Send cookies with ajax call from chrome extension content script - ajax

I'm making a chrome extension for a site which provides api to check if user is signed in or not. The api is for a GET request. So when i'm, not singed in it gives.
{ status: "ok", authenticated: false}
When i'm signed in it gives me
{status : "ok", authenticated: true, id: 123}
This works fine on browser, chrome extensions like Postman and advanced Rest Client. But when i use it in my chrome extension background it always says i'm not a authenticated user. I figured out that the ajax call i make does not send cookies for the domain, but the chrome extension like Postman or Advanced REST client do send cookies along with XHR request.
Any idea how can i make ajax to send cookies along with it.
here is my ajax call from chrome extension
// xhrFields: {
// withCredentials: true
// },
// crossDomain: true,
success: function(result){
error: function(err){
alert("unable to authenticate user "+JSON.stringify(err))
I'm able to get the domain cookies details from the background script. Now i'm looking how i can send the cookies with the ajax call?

If the content script is injected into a page with an origin
(protocol, host and port combination) different from the API origin:
Cookies could be blocked by the third-party cookie blocking feature.
Check if it is enabled: chrome://settings/content/cookies.
Background scripts are not affected by it (as of Chrome 81).
Either set withCredentials: true (credentials: 'include' for fetch)
or add the origin into the permissions section of manifest.json.
To receive the response, correct CORS headers are required in either case.
Prefer moving API calls into a background script and passing data to the
content script with sendMessage to circumvent the third-party cookie blocking,
CORB and CORS restrictions. If you choose to do so, add the API origin into the
permissions section of manifest.json.

This is an old question, but what did it for me had to do with setting a couple flags on my cookies.
According to this blog post:
You need to have the samesite: None flag set for this to work. This seems kind of obvious, but wasn't mentioned on most other resources for some reason. In addition, if you want samesite = None, you also need the Secure; flag on the set-cookie: response header so that Chrome will actually listen to it.
For me, and likely for you, this means messing around in your API to have those flags set correctly. For me it even meant I had to make HTTPS work on my localhost server I was developing on, so that chrome would trust me that the cookie was secure. In addition, you need credentials: 'include' as the earlier poster said.
For anyone using flask, this looked like:
app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE'] = "None"
app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE'] = True
plus debugging with Https (export FLASK_RUN_CERT=adhoc) on the command line.
This is a complex one that took me a long time, but the blog post linked above was a huge help.


Ajax saving but not sending CORS cookies from to service

So I've been having issues sending cookies with a cross-domain request to a service. I've gotten to make it work in our CI environment, but not locally. Basically, I have an API at, and it's accessed via AJAX calls run from clients at The API sets a cookie for via set-cookie. Then all subsequent calls to the API should include this cookie. This works as intended, when running from This will work in prod just fine. However, for obvious reasons, I'd like be able to develop the webapp locally, and run API calls against from either local files or localhost service.
I understand that Chrome is a little iffy regarding saving cookies for local files, but I've addressed that, and it is not the issue. The cookie is, in fact, saving. It's just not sending that cookie with subsequent API calls. Here's the workflow I've got going on (with some genericized/censored product names):
An AJAX call POSTS to our API:
method: "POST",
crossDomain: true,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
url: '',
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
The CORS stuff is set up to allow credentials and this origin (the allowed origin updates dynamically, doesn't use *. So we get this cookie back: cookie:service-token=7f7d251ebeec37f7c0815....; SameSite=lax;Max-Age=2629744;; path=/;
It shows up in Chrome like this:
Request cookie
I know for a fact that this actually works to save the cookie. However, perhaps not how I want. I go into Chrome's cookies, and it updates properly as seen:
Chrome saved cookie
The problem I'm seeing there is that its "send for" value is "same-site connections only". I have no idea how to originally set that for Chrome to treat it as "any kind of connection." I think this is the reason that, when I send another AJAX call, that cookie is not included in the request.
I've seen other posts like this that were resolved by adding crossDomain and/or withCredentials to the AJAX call. This did not resolve it for me. This is a subsequent call to the API:
url: '',
crossDomain: true,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
success: function(data){...}
The cookie is not included in this request, and thus fails.
It turns out, setting SameSite=lax was doing the opposite of what I thought it would. Removing that solved this issue.

