Hex time format - time

I have a few hexadecimal values which contain time data. I've tried to figure out the format using different conversions (seconds, minutes, bitshifts and so on) but without success. How do I convert those hex values to hours and minutes?
00:03 = 006A = 106
08:44 = 4185 = 16773
11:00 = 5285 = 21125
12:23 = 5CE5 = 23781
12:29 = 5DA5 = 23973
13:13 = 6325 = 25381
14:04 = 6985 = 27013
15:40 = 7585 = 30085
16:31 = 7BE5 = 31717
18:23 = 89E5 = 35301
18:42 = 8C43 = 35907
18:51 = 8D65 = 36197
19:20 = 9105 = 37125
19:25 = 91A5 = 37285
19:36 = 930B = 37643
23:36 = B105 = 45317
23:39 = B165 = 45413

It would seem that if you shift the values right by 5 bits you get a time value in minutes.
The bottom bits seem to vary. I'm not sure what they mean.


Why is Lua's table.sort method not working on my data

I'm trying to do a seemingly very simple sort process on an array-type table of data.
This is my sort function:
function ArraySort(t)
local sorted = {}
for i in ipairs(t) do table.insert(sorted,t[i]) end
return sorted
Here's what the original data looks like:
T:------[presets unsorted]-----
1 = Showdown
2 = Kora
3 = Marxophone
4 = Mountain Home
5 = Soft Koto
6 = ElectroClav
7 = Bad Actor
8 = Glass Harp
9 = Panorama
10 = Winwood
11 = ElectroTuba
12 = alto flute
13 = Clear Bell
14 = Third Man
15 = Wooden Bars
16 = Silver Bowl
17 = Rayong
18 = frippery
19 = red cedar
20 = theater flutes
21 = lowrey
22 = theater flutes 2
23 = Steel String
24 = quiet place
25 = treadwell pad
26 = alpen drive
27 = Bassonery
28 = Clarinets
29 = Silent Movie
30 = Hudi-gurdi
31 = Silent Screen
32 = Light Bulb
33 = Zithar Pad
34 = Oboid Jazz
35 = Quacking
36 = More Quacking
37 = Horn Ensemble
38 = Knell
39 = steampipe
40 = Saturated Ping
41 = fuzz floot
42 = Thin Pad
43 = SheenPad
44 = flutar
45 = Acoustic Bass
46 = new whirled
47 = heavy breathing
48 = whisper cycle
49 = 2nd Harmonium
50 = Tubular Bells
51 = Fat Clav
52 = Obese Clav
53 = clank
54 = ghost flute
55 = alto flute
56 = ghost Train
57 = Clear Bell
58 = Talkbox Bass
59 = Zenith
60 = Chirp Synth
61 = ElectroTuba
62 = ElectroClav
63 = Silver Screen
0 = Lead Bass
Here's what my sort method returns:
T:------[sorted presets]-----
1 = 2nd Harmonium
2 = Acoustic Bass
3 = Bad Actor
4 = Bassonery
5 = Chirp Synth
6 = Clarinets
7 = Clear Bell
8 = Clear Bell
9 = ElectroClav
10 = ElectroClav
11 = ElectroTuba
12 = ElectroTuba
13 = Fat Clav
14 = Glass Harp
15 = Horn Ensemble
16 = Hudi-gurdi
17 = Knell
18 = Kora
19 = Light Bulb
20 = Marxophone
21 = More Quacking
22 = Mountain Home
23 = Obese Clav
24 = Oboid Jazz
25 = Panorama
26 = Quacking
27 = Rayong
28 = Saturated Ping
29 = SheenPad
30 = Showdown
31 = Silent Movie
32 = Silent Screen
33 = Silver Bowl
34 = Silver Screen
35 = Soft Koto
36 = Steel String
37 = Talkbox Bass
38 = Thin Pad
39 = Third Man
40 = Tubular Bells
41 = Winwood
42 = Wooden Bars
43 = Zenith
44 = Zithar Pad
45 = alpen drive
46 = alto flute
47 = alto flute
48 = clank
49 = flutar
50 = frippery
51 = fuzz floot
52 = ghost Train
53 = ghost flute
54 = heavy breathing
55 = lowrey
56 = new whirled
57 = quiet place
58 = red cedar
59 = steampipe
60 = theater flutes
61 = theater flutes 2
62 = treadwell pad
63 = whisper cycle
I can't figure out why it's sorting into two groups.... it doesn't strike me as the kind of data that would require a special sort method... but this doesn't seem like that kind of problem anyway.
There are no surprises: in ASCII and UTF-8, uppercase letters come before lowercase letters.
To ignore case when sorting, use
table.sort(sorted, function (a,b) return a:lower()< b:lower() end)

