Consuming Sharepoint web services with ADFS claims-based authentication -

We've recently switched one of our Sharepoint instance to use ADFS claims authentication instead of windows authentication. And now I can't seem to get the Copy service to work correctly from the server.
I've tried many methods, but none worked. Including the one found here suggested by another answer here on SO. In this case I get a 400 bad request when I call the login method.
I don't necessarely need to impersonate the user, but that would be great.
Any idea how I should do this?
Things that I have on the server to help authenticate:
IClaimsIdentity containing all the claims issued by ADFS
Bootstrap token (I tried to authenticate using it but no luck so far)
credentials for the system account (that I used when trying to authenticate with Sharepoint's authentication service)


authenticate Angular 2 against ADFS via Web API

I have an angular 2 app, a Web API with OWIN Pipeline (.NET 4.6) and an ADFS 3.0. Every user who uses the angular 2 app needs to be authenticated and authorized via ADFS and if he's already logged in the domain he should be logged in to the Application automatically (Single Sign On)
Something like that:
I read tons of links and code on how to achieve that but I fail to put the pieces together.
As far as I understand ADFS 3.0 only supports OAuth 2 Authorization Code Flow which is either not supported or advised with a JS Application respectively on the Web per se.
I'm not quite sure which it is but the fact is I can't/shouldn't use it.
I understood that therefore I have to implement somekind of Authentication server on my Webserver where my Web API is (maybe IdentityServer 3 or something "homemade").
This lead me to think that I should use ADFS as an external login like google, or facebook which would lead to the following workflow
User requests token
Web API checks if user is already logged in to the domain
Logged in?
forward request to ADFS and verify.
ADFS returns OAuth Token to WebAPI
not logged in?
show login mask to user
forward request to ADFS and verify.
ADFS returns OAuth Token to WebAPI
Web API return OAuth Token to user
Is this even correct or am I completly off?
Anyway I fail to put the pieces to together.
I saw a lot of code which creates JWT Tokens in Web API (but doesn't communicate with ADFS) or communicates with ADFS via WS-Federation.
Additionally ADFS' OAuth 2 implementation seems to a bit special which adds another layer of complexity.
so my question would be:
How can I provide OAuth tokens to the user while authenticating against ADFS?
If you need any additional information I happily provide it
You will need ADFS 2016 which supports Single Page Apps that use Angular.JS. See for the flow and sample code.
You are right that ADFS 2012R2 only support authorization code flow which is only meant for native apps which are public clients to talk to a web api.
//Sam (Twitter: #MrADFS)

Web api 2 - windows + client cert auth - is it possible?

I currently have an web api 2 site hosted in IIS secured with windows authentication. A requirement has now come in for us to support client certificate authentication in addition to windows, and I'm struggling to find out:
- if this is possible at all
- if there are any working examples available
I thought might be able to add an additional owin middleware or messagehandler or filter, but can't see any existing ones that do this specifically for windows rather than just relying on IIS. I know thinktecture identitymodel can do client cert, but not sure if the two can be combined?
Example of forms +win that i thought might be similar is here
Right so I managed to figure it out. Thankfully, if a controller returns a 401, IIS automatically adds the negotiate/ntlm headers, so if a user is on a windows browser, it will then automatically authenticate as usual. So with that in mind, to keep windows auth working, I:
updated the site in both IIS and VS to allow anonymous AND windows auth
added the [AuthorizeAttribute] as a global action filter (which causes the 401 to be returned if the user is not authenticated by the time they hit the filter)
To get client certificate auth working, I used the magnificent Thinktecture.IdentityModel library, which allowed me to add only one line to my Startup.cs file (we're using OWIN so this was easy)
See for an example

AAD Authentication Without Interactive Login

I have a need to authenticate against Azure Active Directory from a .net Web API. I read Vittorio Bertucci's article: Using ADAL .NET to Authenticate Users via Username/Password, and was wondering if there's any way of getting around the limitation of not being able to do this from a website/confidential client. He describes this as an AAD setting. Is it one that can be turned off?
Any assistance with this would be much appreciated!
This is not common scenario to use the Resource Owner Password Credentials in a web app. The recommend way is that using the Client Credential flow as Shawn Tabrizi suggested.
If you do want to use the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow, you can construct the request yourself as below:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The Client Credential Flow (App Only Flow) should enable your confidential client to be able to authenticate to a downstream resource without a logged in user. This type of authentication is pure Service to Service Authentication, and will require only a secret for the client app to be presented either in the form of an App Key (symmetric key) or a Certificate Credential (asymmetric key).
However, all forms of access to an AAD Resource will require some form of initial interactive login. In the case of App Only Flows, you will need an Admin to perform an interactive login experience with the Client application, which will then allow subsequent user-less flows.
Check out these sample and let me know if it addresses your question!
I hope this helps!

SignalR oAuth on self host

I have a webapi running on a self hosted app, security provided via oauth, and I'm setting the authorisation header for calling the API. This works great, we have a user identity on all calls.
Now I can pass the same authorization token by query string or cookie (or header on some connection types) to signalr (self hosted in the same app).
The token gets to the server for signalr, I can can add it into context.cookie, or into the headers.
but..nowhere can I get it to create an authenticated user, I seem to be plagued by 401 errors
I assume I am missing a key piece of code thats supposed to take the token and create an authenticated user for signalr (even though webapi/owin does it itself).
does anybody have any pointers, or examples where signalr works with oauth on self-host?
You are correct that you need to setup a way to authenticate and set the user when wanting to use SignalR with OAuth.
You can create a customer AuthorizeAttribute for SignalR.
In it you can basically get the query string to get hold of the token, once you have the token, you can unprotect it and start validating it and setting the user context in the request.
I have an example at
Once that has been implemented, you simply decorate your hub with [QueryStringBearerAuthorize]
The github link has a full working example for this and might provide some valuable insight.

Spring Security SAML extension ADFS

I've been working whit the SAML extension to connect to an ADFS server. I've hacked the sample application to use my ADFS server and everything went well, but I would like to know if there is a way to connect to an IDP without using the loging page of the IDP. I mean if there is a way to do this process in background for the end-user. I am thinking about doing a query to ADFS or something like to get the users and do authentication from the SP login page, avoiding the need for the user to authenticate in the IDP login page.
The purpose of federated authentication is to delegate it to a centralized server in such a way that the relaying parties/service providers do not have access to user's credentials. Enabling authentication directly in your application would violate this principle and for this reason is not supported by neither Spring SAML nor ADFS.
If you want to authenticate your users directly, use authentication directly against Active Directory instead of ADFS. This will fully support your use-case.
