New hash from array of hashes - ruby

The objective of the code below is to produce a hash with the keys being the :id field of
the hashes in original_array, and the values being all elements in original_array which have that :id.
original_array = [
{:id => '123', :name => 'test'},
{:id => '123', :name => 'another test'},
{:id => '456', :name => 'yet another test'}
new_hash = {}
original_array.each do |a|
new_hash[a[:id]] = {|x| x[:id] == a[:id]}
My code does that, but there must be some better way to do it, ideally where the hash can be created in one step. If anyone can suggest and explain one (in the hope that I might improve my understanding of this sort of thing), then it would be appreciated.

This should do it
new_hash = original_array.group_by{|h| h[:id]}
Documentation: Enumerable#group_by.


Merge hashes based on particular key/value pair in ruby

I am trying to merge an array of hashes based on a particular key/value pair.
array = [ {:id => '1', :value => '2'}, {:id => '1', :value => '5'} ]
I would want the output to be
{:id => '1', :value => '7'}
As patru stated, in sql terms this would be equivalent to:
In other words, I have an array of hashes that contains records. I would like to obtain the sum of a particular field, but the sum would grouped by key/value pairs. In other words, if my selection criteria is :id as in the example above, then it would seperate the hashes into groups where the id was the same and the sum the other keys.
I apologize for any confusion due to the typo earlier.
Edit: The question has been clarified since I first posted my answer. As a result, I have revised my answer substantially.
Here are two "standard" ways of addressing this problem. Both use Enumerable#select to first extract the elements from the array (hashes) that contain the given key/value pair.
The first method uses Hash#merge! to sequentially merge each array element (hashes) into a hash that is initially empty.
def doit(arr, target_key, target_value)
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
return nil if qualified.empty?
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g|
g.merge!(h) {|k,gv,hv| k == target_key ? gv : (gv.to_i + hv.to_i).to_s}}
arr = [{:id => '1', :value => '2'}, {:id => '2', :value => '3'},
{:id => '1', :chips => '4'}, {:zd => '1', :value => '8'},
{:cat => '2', :value => '3'}, {:id => '1', :value => '5'}]
doit(arr, :id, '1')
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
The key here is to use the version of Hash#merge! that uses a block to determine the value for each key/value pair whose key appears in both of the hashes being merged. The two values for that key are represented above by the block variables hv and gv. We simply want to add them together. Note that g is the (initially empty) hash object created by each_with_object, and returned by doit.
target_key = :id
target_value = '1'
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
#=> [{:id=>"1", :value=>"2"},{:id=>"1", :chips=>"4"},{:id=>"1", :value=>"5"}]
#=> false
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g|
g.merge!(h) {|k,gv,hv| k == target_key ? gv : (gv.to_i + hv.to_i).to_s}}
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
The other common way to do this kind of calculation is to use Enumerable#flat_map, followed by Enumerable#group_by.
def doit(arr, target_key, target_value)
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
return nil if qualified.empty?
.group_by(&:first) { |a| a.first.first == target_key ? a.first :
[a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}]}.to_h
This may look complex, but it's not so bad if you break it down into steps. Here's what's happening. (The calculation of qualified is the same as in #1.)
target_key = :id
target_value = '1'
c = qualified.flat_map(&:to_a)
#=> [[:id,"1"],[:value,"2"],[:id,"1"],[:chips,"4"],[:id,"1"],[:value,"5"]]
d = c.group_by(&:first)
#=> {:id=>[[:id, "1"], [:id, "1"], [:id, "1"]],
# :value=>[[:value, "2"], [:value, "5"]],
# :chips=>[[:chips, "4"]]}
e = d.values
#=> [[[:id, "1"], [:id, "1"], [:id, "1"]],
# [[:value, "2"], [:value, "5"]],
# [[:chips, "4"]]]
f = { |a| a.first.first == target_key ? a.first :
[a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}] }
#=> [[:id, "1"], [:value, "7"], [:chips, "4"]]
f.to_h => {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
You may wish to consider makin the values in the hashes integers and exclude the target_key/target_value pairs from qualified:
arr = [{:id => 1, :value => 2}, {:id => 2, :value => 3},
{:id => 1, :chips => 4}, {:zd => 1, :value => 8},
{:cat => 2, :value => 3}, {:id => 1, :value => 5}]
target_key = :id
target_value = 1
qualified = { |h| h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
.each { |h| h.delete(target_key) }
#=> [{:value=>2}, {:chips=>4}, {:value=>5}]
return nil if qualified.empty?
Then either
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g| g.merge!(h) { |k,gv,hv| gv + hv } }
#=> {:value=>7, :chips=>4}
.map { |a| [a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}] }.to_h
#=> {:value=>7, :chips=>4}

