Query Designer does not recognize quotation marks in the name of synonym (Oracle) - visual-studio-2010

I need to get access to a synonym on a Oracle database.
What I have done so far is:
-Create a DataSet.
-Open the server explorer.
-Open the dataset designer and put the synonym (let's say it's name is "abc") in the dataset designer.
-Right click on 'add query' and then open the query designer.
The problem is when I try to write:
SELECT * FROM myschema."abc"
the system automatically delete the quotation marks so it will end in an Oracle's exception (ORA-00942) which tells me that the table or view does not exist.
There is no way I can rename the synonym.
Is there a way to turn off the autocorrection feature?
I can also get access through DataReader but I want to use the dataset designer.
I am using Visual Studio 2010.
This problem does only appear when I am using Oracle provider.
I created a synonym with the same name in a MSSQL database and the system automatically recognize the synonym with quote marks.
It seems that it's a bug in the oracle provider.

You need to put quotation mark around your table name also. Try this:
SELECT * FROM "myschema"."abc"
It worked for me


How to added the SQL query used generate the excel file in DATAGRIP IDE?

I'm a SQL developer user, usually, I extract data from Oracle database and store them into excel files on a daily basis, the nice thing about Oracle's SQL Developer when exporting the file into excel file, you get two worksheets one for your data, and another worksheet contain the SQL query that used to generate this report.
Now I'm using DATAGRIP IDE from JetBrains, I noticed when I export the file into excel sheet I only get the data and I don't the SQL query that I used to generate this excel file.
is there any way to add the SQL query to the exported file?
There is no possibility to include the SQL tab automatically. But every grid has it's own "View Query" option where you can see and copy the needed SQL.
To have this tab, please create a feature request here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/DBE

SQLite .DB file contents shown in Visual Studio Form DataGridView component

So I have a database file (name.db) on my desktop, as well as a project folder containing my program. I want to create a form to test my program, however I cant seem to get my contents from my database into the form, so I can't even test my code. I try to "connect a database" from the tools menu, but none of the options will allow me to connect my ".db" file.
Below are the images of what I'm trying to do, so you can get an idea.
The Form
The menu of different database options, none of which work
The code for the form
Files on the Desktop
The Problem is, that you never make any requests/queries to your database. Since your database could and most probably does contain mutliple tables you should run a corresponding sql query and then display the result. The following link should give you a good starting point how to integrate sqlite with c++.

Is there a way to find ddl scripts for creating users in Oracle Sql Developer

In Toad, it's easy to look for a ddl script that creates a user with all its grants and roles:
In Oracle SQL Developer, I find a similar option but it's not complete:
Is there a way to have same Toad's information in Oracle SQL Developer?
It's a bit more convoluted, and might make more sense with pictures but I can't create those right now... but if you go to the 'View' menu and choose 'DBA' you get a second panel on the left (titled 'DBA', unsurprisingly).
Click the green + button and pick your connection from the drop-down list in the dialog box; it will then appear under 'Connections' in that panel. Expand that connection, then 'Security', then 'Users'. You'll see all the database users listed.
Right-click on a user and choose 'Create like...' from the contextual menu, which will give a new dialog that's very similar to the one you already found.
Enter a user name and password to make the next step make more sense, then go go the 'SQL' tab, and you'll see something similar to what Toad produced.
You can also use the DBMS_METADATA package to extract the DDL manually; that has been covered here and on DBA.SE.

Exporting data from Oracle query to excel using query

I am having a select query, the result of which i want to be exported in a excel file using Oracle query and not any in-built operations.
I am using TOAD for Oracle. I am not sure if this is possible or not.
Any help would be of great use.
Thanks in Advance!
In Toad, it's pretty straightforward:
Run your query
click the "Export dataset" button
change export format to "Excel File"
enter a filename
Instead of pushing it into Excel, why not "pull" it into Excel? See get external data. An added bonus is that you can add this to your windows task scheduler that will update it for you.

PL/SQL Developer: How to find variable references?

In a Oracle package, How can I find out all the references for a variable? Like you would do it in Eclipse or Visual Studio.
Is this feature supported in any Oracle IDEs like TOAD, Sql Developer or PL/SQL Developer? I am using PL/Sql developer?
In PL/SQL Developer I'd use the "Find Database Objects" tool (Tools menu, "Find Database Objects", or hit the binoculars button on the browser). Enter the text you want to find (e.g. the name of your variable) in the "Text to find" box, enter the schema name of the object you're interested in in the Owner box, and enter the package name you're interested in in the "Name" box. Select the objects types you want to search (Functions, Procedures, etc) and then click the Search button.
If you're interested in fully-qualified uses of a variable you can just enter something like SCHEMA_NAME.PACKAGE_NAME.VAR_NAME - or try PACKAGE_NAME.VAR_NAME for partially-qualified uses.
Share and enjoy.
Two ways, you can find
1) hit the binoculars button
2) Using Query(Works for Oracle)
select * from ALL_SOURCE where text like '%some string%';
There is PL/Scope, but to be honest it's a bit of a beast and I've never tried it myself.
Of course you can search within the current package and see all occurrences highlighted, but that isn't ideal as a text search doesn't take scope into account and there could be more than one variable with the same name.
PL/SQL Developer's Refactor option can parse variable scope, so I don't see why it couldn't highlight all references in the current package at least. maybe you could propose it on the Allround Automations PL/SQL Developer forum and get one of marco's famous 'I have added this to the list of enhancement requests' answers. (Be sure to remind him about it with a follow-up post every 5 years or so.)
