String matching: Gets into infinte loop when using Wait(job, 'finished') - parallel-processing

I am working on parallelizing String matching algorithm using MATLAB PCT. I am using createJob and several tasks where i am passing the text to be searched, pattern and other parameters. I get the following error. Any idea. The boyer_horsepool function the tasks are targetted looks fine.
Error using parallel.Job/fetchOutputs (line 677)
An error occurred during execution of Task with ID 1.
Error in stringmatch (line 42)
matches = fetchOutputs(job1);
Caused by:
Error using feval
Undefined function handle.
% create the job
cluster = parcluster();
job1 = createJob(cluster);
% create the tasks
for index = 1: num_tasks
ret = createTask(job1, #boyer_horsepool, 1, {haystack, needle, nlength, startValues(index), endValues(index)});
fprintf('For index %d the crateTask value is ?\n',index);
% Submit and wait for the results
% Report the number of matches
matches = fetchOutputs(job1);

Hm, I could be wrong, but it looks like your syntax is fine...
I think the issue is that it's not recognizing boyer_horsepool as a function. It's hard to do anything further without a bit more context. Try moving that function into the same .m file, and double check the spelling and argument count.
Also, try getAllOutputArguments(job1). It's a long shot, but it might work.
Good luck!


Should i launch an error or correct the values

Suppose we create a list class with a function that eliminates elements from position a to position b.
The class is supposed to be used by other programmers (like std::list).
list values : {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} and we call this function with (begin = 2, end = 5).
This would change the list to being {0,1,6}
If the user calls the function with end > size of the list, it's better to just reassign end = size and delete until the last one or launch an exception like out_of_range?
This is a good question about programming standards. If someone calls your method with end > size, they have technically gone against the prerequisites of your function. It is possible the programmer called your function thinking it did something else, such as eliminated all list values in between the values they gave. If your function does not throw an exception, they will not know anything has gone wrong until there is a logical error later. The best practice if given incorrect parameters is to throw an exception, explaining what they did wrong. It puts more of a challenge on the person using your function, but it saves them more trouble later.
For input argument for rightIndex > list.size(), you have a few options to provide:
ERROR: Exception (Array index out of range)
WARNING: rightIndex is truncated to end of the list at Line 5:56
ASSERTION FAILED (Error): assert(rightIndex >= 0 && rightIndex < list.size());
Reference Mismatch Error: Reference provided by rightIndex is not matched with the function deleteBetween(leftIndex, rightIndex){ ... }
Segmentation Fault (SIGSEGV): Invalid memory reference and access violation, trying to read or write from/to a memory area that you have access to.

How to catch the "slice bounds out of range" error and write a handle for it

I read other questions about the "slice bounds of range" here in the stackoverflow, but none of them using the same context from this.
Then, none of the answers helped me.
In my use case, the "golang's syntax" of substring using [] doesn't return an error variable. It launches a runtime error using the "panic" instruction.
My goal is to avoid to reach on the "panic" instruction.
I need to treat this error and provide messages that describe with more details the context around the moment where this error had occurred.
The content of the string variable which one I need to get the substring value is totally dynamic and the indexes that I have been using to get the substring value is equally calculated dynamically.
You need to do bounds checking on your indexes:
if j >= 0 && j <= len(str) {
y = str[:j]

Calculate difference or delta between different events in logstash

Say I have a log file looking like this:
# time, count
2016-09-07 23:00:00, 1108731
2016-09-07 23:00:02, 1108733
2016-09-07 23:00:03, 1108734
Now, every next row contains a sum of all events that occurred in the past. I would like to use it in kibana and the natural way would be to have a count as a deltafied number.
So I expect an effect of:
# time, count, deltaCount
2016-09-07 23:00:00, 1108731, 0
2016-09-07 23:00:02, 1108733, 2
2016-09-07 23:00:03, 1108734, 1
How to achieve this in logstash. I know I could edit this files beforehand.
Solution #1: Write your plugin
One way to do it would be to create a plugin. The same problem is solved here. However, the filter that is posted there is not publicly available and, what is worse, it is actually 5 lines of code.
Solution #2: Ruby code snippet
I have found a solution in this thread on elastic forums: Keeping global variables in LS?!. The title says it all.
Cutting long story short, the solution goes as follows:
filter {
ruby {
init => "##previous_count = -1"
code => "
if (##previous_count == -1)
delta = 0
delta = event.get('count') - ##previous_count
event.set('requests', delta)
# remember event for next time
##previous_count = event.get('count')
Was not that hard after all.

