How to strip a number in the output of an executable? - bash

I run an executable which outputs a lot of lines to stdout. The last line is
Run in 100 seconds
The code in the C program of the executable to write the last line is
printf("Ran in %g seconds\n", time);
So there is a newline character at the end.
I want to strip the last number, e.g. 100, from the stdout, so in bash
./myexecutable > output
Then I wonder how to further parse output to get the time number in bash? Do I need some applications to do that?

You could use grep:
grep -oP 'Ran in \K\d+' output
grep -oP '(?<=Ran in )\d+(?= seconds)' output

Let's say:
s='Run in 100 seconds'
Using tr:
tr -cd '[[:digit:]]' <<< "$s"
Using sed:
sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' <<< "$s"
However if you want to grab last number in a line then use this lookahead regex:
s='Run 10 in 100 seconds'
grep -oP '\d+(?!\D*\d)' <<< "$s"

Or, use tail to grab the last line (tail -n 1 <file>) and extract the number by either -
Using sed with three pattern groups and printing the second group match:
tail -n 1 output | sed 's/\(^Run in \)\([0-9]\+\)\( seconds$\)/\2/g'
Using awk to print the third ($3) token:
tail -n 1 output | awk '{print $3}'


How to search for a matching string in a file bottom-to-top without using tac? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to grep through a file, starting at the bottom of the file until I get to the first date that appears "2021-04-04", and then return that date. I don't want to start from the top and work my way down to the first line as there's thousands of lines in each file.
Example file contents:
random text on first line
random text on second line
random text on fourth line
random text on sixth line
Random text on ninth line
tac isn't available on MacOS so I can't use it.
"thousands of lines" are nothing, they'll be processed in the blink of an eye. Once you get into 10s of millions of lines THEN you could start thinking about a performance improvement if it became necessary.
All you need is:
awk '/[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}/{line=$0} END{if (line!="") print line}' file
Here's the 3rd-run timing comparison for finding the last line containing 2 or more consecutive 5s in a 100000 line file generated by seq 100000 > file100k, i.e. where the target string is just 45 lines from the end of the input file, with and without tac:
$ time awk '/5{2}/{line=$0} END{if (line!="") print line}' file100k
real 0m0.056s
user 0m0.031s
sys 0m0.000s
$ time tac file100k | awk '/5{2}/{print; exit}'
real 0m0.056s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.030s
As you can see, both ran in a fraction of a second and using tac did nothing to improve the speed of execution. Switching to tac+grep doesn't make it any faster either, it still just takes 1/20th of a second:
$ time tac file100k | grep -m1 '5\{2\}'
real 0m0.057s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m0.015s
In case you ever do need it in future, though, here's how to implement an efficient tac if you don't have it:
$ mytac() { cat -n "${#:--}" | sort -k1,1rn | cut -d$'\t' -f2-; }
$ seq 5 | mytac
The above mytac() function just adds line numbers to the input, sorts those in reverse and then removes them again. If your cat doesn't have -n to add line numbers then you can use nl if you have it or awk -v OFS='\t' '{print NR, $0}' will always work.
Use tac:
function process_file_backwords(){
tac $1 | while IFS= read line; do
# Grep for xxxx-xx-xx number matching
first_date=$(echo $line | grep '[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}' | awk -F '"' '{ print $2}')
# Check if the variable is not empty, if yes break the loop
[ ! -z $first_date ] && echo $first_date && break
echo $(process_file_backwords $1)
Note: Make sure you add empty line at the of the file so tac will not concatenate the last two lines.
Note: Remove the awk part if the file contains strings without ".
On MacOS
You can use tail -r which will do the same thing as tac but you may have to supply the number of lines you want tail to output from your file. Something like this should work:
tail -r -n $(wc -l myfile.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1) myfile.txt | grep -m 1 -o -P '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'
-r tells tail to output its last line first
-n takes a numeric argument telling how many lines tail should output
wc -l outputs the line count and filename of a given file
cut -d ' ' splits the above on the space character and -f 1 takes the first "field" which will be our line count
$ cat myfile.txt
this is a date 2021-04-03
this is another date 2021-04-04 for example
$ tail -r -n $(wc -l myfile.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1) myfile.txt | grep -m 1 -o -P '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'
grep options:
The -m 1 option will quit after the first result.
The -o option
will return only the string matching the pattern (i.e. your date)
The -P option uses the perl regex engine which is really down to
preference but I personally prefer the regex syntax (seems to use
fewer backslashes \)
On Linux
You can use tac (cat in reverse) and pipe that into your grep. e.g.:
$ tac myfile.txt
this is another date 2021-04-04 for example
this is a date 2021-04-03
$ tac myfile.txt | grep -m 1 -o -P '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'
You can use perl to reverse the lines and grep for the 1st match too.
perl -e 'print reverse<>' inputFile | grep -m1 '[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}'

