JoinQueryOver in QueryOver to select notin list -

I have a list of record that I picked up through the code:
var list= NhSession.QueryOver<Data.Models.MembModel>()
.Where(w => w.Comp.Id == idcomp)
.JoinQueryOver(jq => jq.Ver)
.Select(s => s.Ver)
With this code I get a list of VerModel that I have relation in a MembModel. The problem is that I what get the list of VerModel that don't be in relation in a MembModal, I think to describe this, I want to select one list that is "notin" a first list. How can I do this?

What we need, as you said, is a NOT IN (subquery) statement. And NHibernate does have a clear way how to achieve that. First the subquery, which will return MembModel collection (filtered or not - as needed), represented by the VerModel.ID
var subquery = QueryOver.Of<Data.Models.MembModel>()
// we can still filter this sub-select ... or not
// .Where(w => w.Comp.Id == idcomp)
// what we need to be returned is the reference id, the VerModel.ID
.Select(m => m.Ver.ID);
And now we will query the VerModel itself, with the NOT IN (subquery) clause:
var list = session.QueryOver<Dados.Models.VerModel>()
.WhereProperty(v => v.ID) // the ID to match the prev selected one
.NotIn(subquery) // should NOT be IN
16.8. Subqueries


Linq order based on some other column condition

I have a list having columns like ID, Name, Country, State
The order statement needs to be in following way
.ToList().OrderByDescending(first=>t.Country).ThenBy(**if state=='GA' then ID else Name**)
My question is how to do this ThenBy clause based on some other column condition?
So it's correct that you don't want to order in the database but in memory? Even then you should not use ToList before you start ordering but AsEnumerable and add ToList at the end.
var resultList = yourQuery.AsEnumerable() // Linq-To-Objects as desired
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Country)
.ThenBy(x => x.state == "GA" ? x.ID.ToString() : x.Name)

Get list of entities by list of id's - IN ORDER

See this question/answer: Entity Framework: Get all rows from the table for the ids in list
Now my question: I would like to get the entities sorted as they are in the list of id's.
I would be dealing with a small list, and don't mind if it's sorted in memory after pulling list from db.
var result = db.table
.Where(l => ids.Any(id => id ==
.OrderBy(l => ids.IndexOf(;
var result = db.table
.Where(l => ids.Contains(
.OrderBy(l => ids.IndexOf(;
both should work fine.

linq query with count

I would like to create a simple linq query, but I don't really know, how it should be. I have searched the net, but found nothing, what I can use or I don't know yet, that I could use it.
So, basically, I have a table with this fields: reference, vat_code, amount, vat_amount, supplier.
Now, I would like to query the records, where reference<>'' and the reference is more than once in the table. But I need all the occupians.
F.e. from
How would be look the linq query to this?
If rows with same reference should go together in results, then you should filter out rows with reference equal to empty string, then group all rows by reference and select only those groups which have more than one row.
C# sample with DataTable:
var result = dt.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r => r.Field<string>("reference") != "")
.GroupBy(r => r.Field<string>("reference"))
.Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
.SelectMany(g => g); // flatten group to sequence of rows

LINQ to Entities multiple columns need 1 to be distinct

I am trying to select multiple columns from an entity object but I want 1 property to be distinct. I am very new to both LINQ and Entity Framework so any help will be useful.
Here is my LINQ query so far:
var listTypes = (from s in context.LIST_OF_VALUES
orderby s.SORT_INDEX
select new { s.LIST_TYPE, s.DISPLAY_TEXT });
I want s.LIST_TYPE to be distinct. I figure using the groupby keyword is what I want (maybe?) but I have not found a way to use it that works.
Thank you.
Assuming DISPLAY_TEXT matches LIST_TYPE somehow (so you don't lose any information):
var distinct = context.LIST_OF_VALUES
.OrderBy(s => s.SORT_INDEX)
.GroupBy(s => s.LIST_TYPE)
.Select(g => new { g.Key, g.First().DISPLAY_TEXT });

Limiting fields returned in a LINQ query

A few days ago I asked a question about returning select fields from a LINQ query. Now, I want to add some grouping to the results and things are not working out.
The following query returns the correct rows but I want to limit the fields returned. For example, I only want to see the Id and Name fields.
var contactsFromDealers = Contacts.Where(x => x.ContactTypeID == 2).GroupBy (x => x.OrganizationName)
and appending .Select (x => x.Id, x.OrganizationName) doesn't help.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
you need the select before the group by i believe.
try .Select( x => new { x.Name } )
