Maximum minimum manhattan distance - algorithm

A set of points
Coordinates are non-negative integer type.
Integer k
A point P(x, y) (in or not in the given set) whose manhattan distance to closest is maximal and max(x, y) <= k
My (naive) solution:
For every (x, y) in the grid which contain given set
BFS to find closest point to (x, y)
return maximum;
But I feel it run very slow for a large grid, please help me to design a better algorithm (or the code / peseudo code) to solve this problem.
Should I instead of loop over every (x, y) in grid, just need to loop every median x, y
P.S: Sorry for my English
Given P1(x1,y1), P2(x2,y2), P3(x3,y3). Find P(x,y) such that min{dist(P,P1), dist(P,P2),
dist(P,P3)} is maximal

Yes, you can do it better. I'm not sure if my solution is optimal, but it's better than yours.
Instead of doing separate BFS for every point in the grid. Do a 'cumulative' BFS from all the input points at once.
You start with 2-dimensional array dist[k][k] with cells initialized to +inf and zero if there is a point in the input for this cell, then from every point P in the input you try to go in every possible direction. The further you are from the start point the bigger integer you put in the array dist. If there is a value in dist for a specific cell, but you can get there with a smaller amount of steps (smaller integer) you overwrite it.
In the end, when no more moves can be done, you scan the array dist to find the cell with maximum value. This is your point.
I think this would work quite well in practice.
For k = 3, assuming 1 <= x,y <= k, P1 = (1,1), P2 = (1,3), P3 = (2,2)
dist would be equal in the beginning
0, +inf, +inf,
+inf, 0, +inf,
0, +inf, +inf,
in the next step it would be:
0, 1, +inf,
1, 0, 1,
0, 1, +inf,
and in the next step it would be:
0, 1, 2,
1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 2,
so the output is P = (3,1) or (3,3)

If K is not large enough and you need to find a point with integer coordinates, you should do, as another answer suggested - Calculate minimum distances for all points on the grid, using BFS, strarting from all given points at once.
Faster solution, for large K, and probably the only one which can find a point with float coordinates, is as following. It has complexity of O(n log n log k)
Search for resulting maximum distance using dihotomy. You have to check if there is any point inside the square [0, k] X [0, k] which is at least given distance away from all points in given set. Suppose, you can check that fast enough for any distance. It is obvious, that if there is such point for some distance R, there always will be some point for all smaller distances r < R. For example, the same point would go. Thus you can search for maximum distance using binary search procedure.
Now, how to fast check for existence (and also find) a point which is at least r units away from all given points. You should draw "Manhattan spheres of radius r" around all given points. These are set of points at most r units away from given point. They are tilted by 45 degrees squares with diagonal equal to 2r. Now turn the picture by 45 degrees, and all squares will be parallel to the axis. Now you can check for existence of any point outside such squares using sweeping line algorithm. You have to sort all vertical edges of squares, and then process them one by one from left to right. Left borders will add segment mark to sweeping line, Left borders will erase it. And you have to check if there is any non marked point on the line. You can implement it using segment tree. Then, you have to check if there is any non marked point on the line inside the initial square [0,k]X[0,k].
So, again, overall solution will be binary search for r. Inside of it you will have to check if there is any point at least r units away from all given points. Do that by constructing "manhattans spheres of radius r" and then scanning them with a diagonal line from left-top corner to right-bottom. While moving line you should store number of opened spheres at each point at the line in the segment tree. between opening and closing of any spheres, line does not change, and if there is any free point there, it means, that you found it for distance r.
Binary search contributes log k to complexity. Each checking procedure is n log n for sorting squares borders, and n log k (n log n?) for processing them all.
Voronoi diagram would be another fast solution and could also find non integer answer. But it is much much harder to implement even for Manhattan measure.

