Read random lines off a text file in go - go

I am using encoding/csv to read and parse a very large .csv file.
I need to randomly select lines and pass them through some test.
My current solution is to read the whole file like
reader := csv.NewReader(file)
lines, err := reader.ReadAll()
then randomly select lines from lines
The obvious problem is it takes a long time to read the whole thing and I need lots of memory.
my question is, encoding/csv gives me an io/reader is there a way to use that to read random lines instead of loading the whole thing at once?
This is more of a curiosity to learn more about io/reader than a practical question, since it is very likely that in the end it is more efficient to read it once and access it in memory, that to keep seeking random lines off on the disk.

Apokalyptik's answer is the closest to what you want. Readers are streamers so you can't just hop to a random place (per-se).
Naively choosing a probability against which you keep any given line as you read it in can lead to problems: you may get to the end of the file without holding enough lines of input, or you may be too quick to hold lines and not get a good sample. Either is much more likely than guessing correctly, since you don't know beforehand how many lines are in the file (unless you first iterate it once to count them).
What you really need is reservoir sampling.
Basically, read the file line-by-line. Each line, you choose whether to hold it like so: The first line you read, you have a 1/1 chance of holding it. After you read the second line, you have 1/2 chance of replacing what you're holding with this one. After the third line, you have a 1/2 * 2/3 = 1/3 chance of holding onto that one instead. Thus you have a 1/N chance of holding onto any given line, where N is the number of lines you've read in. Here's a more detailed look at the algorithm (don't try to implement it just from what I've told you in this paragraph alone).

The simplest solution would be to make a decision as you read each line whether to test it or throw it away... make your decision random so that you don't have the requirement of keeping the entire thing in RAM... then pass through the file once running your tests... you can also do this same style with non-random distribution tests (e.g. after X bytes, or x lines, etc)

My suggestion would be to randomize the input file in advance, e.g. using shuf
Then you can simply read the first n lines as needed.
This doesn't help you learning more about io/readers, but might solve your problem nevertheless.

I had a similar need: to randomly read (specific) lines from a massive text file. I wrote a package that I call ramcsv to do this.
It first reads through the entire file once and marks the byte offset of each line (it stores this information in memory, but does not store the full line).
When you request a line number, it will transparently seek to the correct offset and give you the csv-parsed line.
(Note that the csv.Reader parameter that is passed as the second argument to ramcsv.New is used only to copy the settings into a new reader.) This could no doubt be made more efficient, but it was sufficient for my needs and spared me from reading a ~20GB text file into memory.

encoding/csv does not give you an io.Reader it gives you a csv.Reader (note the lack of package qualification on the definition of csv.NewReader [1] indicating that the Reader it returns belongs to the same package.
A csv.Reader implements only the methods you see there, so it looks like there is no way to do what you want short of writing your own CSV parser.

Per this SO answer, there's a relatively memory efficient way to read a single random line from a large file.
package main
import (
var words []byte
func main() {
var r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
var line string
for len(line) == 0 {
line = getRandomLine(r)
func prepareWordsVar() {
base := []string{"some", "really", "file", "with", "many", "manyy", "manyyy", "manyyyy", "manyyyyy", "lines."}
words = make([]byte, 200*len(base))
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
for _, s := range base {
words = append(words, []byte(s+strconv.Itoa(i)+"\n")...)
func getRandomLine(r *rand.Rand) string {
wordsLen := int64(len(words))
offset := r.Int63n(wordsLen)
rd := bytes.NewReader(words)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(rd)
_, _ = rd.Seek(offset, io.SeekStart)
// discard - bound to be partial line
if !scanner.Scan() {
return ""
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("err: %s\n", err)
return ""
// now we have a random line.
return scanner.Text()
Go Playground
Couple of caveats:
You should use crypto/rand if you need it to be cryptographically secure.
Note the bufio.Scanner's default MaxScanTokenSize, and adjust code accordingly.
As per original SO answer, this does introduce bias based on the length of the line.


LimitedReader reads only once

I'm trying to understand Go by studying gopl book. I'm stuck when trying to implement the LimitReader function. I realized that I have two problems so let me separate them.
First issue
The description from official doc is saying that:
A LimitedReader reads from R but limits the amount of data returned to just N bytes. Each call to Read updates N to reflect the new amount remaining. Read returns EOF when N <= 0 or when the underlying R returns EOF.
OK, so my understanding is that I can read from io.Reader type many times but I will be always limited to N bytes. Running this code shows me something different:
package main
import (
func main() {
r := strings.NewReader("some io.Reader stream to be read\n")
lr := io.LimitReader(r, 4)
b := make([]byte, 7)
n, err := lr.Read(b)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Read %d bytes: %s\n", n, b)
b = make([]byte, 5)
n, _ = lr.Read(b)
// If removed because EOF
fmt.Printf("Read %d bytes: %s\n", n, b)
// Output:
// Read 4 bytes: some
// Read 0 bytes:
// I expect next 4 bytes instead
It seems that this type of object is able to read only once. Not quite sure but maybe this line in io.go source code could be changed to l.N = 0. The main question is why this code is inconsistent with doc description?
Second issue
When I've struggled with the first issue I was trying to display current N value. If I put fmt.Println(lr.N) to the code above it cannot be compiled lr.N undefined (type io.Reader has no field or method N). I realized that I still don't understand Go interfaces concept.
Here is my POV (based on listing above). Using io.LimitReader function I create LimitedReader object (see source code). Due to the fact that this object contains Read method with proper signature its interface type is io.Reader. That's is the reason why io.LimitReader returns io.Reader, right? OK, so everything works together.
The question is: why lr.N cannot be accessed? As I correctly understood the book, interface type only requires that data type contains some method(s). Nothing more.
LimitedReader limits the total size of data that can be read, not the amount of data that can be read at each read call. That is, if you set the limit to 4, you can perform 4 reads of 1 byte, or 1 read of 4 bytes, and after that, all reads will fail.
For your second question: lr is an io.Reader, so you cannot read lr.N. However, you can access the underlying concrete type using a type assertion: lr.(*io.LimitedReader).N should work.

