WP 8.1 - Debug Universal App in device not working with VS 2013 - debugging

im trying to ebug my universal app from VS 2013 update 2 in my WP8.1 device but i have this error:
Failed to deploy. Make sure another deployment or debugging session is
not in progress for the same emulator or device from a different
instance of Visual Studio: Error writing file
'%FOLDERID_SharedData%\PhoneTools\11.0\Debugger\bin\RemoteDebugger\msvsmon.exe'. Error 0x80070005: Access Denied.
I tried run as administrator and got the same error. Im using VS 2013 Update 1+2, Windows Phone 8.1 on my device (unlocked with WP8.1 developer tool).
Thanks in advance!

Usually, this error means there's a pending Windows Phone OS update. Can you see if you have pending updates on the phone and restart?
In the remote case that still doesn't work, you can try reset the phone in about page to get the phone to a clean state.

Probably you installed the app before and then changed some settings in you AppManifest like the project-ID. Uninstall the previously installed version from your device or change the ID-settings back to what you used for the previous installation.


Deploy/debug app from VS 2019 to windows 10 mobile phone via USB

I have some old windows 10 mobile phones, that I want to give a second life as a music device for my kids. Since I have Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise at my hands, I thought I try to create something myself.
Not I tried to create an UWP app and a Xamarin app and try to debug them on the phone (connected via USB, developer mode enabled, unlocked). But with both I get this error:
DEP6957: Failed to connect to device '' using Universal
Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode
is specified in the project debug settings. COMException ... HRESULT:
0x8007274D) [0x8007274D]
The apps are still in their initial state after creating the project, no modifications done. The settings for debugging are set to: Debug, ARM, Device
I had some experience with an older Visual Studio version and windows phone 7, back then it just worked and all the documents I could google up suggest, while there are new ways, it should still work via USB.
If you plan to develop Windows 10 Mobile App, you need to use Visual Studio 2017 and make sure the target version of the app is below 14393.
Visual Studio 2019 no longer supports deploying UWP apps on mobile phones.
Best regards.
sometime i must reboot service something like windowsphone ipoverusb

Error: Unable to activate Windows Store app …. The xxx.exe process started, but the activation request failed with error ‘The app didn’t start’

Using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate update 4, I have developed a universal app for the store and the phone under Windows 8.1. The app is implemented upon the Prism for Windows Runtime.
The app is at its final testing stage. I have no problem to run/test it with the corresponding emulators and devices (Surface Pro and Lumia 1020) until few days ago. Although the app can still run/test with the emulators (The store app can be still packaged and deployed to Surface Pro for testing). But I will receive following error message when running with device (Lumia 1020) under Visual Studio 2013:
Unable to activate Windows Store app …. The xxx.exe process started, but the activation request failed with error ‘The app didn’t start’.
I have tried all followings in number of times, still received the same error message (there is no app.config file used in app (at least not being seen in the solution pane and windows explorer):
Roll back to the change set where I have successful made the build and deployed to Phone.
Run repair on Visual Studio
The problem has been fixed.
I have used MS Ocr Lib. for Phone once which only works for ARM. After using NuGet to remove Ocr lib., OcrResource folder still remains in the phone project.
To fix the problem, one must either deletes OcrResource folder if the target platform is for Any CPU, or keep OcrResource folder and set the target platform as ARM.

Windows Phone 8.1 Device (Lumia 930) and VS2013 debugging works only with disabled WiFi

There were errors in VS2013 when a Windows Phone 8.1 App is launching for deploy and debug:
Error 1 Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred
during boostrapping stage 'Connecting to the device':
SmartDeviceException - Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was
detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on. AppWP
Error 2 Error : DEP6200 : Boostrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot
be found. Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected.
Make sure a phone is connected and powered on. AppWP
After performing of many method trying to eliminate this problem (disabling firewall, reinstalling SDKs, updating Lumia 930 to the latest Windows Phone developer preview), I managed to deploy and run an app with debugging. And as topic says, deploying and debugging is possible only with disabled WiFi on the Phone.
After enabling WiFi on the Lumia 930 device while connection of VS-debugger/PowerTools is established, then the debugging session stays connected and working. But if I disconnect Windows Phone Developer Power Tools (8.1) and try to connect again (while WiFi is enabled), it says:
Power Tools can't communicate with the device. Here's the error message:
0x80131600 - 0x80131500 - 0xC0000374
Visual Studio can deploy and start a new debug session after enabling of WiFi even after restarting of a VS2013.
But, after restarting the Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) service, VS2013 becomes unable to deploy and debug again until WiFi is disabled again.
That's how it behaves.
UPDATE: After updating to Lumia Denim, the bug was fixed.
I have solved it with the following steps:
Open Windows Search, search for "services".
Find the Service “Windows IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc)”.
Alter initialization type for automatic and click mouse right button and select Start.
Try running !
I put this answer on another post but I guess some did not feel it was an appropriate answer because I didn't find the exact cause - Can't deploy window phone apps to Emulator. Error DEP6100 & 6200. I see that you are having a few issues that I did not originally have but overall I was having weird symptoms. Below is what I did to remedy the DEP6100 and DEP 6200 errors.
I'll start by saying that reloading Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone SDK 8.0 did not fix my issue. What did correct my issue was creating a blank project within the Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone and deploying the project. Then I went into Visual Studio 2013 and tried deploying my project again and voila, it worked. Why, I have no idea but my guess is there is a file or configuration that is set up by VS Express 2012 for WP that has been missed in the VS 2013 with built in WP SDK.
I had a similar experience with VS 2013 where I could not connect the debugger to the device AND the app would crash out with WIFI enabled (emulator was fine)
I solved these problems by installing VS2015 Enterprise RC

