It looks like Sublime Text 3 uses OSX-default version of Ruby in build mode.
I would like to change the version, since I'm using a newer one. I found some answers for privious version of sublime:
How to edit a native build system in Sublime Text 2?
Setting and changing build systems in Sublime Text 2
Ruby, Sublime Text 2 and RVM help please!
All of them are dealing with Ruby.sublime-build file (given that I have RVM installed), but I can't this file in Sublime Text 3. May be I should change /Users/Art/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Ruby.sublime-settings? But any manipulations with it didn't give me a result.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Here's what I did:
select "Sublime Text" > "Preferences" > "Browse Packages ..."
(this opens ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages)
open the User directory (create it if it doesn't exist)
inside User create a file Ruby.sublime-build with the following content (adjust the path):
"cmd": ["/your/path/to/bin/ruby", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.ruby"
Your directory structure should look like this:
Application Support/
Sublime Text 3/
I followed the steps outlined here, which are:
Create a new folder called 'Sublime Text 3' in the '/cmder/vendor/' location. You should also see the folders /clink, /conemu-maximus5, and /mysgit.
Download a portable version of Sublime Text 3 from their website and unzip the content into the newly created Sublime Text 3 folder.
Then, in the aliases file under /cmder/config/aliases, add: subl="%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe" $1 -new_console:s75V
Now I can use the subl command in a normal cmd window, but when I switch to a bash shell I get the same error, 'bash: subl: command not found'
On Windows, if you want to run some command directly in the console, you have to add the directory where it resides to the system PATH variable. There is no need to follow the instruction given in the link you provided.
Find the directory where subl.exe resides and add that directory to system PATH.
see this post on how to set the path.
I'm using sublime text 3.
When I make scss file, that is named to filename.scss.haml Automatically.
This issue easily solving this link(
but I cannot find "/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Rails/Ruby Haml.tmLanguage." files and .../Packages/Rails Directory is not exists...
How can I fix that problem...
I'm using sublime text 3. says look in:
/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Rails/Ruby Haml.tmLanguage.
Wrong version, so I guess the fix to your problem would be use ST2 maybe? Or find a more updated reference.
Open a sass file
View > syntax > open all with current extension as... > SASS
I'm using Sublime text, and I'm sharing some snippets with coworkers. I would like to be abble to directly make sublime text go to this folder to find the snippets.
Do you know any good ways of doing it ?
create a share folder with your team (say /mnt/shared/snippets)
symlink that folder to your Sublime folder
ln -s /mnt/shared/snippets "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/User/"
restart Sublime and it should pick up the snippets
I've got a problem with Sublime Text 2 in that when I start it it automatically tries to load a file that leads it to crash.
I can see that there are ways of changing the settings once it's loaded - how do I fix it when it won't finish start-up?
I'm running on Mac OSX (Mavericks).
For Sublime 3
on Mac, Auto Save session exists in this path
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Local. Just go to this path delete all the files. Sublime will start working fresh.
On Linux, Auto Save session exists in /home/<USER>/.config/sublime-text-3/Local. Delete all the files you'll be good to go fresh.
On Windows the path is %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Local
You can try hunting around for the file causing the error. However, I'd recommend reverting your install (link) though rather than deleting, I'd just move it somewhere temporarily. Be sure to move your User folder out. After reverting, move the User folder back. If you used package control, it will grab all of the installed plugins again. If you didn't you will need to move those back manually. If it's a particular file that's causing issues (not a plugin) then you could also edit the Session file. It's a bit more involved but can be found in Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Settings.
If you could post the file causing the issue, we could probably tell you how to fix put it back into a working state. If it's a settings file, it might be as simple as malformed json. I'm unsure though as you didn't give much detail on the actual error.
So, I deleted both the Session.sublime_session and the Auto Save Session.sublime_session in the Settings folder and that allowed me to get it to run and not crash on startup.
Delete Session.sublime_session from ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Local.
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Local/Session.sublime_session
Please don't delete all content in the ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Local folder as this will also delete your Licence. #kushdilip (Tried to add this as a comment to your post but didn't have enough reputation to do so.)
I would recommend using another text editor (such as using vim in the terminal) to view/edit the files in:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Default/Preferences.sublime-settings
There are two other directories, but Default is probably where you want to start.
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Vintage/Preferences.sublime-settings
(Make a backup before changing any files around!)
For subline text 2 on my Mac:
There is no directory named Local under ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/, but there is strange hidden file .DS_Store, I remove it and sublime text don't crash anymore!
$ rm .DS_Store
I downloaded color sample pack from
it says i should unzip and place it into ~/.vim but where is this folder? I tried unzip it to my usr/share/.vim folder but it is not working, I don't see themes added to gvim Edit>color scheme menu, and i tried "colorscheme sometheme", "color sometheme" in my gvimrc. Both not working for new themes
Isn't the ~/.vim should be the .vim folder in use/share? or I should create a new folder under home?
Note:there is a folder vim73 in my .vim, I guess this doesn't affect anything
thanks for any help!
First of all, open vim, and get help from :help colorscheme
:colo[rscheme] {name} Load color scheme {name}. This searches 'runtimepath'
for the file "colors/{name}.vim. The first one that
is found is loaded.
After reading the manual above.
Take the following steps maybe help you:
find runtimepath
:set runtimepath?
It will print out run-time paths:
create directory called colors under one of them if not exist(for example: ~/.vim)
$ ls ~/.vim
ls: cannot access /root/.vim: No such file or directory <== we need create it!!!
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors
copy your color.vim to your colors directory
$ cp /path/to/your/color.vim ~/.vim/colors
restart vim to use new colorscheme
:colorscheme color
(optional) put command above to ~/.vimrc file to make it permanent
In UNIX parlance, ~ represents your home folder which is /Users/<username> in Mac OS X.
You are supposed to put all your custom scripts/colorschemes/whatever in a .vim folder situated in your home folder. In, type each line (without the $) then hit Enter:
$ cd
to be sure you are in your home folder
$ mkdir .vim
here you'll have an error message if ~/.vim already exists; if you don't receive a message it means that the folder is created
$ cd .vim
to move into it
$ open .
to open a Finder window here. At this point you should follow specific indications.