read ALL response headers of ajax GET request of S3 objects

Question Overview:
I am accessing a list of files stored in my AWS S3 bucket through a CORS request of presigned files. This basically works fine. However, the objects have some custom METADATA attached to them, which I can't access. I understood, that I can access this metadata only when I add the header key (e.g. "x-amz-meta-1234", where 1234 is the key of my metadata) to the Expose-Headers of the target-bucket's CORS config. While this works so far for me, I can't set the expose-header with a wildcard (e.g. "x-amz-meta-*"), which would solve my problem, but AWS doesn't support wildcards for the expose-header entries.
However, when I look in the NETWORK tab of my Chrome Dev Tools, all desired metadata is showing up in the headers during the GET/HEAD request (note the entries on the lower part, x-amz-meta-4021 and -template_id):
This is my HEAD call:
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
type: 'HEAD',
success: function(data, status, jqXHR) {
console.log('got some response ..?');
console.log('responseHeader template_id: ' + jqXHR.getResponseHeader('x-amz-meta-template_id'));
console.log('responseHeader meta-4021: ' + jqXHR.getResponseHeader('x-amz-meta-4021'));
error: function(error, xhr, data) {
console.log('in error..');
And this is the console output:
Object {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: function, getAllResponseHeaders:
function, setRequestHeader: function, overrideMimeType: function…}
responseHeader template_id: 813
responseHeader meta-4021: null
x-amz-meta-template_id: 813
Last-Modified: Fri, 09 Jun 2017 13:05:33 GMT
Content-Type: video/mp4
I set expose-header for the metadata-entry 'template_id' explicitly and therefore the header-data is returned correctly for this entry. However, for the entry '4021' I didn't set the expose-header. The problem is, that this metadata (and the keys) are produced by our (android/ios) apps, and I can't really control the keys of that metadata that easily.
Whats puzzling me: why am I able to see the whole response in the chrome network tab, but can't access this data from a client-side script? There are many possible workarounds and solutions, but I basically want to understand, why my browser can display me data, which can't be accessed by jQuery.
PS: in case you want to see the CORS config or the full script, please let me know. I tried to be as precise as possible. Thanks in advance!
I basically want to understand, why my browser can display me data, which can't be accessed by jQuery.
To understand this, you need to understand the purpose of CORS.
CORS isn't really about access control, and CORS isn't really working on your site's behalf. CORS is working on behalf of the user and the browser, to prevent the browser from becoming a confused deputy and doing something the user would not have wanted. This usually coincides with something the site would also not have wanted, but that's secondary.
The browser's default behavior is to assume that programmatic access to cross-origin requests is bad, which is why they are denied when no Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present. Your bank would not want to make ajax requests to the bank web site, and if that site tried, the browser would block it unless the bank's web server foolishly allowed it with a CORS response.
CORS is a mechanism for your site to tell the brower, "yes, the cross-origin request you are making is not unexpected, it's allowed... and from this response, the browser is allowed to engage in certain behaviors, such as exposing the following response headers to the code making the request."
In that light, the behavior you observe is correct. Exposing headers (or not) doesn't mean include them in the HTTP response (or not) -- exposing headers gives the browser permission to expose what it knows to the ajax caller. If the cross-origin origin wants them exposed, it has to be explicit.

