Joomla / JomSocial Registration with LDAP - joomla

So far, we have a Joomla website deployed which, among others, have installed the plugin JomSocial. The default Joomla registration process is overriden by that of JomSocial. So far, this is working properly.
The problem comes when trying to integrate the login / registration process with LDAP. For this purpose, I have installed the JMapMyLDAP plugin:
I have been following the documentation for installing the second version as described in the documentation. I have configured the LDAP host properly, and it is connecting to LDAP, as described in the step Configuring LDAP Settings (Version 2)
After that, I've been following the step Setting up the Creation Plug-in (Version 2), including modifying the default XML template so that the form fields correspond to the actual names of the fields in the JomSocial registration form (they are different from those in the default Joomla registration).
While the registration proccess is performed correctly, no entry is added to LDAP at all. Moreover, after the registration process is completed, an extra screen is shown, with no styling at all, where the fields 'Name', 'Username', 'Email', 'Password' and 'Verify Password' are requested (they were already requested before). Even if these are fulfilled and sent, the error "Invalid Token" is displayed.
I appreciate any help in order to effectively connect the registration proccess with LDAP.
Hi. I update with new information.
So far I'm trying to connect the Joomla registration form instead of the JomSocial one. I'm obtaining the next error:
An LDAP add operation failed.
In the debug log I find the next information
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Attempting connection to LDAP with host $IP$
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Successfully connected to $IP$. Setting the following parameters: ldapV3
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Successfully connected.
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Attempt to retrieve user distinguished name using '(cn=asd)' with search.
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Closed connection.
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Attempting connection to LDAP with host $IP$
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Successfully connected to $IP$. Setting the following parameters: ldapV3
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Successfully connected.
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Attempt to retrieve user distinguished name using '(cn=asd)' with search.
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 12802 An LDAP add operation failed.
2014-04-10T14:07:36+00:00 101 Closed connection.


Executing Login API in which Authentication process happens with Active Directory

I am trying to do the performance testing of a logistics application. 2 types of users are there - Internal users & External Users. For internal users the authentication process happens normally; usual database. I was successful in executing the jmx script for Internal users. But for External users, the authentication process happens with Active Directory. In this case when i tried to execute the jmx script, the user is not getting logged in to the application. But the login api doesn't gives any error, the Response Code is 200 but in Response I'm getting the message "Try again". Do we need to do any additional settings in Jmeter for Active Directory Authentication? Can anybody help me in this?
For "internal" users you might need to add HTTP Authorization Manager and configure not only username and password but also domain, realm and use appropriate mechanism for NTLM or Kerberos
See Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter article for more detailed explanation and example configurations
You may be missing out on a few key things such as HTTP Headers or some additional data that needs to be sent with the request.
To resolve this. you can analyze the request in the developer tools of your browser and then generate the same headers with the request. This will resolve the issue.

Dynatrace login failure after password change

I have installed the Dynatrace client and I've been using if for months. After a Windows password reset I am getting this error. I have tried entering the new and old password.
Error on Login - The login failed because either the specified user name or password is incorrect, or you are not allowed to access this Dynatrace Server.
Thank you
This could be cache issues or something at the AppMon server:
If the LDAP server is down completely, LDAP users cannot log in.
However, successful user authentications are cached on the AppMon
Server for 10 minutes by default. If the same user logs in within this
time frame, no LDAP request is sent again and the user's
authentication timeout is prolonged. The user's group membership is
not verified or updated within this time frame.
You can configure the authentication timeout by changing the value of the following system property in the dtserver.ini file:
Reference: Dynatrace AppMon Documentation

Hyperledger Composer multi-user mode: ECONNREFUSED for issued identities

I've been following Caroline's blog to setup a multi-user composer rest server. So, I have two servers viz. Admin Server and the User Server.
As mentioned in the tutorial I:
Started the Admin Server with no authentication and single user mode. I started this server with Admin's card.
Started the User Server with JWT authentication in multi-user mode. I started this server with Admin's card as well.
Created a User participant and generated a card for user from the admin server.
Exchanged the first JWT token for this user on the User Server. So now the user has an access token.
Using this access-token I imported the user's card generated in #3 into the User Server.
Checked the Wallet status using user's access-token and was able to see the card to be set as default. i.e. default:true
This seems to have worked fine. However, now I'm trying to ping the network using User Server and User's access token. And it results in:
Error: Error trying login and get user Context. Error: Error trying to enroll user or load channel configuration. Error: Calling enrollment endpoint failed with error [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
I tried setting this card to be default again but with no luck. When I list the identities issued from the admin server, I'm able to see this identity. But the status of this identity is "ISSUED". While the status of admin identity is "ACTIVATED". Is this an issue?
Or am I missing out on any of the important step here?

Error 500--Internal Server Error - Oracle Webgate Configuration

Oracle 11g database
Weblogic 11.3.6
Webgate 3
Forms&reports 11 g (
Problem :
When trying to access form with :
i have this error:
Error 500--Internal Server Error
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
but when i set ssoMode = false in formsweb.cfg froms's config file, the forms welcome page displays well.
Any idea?
Thank you.
ssoMode (Single Sign-On parameter) indicates whether the URL is
protected in which case mod_osso, which is Oracle Single Sign-On
Module, will be given control for authentication or continue in the
FormsServlet if not.
It is false by default. It may be set to true in an
application-specific section to enable Single Sign-On for that application.
formsweb.cfg,in which ssoMode parameter may also be overridden , defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (frmservlet)
The mod_osso component is a module that plugs into Oracle HTTP
Server. It enables the HTTP listener as a partner application that can
use the Single Sign-On server to authenticate users. Once mod_osso is
installed and configured, Web applications can register URLs that
require SSO authentication with the module. Then when URL requests are
received by the HTTP server, mod_osso detects which requests require
SSO authentication and redirects them to the Single Sign-On server.
After the Single Sign-On server authenticates the user, it passes the
user's authenticated identity back to mod_osso in a secure token, or
cookie. The module retrieves the user's identity from the cookie and
propagates the user's identity information to applications running in
the HTTP server instance. The module can propagate the user's identity
information to applications running in the CGI, those running in
Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE, and it can also authenticate users for
access to static files.
Oracle Forms Services applications can be run in a single sign-on
(SSO) environment using Oracle Login Server (Single Sign-On Server)
and Oracle Internet Directory (OID) to store user name and password
information. For Single Sign-On implementation Oracle Forms is
considered as an 'External Application'.
In Forms, it is possible to obtain the Single Sign-On username via :
This returns a string containing the Single Sign On user ID if the user has been authenticated via the Login Server. A NULL value is returned if SSO was not used.
It is possible to also obtain the user distinguished name (dn) and the subscriber distinguished name (subscriber dn) e.g.

Issue with connecting to magento connector in mule

I am trying to configure a magento connector into my anypoint studio.
I have a magento instance running locally and I have created a user and role for the SOAP requests.
On adding the magento connector to the flow, I try to test the connection using the following properties
Url: http://localhost/magento/api/v2_soap
magento user name and password which is the api key.
However when I test the connection, I get an error
org.mule.api.ConnectionException:(301) Moved Permanently
I also tried giving the url http://localhost/magento/index.php/ap...
However it gives the same error.
Is there any way to resolve this problem?
Username and API key will allows you to connect using Magento connector
EX: + /api/v2_soap?wsdl is url
For Reference Please go through :
Let me know if it works
