before now i tried the img tag above actually worked locally but not through heroku, because on heroku what i could see on checking the code source is the below
<img style="width:auto" src="dnpic_1637127942.png">
i am using Laravel 8 with cloudinary on heroku host -- can someone assist me with way out or refer me to a solution tips please.
I'm Danny and I work on Cloudinary's Developer Support team.
I've not had a lot of experience with deploying to Heroku, so I'm unable to speak on why the src is stripping out the https://res.cloudinary.com/hrwev09ub/image/upload/v1637132013 part, however I do notice that the full image path results in a 404.
Could you please let me know what happens when you try to reference the sample image (https://res.cloudinary.com/hrwev09ub/image/upload/sample.jpg) without specifying style=width:auto?
It may also help to confirm you've followed all the steps on Heroku's documentation about using Cloudinary, available here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/cloudinary

Uploading files to a Heroku website connected to GitHub?

I'm making a pretty simple website and I have a feature that allows users to upload an image for their profile which is then saved in an uploads directory.
It seems to work fine, however when I push a new local version of the site out I lose all the uploaded files. I'm not exactly sure where Heroku stores them, is there a way I can push those to GitHub or another solution?
It seems like you want data from heroku app to your repository, if i understood your question correctly. Then try this:
Heroku's filesystem is ephemeral. If you want to store user uploaded content, you need to use something like S3 to store the files.

Product thumbnail disappeared after uploaded later in Heroku

I thought it all done setup Spree 3.1 in Heroku. But after successful upload product which shown thumbnail add to existing sample. The thumbnail later disappeared.
Pushed to run in Heroku only half way. Since Heroku is only read only storage when started. To upload pictures, it need additional services. In my case use AWS S3 from Amazon. And also need extra gems: Imagemagick, Paperclip to make thumbnails.

Amazon S3 bucket images return 403 error

I've just inherited a rails site hosted on heroku using S3 for storage of images uploaded with the paperclip gem and suddenly most images are returning 403 errors. Looking at the bucket through the management console, I don't see the files listed even.
The images are uploaded through the ckeditor wysiwyg plugin, and it looks like they should be inside a folder named 'rich', but no such folder exists within the bucket. Not all files are missing (though some that were throwing a 403 are now showing up on the site correctly without me having done anything I can think of to change that), but none of them are listed in the management console.
I'm unfamiliar with S3 and not sure how to diagnose let alone resolve this issue. Any suggestions on steps I can do to figure out what the problem is would be appreciated, thanks.
Every time I've seen this error, it has been permissions:
Triple-check your AWS Access_key, Secret_key, and REGION
If you have any doubt about the keys, regenerate a new set to be sure you are using the correct keys.
If you end up changing any of them, remember to restart your server to re-read the values.

how can i get some image link from google app engine?

i'm soooo newbie for Google app engine.
i just want to put some testimage.jpg file to my GAE server and want to get some image link
like "http://team-abc.appspot.com/testimage.jpg"
i tried to put my images in folder, and by dev_appserver.py myapp, upload these images with
url: /images/(.*)
static_files: static/images/\1
upload: static/images/(.*)
but doens't work. :(
help me.
how can i do that?
if your image is in the folderstructure static/images/testimage.jpg and you define the url for this static image to be
-url: /images/(.*)
then you should be able to get this image at the url
If you are newbie may be you can try this app engine boilerplate where one of its features is get image's links.
Good luck
