how to pause the slide images on mouse hover on this code? - mouseover

i searched about my problem and did not find it .
i have this cod for slide show and need to add pause wen mouse hover the images .
i tryed hours to do it but cant .
this is the code :
$().ready(function() {
'showbuttons': 'Y',
'minibuttonopacity': .45,
'centerbuttons': 'Y',
'alignrightnextbutton' : 'Y',
'btnoffset':5 ,
a want to play with this part of the code :
can anyone help me to improve the code to get the pause on mouse over the div "ctgslider" ?

The slider doesn't seem to expose any kind of events you can hook into, which makes life a little difficult.
A quick fix would be to add this code to the bottom of your HTML file:
sliderPaused = false;
sliderPaused = true;
}, function(){
sliderPaused = false;
Then make sure you are using the non-minified version of the script and alter the NextPicture function like so:
function NextPicture(e){
if(sliderPaused && !e) return;
Passing the function a reference to the event object, means that you can differentiate between hovering on the slider and clicking the next slide button.
Here's a demo


How to Move Invisible Recaptcha Badge to Another Place on Page

I have the new invisible recaptcha working fine, but it puts the badge in bottom left or right corner. You can override this with "data-badge='inline'" and that pulls it into the form. Google is extremely vague on how to actually move it. You cannot hide it as google will not validate your form anymore. Soo...
THE ISSUE is I cannot seem to move it anywhere else on the page. I want to move it to the bottom of the page inside a div I created. Has anyone successfully done this? I tried appendTo but that does not work.
Any help would be great!!!
Thank you.
If you want to comply with Google Terms, then you can use a timer to detect the badge and then move it down at the bottom. You have to set the badge property to inline. jQuery appendTo worked for me:
Recaptcha code
var onSubmit = function(token) {
var onloadCallback = function() {
grecaptcha.render('submit', {
'sitekey' : '<your_site_key>',
'callback' : onSubmit,
'badge': 'inline'
The code to setup a timer to check and move grecaptcha-badge element
jQuery(function($) {
var checkTimer = setInterval(function() {
if($('.grecaptcha-badge').length > 0) {
}, 50);
Please check my live example here ( You can see that the badge goes at the bottom inside #g-badge-newlocation element and that it works because when you hit submit, recaptcha triggers the callback function which logs the word "success~".

jQuery scrollstart, scrollstop and very quick scrolling issue

I'm having an issue with James Padolsey's custom events: scrollstart and scrolltop
When I use the mouse wheel to scroll one "notch" or I click the scroll bar somewhere far below or above its current position, causing sudden scroll by a large amount, I get the same scrollTop() values for scrollstart and scrolltop - I can't tell where the scroll started or in which direction the scroll has taken place. jsFiddle available here (note: if you have an extremely high resolution, you will have to add more text to the HTML so that a scroll bar appears in the Result window).
<div id="scrollable">
<!-- insert lots of text here -->
#scrollable {width: 120px;}
var before = 0;
$(window).bind('scrollstart', function() {
before = $(window).scrollTop();
$(window).bind('scrollstop', function() {
alert('before: ' + before + "\nafter: " + $(window).scrollTop())
jsFiddle available here
Any ideas on how to retrieve the true scrollTop() value for the scrollstart event? Modifying the plugin is an option I guess, so all ideas welcome.
Instead of recording the before value when the scroll starts, I would suggest doing so in another event, for example mousemove()
jsFiddle of this idea working
Maybe I misunderstood your question (I haven't used that plugin), but I think you don't need to use every part of that plugin. If you only want to know the previous and current value of ScrollTop and its direction, take a look at this:
var currentScrollTop, temporalScroll = 0;
currentScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
console.log('Previous value: ' + temporalScroll)
if (currentScrollTop > temporalScroll) {
console.log('scroll down')
console.log('Current value: ' + currentScrollTop)
else {
console.log('scroll up');
console.log('Current value: ' + currentScrollTop)
temporalScroll = currentScrollTop;
In order to add the timing functionality, you can use only that part of that plugin (or simply, start a setTimeout to record a bigger change when scrolling).

