write cell array into text file as two column data - algorithm

I have two different variables which are stored as cell arrays. I try to open text file and store these variables as two column arrays. Below is my code, i used \t to seperate x and y data, but in the output file, the x data is written first which is followed by the y data. How can I obtain two column array in the text file?
for j=1:size(data1,2)
file1=['dir\' file(j,1).name];
Thanks in advance!

You can use dlmwrite as well to accomplish this for numeric data:
x = [1;2;3]; y = [4;5;6]; % two column vectors
This produces the output:
1 4
2 5
3 6

Use a MATLAB table if you have R2013b or beyond:
data1 = {'a','b','c'}'
data2 = {1, 2, 3}'
t = table(data1, data2)
writetable(t, 'data.csv')
More info here.


R matrix transpose (2 into 1 column) many separate files and merge into one .csv

I have ~217 identical .csv files in a folder, each represents one individual, and has 2 columns (header: x, y) and 180 rows of data.
I need to transpose these into a single row (new headers: x1:x180, continued into y1:y180), create an ID column with an abbreviated file name, and merge the separate files into one data frame of 217 rows and an ID columns, and 360 columns of data.
Here's example data from separate .csv files in the same folder, truncated to the first 6 rows:
x y
1 -2.100343 -0.2601952
2 -2.128320 -0.2805480
3 -2.152010 -0.3000733
4 -2.168258 -0.3170724
5 -2.174368 -0.3305717
6 -2.168887 -0.3403942
x y
1 0.7577988 -0.1212715
2 0.7256039 -0.1344822
3 0.6933261 -0.1496408
4 0.6638619 -0.1657460
5 0.6409363 -0.1815894
6 0.6281463 -0.1960087
I need the data to look like this, in one file:
ID [x1] [x2] [x3] [x4] [x5] [x6] [y1] [y2] [y3] [y4] [y5] [y6]
dataA -2.100343 -2.12832 -2.15201 -2.168258 -2.174368 -2.168887 -0.2601952 -0.280548 -0.3000733 -0.3170724 -0.3305717 -0.3403942
for transposing, I tried the following, which results in a different column ordersince it works by row through the 180 rows:
t_Image1 <- matrix(t(Image1Coords), nrow = 1)
x1 y1 x2 y2...
I have the file names from the folder in a list using other help from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31039269/combine-and-transpose-many-fixed-format-dataset-files-quickly
filenames <- list.files(path = "C:/Users/path_to_folder", pattern = "*.csv", full.names = FALSE)
data_list <- lapply(filenames,read.csv)
But I can't get it to come together. So far, with help from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21530672/in-r-loop-through-matrix-files-transpose-and-save-with-new-name and several other places, to just transpose the files and resave them to be combined in another step: But the exported file is hideous. The matrix transpose into one row retains quotes and puts 2 data points in one cell, and I'm not sure what its doing as headers, but its all in the first cell
for (i in filenames) {
mat <- matrix(t(read_table(i, col_names = TRUE, skip_empty_rows = TRUE)), nrow = 1)
mat$ID <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(filename))
filename <- paste0("transposed_", i)
write.table(mat, file = filename)
I have not addressed shortening the file names and making an ID column yet.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

How to subtract or add time series data of a CombiTimeTable in Modelica?

I have a text file that is used in a CombiTimeTable. The text file looks like as follows:
double tab1(5,2) # comment line
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
The first column is time and the second one is my data. My goal is to add each datum to the previous one, starting from the second row.
model example
Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable Tsink(fileName = "C:Tin.txt", tableName = "tab1", tableOnFile = true, timeScale = 60) annotation(
Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-70, 30}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
end example;
Tsink.y[1] is the column 2 of the table but I do not know how to access it and how to implement an operation on it. Thanks for your help.
You can't use the blocks of the ModelicaStandardTables here, which are only meant for interpolation and hence do not expose the sample points to the Modelica model. However, you can use the Modelica library ExternData to easily read the array from a CSV file and do the required operations on the read data. For example,
model Example "Example model to read array and operate on it"
parameter ExternData.CSVFile dataSource(
fileName="C:/Tin.csv") "Data source"
parameter Integer n = 5 "Number of rows (must be known)";
parameter Real a[n,2] = dataSource.getRealArray2D(n, 2) "Array from CSV file";
parameter Real y[n - 1] = {a[i,2] + a[i + 1,2] for i in 1:n - 1} "Vector";
end Example;
where Tin.csv is a CSV file with comma as delimiter

gnuplot with muliple columns using loop

I have a number of files (having 10 columns each) with following order:
file_001.txt, file_002.txt, file_003_txt,
file_021.txt, file_023.txt, file_023.txt,
file_041.txt, file_042.txt, file_043.txt,
file_061.txt, file_062.txt, file_063.txt,
file_081.txt, file_082.txt, file_083.txt,
I would like to plot each file with different line. e.g. using 1:2, using 1:3, using 1:5, using 1:8. I can not able to make a loop to call different columns. My following script is not working for k field
plot for [k=2, 3, 5, 8] for [j=0:8:2] for [i=1:3] 'file_0'.j.i.'.txt' u 1:k;
Use for [k in "2 3 5 8"] if you have a list rather than a range.
If j can be > 9, you should set up a function
fname(j,i) = sprintf("name%02.f%.f",j,i)
to get proper file names.
Format string "%02.f" means float (f), no digits after the comma (.), minimum two postions (2), fill empty space with zeroes.
print fname(2,3)
print fname(13,3)
print fname(113,3)
These are libc format strings, they are not documented inside the gnuplot docs, but there are many sources in the web.

Numpy savetxt loop

Using Numpy, I am going to split an array of dimension (557124,2), dtype = "S10", in 6 subarrays using:
sub_arr = np.split(arr, 6)
Now I would like to use a for loop on savetxt and save the 6 subarrays to 6 .txt files.
I tried:
for i in sub_array:
np.savetxt(("Subarray", i, ".txt"), sub_array[i], fmt='%s')
There are 2 problems:
It's incorrect to say in sub_array. I should use range(5) but I want to make it adaptable to any number of sub arrays.
I thought I could use a sort of "paste" as in R when I did ("Subarray", i, ".txt"). Is there anything alike in Numpy?
Any idea?
From what I've understood
sub_arr = np.split(arr, 6)
returns a list of 6 numpy arrays. Then you can use enumerate to get each array and its index
fname_template = "Subarray.{i}.txt"
for i, sarr in enumerate(sub_arr):
np.savetxt(fname_template.format(i=i), sarr, fmt='%s')
To create the file name I've used the new string formatting. Otherwise you can concatenate strings with + as "Subarray."+str(i)+".txt", but you have to make sure that all the elements that you concatenate are strings.

Apply function to each element in array and store result in an array

I have a function toWords which converts a integer into a word
e.g. toWords(500, tableWords) gives fivehundred
I have an array of numbers h = (1..999).to_a, and I want to go through this array and convert each number into a word and store it in a new array. My current attempt to do this is:
h = (1..999).to_a
Lh = h.each do |i| toWords(i, tableWords) end
However, the contents of Lh is simply the integers from 1 to 999 and not the output of my toWords function. How do I do this? I'm thinking of something along the lines of sapply in R.
Even better is if my new array Lh can have two columns, the first column containing the integers in number format, and the second column would be the corresponding number in words.
Thank you!
To get your two columns, you can do the following
(1..999).map {|x| [x, toWords(x, tableWords)]}
As per Cicada's comment, the answer is:
Lh = h.map{|x| toWords(x, tableWords)}
