Why Sonar-Runner talks to the local database? - sonarqube

In the similar question Sonar-Runner talks to the local database "David RACODON - SonarSource" wrote:
The SonarQube Runner needs to talk to both the database and the web server.
I'm will try to understand why Sonar Runner talks do sonar database, because somebody who use sonar runner will known database user and password and do anything on it, for example change admin password and take control on Sonar instance.
On the other hand, at sonar runner docs (http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Installing+and+Configuring+SonarQube+Runner) I see info:
The SonarQube Runner is recommended as the default launcher to analyze a project with SonarQube.
So, it means that I should give database password to each developer of my team? This is inconsistent. Could somebody explain it?

SonarQube needs to talk to the database in order to save the results (metrics) of the analysis.
I will not talk about all the different possibilities that you can implement in order to avoid SonarQube's users to know the admin login, but here is the one I use:
SonarQube + Runner
Jenkins with Sonar plugin
This post (on my blog) is 1 year old http://qualilogy.com/en/install-sonarqube-the-sonarqub-jenkins-plugin/) but it will give you an idea.
You already have SonarQube + Runner installed.
Install Jenkins
Install SonarQube plugin for Jenkins
Configure the plugin:
Location of Runner
SonarQube dashboard URL
Connection to the DB : password is encrypted.
Then, when configuring and running an analysis from Jenkins, no need to use any DB login as a parameter.
Hope it helps.

As of version 5.2, this is no longer the case. Now, all DB credentials/connections are managed by Sonar itself, not the runner.


How can I configure Jacoco plugin in sonarqube server

I have a project where I my sonarqube is in a remote server and the server has connection to SVN repository.
Now I wish to add a jacoco plugin to sonar qube which will checkout the project from SVN, build it and generate code coverage report and display it in my sonar report.
can anyone suggest what should I do for this.
Thanks in advance.
First of all you are missing an important step. SonarQube Server will only display your report and your data, and tell you if you passed the quality gate or not and it will show you your issues. But it will not do the analyzing part.
For that you need to use a SonarQube Scanner. There are multiple scanners available as you can see here. Those scanners can be executed locally, or ideally will be integrated in your Continous Integration pipeline, via Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, etc. This Scanner will analyze your project based on the plugins/sensors on your Sonarqube server.
This scanner has to be configured to point to your server via sonar.host.url property, and ideally you will have some login setup. More details regarding that can be found in the SonarQube Documentation, which i highly suggest to read.

No results in Sonarqube from SonarLint analysis and connected Sonarqube

I have configured IntelliJ with SonarLint to a connected SonarQube instance in AWS. I am able to run a code analysis in IntelliJ and I do get results back in IntelliJ.
But I want to have these results in Sonarqube. How to do this?
You should have a look on the documentation to see how to :
Install SonarQube : https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Installing+the+Server
Execute an analysis : https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN
If you have Jenkins you should have 2 jobs: one to build application from branch, another to run SonarQube analysis based on artifacts created by first job (build job). You can create a pipeline: when you push to git (or other repository) first job automatically will be started, when build is done and it’s successful it will trigger job to analyze code in sonar. Try to find configuration examples at https://docs.sonar.org/ or I can send you tomorrow details how we configured our pipeline. P.S. forgot to mention that you need to install SonarQube plugin in Jenkins too.
SonarLint: this tool only open connection to your Sonar server just to get rules for analysis, but analysis is done on your side (localhost) without sending results to Sonar server back. This is how SonarLint works.

