Cant install GPUImage framework - GPUImage.h not found - static-libraries

i have an app and i want to install GPUImage framework. I did following steps:
1) Adding project to my app. I did following > XCode->Add Files-> then choose GPUImage.xcodeproj, and select "copy items to destination project"
2) Now it says : Next, go to your application's target and add GPUImage as a Target Dependency. Im not really sure how to achieve that, what i did is - in product->Scheme->Edit scheme i add GPUImage.
3) I add libGPUImage.a to Build Phases -> Link binary with Libraries
4) I tried every solution i had found to finally add full path of GPUImage.xcodeproj to header search path. Nothing work at all. There is a warning - GPUImage.h not found. I had tried many ways to add full path here, everything i did found concerning this error, but still, there is an error.
How could i fix that? Maybe i made mistakes in previous steps? I really wonder how i manage to spend many hours just trying to add framework to my app, and still unsuccessfully..

This is what's meant by adding a framework as a target dependency:
Those are all under your project settings. You shouldn't need to do anything with your scheme.
As far as the header file goes, you have to make sure your Header Search Paths are set correctly in your Build Settings. If you look at the sample applications that ship with the project, they have that set to ../../../framework (with the recursive search box checked), which is the relative path to the framework from their project directories.
You need to find what this path is for your application project relative to where you placed the GPUImage source.


xcode 5 - compiling source without including the files

I am creating a library for Mac using XCode5 which is using some code (c++) that is being developed and maintained by other developer and is at a different path than my library project.
e.g. my project is at /svntrunk/../../mylibraryproject/
The code I want to compile(use) in my library is at
/svntrunk/../../../utils/networkutils/src/source files here
I have tried following approaches
Refer the source files into my project but don't copy them into my project, that way when the other developer updates his code that is automatically reflected since I am pointing to his location. But in this case the linker fails to find the symbols from networkutils code.
Here while adding the file to the project I don't select 'Copy items ..' option
Second approach I took is to select 'Copy items..' option while adding the source files from networkutils to my project. This way the files is copied to my project and the compiler is able to find the symbols. But now if the other developer updates networkutils code I have to manually copy the updated code files which doesn't seem to be right thing to do.
It seems that to move forward I will have to go with option 2. Please let me know if there is a better way to approach this problem.
If he's developing using Xcode as well and has a project, you could link to the project, build that as a lib and include it in the build dependencies in your project.
I do this for Cocos2d.
Failing that, I would pursue option 1 and try to figure out why it's not finding the symbols. Are you sure you have the correct headers included? One reason the compiler fails to find symbols is that you're using functions whose headers are not included.
Extra info here:

Using AppleScript to Add Files, Frameworks and Libs to XCode 4

I'm doing a Unity-iPhone project, but want to automatically add some native code and relative frameworks and libraries to the XCode 4 project when I get it from Unity. What I know is the basic usage of the script to post-process building in Unity, and some basic knowledge about AppleScript.
Now comes the problem. There are plenty of web pages on the internet (including StackOverflow) about this topic, basic steps of which includes:
Get the path of the file / framework / lib you want to add to the XCode project.
Tell XCode and its inner objects to do some preparing work.
Create file references for what you want to add, and add them to the right phases.
But in the last step, difficulty comes. I follow something like
add myFileRef to compile sources phase of target 1 of project 1
add myFrameworkRef to link binary with libraries phase of target 1 of project 1
to really add the files, but when the script is run, these steps just throw errors like
blahblahblah doesn't understand the add message
which drives me mad. According to my searching results, this kind of things work for XCode 3 (but break in XCode 4), so could anyone here please share his/her knowledge about what I'm likely to miss in the AppleScript listed above? or is there any good alternatives to do such things programmatically?
Up till now, I've found no way of doing it with AppleScript. So, my only shot is to directly modify the Xcode project file to add what I want to add.

