More than one instance of any JBOSS Product with oracle not working - oracle

I am using jboss products like GateIn, JBPM, Drools Guvnor...etc. By default all of those products provide HSQL DB database. I migrated the HSQLDB database to Oracle db. Here what is the problem is when i create two instance of any product (eg: GateIn) in two machines and connect its JCR/IDM tables with same oracle by creating two user instance only one GateIn will become works fine and the other one shows some database errors of JCR and IDM tables
Is oracle shares anything common in the case of JCR and IDM tables creation other than tables?
I got same issue in the case of JBPM, Drools Guvnor too. I am running those products in JBoss server

For GateIn you must add the property "gatein.idm.datasource.schema" in the file, with the name of the schema. For example gatein.idm.datasource.schema=MYSCHEMA1


Programmatically recreate H2 database schema in SpringBoot application (not while unit testing)?

I have a SpringBoot application with in memory H2 database and Spring Data JPA.
I need to configure a #Scheduled job that drops and recreates the schema and loads it with fresh data from a file.
How can I programmatically recreate the schema in my application?
You can use database version control tool like eg Liquibase to create and maintain database schema definition as well as initial data. Than, you will be able to easily invoke database migration including drop of whole schema during applicaiton runtime. IT has some integration with Spring Boot already.
Keep in mind, that you will have to lock database access in order to execute migration - DDL is not transactional, so database will be of no use anyway during the migration process and you app can yeld many errors during that time.
If locking is not an option - you should be able to create another instance or at least separate schema in running instance, run migration against it and if everything is done, "switch" peristence context to use brand new schema (and probably remove the old one)

How to switch database source repository during running application in Spring Boot

The requirement is - In my application, having more than 5 databases, those are source and target databases. through UI page, User have to choose source database and target database and based on this data we have to fetch records from one database and store to target database (both having same tables)..
In spring boot, is it possible to switch databases? if not then should i go with JDBC Programing?

how to manage dynamic tables with hibernate - multi tenant database

I am using hibernate 3 using spring 3.5 for a SaaS application. I am expecting upto 10-15 customers , not more. I do not want to implement separate db or schema per customer as its too complicated and costly for a small enterprise like mine. I am currently using a multi-tenant strategy which works fine for a host of small features. Here is the use case where my design fails:
For reporting feature each customer will have a different table for data (because of various reasons like legacy, source of data etc). Table structure differs and so does service/controller behaviors.
I am currently planning to create separate Controllers, Services (DAOs), etc for each customer, thus mapping each of such customer tables with a separate hibernate class. But this approach is not clean and for every new customer I add (which is not that often though), I would need to add its table, and also code a hibernate entity class mapped to the new table, which is not ideal as it needs coding. Is there a way to manage/map such dynamic tables using hibernate which gets added when a new customer is added ?
Use Hibernate 4 multi-tenancy support, see the documentation here. There is support for separate databases per tenant, separate schemas per tenant and partitioning of the same table per tenant.
Is there a way to manage/map such dynamic tables using hibernate which
gets added when a new customer is added ?
I don't know if this is directly supported by Hibernate. From the manual, the supported multi-tenant options are:
Discriminator is mentioned but is not supported in the current release of Hibernate (version 4.2). That leaves schema and database. You mentioned in your question that neither of these are currently applicable to your setup. So unless you're willing to do some major restructuring, you'll probably need to proceed with a different approach.
Option 1:
If I were you, I'd write a view that presents the data from each tenant's table. You can add the tenant ID as a column in the view. Map the reporting class to the view with Hibernate. When you run a query against the view, set the current tenant's ID as a query parameter.
If you go this route, you won't need to add new controllers and POJOs when you add a customer. Just modify the view to also include the new customer's data and it should work.
Option 2:
Hibernate can bind native SQL query results to entities. You can have one entity that represents the data in any reporting table (this assumes that the separate per-customer tables have a similar structure).
In your reporting DAO, you'd fetch a SQL query from a properties file or specify a named SQL query based on the current tenant identifier. Note that the named query approach will only meet your needs (no recompilation of Java classes) if you have things mapped with HBM files. If your mapping is done with annotations, you'd need to rebuild the project to add a named query.

How can I create an in-memory test database when the table mappings are using other databases?

I'm trying to create some tests for an application that uses Spring and JPA (with Hibernate).
I want to use an in-memory database so that I can check if everything is working without having to depend on the main development server (which is an old Sybase installation), and also will allow me to isolate better the tests functionality.
Problem is, there are a lot of tables that are mapped using #Table("dbname..dbo.someviewname") to access views from other databases.
So, I was trying to use HSQLDB with DBunit, but HSQLDB understandbly does not allow to create tables with dots in their names.
How can I do tests against that?
Should I give up of the in-memory thing and do tests using the main Sybase development server (risking to ruin it for the other devs :P)?
From dbname.dbo.someviewname HSQLDB likely extracts dbname as catalog, dbo as schema and somewiewname as table name.
HSQLDB do allow creating tables which have dot in their names. That can be done by treating table name as delimited identifier:
But you do not want to use that, because then how names are treated is changed also for Sybase. If you can have separate orm.xml for tests, then you can add following to orm.xml:
It causes all database object names to be treated as delimited identifiers. Depending about your mappings and queries it can eventually work, but most likely you will face some problems. Likely best approach is not to have schema names in mappings and/or separate Sybase instance for tests.

HSQL Unit Test -- How to Create Multiple In-Memory Schemas?

I would like to use hsql within my DAO unit tests for a web application. The web app is written against mysql and uses three different schemas within the same mysql database. Some schemas has FK relationships with data in the other schemas. If I'm to unit test, I must be able to execute against a database that can hold multiple schemas.
I know that HSQL supports multiple schemas, but I don't know how to configure hsql to have multiple schemas set up for an in-memory database. I read that I can define multiple schemas in the file, but the file needs to be in the location of where the java class was called -- the junit.jar location? If so, that would be hard to support in my Java Maven application. How can I:
Run an in-memory hsql database to start up with three databases?
Where would I place the file in my Maven app?
Could I point hsql to use a file in a location other than where the junit jar is (that's a showstopper for me)?
Is it possible to configure multiple schemas for an in-memory database just via a tricked out jdbc url?
I wish I could untangle the schemas from each other, but that's not possible at this time.
Thanks for your help!
HSQLDB supports multiple schemas in the same database. Foreign keys can reference tables from different schemas. The following apply to the very latest HSQLDB 2.2.6 snapshot available from
Before running your tests, execute CREATE SCHEMA schemaname for each schema.
Doesn't matter where, you can specify the absolute path on the command line arguments when running. See the HSQLD Guide and JavaDoc on server.
No. You use the SQL statement to create the schemas.
Note you have two options for running HSQLDB, one is as a server, the other is as an embedded database. In the case of server, it must be started before the test run. In both cases, you need to connect to the database and create the schemas before your tests.
It is possible to create different db by setting db name. By default, it creates the db name as testdb, but in case we want to create multiple db, then set the name explicitly.
new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
If you run the below line mutiple time, you can see the databases:
DatabaseManagerSwing.main(new String[] { "--url", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:" + dbnaes, "--user", "sa", "--password", "" });