First try
We can turn a 2D problem into a 1D problem by projecting onto the lines y=x and y=-x. If the points are (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) then the manhattan distance is abs(x1-x2)+abs(y1-y2). Change coordinate to a u-v system with basis U = (1,1), V = (1,-1). Coords of the two points in this basis are u1 = (x1-y1)/sqrt(2), v1= (x1+y1), u2= (x1-y1), v2 = (x1+y1). And the manhatten distance is the largest of abs(u1-u2), abs(v1-v2).
How this helps. We can just work with the 1D u-values of each points. Sort by u-value, loop through points and find the largest difference between pains of points. Do the same of v-values.
Calculating u,v coords of O(n), quick sorting is O(n log n), looping through sorted list is O(n).
Alas does not work well. Fails if we have point (-10,0), (10,0), (0,-10), (0,10). Lets try a
Voronoi diagram
Construct a Voronoi diagram
using Manhattan distance. This can be calculate in O(n log n) using
The vertices in the diagram are points which have maximum distance from its nearest vertices. There is psudo-code for the algorithm on the wikipedia page. You might need to adapt this for Manhattan distance.


Efficient algorithm to find the largest rectangle from a set of points

I have an array of points, and my goal is to pick two so that I maximize the area of the rectangle formed by the two points (one representing the low left corner and the other one the right top corner).
I could do this in O(n^2) by just doing two for loops and calculating every single possible area, but I think there must be a more efficient solution:
max_area = 0
for p1 in points:
for p2 in points:
area = p2[0]p2[1] + p1[0]p1[1] - p2[1]p1[0] - p2[0]p1[1]
if area > max_area:
max_area = area
It's clear that I want to maximize the area of the second point with the origin (0,0) (so p2[0]p2[1]), but I'm not sure how to go forward with that.
Yes, there's an O(n log n)-time algorithm (that should be matched by an element distinctness lower bound).
It suffices to find, for each p1, the p2 with which it has the largest rectangular area, then return the overall largest. This can be expressed as a 3D extreme point problem: each p2 gives rise to a 3D point (p2[0], p2[1], p2[0] p2[1]), and each p1 gives rise to a 3D vector (-p1[0], -p1[1], 1), and we want to maximize the dot product (technically plus p1[0] p1[1], but this constant offset doesn't affect the answer). Then we "just" have to follow Kirkpatrick's 1983 construction.
Say you have a rectangle formed by four points: A (top left), B (top right), C (bottom right) and D (bottom left).
The idea is to find two points p1 and p2 that are the closest to B and D respectively. This means that p1 and p2 are the furthest possible from each other.
def nearest_point(origin, points):
nearest = None
mindist = dist(origin, points[0])
for p in points[1:]:
d = dist(origin, p)
if mindist > d:
mindist = d
nearest = p
return nearest
Call it for B and D as origins:
points = [...]
p1 = nearest_point(B, points) # one for loop
p2 = nearest_point(D, points) # one for loop
Note that there can be multiples closest points which are equally distant from the origin (B or D). In this case, nearest_point() should return an array of points. You have to do two nested for loops to find the furthest two points.
Divide and conquer.
Note: This algorithm presumes that the rectangle is axis-aligned.
Step 1: Bucket the points into a grid of 4x4 buckets. Some buckets
may get empty.
Step 2: Using the corners of the buckets, calculate
maximum areas by opposite corners between not empty buckets. This may result in
several pairs of buckets, because your work with corners, not points. Notice also that you use left corners for left buckets, and so for bottom, right, top corners for those b,r,t buckets. That's why an even number is used for the size of the grid.
Step 3: Re-bucket each bucket selected in step 2 as a new, smaller, 4x4 grid.
Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you get only a pair of buckets that contain only a point in each bucket.
I have not calculated the complexity of this algorithm. Seems O(n log(n)).