Dynamically adjusting number in Ruby

I maintain an in stock count in our application but each day I want to overwrite that number with the in stock count on the stock list that comes from our supplier.
The problem that I have is that the application that I use requires an adjustment rather than just setting what the new in stock count should be.
my_available = 10
supplier_available = 0
adjustment = -10
my_available = 0
supplier_available = 10
adjustment = +10
my_available = -10
supplier_available = 0
adjustment = +10
How can I calculate the adjustment in Ruby?
try: adjustment = supplier_available - my_available
This will yield the correct result for the samples you gave:
my_available = 10
supplier_available = 0
adjustment = -10 # => 0 - 10
my_available = 0
supplier_available = 10
adjustment = +10 # => 10 - 0
my_available = -10
supplier_available = 0
adjustment = +10 # => 0 - -10
Note that +10 and 10 is the same (+10 == 10 => true) so you can drop the sign for positive numbers.
not sure if I clearly understand the question but have you tried something like the example below?
my_available = -10
supplier_available = 0
a = supplier_available - my_available
adjustment = if a>0
a = '+'+a

Base64 encode characters in java, how to do in java

I want to create this string on base of the current time.
For example:
2014 06 04 16 21 20 79 ---> 14 06 04 16 21 20 79
Then I can translate every two digits (except last two) for an alphanumeric character using table ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 - note that all of them are smaller than 59)
14 - O
06 - G
04 - E
16 - Q
21 - V
20 - U
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM.dd.HH.mm.ss");
String timeStamp = formatter.format(new java.util.Date());
String[] data = timeStamp.split(".", 5);
String abc = new String();
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
abc = abc.concat(StringUtils.newStringUtf8(Base64.decodeBase64(data[j])));

For Loop SSIS - AssignExpression

I am newbie to SSIS so please bear with me if this question is super easy to you.
I am using a for loop container and the condition are based on variables (in the format of YYYMM), in the AssignExpression I am increment the variable by 1 which gives the next month.
How do i achieve the same functionality for year ending months?
For Example StartValue 198906:
AssignExpression (#StartValue = #StartValue + 1), so this gives me 198907, but how how i get to 198912 to 198301
You can use a function like the one below in the script task:
Function fctStartMonth (pStartMonth as String, pCounter as Integer) as String
Dim intMonth as Integer
Dim intYear as Integer
intMonth = CInt(Right(pStartMonth,2))+ pCounter -1
intYear = CInt(Left(pStartMonth,4))
if intMonth > 12 then
intYear = intYear + 1
if intMonth = 13 then intMonth = 1
if intMonth = 14 then intMonth = 2
if intMonth = 15 then intMonth = 3
if intMonth = 16 then intMonth = 4
if intMonth = 17 then intMonth = 5
if intMonth = 18 then intMonth = 6
if intMonth = 19 then intMonth = 7
if intMonth = 20 then intMonth = 8
if intMonth = 21 then intMonth = 9
if intMonth = 22 then intMonth = 10
if intMonth = 23 then intMonth = 11
if intMonth = 23 then intMonth = 12
End If
fctStartMonth = CStr(intYear) & "-" & Right("0" & CStr(intMonth),2)
End Function
You could use this as your assign expression:
#StartValue = (DT_I4)RIGHT((DT_STR, 6, 1252)#StartValue,2) - 12 == 0 ? #StartValue +89 : #StartValue + 1
I would suggest to first parse a date from your initial value, such as
Afterwards you can loop over it and use
DATEADD( "mm", 1, #YourDate)
in order to increase the value. This will handle the year change for you.

Information on Hook Constants

Anyone can explain what these hooks do? Especially WH_MIN and WH_MAX.
WH_MIN = -1
WH_CBT = 5
WH_MAX = 15
MIN and MAX values like that are usually just there so you know the range of valid numbers
