Discrete Uniform distribution random number - random

I tried to generate discrete Uniform random number with (a+(b-a)*R) where R is random sample which is generated by liner Congruential method. But still I have doubt in the creation of D uniform number. Please give me anyone perfect formula for discrete uniform random number?

A linear generator is not a true random number generator. If you want a true random generator you need a good source of entropy. In Windows there are a number of interfaces to access entropy collected by the system. In Linux there is /dev/random. Better still would be a hardware source like the new intel DRNG instruction.
Once you have a good source, the source should be conditioned (unless conditioning is already applied). A simple way to do this is to seed a stream cipher such as AES in CTR mode. In fact AES/CTR is an excellent psuedo random generator if you use a random key as the seed.


Can a pseudorandom generator ever be true random?

I can understand how using a seed for a pseudorandom gen such as the time does not make it truly random; but when a pseudorandom generator gets its seed from a hardware random number generator, doesn't the pseudorandom generator then become True Random, as its seed is gathered from a TRNG?
First of all, realize that individual numbers are not random or non-random: only large sets of numbers.
If you seed a PRNG from a truly random source, and then just keep calling the PRNG to get more numbers, then you will just have a pseudorandom sequence of numbers, albeit well seeded.
If you seed a PRNG with a truly random source and then fetch only one value from the PRNG, then you have a hash of a truly random number. If the PRNG's seed hashing function is good, this will be just as random as its input. If it's not, it might be more predictable (for example, a PRNG with only 64 bits of internal state will only produce 2^64 different values, regardless of how many bits you seed it with).
That's not to say that it's a bad idea--game simulations and Monte Carlo systems should use a fast PRNG seeded from a TRNG source to get the best compromise of speed and quality. But cryptographic applications need cryptographically secure random values, and that's trickier.
Good seeds are necessity, but they won't change the nature (and flaws) of the PRNG.
For example, even with good absolutely true random seed RNG such as LCG will still experience correlated sampling at high dimensions

Is it possible to reverse a pseudo random number generator?

Is it possible to reverse a pseudo random number generator?
For example, take an array of generated numbers and get the original seed.
If so, how would this be implemented?
This is absolutely possible - you just have to create a PRNG which suits your purposes. It depends on exactly what you need to accomplish - I'd be happy to offer more advice if you describe your situation in more detail.
For general background, here are some resources for inverting a Linear Congruential Generator:
Reversible pseudo-random sequence generator
pseudo random distribution which guarantees all possible permutations of value sequence - C++
And here are some for inverting the mersenne twister:
In general, no. It should be possible for most generators if you have the full array of numbers. If you don't have all of the numbers or know which numbers you have (do you have the 12th or the 300th?), you can't figure it out at all, because you wouldn't know where to stop.
You would have to know the details of the generator. Decoding a linear congruential generator is going to be different from doing so for a counter-based PRNG, which is going to be different from the Mersenne twister, which is going to be different with a Fibonacci generator. Plus you would probably need to know the parameters of the generator. If you had all of that AND the equation to generate a number is invertible, then it is possible. As to how, it really depends on the PRNG.
Use the language Janus a time-reversible language for doing reversible computing.
You could probably do something like create a program that does this (pseudo-code):
x = seed
x = my_Janus_prng(x)
x = reversible_modulus_op(x, N) + offset
Janus has the ability to give to you a program that takes the output number and whatever other data it needs to invert everything, and give you the program that ends with x = seed.
I don't know all the details about Janus or how you could do this, but just thought I would mention it.
Clearly, what you want to do is probably a better idea because if the RNG is not an injective function, then what should it map back to etc.
So you want to write a Janus program that outputs an array. The input to the Janus inverted program would then take an array (ideally).

Non-recursive pseudo-random number generation with discrete uniform distribution

I wonder is there any cheap and effective function to generate pseudo-random numbers by their indices? With something like that implementation:
var rand = new PseudoRandom(seed); // all sequences for same seeds are equal
trace(rand.get(index1)); // get int number by index1, for example =0x12345678
trace(rand.get(index1)); // must return the SAME number, =0x12345678
Probably it isn't about randomness but about good (fast and close as much as possible to uniform distribution) hashing where initial seed used as salt.
You could build such random number generator out of the stream cipher Salsa20. One of the nice features of Salsa20 is that you can jump ahead to any offset very cheaply. And Salsa20 is fast, typically less than 20 cycles per byte. Since the cipher is indistinguishable from a truly random stream, uniformity should be excellent.
Since you probably don't need cryptographically secure random numbers, you could even reduce the number of rounds to something like 8 instead of the usual 20 rounds.
Another option is to just use the ideas behind Salsa20, how to mix up a state array (Bernstein calls that a hashing function), to build your own random number generator.

