How to check if player sign out of the google play services in unity3d - google-play-games

how do unity check if player manually sign out from the leaderboard in google play service. I am using the GPG plugin for this and my platform is in android

This is a bit dated, but I was just looking into this and thought I'd share what I found.
When you sign out from within the leaderboard (or achievements page), the GPG plugin gives you an error that looks like this:
** [Play Games Plugin DLL] ERROR: Authentication has been lost!
which causes PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.IsAuthenticated () to return false.
One way to find catch this is simply listening to the script that is displaying the message. Their log function is written below. Just look at the msg arg and toggle your variable you are using to keep track of the logged in state.
- GooglePlayGames > OurUtils > Logger.cs
public static void e(string msg) {
Debug.LogWarning("*** " + LOG_PREF + " ERROR: " + msg);
if (msg == "Authentication has been lost!") {
// yourScript.isLoggedIn = false;
Alternatively, you could check the value of PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.IsAuthenticated() when the user attempts to access one of the GPG services (leaderboard, achievements, etc). If it is false, the user is not signed in and should be prompted to sign in rather than firing the service.


Deleting a discord message from discordgo

I am trying to delete a discord message using discordgo. Currently I have the ping pong example, however instead of writing a message I want to delete the message.
I have currently got this far:
func messageCreate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate) {
if m.Author.ID == s.State.User.ID || m.Author.Bot {
if m.Content == "ping" {
s.ChannelMessageDelete(m.ChannelID, m.ID)
But the implementation does not delete the message even though other code in the block will run. I am a bit of a newb to go and I don't know if there is some future error .. or something like the bot does not have the correct discord permissions?
The reason it was not posting was because the bot did not have the Manage Messages permission. This can be done by checking the Manage Messages checkbox when generating the invite link on the OAuth tab.

http_listener cpprestsdk how to handle multiple POST requests

I have developed a client server application with casablanca cpprestskd.
Every 5 minutes a client send informations from his task manager (processes,cpu usage etc) to server via POST method.
The project should be able to manage about 100 clients.
Every time that server receives a POST request he opens an output file stream ("uploaded.txt") ,extract some initial infos from client (login,password),manage this infos, save all infos in a file with the same name of client (for example: client1.txt, client2.txt) in append mode and finally reply to client with a status code.
This is basically my POST handle code from server side:
void Server::handle_post(http_request request)
auto fileBuffer =
auto stream = concurrency::streams::fstream::open_ostream(
std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary).then([request, fileBuffer](pplx::task<Concurrency::streams::basic_ostream<unsigned char>> Previous_task)
*fileBuffer = Previous_task.get();
catch (const exception&)
wcout << L"<exception>" << std::endl;
//return pplx::task_from_result();
}).then([=](pplx::task<void> Previous_task)
}).then([](task<void> previousTask)
// This continuation is run because it is value-based.
// The call to task::get rethrows the exception.
catch (const exception& e)
wcout << e.what() << endl;
catch (const exception& e)
wcout << e.what() << endl;
request.reply(status_codes::OK, U("Hello, World!")).then([](pplx::task<void> t) { handle_error(t); });
Basically it works but if i try to send info from due clients at the same time sometimes it works sometimes it doen't work.
Obviously the problem if when i open "uploaded.txt" stream file.
1)Is CASABLANCA http_listener real multitasking?how many task it's able to handle?
2)I didn't found in documentation ax example similar to mine,the only one who is approaching to mine is "Casalence120" Project but he uses Concurrency::Reader_writer_lock class (it seems a mutex method).
What can i do in order to manage multiple POST?
3)Is it possible to read some client infos before starting to open uploaded.txt?
I could open an output file stream directly with the name of the client.
4)If i lock access via mutex on uploaded.txt file, Server become sequential and i think this is not a good way to use cpprestsdk.
I'm still approaching cpprestskd so any suggestions would be helpful.
Yes, the REST sdk processes every request on a different thread
I confirm there are not many examples using the listener.
The official sample using the listener can be found here:
I see you are working with VS. I would strongly suggest to move to VC++2015 or better VC++2017 because the most recent compiler supports co-routines.
Using co_await dramatically simplify the readability of the code.
Substantially every time you 'co_await' a function, the compiler will refactor the code in a "continuation" avoiding the penalty to freeze the threads executing the function itself. This way, you get rid of the ".then" statements.
The file problem is a different story than the REST sdk. Accessing the file system concurrently is something that you should test in a separate project. You can probably cache the first read and share the content with the other threads instead of accessing the disk every time.

