Scheme Argument Checker Error-handling - scheme

I'm fairly new to Scheme programming and was wondering how I can add some error checkers in this program. I would like it to check if the user types in more than one parameter and if the user does I would like it to say that its an error.
(define (thirds lst)
(cond ((or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst))) lst)
((null? (cddr lst)) (list (car lst)))
(else (cons (car lst)
(thirds (cdddr lst))))))

The Scheme interpreter should check this automatically. You only need to do your own checking of the number of arguments if you define the procedure to take spread arguments, i.e.
(define (thirds . args)
You would normally only do this if the procedure takes a variable number of arguments. For procedures with static arguments, just list them in the definition and let the interpreter do the checking for you.
If you really want to detect this yourself, you can do:
(define (thirds . args)
(if (= (length args) 1)
(let ((lst (car args)))
(cond ... ; all the rest of your code
(display "Oh that's an error")))

So, using your definition of thirds in #!racket (the language) and trying to use it like this:
(thirds '(a b c) '(d e f))
thirds: arity mismatch;
the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
expected: 1
given: 2
'(a b c)
'(d e f)
As you can see all computation stops since I have given a one argument procedure two arguments. It's a contract violation and it throws an exception.
It's perfectly possible to make handlers:
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract?
(λ (e) (displayln "got a contract error"))])
(thirds '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
; prints "got a contract error"


Problems about Scheme with postfix

Here is my code about postfix in scheme:
(define (stackupdate e s)
(if (number? e)
(cons e s)
(cons (eval '(e (car s) (cadr s))) (cddr s))))
(define (postfixhelper lst s)
(if (null? lst)
(car s)
(postfixhelper (cdr lst) (stackupdate (car lst) s))))
(define (postfix list)
(postfixhelper list '()))
(postfix '(1 2 +))
But when I tried to run it, the compiler said it takes wrong. I tried to check it, but still can't find why it is wrong. Does anyone can help me? Thanks so much!
And this is what the compiler said:
e: unbound identifier;
also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: e
eval never has any information about variables that some how are defined in the same scope as it is used. Thus e and s does not exist. Usually eval is the wrong solution, but if you are to use eval try doing it as as little as you can:
;; Use eval to get the global procedure
;; from the host scheme
(define (symbol->proc sym)
(eval sym))
Now instead of (eval '(e (car s) (cadr s))) you do ((symbol->proc e) (car s) (cadr s)). Now you should try (postfix '(1 2 pair?))
I've made many interpreters and none of them used eval. Here is what I would have done most of the time:
;; Usually you know what operators are supported
;; so you can map their symbol with a procedure
(define (symbol->proc sym)
(case sym
[(+) +]
[(hyp) (lambda (k1 k2) (sqrt (+ (* k1 k1) (* k2 k2))))]
[else (error "No such operation" sym)]))
This fixes the (postfix '(1 2 pair?)) problem. A thing that I see in your code is that you always assume two arguments. But how would you do a double? eg something that just doubles the one argument. In this case symbol->proc could return more information:
(define (symbol->op sym)
(case sym
[(+) (cons + 2)]
[(double) (cons (lambda (v) (* v v)) 1)]
[else (error "No such operation" sym)]))
(define op-proc car)
(define op-arity cdr)
And in your code you could do this if it's not a number:
(let* ([op (symbol->op e)]
[proc (op-proc op)]
[arity (op-arity op)])
(cons (apply proc (take s arity)
(drop s arity)))
take and drop are not R5RS, but they are simple to create.

Scheme returns #<procedure>, not a value

I am trying to use the unrestricted lambda in order to apply an arbitrary number of procedures on one argument. My code returns '#procedure' rather than a value (I was expecting ((compose-many add1 add1 add1) 3) => 6). Please clarify my mistake. Thank you.
(define compose-many
(lambda args
(lambda (x)
((null? args)
((null? (cdr args))
(car args) x)
(else (car args) (compose-many (cdr args)))))))
((compose-many add1 add1 add1) 3)
In your code, when you call the recursion you're expected to again pass values to the parameters in (lambda args (lambda (x) ...)), when the correct would be to just iterate over the args. Also, you forgot to actually apply the procedures! An expression like this: ((null? (cdr args)) (car args) x) ignores the result of (car args) and just returns x.
To see this more clearly, let's see how the solution should look for a case in particular, say - we only have to compose three procedures. Notice that we return a single lambda and how the procedures are applied:
(define (compose f g h)
(lambda (x)
(f (g (h x)))))
We should approach the problem differently: we must return the (lambda (x) ...) only once, and a "loop" should process the args list before returning it. Something like this, perhaps?
(define compose-many
(lambda args
; we return (lambda (x) ...) only once, is not part of the recursion
(lambda (x)
; here we loop over the args list
(define (helper args)
(if (null? args)
; notice the "((" here we apply the procedure!
((car args) (helper (cdr args)))))
; call the helper a single time and we're done!
(helper args))))
((compose-many add1 add1 add1) 3)
=> 6

