Computing sum of linear sequence modulo n - algorithm

I'm looking to calculate the following sum efficiently:
sum (i=0..max) (i * A mod B)
One may assume that max, A < B and that A and B are co-prime (otherwise an easy reduction is possible). Numbers are large, so simple iteration is way too inefficient.
So far I haven't been able to come up with a polynomial-time algorithm (i.e., polynomial in log(B)), best I could find is O(sqrt(max)). Is this a known hard problem, or does anyone know of a polynomial-time algorithm?
To be clear, the "mod B" only applies to the i*A, not to the overall sum. So e.g.
sum(i=0..3) (i*7 mod 11) = 0 + 7 + 3 + 10 = 20.

You can shift things around a bit to get
A*(sum(i=0..max)) mod B
which simplifies to
A*(max*(max+1)/2) mod B
Now you only need to do one (possibly big-int) multiplication (assuming max itself isn't too big) followed by one (big-int) mod operation.


Is this shortcut for modulo by a constant (C) valid? IF (A mod 2^n) > C: { -C}

Looking to do modulo operator, A mod K where...
K is a uint32_t constant, is not a power of two, and I will be using it over and over again.
A is a uint32_t variable, possibly as much as ~2^13 times larger than K.
The ISA does not have single cycle modulo or division instructions. (8-bit micro)
The naive approach seems to coincide with the naive approach to division; repeat subtraction until underflow, then keep the remainder. This would obviously have fairly bad worst case performance, but would work for any A and K.
A known fast approach which works well for a K that is some power of two, is to logical AND with that power of two -1.
From Wikipedia...
A % 2^n == A & (2^n - 1)
My knee jerk reaction is to use these two things together, and I'm wondering if that is valid?
Specifically, I figure I can use the power of two mod trick to narrow the worst case for the above subtraction method. In other words, quickly mod to the nearest power of two above my constant, then subtract my constant if necessary. Here's the code that is in the actual question, fully expanded.
A = A AND (2^n - 1) # MOD A to the next higher power of two
if A > K: # See if we are still larger than our constant
A -= K # If so, subtract. We now must be lower.
# A = A MOD K ???
On inspection, this should always work, and should always be fast, since the next power of two greater than K should always be such that 2K will be larger. That is, K < 2^n < 2K meaning I should only ever need one extra test, and then possibly one subtraction.
...but this seems too simple. If it worked, I'd expect to have seen it before. But I can't find an example. I can't find a counter example either though. I have checked the usual places. What am I missing?
You can't combine both the approaches. First understand why does the below equation holds true.
A % p == A & (p - 1), where p = 2^n
p will have exactly 1 set bit in it's binary representation, say it's position is x.
So all the numbers which have atleast one set bit in a position greater than x, are all divisible by p, that is why performing AND with p-1 would give all set bits less than 2^x, which is same as performing mod
But that isn't the case when p is not a power of 2.
If that didn't made sense, then take for example:
A = 18 = 10010,
K = 6 = 110,
A % K = 0
According to your approach, you will perform AND operation with A and 7 (= 2^3-1), resulting in 2, which is not the value of MOD.

How to use FFT algorithm to calculate N-degree polynomial values in N given specific points

This is basically the task i was given on the olympiads in informatic in Poland which is now over. The values should be modulo M (given). Its over now and i know i somehow need to use FFT algorithm to solve it in O(Nlog(N)) complexity.
N is a power of 2 (N <= 2^20) and (q^N mod M) = 1;
The values are powers from 1 to N of (q) which is given.For example
when q=5 and N=3, then the output should contain: F(q^1 mod M), F(q^2 mod M),F(q^3 mod M).
a1,a2...aN are given in the input (constants in the polynomial)
The brut force would be N^2, and thats too slow. I think the radix-2 algorithm fits perfectly, but i dont know how would it give me the solution as in FFT you use complex numbers.
The algorithm you would use is pretty much the same as the FFT, but you use residues mod M instead of complex numbers. If you add the additional constraints that M is prime and all the q^i are distinct mod M, then you would have a number-theoretic transform:
But you don't strictly need those extra constraints to solve your problem.
First, because that 1-based indexing is annoying, I'm going to refer to your a[N] as a[0] instead, and I'm going to move your Nth output to the start at index 0, because it makes the following discussion so much easier.
So you want:
out[0] = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] ... a[i] ... a[N-1]
out[1] = a[0] + a[1]*q + a[2]*q^2 ... a[i]*q^i ... a[N-1]*q^(N-1)
out[j] = ... + a[i]*q^(ij) ...
Notice that if you have the formula for any out[j], you can make the formula for out[j]+1 by multiplying the coefficients a[...] by 1, q, q^2,... So if we have a way to calculate the even-numbered outputs, we can apply it to those modified coefficients to calculate the odd-numbered outputs.
Now, for even-numbered outputs, all the powers of q are powers of q^2, and they repeat because q^N = q^0 mod M. So, for even numbered outputs, instead of calculating:
out[j] = a[0] + a[1]*q^j + ... + a[N-1]*q^(j(N-1)) ...
we can calculate it with half the coefficients like:
out[j] = (a[0]+a[N/2]) + ... + (a[i]+a[N/2+i])^(q^2)^(ij/2) ...
And that is just the solution to your problem using q*2 and N/2 instead of q and N.
So, just like the (decimation in time version of) FFT, you solve your problem by transforming a[...] into two new sets of coefficients, each half the size, and then solve the smaller problem with q^2 and M/2 twice using those coefficients to generate the even-numbered and odd-numbered outputs respectively.
I hope that helps... I know it's tough to follow, but if you already understand how the FFT works then you can probably see how to apply it to your problem now.

