Complex push notification query - parse-platform

I've been playing with Parse for a while and It's pretty neat! Sadly I just encountered an issue that I can't seem to get resolved.
As soon as an object ("Alert") is saved to my database I would like to send a push notification. The object saved contains a field called neighbourhoodName which is a string. I would like to send everyone a push notification subscribed to this neighberhoudName. (This ain't the problem, hold on! :-P).
My Alert object also holds a GeoPoint and I would like to send every user in a specific radius a push notification. As you might figure a user could be subscribed to a neighbourhood (for example 'Hellas') and also be currently in the neighbourhood of 'Hellas'. This means he/she will receive two notifications.. this is not what I want.
So I thought; lets use Parse.Query.or. Send a push notification if the user is subscribed to the correct channel OR is in the current radius of the Alert. Sadly, Parse.Query.or can't be used with GeoPoints.
How can I tackle this problem?
Thanks a lot!

I found there to be some issues when using [query whereKey:nearGeoPoint:withinMiles:]. Using [query withinGeobox:] is much more flexible.


GA3 Event Push Neccesary fields in Request

I am trying to push a event towards GA3, mimicking an event done by a browser towards GA. From this Event I want to fill Custom Dimensions(visibile in the user explorer and relate them to a GA ID which has visited the website earlier). Could this be done without influencing website data too much? I want to enrich someone's data from an external source.
So far I cant seem to find the minimum fields which has to be in the event call for this to work. Ive got these so far:
So far the Custom dimension fields dont get overwritten with new values. Who knows which is missing or can share a list of neccesary fields and example values?
Ok, a few things:
CD value will be overwritten only if in GA this CD's scope is set to the user-level. Make sure it is.
You need to know the client id of the user. You can confirm that you're having the right CID by using the user explorer in GA interface unless you track it in a CD. It allows filtering by client id.
You want to make this hit non-interactional, otherwise you're inflating the session number since G will generate sessions for normal hits. non-interactional hit would have ni=1 among the params.
Wait. Scope calculations don't happen immediately in real-time. They happen later on. Give it two days and then check the results and re-conduct your experiment.
Use a throwaway/test/lower GA property to experiment. You don't want to affect the production data while not knowing exactly what you do.
There. A good use case for such an activity would be something like updating a life time value of existing users and wanting to enrich the data with it without waiting for all of them to come in. That's useful for targeting, attribution and more.
Thank you.
This is the case. all CD's are user Scoped.
This is the case, we are collecting them.
ni=1 is within the parameters of each event call.
There are so many parameters, which parameters are neccesary?
we are using a test property for this.
We also got he Bot filtering checked out:
Bot filtering
It's hard to test when the User Explorer has a delay of 2 days and we are still not sure which parameters to use and which not. Who could help on the parameter part? My only goal is to update de CD's on the person. Who knows which parameters need to be part of the event call?

Sending SMS with variable message

I want a mobile web to send a specific message with following link "sms:number?body=text".
The best case scenario would be client inputting his ID once (either through registering or just by inputting the ID into form) and then he would be able to tap on the link with the additional output ("sms:number?body=text+ID".)
The reason for this is that the client should be able to ask about his account balance through predefined text message with as little effort as possible as the ID number is quite long and inputting the number every time would be quite tiring but I would be happy even with a simple form where you can input the ID.
The problem is, I have no idea where to start, what would be the best approach and so on. Any suggestions?
Thank you very much in advance.

