How to implement customized pagination on Birt Report Viewer - birt

I wanted to generate report using huge data load. when I'm generating a report using Birt it would load the all data and Birt report viewer will do the pagination for me. It seems like a huge performance draw back and it has been taking so long to process the report.
So I though of putting a limit queries on my scripted data source to load only the data that required to show on the current page. And My birt report viewer also should show proper pagination arrows to navigate through the report pages. and it will generate pages on demand.
I would thing anybody might have implemented this before. please help me on this.
Amila Silva


view one spotfire report inside another spotfire report

Can you view a spotfire report in a different spotfire report using the URL?
I am trying to find instructions that would show me how to view a report in the report I am creating, but so far all I can find is how add a link to another report. Anyone done this in one of their reports?

Birt Interactive Report with maximo

Here I have a question that is it possible to create an interactive report.
I have a requirement like I have to approve bulk data in Maximo side with birt, in birt report I will keep check boxes who else will run that report they will select that checkboxes if they select the checkbox in the report, the same checkbox need to update in Maximo record. In Maximo also records contain checkboxes.
Two examples of how Maximo does this in the out of the box reports would be the Inventory ROP Analysis and Inventory EOQ Analysis reports - both come with the option on the last page to update Maximo with the suggested Economic Order Quantity or Re Order Point data. That's where I'd start.
The BIRT update reports are interesting. There are several actually. The update report is called directly from the runtime report, as #JohnHartin states. They are not registered directly to the Application. This is for security reasons.
The update report when executed will take the same input parameters you entered into the runtime report and essentially re-execute the report , except the update report has SQL which writes back to the DB. As mentioned as and example: the ROP Analysis. You will find the ".rptdesign" file in the {Maximo_home}/reports/birt/reports/INVENTOR folder on your Maximo build machine. (The report subfolder is the repository you import into BIRT tool to modify your reports.)
From your BIRT workstation navigate to the INVENTOR folder in your project browser and you can then see it in BIRT. Next, you will be able to open up the design file, (note the update reports have "update" as part of the design file name so real easy to identify.) Then you can examine the SQL in the Initialize method of the report.
Since this report works in conjunction with the Analysis report what happens when you touch the update button on the analysis report, is the data generated in the analysis report is parsed and sent as multiple update SQL transactions back to Maximo DB. It is incumbent upon you to be very careful making any modifications to the Analysis AND update reports together.
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to draw a report without using birt report designer?

I have a big issue with birt report recently. We all know that we can use birt report designer to draw a report by drag some report elements from palette. But,my leader have a point that if we can draw a simple report without using birt report designer?
You can use Excel as a data source and then use the API to pull information out of that or build a report. As mentioned earlier, you can also create the XML that defines the report outside of the designer as well. You could also write JavaScript or other client side code to take the Excel file and extract data from that to use in a report.

Show PDF saved as blob in oracle db in Birt report

I am designing a Birt report where we have a requirement of showing PDF which is saved as Blob in oracle DB. What tried to add it as dynamic image in my table column of report. But when i generate report i get output in some bytes format not as pdf. Is it possible to show a pdf in report which is saved as blob in DB table.
BIRT doesn't recognize PDF as an image format probably.
I don't think this is supported.
BTW, the BIRT ROM documentation does not say anything about which formats are supported.
Handling PDF like an image seems weird, anyway. A PDF can have multiple pages.
In our application, we use a post-processing tool (you could use iText for this) to append the PDF to the BIRT-generated PDF. However, this approach depends on the way you have BIRT integrated into your application.
For example, it will probably not work with the sample WebViewer.

Why use ReportView?

Reporting is pretty new to me. I see that VS provides some Reporting controls that provides a wizard to help creating the report. My question is, if I already have stored procedures that generate the report data, what is the difference between presenting it through a reportview or gridview? Is there obvious advantage that reportview control provides that other grid controls don't?
ReportViewer in local mode (RDLC) has a lot of additional functionality
ReportViewer can do multiple tables, graphs and non-table data
ReportViewer can paginate and print data
ReportViewer has capabilities to export the report into Excel, PDF etc.
You can use ReportViewer controls to display reports generated with Sql Server Reporting Services. So if you wanted to have a report that included charts or graphics, you could create it and host it in SSRS and then include it right in your application.
A grid view can only display data in a grid. The report viewer has the capability to format data in much more sophisticated ways.