Find prime factors such that difference is smallest as possible

Suppose n, a, b are positive integers where n is not a prime number, such that n=ab with a≥b and (a−b) is small as possible. What would be the best algorithm to find the values of a and b if n is given?
I read a solution where they try to represent n as the difference between two squares via searching for a square S bigger than n such that S - n = (another square). Why would that be better than simply finding the prime factors of n and searching for the combination where a,b are factors of n and a - b is minimized? answer why your approach
simply finding the prime factors of n and searching for the combination where a,b are factors of n and a - b is minimized
is not optimal:
Suppose your number is n = 2^7 * 3^4 * 5^2 * 7 * 11 * 13 (=259459200), well within range of int. From the combinatorics theory, this number has exactly (8 * 5 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 960) factors. So, firstly you find all of these 960 factors, then find all pairs (a,b) such that a * b = n, which in this case will be (6C1 + 9C2 + 11C3 + 13C4 + 14C5 + 15C6 + 16C7 + 16C8) ways. (if I'm not wrong, my combinatorics is a bit weak). This is of the order 1e5 if implemented optimally. Also, implementation of this approach is hard.
Now, why the difference of squares approach
represent S - n = Q, such that S and Q are perfect squares
is good:
This is because if you can represent S - n = Q, this implies, n = S - Q
=> n = s^2 - q^2
=> n = (s+q)(s-q)
=> Your reqd ans = 2 * q
Now, even if you iterate for all squares, you will either find your answer or terminate when difference of 2 consecutive squares is greater than n
But I don't think this will be doable for all n (eg. if n=6, there is no solution for (S,Q).)
Another approach:
Iterate from floor(sqrt(n)) to 1. The first number (say, x), such that x|n will be one of the numbers in the required pair (a,b). Other will be, obvs, y = x/n. So, your answer will be y - x.
This is O(sqrt(n)) time complex algorithm.
A general method could be this:
Find the prime factorization of your number: n = Π pi ai. Except for the worst cases where n is prime or semiprime, this will be substantially faster than O(n1/2) time of the iteration down from the square root, which won't divide the found factors out of the number.
Recall that the simplest, trial division, prime factorization is done by repeatedly trying to divide the number by increasing odd numbers (or by primes) below the number's square root, dividing out of the number each factor -- thus prime by construction -- as it is found (n := n/f).
Then, lazily enumerate the factors of n in order from its prime factorization. Stop after producing half of them. Having thus found n's (not necessarily prime) factor that is closest to its square root, find the second factor by simple division.
In case this must repeatedly run many times, it will greatly pay out to precalculate the needed primes below the n's square root, to use in the factorizations.

Algorithm on exponential with irrational base

I know there is an O(logn) algorithm on calculating a^n where a is an integer, and n is a huge integer (probably the result need to modular another prime MOD).
I wondering whether there is still an O(logn) algorithm to calculate
(a+sqrt(b))^n + (a-sqrt(b))^n (mod MOD)
The irrational part sqrt(b) looks not easy to handle in the exponential calculation. All I can do is to calculate a+sqrt(b) and a-sqrt(b) part separately and add them together then do the modular, but if n is huge, it is easy to overflow. Any ideas?
You can do that by computing (in ZM[x] / &langle;x²-b&rangle;)
(a+x)^n+(a-x)^n mod (M, x^2-b)
where again you can use modular halving-and-squaring for the powers, where the intermediate results now are linear polynomials (over modular integers). Actually, you will only need one of the powers, the result is twice the constant coefficient.
Alternatively, these power combinations are the solution of the linear recursion of order 2
u[0]=2 and u[1]=2*a
so that you can use fast matrix exponentiation of the system matrix of this recursion, again obtaining an O(log(n)) algorithm (disregarding bitsize).
Example: As per the comment, take a=3, b=8, n=2 (and integers mod M=10^9+7, example is not large enough for that to matter)
In the first variant, compute u[n]=(a+x)^n mod (M, x^2-b), so
u[2]=(3+x)^2 mod (x^2-8)=9+6x+8=17+6x
and twice the constant term is 2*17=34
In the second variant, the recursion is (with 2*a=6, a^2-b=1)
so that the first sequence elements are
If you expand (a+sqrt(b))^n + (a-sqrt(b))^n you get
( a + nC1 a^(n-1) √b + nC2 a^(n-2) b + nC3 a^(n-3) √b b + ... )
+( a - nC1 a^(n-1) √b + nC2 a^(n-2) b - nC3 a^(n-3) √b b + ... )
= 2 a + 0 + 2 nC2 a^(n-2) b + 0 + ... + 2 nC4 a^(n-4) b^2 + ...
so the terms involving the possibly irrational parts cancel. (nC2 etc are binomial coefficients).
The RHS of the above could be calculated fairly efficiently using integer arithmetic as you can relate each term in the sequence to the previous one. However there are n/2 terms so the calculation is O(n).
As we know the result will be an integer we can try running through the Exponentiation by squaring algorithm keeping track of the integer a fractional components. Write a+sqrt(b) = x + y where x is an integer an y is the fractional part.
Finding the square of this we have x^2 + 2 x y + y^2. Even though we are only interested in the integer part we have some problems as there is an integer part of 2 x y+ y^2. This causes problems as to effectively calculate the integer part we are going to know a lot of digits of y. When we come to higher powers you need more an more digits of y to get the integer part.
I don't think normal floating point multiplication would be good enough to calculate the terms for very large n.