Product of squares of odd elements in list in Scheme

I wanted to write a code in Scheme that writes the square odd elements in list.For example (list 1 2 3 4 5) for this list it should write 225.For this purpose i write this code:
(define (square x)(* x x))
(define (product-of-square-of-odd-elements sequence)
(cond[(odd? (car sequence)) '() (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence))]
[else ((square (car sequence)) (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence)))]))
For run i write this (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (list 1 2 3 4 5))
and i get error like this:
car: contract violation
expected: pair?
given: '()
What should i do to make this code to run properly? Thank you for your answers.
First of all, you need to do proper formatting:
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (product-of-square-of-odd-elements sequence)
[(odd? (car sequence))
'() (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence))]
((square (car sequence)) (product-of-square-of-odd-elements (cdr sequence)))]))
Now there are multiple issues with your code:
You are trying to work recursively on a sequence, but you are missing a termination case: What happens when you pass '() - the empty sequence? This is the source of your error: You cannot access the first element of an empty sequence.
You need to build up your result somehow: Currently you're sending a '() into nirvana in the first branch of your cond and put a value into function call position in the second.
So let's start from scratch:
You process a sequence recursively, so you need to handle two cases:
(define (fn seq)
(if (null? seq)
;; termination case
;; recursive case
Let's take the recursive case first: You need to compute the square and multiply it with the rest of the squares (that you'll compute next).
(* (if (odd? (car seq)
(square (car seq))
(fn (cdr seq)))
In the termination case you have no value to square. So you just use the unit value of multiplication: 1
This is not a good solution, as you can transform it into a tail recursive form and use higher order functions to abstract the recursion altogether. But I think that's enough for a start.
With transducers:
(define prod-square-odds
(let ((prod-square-odds
((compose (filtering odd?)
(mapping square)) *)))
(lambda (lst)
(foldl prod-square-odds 1 lst))))
(prod-square-odds '(1 2 3 4 5))
; ==> 225
It uses reusable transducers:
(define (mapping procedure)
(lambda (kons)
(lambda (e acc)
(kons (procedure e) acc))))
(define (filtering predicate?)
(lambda (kons)
(lambda (e acc)
(if (predicate? e)
(kons e acc)
You can decompose the problem into, for example:
Skip the even elements
Square each element
take the product of the elements
With this, an implementation is naturally expressed using simpler functions (most of which exist in Scheme) as:
(define product-of-square-of-odd-elements (l)
(reduce * 1 (map square (skip-every-n 1 l))))
and then you implement a helper function or two, like skip-every-n.

Create lists from lists

I want to write a function which for n arguments will create n lists and each contains n-th element for every argument, for example:
(aux '(1 2) '(3 4)) = `((1 3) (2 4))
I wrote such a function:
(define (aux . args)
(if (null? args)
(cons (map car args)
(aux (map cdr args)))))
but when I try to evalute (aux '(1 2) '(3 4)) the REPL does not show any output.
My question is what should I change because I don't see any syntax errors.
Chris is correct. In the event you want to use rest arguments and then use it in recursion you should consider wrapping it in a named let or make a local helper procedure.
(define (zip . args)
(let aux ((args args))
(if (ormap null? args)
(cons (map car args)
(aux (map cdr args))))))
I also do this when there are arguments that don't change. eg. a map implementation for only one list I don't pass the procedure at each iteration:
(define (map1 proc lst)
(let aux ((lst lst))
(if (null? lst)
(cons (proc (car lst))
(aux (cdr lst))))))
Of course what actually will happen is up to the implementation so don't think of any of these as optimizations. It's mostly for code clarity.
You forgot to write an apply in your function. Don't worry, I make this mistake all the time, which was why I spotted it instantly. ;-)
Basically, you need to use (apply aux (map cdr args)). Otherwise, your aux is being recursed into with one argument only.
Oh, and you also need to use (ormap null? args) instead of just (null? args), since the base case is that all your given lists are exhausted, not that you have no given lists.