How to use backup semantics (seBackup privilege) over the network?

I am trying to enumerate a directory on a remote file server.
I want to use backup-semantics in order to not require administrator credentials.
On the test server, I have created a share:
Share permissions: everyone full control
NTFS permissions: only SYSTEM (I removed all others)
I am currently using this code:
static void accessWithBackupSemantics() {
NetResource netResource = new NetResource() {
Scope = ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork,
ResourceType = ResourceType.Disk,
DisplayType = ResourceDisplayType.Share,
Usage = ResourceUsage.Connectable,
RemoteName = #"\\target-srv\TargetShare"
// open "net use" connection
int netResult = Native.WNetAddConnection2(netResource,
if (netResult == 0 || netResult == 1219) {
// enable privileges
// (this is taken from AplhaFS)
using (new PrivilegeEnabler(Privilege.Backup)) {
try {
// try open remote directory
SafeFileHandle fsHandle = Native.CreateFile(
EFileShare.Read | EFileShare.Write,
Console.WriteLine("Handle is valid: " + !fsHandle.IsInvalid);
catch (Exception ex) {}
finally {
Native.WNetCancelConnection2(netResource.RemoteName, 0, true);
PrivilegeEnabler class is taken from AlphaFS
Native win32 structures and flags are taken from
This works if I specify "DOMAIN\Administrator" in the username, but does not work (the error is 5 - access denied) if I try to use a domain account that is a member of the local "Backup Operators" on target-srv server.
I have also examined the security event log on target-srv, for every connection created with WNetAddConnection2 a "Special Logon" event is written. The details of this event include the list of privileges that the logon account was given.
In both cases (when I connect with administrator or with backup_op_user) - seBackupPrivilege is indeed listed.
I tried to give extra privileges to the "Backup Operators" so the list has all the privileges that the Administrator has - but it made no change.
What is the right way to use Backup-Semantics over the network?
How come it works with Administrator and not with a member of "Backup Operators" - are there additional implicit permissions for the Admin?
I have seen many examples of local use of Backup-Semantics, but not one that can be used over the network - please don't reply with links to examples of local usage.

sendReminderToParticipants and Localisable.strings not working

I'm trying to make GKTurnBasedMatch's sendReminderToParticipants work correctly in conjunction with Localizable.strings so as to implement 'poke' functionality whereby you poke another player to have their turn.
Here is what my Localizable.strings file looks like:
"POKE" = "%# has poked you!";
It's set to UTF-16 encoding as per below:
And here is my function call:
let messageKey = "POKE"
if opponent?.player?.alias != nil
match.sendReminderToParticipants([opponent!], localizableMessageKey: messageKey, arguments: [opponent!.player!.alias!]) { (error) in
if error != nil {
NSLog("Problem poking player: \(error!.description)")
NSLog("You have poked the opponent for match \(match.matchID). resetting poke date")
Localizable.strings is included in the "Copy Bundle Resources" of my build phases for my build target
I deleted the app from my device and rebuilt it cleanly.
Issue: It doesn't work! The push notification that is received simply is the default one saying "Your Turn". I must have missed something. Can someone please advise if there is something else I need to have done to make this work?

