Spring transaction: requires_new beharivour - spring

May be I am misunderstand Spring Requires_new behavior. Here is my code:
public void outterMethod() throws Exception{
public void innerMethod1() throws Exception{
testService.insert(new Testbo("test-2", new Date()));
public void innerMethod2() throws Exception{
testService.insert(new Testbo("test-2", new Date()));
throw new Exception();
When the innnerMethod2 throws Exception, I thought that innerMethod1 still able to commit. But the all the outer and inner transactions rollback. What am I wrong here? How can I do to commit innerMethod1 when innerMethod2 rollback?

Although you have correctly understood the behavior of Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, you have stumbled upon a common misconception about Spring 's Transactional behavior.
In order for the transactional semantics to be applied (that is for the annotation of the method to have any effect), the method needs to be called from outside the class. Calling a method annotated with transactional from inside the class has absolutely no effect on the transactional processing (because the Spring generated proxy class that contains the transactional code does not come into play).
In your example innerMethod2 maybe annotated with #Transactional but since it is called from outterMethod, the annotation is not being processed.
Check out this part of the Spring documentation


How to declare `#Transactional` in a Spring Boot service so exception is thrown "immediately"?

Say I have the following spring beans in a spring boot app. My intent is to make createFoo() transactional so:
When barService.bar() throws exceptions, the persist gets rolled back.
When the persist throws exception, the exception propagates up to the caller "immediately" so barService.bar() is NOT called.
public class FooService
private FooRepository fooRepository;
private BarService barService;
public void createFoo(Foo foo) {
// expect to not execute when the above line throws exceptions
public class BarService {
public void bar() {
So far the 1st requirement works, however the 2nd doesn't. When the persist throws exception, barService.bar() is AlWAYS called.
If I remove #Transactional, 2nd requirement works, the 1st doesn't.
I also tried all Propagation types, none of them work as I expected. For example, if I use #Transactional(MANDATORY), I get the following error:
org.springframework.transaction.IllegalTransactionStateException: No existing transaction found for transaction marked with propagation 'mandatory'
Without #Transactional, each call to a repo method is a standalone transaction and it will be flushed immediately. That's why your 2nd requirement worked without #Transactional.
When you add #Transactional, the whole createFoo() becomes one single unit of transaction. Hence, the changes you make when calling save() will only be flushed when createFoo() completes its execution. That's why your 1st requirement worked with #Transactional.
To achieve what you want, keep #Transactional and call saveAndFlush() instead of save().

Spring managed transactions #Transactional annotation

Propagation setting is REQUIRED.
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
Transaction is read/write.
In which scenario those are used? Please give me explain with example
Spring transaction default is
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
So you do not need to specify the propagation property.
So, What does it mean by #Transactional annotation for a spring component ?
Spring framework will start a new transaction and executes all the method and finally commit the transaction.
But If no transaction is exists in the application context then spring container will start a new transaction.
If more than one method configured as Propagation.REQUIRED then transactional behavior assigned in a nested way to each method in logically but they are all under the same physical transaction.
So, What is the result ?
The result is if any nested transaction fail, then the whole transaction will fail and rolled back (do not insert any value in db) instead of commit.
public class ServiceA{
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public void foo(){
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public void fooB(){
//some operation
Explanation :
In this example foo() method assigned a transactional behavior and inside foo() another method fooB() called which is also transactional.
Here the fooB() act as nested transaction in terms of foo(). If fooB() fails for any reason then foo() also failed to commit. Rather it roll back.
This annotation is just to help the Spring framework to manage your database transaction.
Lets say you have a service bean that writes to your database and you want to make sure that the writing is done within a transaction then you use
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
Here is a small example of a Spring service bean.
class MyService {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public void writeStuff() {
// write something to your database
The Transactional annotation tells Spring that:
This service method requires to be executed within a transaction.
If an exception gets thrown while executing the service method, Spring will rollback the transaction and no data is written to the database.

Spring transaction when calling private method

I have two questions.
If I have a method:
public method1(){
public method2(){
If there is an exception in method2(), will there be a rollback?
Another question:
If I have a method:
public method1(){
private void method2(){
If there is an exception in method2(), will there be a rollback?
Yes, there will be a rollback.
The private methods will run within the same transaction. You should be aware that you can't have a #Transactional private method. It will not work without raising any error. This behavior is explained in Spring Docs:
Due to the proxy-based nature of Spring’s AOP framework, calls within
the target object are by definition not intercepted. For JDK proxies,
only public interface method calls on the proxy can be intercepted.
Yes to both. Transactional method means there must be no error during the entire runtime of the method.
If there is an error on one of the methods you are calling from within, these errors will be propagated and make the transaction fail and rollback.

Spring transaction and PersistenceContext

I've got situation like this:
public void register(String username, UserPasswordNew userPasswordNew, UserAccount userAccount) throws UserNameAlreadyExistsException {
I made some research but check me if I understand well. I've got entityManager (transaction scope). Method register is #Transactional so it means that this method is wrapped in proxy. When persistence context is created ? During the first call of entityManager.merge () ?? Transaction is commit after method because it's wrapped in proxy. So persistence context is removed after commit ?
Correct me if I am wrong, but you are using transaction scoped entitymanager, so during each call to entitymanager it ensure that persistence context exists, here entitymanager creates a new one and uses it to merge - and,as in transaction-scoped entitymanager, persistence context will be removed after each commit.

Spring Declarative Transaction not rolling back

I created a simple spring application to test the basics of Spring declarative transaction.
As per rules declarative transaction should rollback in case of RuntimeException.
But it was not rolling back in my case.
Main test class has code
public class SpringOraTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext aplctx= new
//Call to test Declarative Transaction with Annotation
TrxHandleAnnotated prxyobj=((TrxHandleAnnotated)aplctx.getBean("dbCommandAnnotated"));
The class TrxHandleAnnotated had code :-
public class TrxHandleAnnotated
public void doTask(){
ApplicationContext aplctx= new
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate= (JdbcTemplate)aplctx.getBean("jdbcTemplate");
jdbcTemplate.update("insert into kau_emp values(4,'forthmulga' )");
throw new RuntimeException();
And there was required configuration in config XML.
I was expecting that transaction be rolled back when exception is thrown. But it was not rolled back and record was getting commited to DB.
Even after long search on internet I could not understand why it was not getting rolled back.
Later I realised that, in doTask() code I am creating context once again and taking our JdbcTemplate instance out of new context it. This was the root cause of the issue.
I changed the code such a way that both classes will use some context. And it worked !!!
public class SpringOraTest {
public static ApplicationContext aplctx;
public static void main(String[] args) {
aplctx= new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("src\\config\\SpringConfigForOra.xml");
//Call to test Declarative Transaction with Annotation
TrxHandleAnnotated prxyobj=
public class TrxHandleAnnotated
public void doTask(){
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate=(JdbcTemplate)SpringOraTest.aplctx.getBean("jdbcTemplate");
jdbcTemplate.update("insert into kau_emp values(4,'forthmulga' )");
throw new RuntimeException();
This is a lesson-learnt for me that, unless otherwise required, whole application should use only one context object.
This will sound too obvious Spring practitioners but spring novice like me can do such silly mistakes. So thought of sharing it.
In this particular case instead of manually creating JdbcTemplate is better to declare it as member variable and use setter injection.
use #TransactionConfiguration("name",ROLLBACK); //check syntax after #Transactional while declaring TrxHandleAnnotated. see this link for more information about #Transcational and its usage.