Disable preflight OPTION request when sending a cross domain request with custom HTTP header

I've just found out that my browser was sending an extra "OPTION" request when trying to make a cross domain ajax call with a custom http header.
I presume it is called "preflight request".
Is it possible to disable this functionality and just send the initial request ?
This is my javascript testing code :
$(document).ready(function() {
url: "",
crossDomain: true,
headers: {
"X-custom-parameter": true
No, it is definitely not possible to bypass the CORS preflight request. The preflight request exists to allow cross-domain requests in a safe manner. In your example above, you are trying to access, but doesn't support CORS. There is no way around this for Google, since Google doesn't support cross-domain requests on its web page. In general, if you have ownership of the server, your options are to support CORS, support alternative cross-domain hacks like JSON-P, or use a server-side proxy.

if ios6 safari is caching ajax calls, is it caching passwords? security risk?

Following on from the thread
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?
If io6 safari is caching the results from non unique ajax calls then it must also be caching the call itself. Would this then mean it is caching usernames and passwords in a login situation thereby posing a security risk?
Short version: If you're sending usernames and passwords over the wire in plaintext, you've already opened a huge security hole.
Long version: Browsers will cache based on URI, so if you're sending user/pass as GET variables, then yes it will cache and yes it is a security risk. However, even if the browser didn't cache this, you're still doing something wrong. A third party need only look at the HTTP header to see what the user/pass is.
If you are sending this as POST, it is a bit harder to find the username/password. The browser will not cache the request as the URL is always the same. However, it is still possible to read the content of the request and find the user/pass.
To be the most secure, use HTTPS and pass the values via POST. The entire HTTP request is encrypted, including the headers. However, the browser will still cache the URL, so using GET variables is still a bad idea.
Example from the jQuery documentation on using POST with ajax:
type: "POST",
url: "some.php",
data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
}).done(function( msg ) {
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

phonegap: cookie based authentication (PHP) not working [webview]

I'm working on a mobile web-app using sencha touch, HTML5 and phonegap as a wrapper.
I'm using PHP-Authentication (Cookie) and ajax-requests. Everything works fine on safari or chrome, but after the deployment with phonegap (webview) it does't work anymore...
Any help would be appreciated :)
Some more details:
All data for my app is loaded via ajax requests to my server component "mobile.php".
I use basic PHP-Auth to autenticate the user:
AJAX-Request [username, password] -> mobile.php
-> Session established (cookie)
All other requests if auth was successful
What's the difference between a normal safari website and the webview?
i figured it out:
you have to change the phonegap_delegate.m file and add the following to the init method:
- (id) init
/** If you need to do any extra app-specific initialization, you can do it here
* -jm
//special setting to accept cookies via ajax-request
NSHTTPCookieStorage *cookieStorage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage
[cookieStorage setCookieAcceptPolicy:NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyAlways];
return [super init];
it enables webview to accept cookies from ajax requests
If your Phonegap AJAX requests are not firing callbacks like they're supposed to, this may be the reason.
If the response you're getting attempts to set cookies and you haven't done Michael's fix then your (jquery) AJAX request will fail quietly -- neither success: nor error: callbacks will fire despite the fact that the server actually received the request and sent a response. It appears you must do this even if you don't care about the cookies.
I hope this helps someone.
I didn't care about the cookies but just spent a few hours trying to figure out why the callbacks didn't fire!
There is a solution that works on android too:
Install plugin to perform arbitrary HTTP(S) requests.
Replace XMLHttpRequest with the plugin alternative (cordovaHTTP.get or"", {email: '', passwd: "s3cr3t"}, {}, function(response) {
}, function(response) {
The response will contain status, data and response.headers["Set-Cookie"], that can be parsed for name, value, domain, path and even HttpOnly flags ;-)
Said cookie can be saved in LocalStorage and sent in subsequent requests (see cordovaHTTP.setHeader() or header parameter of .get/.post methods) to simulate an authenticated user on a desktop browser.
Best ways to store get and delete cookie its working fine in my app which is on live
To store value in cookie
window.localStorage.setItem("key", "value");
To Get value in cookie
var value = window.localStorage.getItem("key");
To Delete cookie value
