I've been up all night trying to figure out how to use the interpreter for SublimeREPL for Scheme in ST3. I read here that when you download the package for sublimeREPL it doesn't actually include the interpretor. So I tried moving my version of MIT-scheme into
/Users/Myname/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/SublimeREPL/config/Scheme
but when I do: Tools --> SublimeREPL --> Scheme --> Scheme
I get:
Error loading syntax file "Packages/sublime-scheme-syntax/Scheme.tmLanguage": Unable to open Packages/sublime-scheme-syntax/Scheme.tmLanguage
has anyone had any experience being able to set up the interpretor for scheme in SublimeREPL in sublime text 3? I am using os x 10.9.2
I have the same problem. Though I am using Sublime Text 2, my solution might be applicable to you.
The error message refers to the wrong path or directory to the Scheme.tmLanguage file.
In my case, this file is placed at "Packages/Scheme" here, not at the "Packages/sublime-scheme-syntax" folder. I just edit Main.sublime-menu file, change the "syntax": "Packages/sublime-scheme-syntax/Scheme.tmLanguage" line to the correct path and it works!
I found my solution reading this post at SublimeREPL Github site. Hopefully this also works for you.
I have the similar problem and this is how I fix for Sublime Text 2:
install the package "Scheme" through package control.
install the package "SublimeREPL"
install a SCM implementation of Scheme
open Preferences -> Browse Packages ->
SublimeREPL -> config -> Scheme -> Main.sublime-menu. edit the
section with the "id": "repl_scheme"
"windows": ["scm", "-f", "$file_basename"]},
"syntax": "Packages/Scheme/Scheme.tmLanguage"
Thanks to: Sublime Text 2 with MIT Scheme, How to configure SublimeREPL for mit-scheme? and #Yenkaku's answer
I use Vagrant plugin for running VMs, but I still desire to set up Vagrantfile syntax highlight in PyCharm.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance!
Vagrantfile is written as a Ruby source file. So if you can get Ruby syntax highlighting to work in PyCharm, it'll work for vagrant files by default. See the following question and answer, it applies to PyCharm:
Is it possible to get Ruby syntax highlighting in PHPStorm?
Git clone the following repo somewhere (e.g. ~/PyCharm_Misc/ ):
Then add the repo's folder ( ~/PyCharm_Misc/ruby.tmbundle ) as a "TextMate Bundle" inside PyCharm in the following menu:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> TextMate Bundles
Newby question.
I'm receiving the following error in Sublime Text 3:
[ERROR] compass not found. Make sure it exists in your PATH.
I installed Compass already, it's in my Packages folder of my Sublime Text 3 folder.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Edit: I run OSX 10.11.3 and I found my answer right here on How to configure Compass build with rbenv in Sublime Text 2?
I had to add edit my Compass.sublime-build file in my Packages folder of Sublime Text 3.
You installed the Compass plugin for Sublime, which provides a build system for converting SASS files to CSS. However, as stated in the Prerequisites in the documentation, it depends on compass, which is a Ruby gem. Therefore, you need to install Ruby, then follow the instructions here.
I was going through Ruby autocompletion for Sublime Text 2 (Mac OSx).
I've installed a cool package Sublime Codeintel that I found very usefull.
It works properly for Ruby standard library (if we can call it like that) but I cannot configure it to work with functions/classes/modules coming from Gem I've installed in my project. I've googled and I found that I need to modify the codeintel_language_settings in the Sublime Codeintel settings with something like:
"Ruby": {
"ruby": "/usr/bin/ruby",
"rubyExtraPaths": []
but it doesn't work. I've also tried to use the rbenv path (since I'm using rbenv) but whit no success.
Anyone could help on this?
As far as I'm aware, this cannot be done. It looks like an old bug, going back to CodeIntel in Komodo, and more recently it's been an open issue on the ST2 version.
I have a Ruby project and I'd like to run the scripts directly from Sublime Text in place of having to run them in the terminal. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS if that matters at all.
From the terminal I need to be located in the project root to make the script work:
$ ruby path/to/file/file.rb
If I try to run it from where the file is located it fails because they are requiring files from various places in the project.
If I run the script in Sublime Text (Ctrl + Shift + B) it fails the same way as I'm running it from the file location.
How do I do this? I suspect this can be solved with a custom build but I've been unsuccessful until now. Any help appreciated.
A build file like this might meet your requirements:
"working_dir": "/full/path/to/project/root/",
"cmd": ["/full/path/to/ruby/", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.ruby"
Depending on your scripts you might want to look into using Package Control and the SublimeREPL Package.
SublimeREPL allows you to have a Ruby Interpreter in a separate tab or window in SublimeText. Running CMD + Shift + B has never been very reliable in SublimeText for Ruby code anyways.
Also, similar answer to similar question: Execute Ruby code in sublime text 2
Does anyone know how i could use sublime text 2 with scheme. I've heard ST2 and I want to try it out? right now I'm learning scheme. I have the scheme interpreter installed - I can go to the terminal and type in scheme and run code. I can also run the interpreter in emacs, but emacs isn't really fun.
It's probably a little bit late but I'd still like to share my experience...
Now I'm using Sublime Text 2 and using Scheme fine.
First install the package "Scheme" through package control.
Then install the package "SublimeREPL" (for Sublime Text 2).
Then you should have a fully functioning Scheme environment in your Sublime! Syntax highlight is good, and use SublimeREPL for a interactive Scheme prompt.
I wish my answer would help you~
My solution isn't to use Mit-Scheme but DrScheme,and the specific process is as following:
Download PLT-Scheme and install it (http://download.plt-scheme.org/).
Add its installation path to environment variables "Path".
Install the package "SublimeREPL"
Find the file "Sublime Text 2\Packages\SublimeREPL\config\Scheme\Main.sublime-menu",
open with Sublime Text 2. Find the code:
"cmd": {"linux": ["scheme"],
"osx": ["scheme"],
"windows": ["scheme"]},
and change it :
"cmd": {"linux": ["scheme"],
"osx": ["scheme"],
"windows": ["scheme"]},
Open Sublime Text 2,ctrl+shift+p,and enter scheme,press Enter
Enjoy it!