How to include a bundle in main project xcode 4.1

[UPDATE 03/04/2015]
The question is now 4 years old, and applies to a specific version of XCode which I have now specified in the subject.
I have searched a lot for this argument, but I couldn't find a solution, I even post on stackoverflow, but I soon deleted the question becuase of very little access.
Now I am trying again.
I have a workspace with two distinct projects A and B.
B has two targets, one that build a static library Blib.a, and one that build a bundle B.bundle. All of them get built in the derived directory.
In project A I can easily add the static library from the build phases. However I cannot find a way to include the bundle. B.bundle is not visible from "copy resource" tab in A.
Therefore I need to add manually, with all that implies.
I also thought about using a script, but I would like to use this as a very last option.
Has someone a solution for this ? Did I miss something ?
After long investigation, it came up there's no easy way of doing this. The B.bundle is never visible to A project, and there's no settings in workspace to change that.
At this point there are three solutions:
Include the bundle manually from "copy resources->other", I started with this, but everytime there's a change you have to drop and include the bundle again
Create a script to be run in build phase, if everything is built into the PRODUCTS dir you can find the bundle easily and having copied automatically into the app.bundle. This is not a bad solution. If you are using svn the script got included in project, and users have it for free without additional work.
As suggested by Apple tech support, use folder references.Build bundle B into a folder and add such folder to project A using the "Create Folder References for any added folders" option. Xcode 4 will update your bundle into that folder every time you built it.
The added folder will appear as blue once included in your project A.
Thats's it, I personally use the script, because this solution is path independent if you use standard xcode reference variable such as BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR and so on, and the shell script is just a cp -r-f
[UPDATE 03/04/2015]
I would like to point out that the question is now 4 years old. At that time there weren't many "official" options available. I even spoke with Apple Tech Support, which proposed solution 3 as the only available solution. It is of course very likely that things are now changed, and there is a much better solution. Just to speak, I also like to add that the three above are not "hacks" but "solutions", maybe technically outdated, but they can still be used nowadays. I intend a "hack" as a..."hack", which means it probably not going to work in future software release.
Here is how I did it.
Drag and drop B.bundle from Project B → Products → B.bundle into the Copy Bundle Resources build phase of your app in Project A (select the Create groups options when asked). This will add B.bundle at the root of your Project A outline. You can move it into the Frameworks directory near Blib.a if it you prefer.
Select B.bundle and check its Location in the Identity and Type right panel (Utilities area). By default, Xcode chooses Relative to Project. This is wrong, select Relative to Build Products instead.
The path to B.bundle will now look something like ../../../../../../../../Projects/MyApp/B.bundle. This is not what you want, but you can easily fix it. Open ProjectA.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in a text editor, search for this path and delete everything in it except for B.bundle. Your project.pbxproj should look like this:
explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; name = B.bundle; path = "B.bundle"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
Save your project.pbxproj file. Xcode will automatically reload your project and your app should build just fine.
After searching for a long time and failing many times, I found this resource that has been an absolutely great tutorial to create Static Libraries and include bundles in your main project or even for distribution to 3rd party developers that may consume your library.
Absolutely recommended:
In project A, is the product of project B a dependency in your scheme's Build action? I think you might have to set up this dependency (sometimes disabling the automatic dependency discovery option is best) for it to show up and be available for copying into another target. I believe this is because it doesn't really exist (like an image resource file) until it's built and Xcode needs to ensure it's built before working with it from another target.
As of Xcode 5.1.1 I was able to drag and drop B.bundle from the Project Navigator to the Copy Bundle Resources list of project A Build Phases. I assume creating B.bundle target is not an issue.
Switch build to Generic iOS Device. This step is needed to create a non-simulator reference.
Drag the .bundle to the other project's Copy Bundle Resources.
Select the .bundle in the Project navigator of the other project, and change its Location to Relative to Build Products
Make sure your .bundle in added to Target Dependencies of your static library