Windows: ReportEvent function

As far as I understood, the ReportEvent function requires Message Text Files associated through the registry to receive properly formatted messages. Is there any common Event Ids or any simple way to report an event with no Message Text Files associated?
Or may be, is there special common Event Source which I can use in my application? Something like RegisterEventSource(NULL, "Application")?
You don't have to register your messages in HKLM. (Which is a good thing, because you can't register messages if you're not an administrator).
But that doesn't stop you from writing events to the Windows Application event log. The only downside is that starting with Windows Vista you'll just get some ugly text along with it.
HRESULT LogToEventLog(String Source, String EventText, int EventType, DWORD EventID)
EventType is one of:
Source is your name for your app or feature, e.g.:
"My Cool App"
HANDLE h = RegisterEventSource(null, Source); //null --> local computer
if (h == 0)
return HResultFromWin32(GetLastError);
PChar[1] ss;
ss[0] = PChar(EventText);
if (!ReportEvent(
h, // event log handle
EventType, // event type
0, // category zero
EventID, // event identifier
null, // no user security identifier
1, // one substitution string
0, // no data
#ss, // pointer to string array
null // pointer to data
return HResultFromWin32(GetLastError);
return S_OK;
And so now you can log events to the Application event log:
LogToEventLog("Stackoverflow", "Question 5399066 was answered by Ian Boyd",
Steal someone else's registration
Unfortunately, starting with Windows Vista, Windows will give ugly complaints that you didn't register the event beforehand:
The description for Event ID 69 from source Stackoverflow cannot be
found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on
your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install
or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information
had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Question 5399066 was answered by Ian Boyd
But you don't have to live with it. Just because you didn't register an message source file in HKLM, doesn't mean nobody else did.
Notice, for example, a message from the Outlook source in the Event log:
Source: Outlook
EventID: 0x40000020
Event Data: D:\win32app\Exchange\Outlook2003.pst
Message: The store D:\win32app\Exchange\Outlook2003.pst has detected a catalog checkpoint.
You can check registration information for Outlook in:
And see:
MessageEventFile: REG_SZ = "D:\Programs\MICROS~4\Office14\1033\MAPIR.DLL"
If you peek into the resources of MAPIR.dll binary, you'll see its Message Table:
0x12, "Connection stats for server (%1). Rpcs Attempted (%2), Rpcs Succeeded (%3), Rpcs Failed (%4), Rpcs Canceled (%5), Rpc UI shown (%6), Avg request time (%7) ms, Min request time (%8) ms, Max request time (%9) ms.\r\n"
0x14, "Cancelable RPC started.\r\n"
0x15, "Cancelable RPC shutdown.\r\n"
0x40000010, "Cancelable RPC dialog shown for server (%1), total wait time was (%2) ms, result was (%3).\r\n"
0x40000011, "User canceled request against server (%1) after waiting (%2) ms.\r\n"
0x40000013, "Rpc call (%1) on transport (%2) to server (%3) failed with error code (%4) after waiting (%5) ms; eeInfo (%6).\r\n"
0x40000016, "There was a problem reading one or more of your reminders. Some reminders may not appear.\r\n"
0x40000017, "Unable to update public free/busy data.\r\n"
0x4000001A, "%1\r\n"
0x4000001B, "%1\r\n"
0x4000001D, "The store %1 is being re-pushed to the indexer for the following reason: %2.\r\n"
0x4000001E, "Starting reconciliation for the store %1 for the following reason: %2.\r\n"
0x4000001F, "The store %1 has detected a catalog rebuild.\r\n"
0x40000020, "The store %1 has detected a catalog checkpoint.\r\n"
You can see that eventid 0x40000020 is assocated with a formatting string:
"The store %1 has detected a catalog checkpoint.\r\n"
You can hijack Outlook's registration:
LogToEventLog("Outlook", "Your mom", EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, $40000020);
and you'll get your event added to the event log without all the ugly warnings:
No, you just have to follow the rules and define your message text files, build them into resources, link them to your app etc.
The example provided at MSDN leads you through everything you need to do.
Try this out, it's worked for me before..