Grep - Getting the character position in the line of each occurrence

According to the manual, the option -b can give the byte offset of a given occurence, but it seems to start from the beginning of the parsed content.
I need to retrieve the position of each matching content returned by grep. I used this line, but it's quite ugly:
grep '<REGEXP>' | while read -r line ; do echo $line | grep -bo '<REGEXP>' ; done
How to get it done in a more elegant way, with a more efficient use of GNU utils?
$ echo "abcdefg abcdefg" > test.txt
$ grep 'efg' | while read -r line ; do echo $line | grep -bo 'efg' ; done < test.txt
(Indeed, this command line doesn't output the line number, but it's not difficult to add it.)
With any awk (GNU or otherwise) in any shell on any UNIX box:
$ awk -v re='efg' -v OFS=':' '{
end = 0
while( match(substr($0,end+1),re) ) {
print NR, end+=RSTART, substr($0,end,RLENGTH)
}' test.txt
All strings, fields, array indices in awk start at 1, not zero, hence the output not looking like yours since to awk your input string is:
abcdefg abcdefg
rather than:
abcdefg abcdefg
Feel free to change the code above to end+=RSTART-1 and end+=RLENGTH if you prefer 0-indexed strings.
Perl is not a GNU util, but can solve your problem nicely:
perl -nle 'print "$.:$-[0]" while /efg/g'

bash - how do I use 2 numbers on a line to create a sequence

I have this file content:
And I would like to obtain something of this sort:
Basically I would need a one liner in sed/awk that would read the values on both sides of the TO separator and inject those in a seq command or do the loop on its own and dump it in the same file as a value per line with an arbitrary increment, let's say 4 in the example above.
I know I can use several one temp file, go the read command and sorts, but I would like to do it in a one liner starting with cat filename | etc. as it is already part of a bigger script.
Correctness of the input is guaranteed so always left side of TOis smaller than bigger side of it.
Like this:
awk -F'TO' -v inc=4 'NF==1{print $1;next}{for(i=$1;i<=$2;i+=inc)print i}' file
or, if you like starting with cat:
cat file | awk -F'TO' -v inc=4 'NF==1{print $1;next}{for(i=$1;i<=$2;i+=inc)print i}'
Something like this might work:
awk -F TO '{system("seq " $1 " 4 " ($2 ? $2 : $1))}'
This would tell awk to system (execute) the command seq 10 4 10 for lines just containing 10 (which outputs 10), and something like seq 10 4 40 for lines like 10TO40. The output seems to match your example.
You can do:
echo "$txt" | awk -F TO '{$2<$1 ? t=$1 : t=$2; for(i=$1; i<=t; i++) print i}'
If you want an increment greater than 1:
echo "$txt" | awk -F TO -v p=4 '{$2<$1 ? t=$1 : t=$2; for(i=$1; i<=t; i+=p) print i}'
Give a try to this:
sed 's/TO/ /' file.txt | while read first second; do if [ ! -z "$second" ] ; then seq $first 4 $second; else printf "%s\n" $first; fi; done
sed is used to replace TO with space char.
read is used to read the line, if there are 2 numbers, seq is used to generate the sequence. Otherwise, the uniq number is printed.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/(.*)TO(.*)/seq \1 4 \2/e' file
This evaluates the RHS of the substitution command if the LHS contains TO.

how can I get the index of a character in a given concurrence which is repeated several times in a TEXT line using SHELL (BASH) script

I have a Text string like below
"/path/to/log/file/LOG_FILE.log.2013-10-02-15:2013-10-02 15:46:57.809 INFO - TTT005|Receive|0000293|N~0000284~YOS~TTT005~ ~000~YC~|YOS TYOS-YCUPDT1-H 20131002154657669284YCARR TTT005 Y0TD04 |1|0150520106050|001|051052020603|003|015030010101502702060510520101|000||000|| "
Here "|" is repeated several times within the string and I need to get the index of 4th occurrence of "|" character using shell-script (BASH) command. I tried to find a way using grep command's options.
Using awk you can do:
awk -F '|' '{print index($0, $5)-1}' file
This will print character position of fourth pipe in the file.
grep can print the byte-offset; when used with -o it prints the byte-offset of the matching part.
$ string="/path/to/log/file/LOG_FILE.log.2013-10-02-15:2013-10-02 15:46:57.809 INFO - TTT005|Receive|0000293|N~0000284~YOS~TTT005~ ~000~YC~|YOS TYOS-YCUPDT1-H 20131002154657669284YCARR TTT005 Y0TD04 |1|0150520106050|001|051052020603|003|015030010101502702060510520101|000||000||"
$ grep -ob "[^|]*" <<< "${string}" | sed '5!d' | cut -d: -f1
Alternatively, without using grep:
$ newstring=$(echo "${string}" | cut -d\| -f5-)
$ echo $(( ${#string} - ${#newstring} ))

What is a unix command for deleting the first N characters of a line?

For example, I might want to:
tail -f logfile | grep org.springframework | <command to remove first N characters>
I was thinking that tr might have the ability to do this but I'm not sure.
Use cut. Eg. to strip the first 4 characters of each line (i.e. start on the 5th char):
tail -f logfile | grep org.springframework | cut -c 5-
sed 's/^.\{5\}//' logfile
and you replace 5 by the number you should do the trick...
if for each line
sed 's/^.\{5\}//g' logfile
You can use cut:
cut -c N- file.txt > new_file.txt
-c: characters
file.txt: input file
new_file.txt: output file
N-: Characters from N to end to be cut and output to the new file.
Can also have other args like: 'N' , 'N-M', '-M' meaning nth character, nth to mth character, first to mth character respectively.
This will perform the operation to each line of the input file.
Here is simple function, tested in bash. 1st param of function is string, 2nd param is number of characters to be stripped
function stringStripNCharsFromStart {
echo ${1:$2:${#1}}
$ stringStripNCharsFromStart "12abcdefgh-" 2
# 2abcdefgh-
tail -f logfile | grep org.springframework | cut -c 900-
would remove the first 900 characters
cut uses 900- to show the 900th character to the end of the line
however when I pipe all of this through grep I don't get anything
I think awk would be the best tool for this as it can both filter and perform the necessary string manipulation functions on filtered lines:
tail -f logfile | awk '/org.springframework/ {print substr($0, 6)}'
tail -f logfile | awk '/org.springframework/ && sub(/^.{5}/,"",$0)'
echo ${x:1}
returns ello
replace 1 with N as required