Random number in Lua script Load Impact

I'm trying to create a random number generator in Lua. I found out that I can just use math.random(1,100) to randomize a number between 1 and 100 and that should be sufficient.
But I don't really understand how to use the randomize number as variables in the script.
Tried this but of course it didn't work.
$randomCorr = math.random(1,100);
{"POST", "", headers={["Content-Type"]="application/json;charset=UTF-8"}, data="{\"ChoosenPhoneModelId\":4,\"PricePlanId\":\"phone\",\"CorrelationId\":\"$randomCorr\",\"DeliveryTime\":\"1 vecka\",\"$$hashKey\":\"006\"},\"ChoosenAmortization\":{\"AmortizationLength\":0,\"ChoosenDataPackage\":{\"Description\":\"6 GB\",\"PricePerMountInKr\":245,\"DataAmountInGb\":6,\"$$hashKey\":\"00W\"},\"ChoosenPriceplan\":{\"IsPostpaid\":true,\"Title\":\"Fastpris\",\"Description\":\"Fasta kostnader till fast pris\",\"MonthlyAmount\":0,\"AvailiableDataPackages\":null,\"SubscriptionBinding\":0,\"$$hashKey\":\"00K\"}}", auto_decompress=true},
{"GET", "$randomCorr", auto_decompress=true},
In Lua, you can not start a variable name with $. This is where your main issue is at. Once the $ is removed from your code, we can easily see how to refer to variables in Lua.
randomCorr = math.random(100)
print("The random number:", randomCorr)
randomCorr = math.random(100)
print("New Random Number:", randomCorr)
Also, concatenation does not work the way you are implying it into your Http array. You have to concatenate the value in using .. in Lua
Take a look at the following example:
ran = math.random(100)
data = "{\""..ran.."\"}"
The same logic can be implied into your code:
data="{\"ChoosenPhoneModelId\":4,\"PricePlanId\":\"phone\",\"CorrelationId\":\""..randomCorr.."\",\"DeliveryTime\":\"1 vecka\",\"$$hashKey\":\"006\"},\"ChoosenAmortization\":{\"AmortizationLength\":0,\"ChoosenDataPackage\":{\"Description\":\"6 GB\",\"PricePerMountInKr\":245,\"DataAmountInGb\":6,\"$$hashKey\":\"00W\"},\"ChoosenPriceplan\":{\"IsPostpaid\":true,\"Title\":\"Fastpris\",\"Description\":\"Fasta kostnader till fast pris\",\"MonthlyAmount\":0,\"AvailiableDataPackages\":null,\"SubscriptionBinding\":0,\"$$hashKey\":\"00K\"}}"
Or you can format the value in using one of the methods provided by the string library
Take a look at the following example:
ran = math.random(100)
data = "{%q}"
The %q specifier will take whatever you put as input, and safely surround it with quotations
The same logic can be applied to your Http Data.
Here is a corrected version of the code snippet:
local randomCorr = math.random(1,100)
{"POST", "", headers={["Content-Type"]="application/json;charset=UTF-8"}, data="{\"ChoosenPhoneModelId\":4,\"PricePlanId\":\"phone\",\"CorrelationId\":\"" .. randomCorr .. "\",\"DeliveryTime\":\"1 vecka\",\"$$hashKey\":\"006\"},\"ChoosenAmortization\":{\"AmortizationLength\":0,\"ChoosenDataPackage\":{\"Description\":\"6 GB\",\"PricePerMountInKr\":245,\"DataAmountInGb\":6,\"$$hashKey\":\"00W\"},\"ChoosenPriceplan\":{\"IsPostpaid\":true,\"Title\":\"Fastpris\",\"Description\":\"Fasta kostnader till fast pris\",\"MonthlyAmount\":0,\"AvailiableDataPackages\":null,\"SubscriptionBinding\":0,\"$$hashKey\":\"00K\"}}", auto_decompress=true},
{"GET", "" .. randomCorr, auto_decompress=true},
There is something called $$hashKey also, in the quoted string. Not sure if that is supposed to be referencing a variable or not. If it is, it also needs to be concatenated into the resulting string, using the .. operator (just like with the randomCorr variable).

How to determine if code is executing as a script or function?

Can you determine at runtime if the executed code is running as a function or a script? If yes, what is the recommended method?
There is another way. nargin(...) gives an error if it is called on a script. The following short function should therefore do what you are asking for:
function result = isFunction(functionHandle)
% functionHandle: Can be a handle or string.
% result: Returns true or false.
% Try nargin() to determine if handle is a script:
result = true;
catch exception
% If exception is as below, it is a script.
if (strcmp(exception.identifier, 'MATLAB:nargin:isScript'))
result = false;
% Else re-throw error:
It might not be the most pretty way, but it works.
+1 for a very interesting question.
I can think of a way of determining that. Parse the executed m-file itself and check the first word in the first non-trivial non-comment line. If it's the function keyword, it's a function file. If it's not, it's a script.
Here's a neat one-liner:
strcmp(textread([mfilename '.m'], '%s', 1, 'commentstyle', 'matlab'), 'function')
The resulting value should be 1 if it's a function file, and 0 if it's a script.
Keep in mind that this code needs to be run from the m-file in question, and not from a separate function file, of course. If you want to make a generic function out of that (i.e one that tests any m-file), just pass the desired file name string to textread, like so:
function y = isfunction(x)
y = strcmp(textread([x '.m'], '%s', 1, 'commentstyle', 'matlab'), 'function')
To make this function more robust, you can also add error-handling code that verifies that the m-file actually exists before attempting to textread it.