How to open thumbnail wrapper of the image gallery automatically when the page loads ? (jQuery)

I need to tell you that i'm very new to jquery and still learning, please don't laugh at this. I wanted to have an image gallery on my website and found this beautiful gallery that uses jquery. Here is the link for it:
So there is this snippet that helps the user to click on the album or rather the arrow next to it, to open and close the thumbnail wrapper for the album. All I want is for the first album to open automatically when the webpage is loaded completely. I guess we might have to use the .load() method but I'm not sure how to use it. The code that is inserted here has both the functions to open and close the album, I just wanted to automate the opening part.
//clicking on the menu items (up and down arrow)
//makes the thumbs div appear, and hides the current
//opened menu (if any)
$list.find('.st_arrow_down').live('click', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $elem = $this.closest('li');
'height': '170px'
}, 200);
var $thumbs_wrapper = $this.parent().next();
$list.find('.st_arrow_up').live('click', function () {
var $this = $(this);
I tried getting help from the original author of this script but unfortunately she is not responding. Looking forward to your kind assistance. Thanks in advance!!
This 2 lines:
search for HTML elements with class="st_arrow_down" or class="st_arrow_down"
and bind event "click" on these
This code on
$(document).ready(function () {
var $elem = $('.album').first();
var cnt = $elem.find('.st_wrapper').first().css('display','block');
When DOM is ready, you search first album then show animation and display the imgs

Mootools: how to stop event, when other event happens

i´ve got a question about mootools eventhandling.
I wanna delay a mouseenter event for a dropdown navigation. After 1 second the drowdown list will be shown by "setStyle('display', 'block')...this is what i´ve got so far, and it´s working:
$('main-nav').getElements('li.level-1 ul.quick-nav').setStyle('display', 'none');
var list = elem.getElement('.quick-nav');
'mouseenter' : function(event){
(function() {
elem.getElement('.quick-nav').setStyle('display', 'block');
'mouseleave' : function(event){
elem.getElement('.quick-nav').setStyle('display', 'none');
I´ve delayed the mouseenter event with the delay function...the problem i got and still can´t solve is that the mouseenter event will although happen when i already left my navigation item. I enter the item, leave the item immediately, and after one second the subitem still appears. I therefore need some kind of check within the mouseleave event, wheather my menuitem is already displayed or not. Then i could stop the mouseenter event, if the menuitem is still not visible... I don´t know how i can respond the mousenter event from the function of the mouseleave event...hope anybody understood this...
Thanks in advance.
use a timer and clearTimeout on mouseleave (also $clear(timer) in older versions of mootools).
$('main-nav').getElements('li.level-1 ul.quick-nav').setStyle('display', 'none');
$('main-nav').getElements('li.level-1').each(function(elem) {
var list = elem.getElement('.quick-nav');
var timer;
'mouseenter': function(event) {
timer = (function() {
elem.getElement('.quick-nav').setStyle('display', 'block');
'mouseleave': function(event) {
elem.getElement('.quick-nav').setStyle('display', 'none');

jquery: bind click event to ajax-loaded elmente? live() won't work?

hey guys,
I have an input field that looks for matched characters on a page. This page simply lists anchor links. So when typing I constantly load() (using the jquery load() method) this page with all the links and I check for a matched set of characters. If a matched link is found it's displayed to the user. However all those links should have e.preventDefault() on them.
It simply won't work. #found is the container that shows the matched elements. All links that are clicked should have preventDefault() on them.
/*Animated scroll for anchorlinks*/
var anchor = '',
pageOffset = '',
viewOffset = 30,
scrollPos = '';
$(function() {
$("a[href*='#']").each(function() {
$(this).bind('click', function(e) {
anchor = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];
pageOffset = $("#"+anchor).offset();
scrollPos = - viewOffset;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:scrollPos}, '500');
Well, I'm looking for all href's that contain a #. So I know those elements are anchors that jump to other elements. I don't want my page to jump, but rather scroll smoothly to this element with this specific #id.
This works fine when I use bind('click', ... for normal page-elements that have been loaded when the page is opened. It doesn't work for anchors that have been loaded via ajax! If I change the bind to live nothing does change for the ajax loaded elements - they still don't work. However normal anchors that have always been on the page are not triggering the function as well. So nothing works with live()!
When you say "it won't work" do you mean that your function is not been called or that you can not cancel out of the function? As far as I know you can not cancel out live events. With jQuery 1.4 you can use return false to cancel out live event propagation. Calling e.preventDefault() won't work.
Edit: right so this code should in principal work. What it still won't do is, it won't add the 'anchorLink' class to your new anchors. However if the clicks work then let me know and I will give you the right code to add the class too!
var anchor = '',
pageOffset = '',
viewOffset = 30,
scrollPos = '';
$(function() {
$("a[href*='#']").each(function() {
$("a").live('click', function(e) {
if ($(this).attr("href").indexOf("#") > -1) {
anchor = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];
pageOffset = $("#" + anchor).offset();
scrollPos = - viewOffset;
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, '500');
//nikhil: e.preventDefault() might not work, try return false here