Windows phone emulator not being started

I am facing a strange issue with Windows Phone Emulators for last a few days. When I try to run any windows phone application from Visual Studio 2013/2012, it initially starts the emulator and then stops with an error displayed in the error window inside visual studio:
Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Connecting to the device':
SmartDeviceException - App deployment failed. Please try again.
I have been trying many solutions in order to fix this issue but nothing helped. At last I re-installed the whole windows 8.1 and then visual studio 2013. Then I created a windows phone 8 application and run it smoothly in windows phone emulator.
Then I installed all windows updates including windows 8.1 update 1. After that I installed the visual studio 2013 update 2. Now if I run any new/existing windows phone 8/8.1 project I get the same error again. Seems like there is something wrong with windows 8.1 updates or visual studio 2013 update 2.
Any help?
Open network and sharing center
Change adapter settings
Check if vEthernet [Windows phone emulator internal switch is enabled)
Try deploying it to the emulator now
If above does not work
Delete the virtual switch(s) if any and do a deployment
If it still does not work, connect to the internet via a LAN
Keep you’r wifi on
do a deployment to the emulator
Most cases above method worked !
I had the same error when i tried switching the target OS version of my app from Windows Phone 8 to 8.1. With 8.1 you get a new manifest file and if, for app or publisher identification string, you have different values in one manifest file than in the other, it will output that exact error when trying to start the app in the emulator. However after searching the web back when i had that error, this error seems to have quite a bunch of possible sources, this being only one among many other, but be sure to check it.
Uninstalling the symantec antivirus fixed my issue.

VisualStudio 2013 Express phone emulator - device not found

Step1: Installed VisualStudio 2013 Express for Windows along with
Update 2.
Step2: Created a blank Windows Phone App.
Step3: Deployed the app to the Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch 512MB.
The Emulator Displays with the message 'Windows Phone is Starting'. Times out after about 5 minutes with the following error messages:
Error: DEP6100: The following unexpected error occurred during
bootstrapping stage 'Connection to the device':
Error: DEP6200: Bootstrapping 'Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch 512MB' failed.
Device cannot be found. App deployment failed. Please try again.
Hyper-V Manager shows the phone emulator running when the app is deployed to the
Phone Emulator.
Running my existing phone 8.0 apps with VisualStudio 2012 Professonal through the
phone emulator stopped working after installing VisualStudio 2013 Express with Update 2.
I get this error:
Windows Phone Emulator is unable to connect to the Windows Phone
operating system:
The phone did not respond to the connect request.
Some functionality might be disabled.
Tried running as administrator and repairing VisualStudio 2013 Express with no effect of this problem.
Anyone having similar issues ?
I solved this problem just now. Please take all windows update. Reboot, and check again for any remaining update. This was a bug earlier as well so microsoft fixed it in first update of windows 8.1
Then check any remaining extension update for your visual studio 2013. update there as well.
Try opening a sample app, it should work.
I had same problem . first i fixed it with:
Updating windows
Uninstall / install Windows Phone SDK 8
Remove and add Hyper-v again ( maybe it is not necessary )
But problem came back and instead of previous solution i fixed the issue with :
going to windows firewall and then click on "restore defaults"
Open Hyper-V manager. Look at all the emulators that are running and turn them all off.
Then open visual studio and deploy your app.
This will start a fresh instance of Emulator.
I had the same problem with VisualStudio 2013 Professional and the latest Windows Phone 8.1 SDK and emulators (as of December 2014).
In my case I fixed it by changing the virtual switch 'WinPhoneEmulatorSwitch' in Hyper-V Manager from 'Internal network' to 'Private network'.
I found this solution at pekari.wordpress.com
I had your same problem and after many attempts resolved it this way:
Deactivate Hyper-V (and restart computer);
Go in the Device Manager and open the Network Adapters, here uninstall everything with the name "Hyper-V...", this will allow us to reactivate Hyper-V without any conflict;
Enable Hyper-V (and restart computer);
Finally launch the emulator (if it is the first time you launch it you will have to wait 5-10 minutes, so be patient and wait for it to load all apps it need).