Sonarqube is Dashboard issue

I have been experiencing one strange issue from past 2 days. I had to setup sonarqube for code analysis and so I did it firstly in my local and then after successfully configuring, I did the same on one remote server. We are using Gradle in between.
All the configuration of sonar on remote machine (where I finally have to setup sonar so everybody can see) are same as in my local sonar instance (Means MySQl DB, Java version, Sonar version ..everything). When I check any project in sonarqube, I can see a number of bugs for my localhost:9000 Sonar but 0 bugs for RemoteServerIP:9000 sonar.
One thing here is, % of Duplications are same on both the IPs, but the rest of the parameters are showing 0 on RemoteServerIP:9000 sonar.
Please check following images:
Sonar instance on my local system with same configuration:-
Sonar instance on my Remote system with same configuration:-
Please let me know what I can do here to resolve the issue.
Thanks in Advance :-)

How to use a certain sonar server in sonar-maven-plugin

I've successfully built up a SonarQube server, and I wrote several custom rules to review the code. Now, I can use the server and custom rule with Jenkins and with Maven only when the code is on the same server.
My question is when I develop maven project on another computer, and I want to use maven build or maven install, how can I still use the certain SonarQube server? Simply add plugins in the pom.xml can't use the SonarQube server I established, and the custom rules I developed are also not taken into effect.
As stated in the docs, you only need to make sure the address of your SonarQube server is available to the analysis. Beyond that, you should provide the token of a user with analysis permissions (and 'create project' permissions if the project doesn't already exist) and analyze away.
Of course, this pre-supposes that your SQ server is visible on your network.

Receiving "Not authorized" error after upgrading to SonarQube 4.2

When executing the sonar analysis using the Maven Sonar Plugin:
Without any other change, except upgrading from SonarQube 3.7 to 4.2
We receive the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.2:sonar (default- cli) on project museum-mobile: Can not execute SonarQube analysis: Not authorized. Please check the properties sonar.login and sonar.password. -> [Help 1]
Our account is still listed as "sonar-administrator", with full access to all Global Permissions: Administer Quality Profiles, Administer System, Execute Analysis, Execute Preview Analysis, Provision Projects, Share Dashboards And Filters
When we run with the default "admin" account we are able to execute the analysis.
Windows 7 64-bit
Java JDK 1.6.0_31 and 1.7.0_25
Maven 3.0.5
sonar-maven-plugin 2.0 and 2.3
JIRA opened: MSONAR-66
If you use LDAP users in your Sonar installation, and a non-LDAP user to maven sonar plugin, this may explain the problem:
I fixed the problem editing the sonar.properties like this:
I have sent 3-4 emails stating the problem and issues that we have faced. I have also sent a summary as Jared and David have mentioned.
Answers to the above comments and questions:-
Q- From which version did you upgrade ? – Simon Brandhof yesterday
Q-If you upgraded from a version less than 3.7, then the account has probably not the permission "Execute Analysis". See docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/… – Simon Brandhof yesterday.
- We have that set to Anyone in the Groups. We have also set it to sonar-users/sonar-administrators which means access to all the users in the system.
Q-Or it means that you have activated the force authentication feature. See docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Authentication. – David RACODON - SonarSource yesterday
- sonar.forceAuthentication=true is already set to true. Yes it is correct.
"upgrading from SonarQube 3.7 to 4.2" – David M. Karr yesterday
Q-I added each of the global permissions above. The upgrade was from 3.7 (working) to 4.2 (not working). We will check the force authentication feature. Is that new to 4.2?
After reading about the feature I am not sure how it would explain why my user in the sonar-administrator group can no longer execute an analysis. – Jared yesterday
- It is set to true but it is needed and we want users to be authenticated.
For whatever reason, version 4.2 has to use the "admin" userid to execute analysis. We were able to work around this bug by doing the following:
Create a new default Administrator User and name it anything you
like. We used "sonar_admin".
For the "admin" userid, ensure that it has permissions "Execute Analysis" and if you want it to add new projects to Sonarqube "Provision Projects".
You can change the password of "admin" to whatever you like.
Ensure sonar.login and sonar.password properties are being defined within your build script, and set to the "admin" userid and password.
You just need to add below 2 properties to get it work -
These properties can be added in 2 ways :
1. By setting it in build.xml with sonar target
2. By setting system property using -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=password