Minimize maximum manhattan distance of a point to a set of points

For 3 points in 2D :
I need to find a point P(x,y), such that the maximum of the manhattan distances
will be minimal.
Any ideas about the algorithm?
I would really prefer an exact algorithm.
There is an exact, noniterative algorithm for the problem; as Knoothe pointed out, the Manhattan distance is rotationally equivalent to the Chebyshev distance, and P is trivially computable for the Chebyshev distance as the mean of the extreme coordinates.
The points reachable from P within the Manhattan distance x form a diamond around P. Therefore, we need to find the minimum diamond that encloses all points, and its center will be P.
If we rotate the coordinate system by 45 degrees, the diamond is a square. Therefore, the problem can be reduced to finding the smallest enclosing square of the points.
The center of a smallest enclosing square can be found as the center of the smallest enclosing rectangle (which is trivially computed as the max and min of the coordinates). There is an infinite number of smallest enclosing squares, since you can shift the center along the shorter edge of the minimum rectangle and still have a minimal enclosing square. For our purposes, we can simply use the one whose center coincides with the enclosing rectangle.
So, in algorithmic form:
Rotate and scale the coordinate system by assigning x' = x/sqrt(2) - y/sqrt(2), y' = x/sqrt(2) + y/sqrt(2)
Compute x'_c = (max(x'_i) + min(x'_i))/2, y'_c = (max(y'_i) + min(y'_i))/2
Rotate back with x_c = x'_c/sqrt(2) + y'_c/sqrt(2), y_c = - x'_c/sqrt(2) + y'_c/sqrt(2)
Then x_c and y_c give the coordinates of P.
If an approximate solution is okay, you could try a simple optimization algorithm. Here's an example, in Python
import random
def opt(*points):
best, dist = (0, 0), 99999999
for i in range(10000):
new = best[0] + random.gauss(0, .5), best[1] + random.gauss(0, .5)
dist_new = max(abs(new[0] - qx) + abs(new[1] - qy) for qx, qy in points)
if dist_new < dist:
best, dist = new, dist_new
print new, dist_new
return best, dist
Explanation: We start with the point (0, 0), or any other random point, and modify it a few thousand times, each time keeping the better of the new and the previously best point. Gradually, this will approximate the optimum.
Note that simply picking the mean or median of the three points, or solving for x and y independently does not work when minimizing the maximum manhattan distance. Counter-example: Consider the points (0,0), (0,20) and (10,10), or (0,0), (0,1) and (0,100). If we pick the mean of the most separated points, this would yield (10,5) for the first example, and if we take the median this would be (0,1) for the second example, which both have a higher maximum manhattan distance than the optimum.
Update: Looks like solving for x and y independently and taking the mean of the most distant points does in fact work, provided that one does some pre- and postprocessing, as pointed out by thiton.

Finding a square side length is R in 2D plane ?

I was at the high frequency Trading firm interview, they asked me
Find a square whose length size is R with given n points in the 2D plane
--parallel sides to the axis
and it contains at least 5 of the n points
running complexity is not relative to the R
they told me to give them O(n) algorithm
Interesting problem, thanks for posting! Here's my solution. It feels a bit inelegant but I think it meets the problem definition:
Inputs: R, P = {(x_0, y_0), (x_1, y_1), ..., (x_N-1, y_N-1)}
Output: (u,v) such that the square with corners (u,v) and (u+R, v+R) contains at least 5 points from P, or NULL if no such (u,v) exist
Constraint: asymptotic run time should be O(n)
Consider tiling the plane with RxR squares. Construct a sparse matrix, B defined as
B[i][j] = {(x,y) in P | floor(x/R) = i and floor(y/R) = j}
As you are constructing B, if you find an entry that contains at least five elements stop and output (u,v) = (i*R, j*R) for i,j of the matrix entry containing five points.
If the construction of B did not yield a solution then either there is no solution or else the square with side length R does not line up with our tiling. To test for this second case we will consider points from four adjacent tiles.
Iterate the non-empty entries in B. For each non-empty entry B[i][j], consider the collection of points contained in the tile represented by the entry itself and in the tiles above and to the right. These are the points in entries: B[i][j], B[i+1][j], B[i][j+1], B[i+1][j+1]. There can be no more than 16 points in this collection, since each entry must have fewer than 5. Examine this collection and test if there are 5 points among the points in this collection satisfying the problem criteria; if so stop and output the solution. (I could specify this algorithm in more detail, but since (a) such an algorithm clearly exists, and (b) its asymptotic runtime is O(1), I won't go into that detail).
If after iterating the entries in B no solution is found then output NULL.
The construction of B involves just a single pass over P and hence is O(N). B has no more than N elements, so iterating it is O(N). The algorithm for each element in B considers no more than 16 points and hence does not depend on N and is O(1), so the overall solution meets the O(N) target.
Run through set once, keeping the 5 largest x values in a (sorted) local array. Maintaining the sorted local array is O(N) (constant time performed N times at most).
Define xMin and xMax as the x-coordinates of the two points with largest and 5th largest x values respectively (ie (a[0] and a[4]).
Sort a[] again on Y value, and set yMin and yMax as above, again in constant time.
Define deltaX = xMax- xMin, and deltaY as yMax - yMin, and R = largest of deltaX and deltaY.
The square of side length R located with upper-right at (xMax,yMax) meets the criteria.
Observation if R is fixed in advance:
O(N) complexity means no sort is allowed except on a fixed number of points, as only a Radix sort would meet the criteria and it requires a constraint on the values of xMax-xMin and of yMax-yMin, which was not provided.
Perhaps the trick is to start with the point furthest down and left, and move up and right. The lower-left-most point can be determined in a single pass of the input.
Moving up and right in steps and counitng points in the square requries sorting the points on X and Y in advance, which to be done in O(N) time requiress that the Radix sort constraint be met.

