Admob Interstitial - Back Button Crashes App - windows-phone-7

I have integrated admob interstitial ads into my app. Everything works fine except that when the ad appears, if the user clicks on the ad and then presses the phones 'back' button, the app crashes and quits.
I believe this is a known bug in the Admob SDK but I was wondering if anyone has a workaround for this problem?
Thanks so much.

Google AdMobs are no longer supported for windows phone apps. They had launched AdMobs in Beta phase and the ads often caused crashes when clicked. They no longer support apps on windows phone platform. Heres a screenshot of my dashboard with a notification from AdMobs where they have mentioned that WP apps wont be supported after 30th September 2013.


app-ads.txt tab in AdMob not showing any apps Even though I've published two apps on Google Play

My app-ads.txt tab in Admob console not showing anything Even though I've published two apps on Google Play. I've waited Weeks but no update.
Please help me as soon as possible, I am frustrated and I am very tired of searching a lot on the Internet about the problem and I did not find any solution or even a description similar to this strange problem.
I was having the same problem for some time now, app ads text file was not showing for one of my app in Admob, but for other apps it was visible.
Solution: Today, as I was checking the store settings of my app I realized that I was using a social media link in the place of website. I changed it immediately to my website.
After 10 minutes or so when I refreshed the Admob App Settings page, it found my app ads text file successfully.
Hope that helps!
Only linked apps (Linked to a store) will appear in app-ads.txt tab in AdMob console.
This is how to link an app in AdMob to Google Play:
Go to AdMob console
Select the app you want to connect
Go to app settings from the left menu
Click on ADD from App Store section
Search for your app name and Add it
IMPORTANT Note: you can not unlink your app later so PLEASE be careful and make sure that you are adding your app and not another app.
now it may appear immediately in app-ads.txt tab in AdMob or it could take up to 48 hours

Users Complain that Xamarin Android App Freezes

I have a Xamarin.Forms Android app on the Google Play store. An overwhelming amount of users are leaving 1 star app reviews of my app saying that the app is "Freezing." They say that nothing happens when they click on a button in the apps UI. I have made doubly sure that no processes are running on the UI Thread that might hold up the UI. I have not been able to recreate this "Freezing" behavior personally. There are also no crash or ANR reports in the Google Play Console (at least not enough to make up for the amount of negative reviews I'm receiving). Has anyone else faced this problem?
Useful Info:
Xamarin.Forms Version:
There is no discrimination between the Freezing behavior and users' Android API Version
The issue is not happening (or is not being reported) on the iOS app.
Do you have a physical Android device to deploy to? Take the apk and side load it, or download from the store, don't use VS to deploy the app on your device.
I had a similar issue and it was the code shrinker in VS. The released version with the code shrinker enabled, caused the app to freeze immediately after the splash screen.
You can disable it by selecting 'nothing' in the code shrinker box in VS.

Beta app is shown in the browser but not in Google Play?

I've published a beta of my app in Google Play.
I can see it with my smartphone and I can install it with a different account from the developer account (just to be sure).
Now I try the same with an 'old' tablet (Android 7.0, Google Play 6.1.12) and if I click on the link to the app:
it tells me 'element not found':
if I try to cut and paste the link in the browser it shows the app:
It even shows the Install button, but if I click it gives me 'element not found' again.
My app is built with Unity and it's compatible with Android 6.0+ (I deployed the same app in this tablet with Unity and it worked).
Any suggestion?
I've found out that you need to download an unofficial google play services update from here and it worked.
Maybe this is strictly related to my tablet model (a Xiaomi).
It will be useful for others, I think.

Open app installation page in AppStore or PlayStore

I have a paid app in PlayStore (android) and AppStore (iOS). I'm developing a free app which have similar functions as the paid app but with ads banner at bottom and a time limitation when playing. In this free app, there is a button to allow user upgrade/install the paid app, when user click on this button, the app page on PlayStore will be displayed if the free app is playing on an Android device. Otherwise, the app page on the AppStore will be displayed (the free app is playing on an iOS device). How can I do this in CodenameOne?
You will need to use:
For Android see here how to build the url:
How to open the Google Play Store directly from my Android application?
For iOS see here how to build the url:
How to link to apps on the app store

admob ads are not displying (blank screen) in wp7

I'm working on AdMob to display the ads in my app using and tried this video tutorial also
am not getting any errors but it not dispalying any ads(showing blank screen) and i have tested both emulator, device getting same result
how to display the adds in my app using AdMob
downloaded latest Sdk form this
Thanks in advance