Using AND with the apply function in Scheme

Why doesn't the following work?
(apply and (list #t #t #f))
While the following works just fine.
(apply + (list 1 3 2))
This seems to be the case in both R5RS and R6RS?
and isn't a normal function because it will only evaluate as few arguments as it needs, to know whether the result is true or false. For example, if the first argument is false, then no matter what the other arguments are, the result has to be false so it won't evaluate the other arguments. If and were a normal function, all of its arguments would be evaluated first, so and was made a special keyword which is why it cannot be passed as a variable.
(define and-l (lambda x
(if (null? x)
(if (car x) (apply and-l (cdr x)) #f))))
pleas notice that this is lambda variadic!
apply example (and-l #t #t #f)
or you can use it via apply procedure(as was asked)
for example (apply and-l (list #t #t #f))
both options are ok...
and is actually a macro, whose definition is outlined in R5RS chapter 4. The notation "library syntax" on that page really means it is implemented as a macro.
Section 7.3, Derived expression types gives a possible definition of the and macro:
(define-syntax and
(syntax-rules ()
((and) #t)
((and test) test)
((and test1 test2 ...)
(if test1 (and test2 ...) #f))))
Given this defintion, it is not possible to use and as a function argument to apply.
In the Scheme dialect MIT/GNU Scheme, you can use the function boolean/and instead of the special form and.
(apply boolean/and (list #t #t #f)) ;Value: #f
Also, for the record, I couldn’t find any equivalent function in Guile Scheme’s procedure index.
(Other answers have already explained why the special form and won’t work, and shown how to write your own replacement function if there isn’t already such a function in your dialect.)
If you REALLY wanted to have a function pointer to a function that does and, and you don't mind behavior different than the "real" and, then this would work:
(define and-l (lambda (a b) (and a b)))
Which you can apply like this:
(apply and-l (list #t #f))
The two caveats are:
All of the args get evaluated, in violation of the definition of and, which should have shortcutting behavior.
Only two arguments are allowed.
I've stumbled across the same problem and found an elegant solution in Racket.
Since the problem is that "and" is a macro and not a function in order to prevent the evaluation of all its arguments, I've read a little on "lazy racket" and found that "and" is a function in that language. So I came up with the following solution where I just import the lazy and as "lazy-and":
#lang racket
(require (only-in lazy [and lazy-and]))
(define (mm)
(map number? '(1 2 3)))
(printf "~a -> ~a\n" (mm) (apply lazy-and (mm)))
which yields
(#t #t #t) -> #t
try this:
(define list-and (lambda (args) (and (car args) (list-and (cdr args)))))
then you can use apply to list-and!
You could also use
(define (andApply lBoo)
(if (not (car lBoo)) #f
(if (= 1(length lBoo)) (car lBoo)
(andApply (cdr lBoo)))))
I also bump into this problem playing with PLT-Scheme 372, I have digged into the behavior of and-syntax, and figure out the follow code which works just as if one would intuitively expect (apply and lst) to return, but I haven't done exaustive test.
(define (list-and lst)
((null? lst) '())
((not (pair? lst)) (and lst))
((eq? (length lst) 1) (car lst))
(and (car lst)
(list-and (cdr lst))))
Welcome to DrScheme, version 372 [3m].
Language: Textual (MzScheme, includes R5RS).
> (eq? (and '()) (list-and '()))
> (eq? (and '#f) (list-and (list '#f)))
> (eq? (and 'a) (list-and (list 'a)))
> (eq? (and 'a 'b) (list-and (list 'a 'b)))
> (eq? (and 'a 'b '()) (list-and (list 'a 'b '())))
> (eq? (and 'a 'b '#t) (list-and (list 'a 'b '#t)))
> (eq? (and 'a 'b '#f) (list-and (list 'a 'b '#f)))
I've also figured out another mind-trapping workaround. I call it mind-trapping because at first I don't know how to turn it into a function... Here it is (only a demo of my intuitive idea):
Welcome to DrScheme, version 372 [3m].
Language: Textual (MzScheme, includes R5RS).
> (eval (cons 'and (list ''#f ''#f ''#t)))
> (eval (cons 'and (list ''a ''b ''c)))
But later I asked a question and got the answer here: Is it possible to generate (quote (quote var)) or ''var dynamically? . With this answer one can easily turn the above idea into a function.
(define (my-quote lst)
(map (lambda (x) `'',x) lst))
(cons 'and (my-quote (list 'a 'b 'c)))
=> '(and ''a ''b ''c)