I can't find a way to create a simple multidimensional array or hash in Ruby

You Ruby pros will laugh but I'm having such a hard time with this. I've searched and searched and tried a lot of different things but nothing seems right. I guess I'm just used to dealing with arrays in js and php. Here is what I want to do; consider this pseudo code:
i = 0
foreach (items as item) {
myarray[i]['title'] = item['title']
myarray[i]['desc'] = item['desc']
Right, so then I can loop through myarray or access 'title' and 'desc' by the index (i). Simplest thing in the world. I've found a few ways to make it work in Ruby but they've all been really messy or confusing. I want to know the right way to do it, and the cleanest.
Unless you are actually updating my_array (which implies that there is probably a better way to do this), you probably want map instead:
items = [
{'title' => 't1', 'desc' => 'd1', 'other' => 'o1'},
{'title' => 't2', 'desc' => 'd2', 'other' => 'o2'},
{'title' => 't3', 'desc' => 'd3', 'other' => 'o3'},
my_array = do |item|
{'title' => item['title'], 'desc' => item['desc'] }
items # => [{"title"=>"t1", "desc"=>"d1", "other"=>"o1"}, {"title"=>"t2", "desc"=>"d2", "other"=>"o2"}, {"title"=>"t3", "desc"=>"d3", "other"=>"o3"}]
my_array # => [{"title"=>"t1", "desc"=>"d1"}, {"title"=>"t2", "desc"=>"d2"}, {"title"=>"t3", "desc"=>"d3"}]
I'm not quite sure why you are trying to do this, as it seems like items is already an array with hashes inside it, and in my code below, myarray is exactly the same as items.
Try using each_with_index instead of a foreach loop:
items.each_with_index do |item, index|
myarray[index] = item
If you have extra attributes in each item, such as a id or something, then you would want to remove those extra attributes before you add the item to myarray.
titles = ["t1", "t2", "t3"]
descs = ["d1", "d2", "d3"]
titles.each.with_index{ |v,i| h[i] = {title: "#{v}" } }
puts h[0][:title] #=> t1
puts h #=> {0=>{:title=>"t1"}, 1=>{:title=>"t2"}...}
descs.each.with_index{ |v,i| h[i] = h[i].merge( {desc: "#{v}" } ) }
puts h[0][:desc] #=> d1
puts h #=> {0=>{:title=>"t1", :desc=>"d1"}, 1=>...

Best way to find a hash that contains a key, in an array of hashes in ruby?

Say we have
[{:name=>"Joe", :age => 15},{:name=>"Josh", :age => 83},{:name=>"Jim", :age => 1203}]
What is the best way way to get the hash where the name is "Joe"? To return {:name=>"Joe", :age=>15}? will return an array of values (even if there is only one match): { |item| item[:name] == "Joe" }
# => [{:name => "Joe", :age => 15}]
You can use Enumerable's find method instead to return the first instance (as a hash):
my_array.find { |item| item[:name] == "Joe" }
# => {:name => "Joe", :age => 15} { |e| e[:name] == 'Joe' }.first
If this is an operation you need to perform frequently, then store the set of hashes as a hash of hashes, with the value for the name key as the key to each hash. That way you can look up your hashes in O(1) time.

ruby array includes an id

I currently want to iterate over an array of Objects (2 properties: id & name) and check if the array contains a specific Id
How would I do this?
Enumerable#detect is ok, but I think that Enumerable#any? (which returns a boolean), is strictly what you asked for:
xs = [{:id => 1, :name => 'a'}, {:id => 2, :name => 'b'}]
puts xs.any? {|x| x[:id] == 1} # true
puts xs.any? {|x| x[:id] == 5} # false
Try detect
a = [{:id => 1, :name => 'a'}, {:id => 2, :name => 'b'}]
puts a.detect {|x| x[:id] == 1}

Ruby: Create hash with default keys + values of an array

I believe this has been asked/answered before in a slightly different context, and I've seen answers to some examples somewhat similar to this - but nothing seems to exactly fit.
I have an array of email addresses:
#emails = ["", ""]
I want to create a hash out of this array, but it must look like this:
input_data = {:id => "#{id}", :session => "#{session}",
:newPropValues => [{:key => "OWNER_EMAILS", :value => ""} ,
{:key => "OWNER_EMAILS", :value => ""}]
I think the Array of Hash inside of the hash is throwing me off. But I've played around with inject, update, merge, collect, map and have had no luck generating this type of dynamic hash that needs to be created based on how many entries in the #emails Array.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to pull this off?
So basically your question is like this:
having this array:
emails = ["", "", ....]
You want an array of hashes like this:
output = [{:key => "OWNER_EMAILS", :value => ""},{:key => "OWNER_EMAILS", :value => ""}, ...]
One solution would be:
emails.inject([]){|result,email| result << {:key => "OWNER_EMAILS", :value => email} }
Update: of course we can do it this way: {|email| {:key => "OWNER_EMAILS", :value => email} }