Given list of 2d points, find the point closest to all other points

Input: list of 2d points (x,y) where x and y are integers.
Distance: distance is defined as the Manhattan distance.
def dist(p1,p2)
return abs(p1.x-p2.x) + abs(p1.y - p2.y)
What is an efficient algorithm to find the point that is closest to all other points.
I can only think of a brute force O(n^2) solution:
bestPoint = null
for p1 in points:
dist = 0
for p2 in points:
minDist = min(dist,minDist)
bestPoint = argmin(p1, bestPoint)
basically look at every pair of points.
Note that in 1-D the point that minimizes the sum of distances to all the points is the median.
In 2-D the problem can be solved in O(n log n) as follows:
Create a sorted array of x-coordinates and for each element in the array compute the "horizontal" cost of choosing that coordinate. The horizontal cost of an element is the sum of distances to all the points projected onto the X-axis. This can be computed in linear time by scanning the array twice (once from left to right and once in the reverse direction). Similarly create a sorted array of y-coordinates and for each element in the array compute the "vertical" cost of choosing that coordinate.
Now for each point in the original array, we can compute the total cost to all other points in O(1) time by adding the horizontal and vertical costs. So we can compute the optimal point in O(n). Thus the total running time is O(n log n).
What you are looking for is center of mass.
You basically add all xs' and ys' together and divide be the mass of the whole system.
Now, You have uniform mass less particles let their mass be 1.
then all you have to do is is sum the location of the particles and divide by the number of particles.
say we have p1(1,2) p2(1,1) p3 (1,0)
// we sum the x's
bestXcord = (1+1+1)/3 = 1
//we sum the y's
bestYcord = (2+1)/3 = 1
so p2 is the closest.
solved in O(n)
Starting from your initial algortihm, there is an optimization possible:
bestPoint = null
for p1 in points:
dist = 0
for p2 in points:
//This will weed out bad points rather fast
if dist>=minDist then continue(p1)
//Unnecessary because of new line above
minDist = min(dist,minDist)
bestPoint = argmin(p1, bestPoint)
bestPoint = p1
The idea is, to throw away outliers as fast as possible. This can be improved more:
start p1 loop with a heuristic "inner" point (This creates a good minDist first, so worse points get thrown away faster)
start p2 loop with heuristic "outer" points (This makes dist rise fast, possibly triggering the exit condition faster
If you trade size for speed, you can go another route:
//assumes points are numbered 0..n
dist[]=int[n+1]; //initialized to 0
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=i+1;j<=n;j++) {
dist=dist(p[i], p[j]);
which needs more space for the dist array, but calculates each distance only once. This has the advantage to be better suited to a "get the N best points" sort of problem and for calculation-intensive metrices. I suspect it would bring nothing for the manhattan metric, on an x86 or x64 architecture though: The memory access would heavily dominate the calculation.