Is There a Scanner Function in Go That Separates on Length (or is Newline Agnostic)?

I have two types of files in go which can be represented by the following strings:
const nonewline := 'hello' # content but no newline
const newline := `hello\nworld' # content with newline
My goal is just to read all the content from both files (it's coming in via a stream, so I cannot use something built in like ReadAll, i'm using stdioPipe) and include newlines where they appear.
I'm using Scanner but it APPEARS that there's no way to tell if the line terminates with a newline, and if I use Scanner.Text() it auto-splits (making it impossible to tell if a line ends in a newline, or the line just terminated at the end of the file).
I've also looked at writing a custom Split function, but isn't that overkill? I just need to split on some fixed length (I assume the default buffer size - 4096), or whatever is left in the file, whichever is shorter.
I've also looking at Scanner.Split(bufio.ScanBytes) but is there a speed up by chunking the read?
Anyhow, this seems like something that should be really straightforward.
Use this loop to read a stream in fixed size chunks:
chunk := make([]byte, size) // Size is the chunk size.
for {
n, err := io.ReadFull(stream, chunk)
if n > 0 {
// Do something with the chunk of data.
if err != nil {

Write fixed length padded lines to file Go

For printing, justified and fixed length, seems like what everyone asks about and there are many examples that I have found, like...
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
values := []string{"Mustang", "10", "car"}
for i := range(values) {
fmt.Printf("%10v...\n", values[i])
for i := range(values) {
fmt.Printf("|%-10v|\n", values[i])
But what if I need to WRITE to a file with fixed length bytes?
For example: what if I have requirement that states, write this line to a file that must be 32 bytes, left justified and padded to the right with 0's
So, how do you accomplish this when writing to a file?
There are analogous functions to fmt.PrintXX() functions, ones that start with an F, take the form of fmt.FprintXX(). These variants write the result to an io.Writer which may be an os.File as well.
So if you have the fmt.Printf() statements which you want to direct to a file, just change them to call fmt.Fprintf() instead, passing the file as the first argument:
var f *os.File = ... // Initialize / open file
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%10v...\n", values[i])
If you look into the implementation of fmt.Printf():
func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
return Fprintf(os.Stdout, format, a...)
It does exactly this: it calls fmt.Fprintf(), passing os.Stdout as the output to write to.
For how to open a file, see How to read/write from/to file using Go?
See related question: Format a Go string without printing?

Beginner Golang sequence clarification

I am trying GO as a complete newbie to programming. I have a doubt in sequence inside the following code. This code scans for user input.
func main() {
fmt.Print("Enter a number: \n")
var input float64
fmt.Scanf("%f", &input)
output := input * 2
But, after the string display, at the new line when I enter any number, it should just go into a buffer of some sort or become junk value. I say so, because the allocation of scanned input starts after the first line. Had it been the first or prior step, it would perfectly make sense.
The value you enter is allocated at the input memory space (using the &). The input variable is created before the scanf (line 2) so there is no problem at all with the order of your instruction. Maybe you can clarify ?

Skipping ahead n codepoints while iterating through a unicode string in Go

In Go, iterating over a string using
for i := 0; i < len(myString); i++{
only accesses individual bytes in the string, whereas iterating over a string via
for i, c := range myString{
iterates over individual Unicode codepoints (calledrunes in Go), which may span multiple bytes.
My question is: how does one go about jumping ahead while iterating over a string with range Mystring? continue can jump ahead by one unicode codepoint, but it's not possible to just do i += 3 for instance if you want to jump ahead three codepoints. So what would be the most idiomatic way to advance forward by n codepoints?
I asked this question on the golang nuts mailing list, and it was answered, courtesy of some of the helpful folks on the list. Someone messaged me however suggesting I create a self-answered question on Stack Overflow for this, to save the next person with the same issue some trouble. That's what this is.
I'd consider avoiding the conversion to []rune, and code this directly.
skip := 0
for _, c := range myString {
if skip > 0 {
skip = doSomething(c)
It looks inefficient to skip runes one by one like this, but it's the same amount of work as the conversion to []rune would be. The advantage of this code is that it avoids allocating the rune slice, which will be approximately 4 times larger than the original string (depending on the number of larger code points you have). Of course converting to []rune is a bit simpler so you may prefer that.
It turns out this can be done quite easily simply by casting the string into a slice of runes.
runes := []rune(myString)
for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++{
jumpHowFarAhead := doSomething(runes[i])
i += jumpHowFarAhead