Calculate discrete logarithm

Given positive integers b, c, m where (b < m) is True it is to find a positive integer e such that
(b**e % m == c) is True
where ** is exponentiation (e.g. in Ruby, Python or ^ in some other languages) and % is modulo operation. What is the most effective algorithm (with the lowest big-O complexity) to solve it?
Given b=5; c=8; m=13 this algorithm must find e=7 because 5**7%13 = 8
From the % operator I'm assuming that you are working with integers.
You are trying to solve the Discrete Logarithm problem. A reasonable algorithm is Baby step, giant step, although there are many others, none of which are particularly fast.
The difficulty of finding a fast solution to the discrete logarithm problem is a fundamental part of some popular cryptographic algorithms, so if you find a better solution than any of those on Wikipedia please let me know!
This isn't a simple problem at all. It is called calculating the discrete logarithm and it is the inverse operation to a modular exponentation.
There is no efficient algorithm known. That is, if N denotes the number of bits in m, all known algorithms run in O(2^(N^C)) where C>0.
Python 3 Solution:
Thankfully, SymPy has implemented this for you!
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python.
This is the documentation on the discrete_log function. Use this to import it:
from sympy.ntheory import discrete_log
Their example computes \log_7(15) (mod 41):
>>> discrete_log(41, 15, 7)
Because of the (state-of-the-art, mind you) algorithms it employs to solve it, you'll get O(\sqrt{n}) on most inputs you try. It's considerably faster when your prime modulus has the property where p - 1 factors into a lot of small primes.
Consider a prime on the order of 100 bits: (~ 2^{100}). With \sqrt{n} complexity, that's still 2^{50} iterations. That being said, don't reinvent the wheel. This does a pretty good job. I might also add that it was almost 4x times more memory efficient than Mathematica's MultiplicativeOrder function when I ran with large-ish inputs (44 MiB vs. 173 MiB).
Since a duplicate of this question was asked under the Python tag, here is a Python implementation of baby step, giant step, which, as #MarkBeyers points out, is a reasonable approach (as long as the modulus isn't too large):
def baby_steps_giant_steps(a,b,p,N = None):
if not N: N = 1 + int(math.sqrt(p))
#initialize baby_steps table
baby_steps = {}
baby_step = 1
for r in range(N+1):
baby_steps[baby_step] = r
baby_step = baby_step * a % p
#now take the giant steps
giant_stride = pow(a,(p-2)*N,p)
giant_step = b
for q in range(N+1):
if giant_step in baby_steps:
return q*N + baby_steps[giant_step]
giant_step = giant_step * giant_stride % p
return "No Match"
In the above implementation, an explicit N can be passed to fish for a small exponent even if p is cryptographically large. It will find the exponent as long as the exponent is smaller than N**2. When N is omitted, the exponent will always be found, but not necessarily in your lifetime or with your machine's memory if p is too large.
For example, if
p = 70606432933607
a = 100001
b = 54696545758787
then 'pow(a,b,p)' evaluates to 67385023448517
>>> baby_steps_giant_steps(a,67385023448517,p)
This took about 5 seconds on my machine. For the exponent and the modulus of those sizes, I estimate (based on timing experiments) that brute force would have taken several months.
Discrete logarithm is a hard problem
Computing discrete logarithms is believed to be difficult. No
efficient general method for computing discrete logarithms on
conventional computers is known.
I will add here a simple bruteforce algorithm which tries every possible value from 1 to m and outputs a solution if it was found. Note that there may be more than one solution to the problem or zero solutions at all. This algorithm will return you the smallest possible value or -1 if it does not exist.
def bruteLog(b, c, m):
s = 1
for i in xrange(m):
s = (s * b) % m
if s == c:
return i + 1
return -1
print bruteLog(5, 8, 13)
and here you can see that 3 is in fact the solution:
print 5**3 % 13
There is a better algorithm, but because it is often asked to be implemented in programming competitions, I will just give you a link to explanation.
as said the general problem is hard. however a prcatical way to find e if and only if you know e is going to be small (like in your example) would be just to try each e from 1.
btw e==3 is the first solution to your example, and you can obviously find that in 3 steps, compare to solving the non discrete version, and naively looking for integer solutions i.e.
e = log(c + n*m)/log(b) where n is a non-negative integer
which finds e==3 in 9 steps