Algorithm to find the closest 3 points that when triangulated cover another point

Picture a canvas that has a bunch of points randomly dispersed around it. Now pick one of those points. How would you find the closest 3 points to it such that if you drew a triangle connecting those points it would cover the chosen point?
Clarification: By "closest", I mean minimum sum of distances to the point.
This is mostly out of curiosity. I thought it would be a good way to estimate the "value" of a point if it is unknown, but the surrounding points are known. With 3 surrounding points you could extrapolate the value. I haven't heard of a problem like this before, doesn't seem very trivial so I thought it might be a fun exercise, even if it's not the best way to estimate something.
Your problem description is ambiguous. Which triangle are you after in this figure, the red one or the blue one?
The blue triangle is closer based on lexicographic comparison of the distances of the points, while the red triangle is closer based on the sum of the distances of the points.
Edit: you clarified it to make it clear that you want the sum of distances to be minimized (the red triangle).
So, how about this sketch algorithm?
Assume that the chosen point is at the origin (makes description of algorithm easy).
Sort the points by distance from the origin: P(1) is closest, P(n) is farthest.
Start with i = 3, s = ∞.
For each triple of points P(a), P(b), P(i) with a < b < i, if the triangle contains the origin, let s = min(s, |P(a)| + |P(b)| + |P(i)|).
If s ≤ |P(1)| + |P(2)| + |P(i)|, stop.
If i = n, stop.
Otherwise, increment i and go back to step 4.
Obviously this is O(n³) in the worst case.
Here's a sketch of another algorithm. Consider all pairs of points (A, B). For a third point to make a triangle containing the origin, it must lie in the grey shaded region in this figure:
By representing the points in polar coordinates (r, θ) and sorting them according to θ, it is straightforward to examine all these points and pick the closest one to the origin.
This is also O(n³) in the worst case, but a sensible order of visiting pairs (A, B) should yield an early exit in many problem instances.
Just a warning on the iterative method. You may find a triangle with 3 "near points" whose "length" is greater than another resulting by adding a more distant point to the set. Sorry, can't post this as a comment.
See Graph.
Red triangle has perimeter near 4 R while the black one has 3 Sqrt[3] -> 5.2 R
Like #thejh suggests, sort your points by distance from the chosen point.
Starting with the first 3 points, look for a triangle covering the chosen point.
If no triangle is found, expand you range to include the next closest point, and try all combinations.
Once a triangle is found, you don't necessarily have the final answer. However, you have now limited the final set of points to check. The furthest possible point to check would be at a distance equal to the sum of the distances of the first triangle found. Any further than this, and the sum of the distances is guaranteed to exceed the first triangle that was found.
Increase your range of points to include the last point whose distance <= the sum of the distances of the first triangle found.
Now check all combinations, and the answer is the triangle found from this set with the minimal sum of distances.
second shot
subsolution: (analytic geometry basics, skip if you are familiar with this) finding point of the opposite half-plane
Example: Let's have two points: A=[a,b]=[2,3] and B=[c,d]=[4,1]. Find vector u = A-B = (2-4,3-1) = (-2,2). This vector is parallel to AB line, so is the vector (-1,1). The equation for this line is defined by vector u and point in AB (i.e. A):
X = 2 -1*t
Y = 3 +1*t
Where t is any real number. Get rid of t:
t = 2 - X
Y = 3 + t = 3 + (2 - X) = 5 - X
X + Y - 5 = 0
Any point that fits in this equation is in the line.
Now let's have another point to define the half-plane, i.e. C=[1,1], we get:
X + Y - 5 = 1 + 1 - 5 < 0
Any point with opposite non-equation sign is in another half-plane, which are these points:
X + Y - 5 > 0
solution: finding the minimum triangle that fits the point S
Find the closest point P as min(sqrt( (Xp - Xs)^2 + (Yp - Ys)^2 ))
Find perpendicular vector to SP as u = (-Yp+Ys,Xp-Xs)
Find two closest points A, B from the opposite half-plane to sigma = pP where p = Su (see subsolution), such as A is on the different site of line q = SP (see final part of the subsolution)
Now we have triangle ABP that covers S: calculate sum of distances |SP|+|SA|+|SB|
Find the second closest point to S and continue from 1. If the sum of distances is smaller than that in previous steps, remember it. Stop if |SP| is greater than the smallest sum of distances or no more points are available.
I hope this diagram makes it clear.
This is my first shot:
split the space into quadrants
with picked point at the [0,0]
find the closest point
from each quadrant (so you have 4
any triangle from these
points should be small enough (but not necesarilly the smallest)
Take the closest N=3 points. Check whether the triange fits. If not, increment N by one and try out all combinations. Do that until something fits or nothing does.