Google Calendar Watch and Events working together

I am creating a Node/Express Webapp that would mirror a user's calendar. It would get a notification for every change in the users calendar, and would update the DB with the latest of that user's calendar.
Lets assume that we want to monitor Kindly tell me if this is the best (and only) way to do it:
Set up for Push notification - While doing so, we provide (amongst other fields):
token - A plain-text that would be echoed back. This is where I can put something like ''
id - A UUID channel id
Upon every change, my webhook will get a push notification that would contain:
token :
id : the channelId - I dont understand if this field alone can be used to trace this notification message back to
Now that I know has changed, I would do a list with a synchToken. This will return me the change in john's calendar since last synch
What baffles me here is that the seemingly important fields channelId and resourceId (which appears as x-goog-resource-id in the push notification header) are useless, and the only field that ties the push message to list is an optional plain-text field token .
Kindly tell me if this is the only way to track a user's calendar.
Thanks #KENdi for the answer.
My struggle was with the point that simply looking at a push notification message, there is no way to trace it back to . I now understand why such is the case, that a push notification does not contain the calendarId, but the resourceId instead (which, in plain terms is the event object). It is so because an event can be associated with multiple calendars, and hence multiple calendarIds. Hence, it is the subscriber's responsibility to maintain association of the channel to the calendarId that he had used to create the channel at the first place.
Yes, you are correct, you need the calendar push notification, to notify you about all the changes happened in the Google Calendar.
The purpose of X-Goog-Resource-ID is an opaque value that identifies the watched resource. And this ID is stable across API versions.
Check this SO question to know more about the purpose of X-Goog-Resource-Id.

Mailchimp - How to record data to subscribers list from 2 different forms

Ho everyone, I'm in trouble with my campaign, this happened to me... when i go to my list to see the data of the recipients.
It is asking me to create a reconfirmation Campaign, due to a too high volume of unsubscribed to this campaign.
Here the path I've been following to realise my campaign ( It is the first time I'm using Mailchimp):
I have an invitation to a event where guest can approve or decline the invitation.
When they Accept the invitation: it bring to the update profile form - which icahnge in the advence editor. This way We can record some data such as dietary requirements,etc which would be recorder to our subscriber list ons submit.
When people decline the invitation, we have link to the unsubscribe form. This way we are able to know Which person has decline the invitation.
From what I understand, this is way It stopped our campaign.
What I'm looking to achieve . . . and din't manage i slept 2 hours last night trying to make this work . .. and i m in a big rush :
How can I achieve to collect data with the path explain previously, without having this issue in the future - so without using the unsubscribe from - but two different forms ?
How can I access to the List of User who have accept the invitation, so I mean the Subscriber List. because since that happen, I can't access it - and obviously i don't want to send another email to the guests asking them to fill up again.
I really appreciate all the help that anybody can provide me with that,
Thank you guys !
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're trying to use list subscriptions to stand-in for RSVPs? That is likely to look really bad -- ESPs see high volumes of unsubscribes as suspiciously spammy -- you'd be better off using Interests or Merge Fields on your list to denote the user's RSVP rather than asking them to unsubscribe. As for your current account, follow the instructions in the email you received if you want to get your list back up and running again.

Efficient way of syncing Gmail Inbox messages using the new Gmail API?

A web application sends an email on behalf of a UserA to UserB, using the new Gmail API (Users.messages: send).
The synchronous response contains threadId, messageId which are stored in the database.
We then query the history API for any changes in user's inbox (Users.history: list).
Is there an efficient way to get all the updates since last sync (new replies, read/unread changes)?
One implementation that we tried was to filter the history API results through a custom label. Unfortunately, we noticed that once a thread/message is tagged with a specific label any subsequent responses are not labeled automatically and new replies are not included in the history API response.
A second approach was to query threads using gmail advanced search for a particular label and date (e.g. after:2014/08/29 label:MY_LABEL). The problem was that gmail does not return threads that were created before 2014/08/29 but had a reply on that date.
Any scalable suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Not sure I understand here, users.history.list was made exactly for this. Given a previous historyId, you can then call history.list(previousHistoryid), iterate through the results to find all the message Ids that have been updated since the previous historyId. Then call messages.get() on all of those--for any messages you already knew about you can just call format=MINIMAL (to see label updates), and for new messages you can use a different format to get the message content if you need it.
