Sharing dependencies not in central repo with the project - maven

I understand how to add local JARs not in Maven's central repo to allow them to be used in my project as per this SO answer.
However, I'm not sure how I'm going to distribute the project for others to use like this. In the past, I merely had an Eclipse project that included local JARs and those JARs were distributed with the project (in its git repo).
If I use Maven, I'd have to add these local JARs to the local repository, which is in a different location from the project.
So how do I make my project easy to build with these local JARs in mind? Do I just tell the user how to add them to the local repo? Is there a better solution?
Ideally, users would clone my git repo and merely have to run mvn install without having to do ANYTHING with dependencies. The dependencies should be my problem, not my users.

Yeah. You could do that, by creating local repo and adding this repo to git repository.
I guess it's better than ask user to install it by themselves.
For concrete example take a look on my project with local repo -


Force download of same named artifact from alternative Nexus repository

I have a problem with a Maven artifact from a predecessor.
He modified an external maven library and uploaded it under the same version name to the Nexus releases repo.
When I build my project I obviously get the official version and not the intended.
Locally I just overwrite my local .m2 repo with it.
But for our cicd server this is not an outcome, because I have no file system access, and because the situation might repeat itself.
There is no source code so rebuilding and reversioning would be cumbersome.
My question is: how can I force to get the artifact downloaded from the releases and not the default central repo, meanwhile getting all other dependencies come from the latter?

Maven and dependencies NOT in repository

We have a dependency third-party library that is available online in jar form, but it is not in Maven Repository, or known to be in any other repository.
How can we use pom.xml to auto-retrieve this dependency, based on a URL?
We don't want to store it in our Git repo, because that's A Bad Thing.
The idea here is that when people check out the project, they can use their IDE Maven integration (or just mvn command line tools) to download all the dependencies. So we would want to be able to also download this other third party dependency just like all the ones in Maven repo.
I have not been able to come up with an answer to this based on searches -- all solutions seem to be "download it first and create a local repo." Obviously Maven can download from the Internet, since that's how it connects to Maven Central and other repos. So I don't see why it cannot download arbitrary URLs that present packages in recognizable formats.
Long term, the best solution is to use your own artifact repository like Nexus, Artifactory or Archiva.
All of these have a manual upload function that you can use to set the groupId, artifactId and version, so you can then refer to the artifact as usual.
If you want to go really low tech, I think you can just put some machine's local repository behind an Apache, provided you grant read/write access.
Then you need to add your new repository in the Maven settings.xml file, as described here.
Maven uses the coordinates to navigate the repository (which has a specific layout) and verify artifact checksums for corruption/tampering using metadata files in specific locations of the repo.
AFAIK this is similar to other package management systems like APT and RubyGems that use repo manifests and don't allow arbitrary URL downloads.
Skipping the repository manager
If you really don't want or can't use a repository manager, you can always download the artifact and manually install it using the Maven Install Plugin:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=your-artifact-1.0.jar -DartifactId=your-artifact -Dversion=1.0
However, you'll have to do this on every machine that runs the build, every time that artifact needs to change.

Maven―Dependencies, static content from remote repository

I am a bit new to maven, but I have some experiences with ant and the build process. I would like to do one thing that is kind of driving me nuts:
A remote repository (git, svn, hg,…) that holds static content (like images),
one maven project that uses/manages the mentioned repository in the same way as it does with all other dependencies (checkout on install, update whenever updates occur), in other words: the maven project depends on that repository
I finally want to be able to access the content (no *.svn or *.git) and copy it into my build, on build time*.
I want maven to store a local copy of that repository in maven`s local repository (~/.m2/repository) only once on each machine and manage it like all other dependencies.
*I am not trying to build a Java project
Thanks for help!
From what I've seen, Maven projects don't use version control repositories as external artifacts. That's a little too fine-grained for what you want, I think.
I've done something similar, when Project A wanted to use resources from Project B.
Project B, as part of its build procedure, collected it's resources into a ZIP file and deployed the ZIP file into a maven repository.
Project A then references the ZIP file artifact, unpacking it when building to where it needs it.
Look into the dependency plugin for maven, especially the dependency:unpack and dependency:unpack-dependencies goal.
Have fun

How to update maven repository manually from the maven build?

We do not have our own repository at the moment. So, when we build with maven it creates .m2 repository in the home directory of the current user.
Now there are two third party jars which are not found in the Maven Central. Suppose one of them is hasp-srm-api.jar. Today the process is this:
a. The pom.xml of the project depending on hasp-srm-api.jar contain these lines:
b. Before doing the first build we execute the following command:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=hasp-srm-api.jar -DgroupId=com.safenet -DartifactId=hasp -Dversion=1 -Dpackaging=jar
My question is this - is it possible to automate this step? I would like to be able to tell maven to check whether the hasp artifact exists and if not - install it manually using the aforementioned command line. How can I do it?
NO. It is not possible to have maven automatically deploy an artifact into a repository in the fashion you suggest. This goes for both local and remote repositories. If the artifact exists in a some repository somewhere, you can add that repository to your build's list of known remote repos, but other than that you have to add it yourself.
You can add it to your local .m2 repository, but that will then only be good for that individual environment. Other dev's will have to repeat the process. This is one of the main attractions of running your own repository server( like Nexus ); you can add the artifact to that repository and then everyone in your organization can use it forever. There is still no way to automate the deployment of the artifact, but it's easy to do and is permanent.
Note, setting up a repository manager is very easy to do. It's highly recommended. It makes the whole Maven thing make a whole lot more sense.
The best solution for such problems is using a repository manager which results in installing such kind of dependencies only once into the repository manager and the whole company can use it a usual dependency. That's it.
Other option you have is to write your own maven plugin. May be below link will be right place for you start

Share Maven Dependencies with team members using Mercurial

I want to share all the External Jars currently being managed by MAVEN with my other team members. I am using Mercurial as my SCM and i am trying to figure what is the easiest way to commit my entire project (include libs) to a repository so that my team members can clone and get running without severe eclipse configuration?
Maven is there in order to help you retrieving libraries. So that, all you have to do is to commit all your files including the pom.xml (.hg should contains everything in target, and other unrelevant files)
Then your project members can pull the sources and run mvn eclipse:eclipse (see eclipse & maven.
And finally import the project in Eclipse.
That was is they need sources...
If they only need the jars, you must put in your infrastructure a company repo that will handle your deployment using mvn deploy. Some information there maven repo::Intro, take special care at the wagon you could use (ftp, ...)
This way, when you're done with your devel and you have pushed your code, you just have to deploy the jar on your repo.
Doing so, your project member'll have to run mvn -U eclipse:eclipse or any goal to update their local repository with your lastest deployed version.