I'm looking for a good psuedo random number generator, that takes two inputs instead of one

I'm looking for a determenistic psuedo random generator that takes two inputs and always returns the same output. I'm looking for things like uniform distribution, unpredictable as possible, and doesn't repeat for a long long time. Ideally the function doesn't rely on previous values. The reason that is a problem is I'm generating terrain data for an extremely large procedurely generated world and can't afford to store previous values.
Any help is appreciated.
i think what you're looking for is perlin noise - it's a way of generating "random" values in 2d (typically) that look like terrain / clouds / etc.
note that this doesn't have much to do with cryptography etc, but a "real" random number source is probably not what you want for synthetic terrain (it looks too noisy/spikey).
there's a good article on perlin noise here.
the implementation of perlin noise does use a source of random numbers, but typically you can use whatever is present on your system (starting with a known seed if you want to reproduce it later).
Is the problem deciding on a PRNG algorithm to use or an algorithm that accepts 2 inputs?
If it's the former, why not use the built in random class - such as Random class in .NET - since it strives for uniform distribution and long cycles. Also, given the same seed it will generate the same sequence of numbers.
If it's the latter, what you can do is map the 2 inputs to a single ouput and use that as a seed to your random algorithm. You can define a simple hash function that takes a string and calculates an integer from it:
s[0] + s[1]^1 + s[2]^2 + ... s[n]^n = seed
Combination of two inputs (by concatenating each other, provided the inputs are binary integers) into one seed will do, for a PRNG, such as Mersenne Twister.

Monte carlo on GPU

Today I had a talk with a friend of mine told me he tries to make some monte carlo simulations using GPU. What was interesting he told me that he wanted to draw numbers randomly on different processors and assumed that there were uncorrelated. But they were not.
The question is, whether there exists a method to draw independent sets of numbers on several GPUs? He thought that taking a different seed for each of them would solve the problem, but it does not.
If any clarifications are need please let me know, I will ask him to provide more details.
To generate completely independent random numbers, you need to use a parallel random number generator. Essentially, you choose a single seed and it generates M independent random number streams. So on each of the M GPUs you could then generate random numbers from independent streams.
When dealing with multiple GPUs you need to be aware that you want:
independent streams within GPUs (if RNs are generate by each GPU)
independent streams between GPUs.
It turns out that generating random numbers on each GPU core is tricky (see this question I asked a while back). When I've been playing about with GPUs and RNs, you only get a speed-up generating random on the GPU if you generate large numbers at once.
Instead, I would generate random numbers on the CPU, since:
It's easier and sometimes quicker to generate them on the CPU and transfer across.
You can use well tested parallel random number generators
The types of off-the shelf random number generators available for GPUs is very limited.
Current GPU random number libraries only generate RNs from a small number of distributions.
To answer your question in the comments: What do random numbers depend on?
A very basic random number generator is the linear congruential generator. Although this generator has been surpassed by newer methods, it should give you an idea of how they work. Basically, the ith random number depends on the (i-1) random number. As you point out, if you run two streams long enough, they will overlap. The big problem is, you don't know when they will overlap.
For generating iid uniform variables, you just have to initialize your generators with differents seeds. With Cuda, you may use the NVIDIA Curand Library which implements the Mersenne Twister generator.
For example, the following code executed by 100 kernels in parallel, will draw 10 sample of a (R^10)-uniform
__global__ void setup_kernel(curandState *state,int pseed)
int id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int seed = id%10+pseed;
/* 10 differents seed for uncorrelated rv,
a different sequence number, no offset */
curand_init(seed, id, 0, &state[id]);
If you take any ``good'' generator (e.g. Mersenne Twister etc), two sequences with different random seeds will be uncorrelated, be it on GPU or CPU. Hence I'm not sure what you mean by saying taking different seeds on different GPUs were not enough. Would you elaborate?