Xcode 4 and nested projects -- header files not found

I'm having a myriad of problems with Xcode 4 and nested projects that worked just well under Xcode 3.2. Here's a very basic one I cannot solve:
I'm building a cocoa framework that requires another cocoa framework for which I have the source. So I perform the usual steps:
Drag the .xcodeproj file of the required framework into my main framework project
In my main framework under TARGETS > MyFramework > Build Phases > Target Dependencies: Add the nested project's target
Make sure the header files of the nested framework are public
In Xcode Settings > Locations > Build Location I have it set to Place build products in derived data location (recommended)
Build products path of both targets are set to ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR} and tell me they are at the DerivedData/Debug (or Release) location
Architecture settings for both targets are identical
Then I hit [CMD] + B to build and it tells me that it doesn't find the header files of the nested framework. When I check the settings, User Header Search Paths contain the path to DerivedData/Debug, and inside there is the nested framework target with the header files in Versions/A/Headers.
I'm sitting here, anybody an idea what I'm doing wrong?
The issue goes away when building for Debug when I change the User header search paths to ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/MyFramework.framework/Headers. However this doesn't work when building for Distribution as the frameworks then use their Release settings, which ends up in a different subdirectory...
My temporary solution is to also define a Distribution configuration for the nested projects. This way the headers are found and the linker can link successfully.
Here's my synthesized knowledge so far:
Forget the whole public header thing with Xcode, it's a PITA and doesn't work correctly when archiving your app. Instead, have all static library header files on the project level and tell your app where to find it.
Ease your pain by making sure all targets have the same name for the build configuration (i.e. add an "AdHoc" and "Deployment" configuration to the static libraries).
In build settings, point the Header Search Paths (if you use #include <file.h>) or User Header Search Paths (if you use #include "file.h") to the directory of the static library project. If the static library project is inside your app directory, use this:
"$(PROJECT_DIR)" (recursive enabled)
If you have a directory which contains a) the static library project and b) your app, then this should work:
"$(PROJECT_DIR)/.." (recursive enabled)
If the submodule contains compiled libraries, set your Library Search Paths to:
Make sure all the static library projects that you use have Skip Install set to YES.
Again, no public header files (Build Phases » Copy Headers) in any of the static libraries, otherwise Xcode will not be able to archive an app.
Make sure to tell Xcode when to build the static libraries, as shown in this Tech Doc from Apple.
Old Answer:
I still haven't found a real solution to this problem with static libraries. What works for me is:
Create an "AdHoc" Configuration for the static library
Add $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) to User Header Search paths for the application (with recursive checked) -> this is used when running the app
In the Xcode menu, select Product > Build For > Build For Archiving
This works, the app finds the header files and builds itself, it ends up in DerivedData//Build/Products/AdHoc-iphoneos/ as an App bundle. Following these simple instructions (dead link) from I can pack this App into an IPA and send it around. Simply selecting to Archive the app from Xcode does again not find the headers, even if they truly are in the AdHoc-iphoneos build directory.
(As of Xcode 5.1)
When the subproject is built by XCode, the subproject header files are copied into the build directory. When archiving, it seems that this copy destination directory is not added to the header/include search path. You'll want to go to your Build Settings and add
to the "Header Search Paths" for the scheme that you use for archiving.
If you're not sure which scheme is used for archiving, go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Schemes and look for Archive in the left column.
Make sure your third party framework is added as «group» to your main project, so you can see it in your project's hierarchy...
I had the same problem here and I could solve the problem by setting "Build Location" to Place build products in locations specified by targets"
I had this problem: I could build both Debug and App Store configurations, but not Ad Hoc. Building Ad Hoc gave me errors because it couldn't find .h files needed by nested projects.
Turned out I had an expired provisioning lingering in my Release configuration. I updated that provisioning link and now I can both build Ad Hoc and use the Archive feature to package it.
Took me hours to figure it out! My mind just didn't jump from missing .h files to provisioning errors just by itself. =) There might have been an error or warning complaining about the missing provisioning, but if so it was well buried among the hundreds of .h related errors.
I was having the same issue with a Configuration named "Ad Hoc" (as per TestFlight recommendation at and the main project could not find some of the headers from the nested projects. I renamed the project to "AdHoc" (no spaces) and the problem went away; seems like spaces can mess up header search paths in some cases, although I haven't figured out the specifics of when that might happen and why.
I was having this issue with a nested project that built a static library. I found this doc on apples site that completely saved my life.
I'm so glad I didn't have to muck around with the derived data paths.
For me, this happened after a GIT merge, which created many conflicts, one of them related to the project file. After the merge, I'm sure the structure of the project file changed.
What I ended up doing was going into the project "Build Settings", then looking for "Always Search User Paths" and turning it to Yes.
I guess the merge turned this boolean to No, therefore the project wasn't looking in the right places for the header files.

Adding project as dependency in XCode 4.x

With the revamp of XCode I am having a lot of trouble working out how to add make one xcodeproj dependent on another. It was hard enough to work out before but now I am just stuck.
If I drag lib.xcodeproj into app.xcodeproj it just shows up as an item in the project tree and I can't expand it or see build products for linking.
Can someone give me the correct sequence for adding lib.xcodeproj as a dependency to app.xcodeproj (ie it will build if necessary and link to app)
Ahhh just worked out that the reason the lib project was being added as a useless non-expanding item was because I had the lib project open in another window. XCode gave me no indication that this was what the problem was, so I was lucky to stumble across it.
Once I had closed the other window I was able to add the lib project and it showed up correctly as an expandable subtree, as well as now being visible for selection in the app target dependencies.
The Xcode docs don't seem to be available online just now, so you'll have to search the documentation that came with Xcode for the following references. However, you'll find the information you're looking for under the following headings in Xcode Project Management Guide:
Managing Targets (Adding a Target Dependency)
Referencing Other Projects
check out BuildKit project .
It damatically reduce project dependency management effort.
Dont forget to add the path to Classes of the lib project to tell your project where to find Header find
Go to build settings, find "Header Search Path", enter full path to the Classes folder
