Why does FTP support Anonymous login? - ftp

I was wondering why FTP supports anonymous login ? Is it not a security issue that anyone can access files on a ftp server without having a real account ? And if anonymous account is a real good thing, what is its importance ?

If the publisher decided that the resource is public, anonymous access is perfectly valid. Take into account that FTP is just another network protocol as HTTP. If you are not scared about pubic http resources not sure why you should have any concern about FTP.

Historically FTP was widely used for placing files for public access, thus it had to support anonymous login. Note, that most servers don't support "no login" but require something like "Anonymous/guest" or "Anonymous/empty_password" login.

RFC 1635 describes "anonymous ftp" as follows:
Anonymous FTP is a means by which archive sites allow general access
to their archives of information. These sites create a special
account called "anonymous". User "anonymous" has limited access
rights to the archive host, as well as some operating restrictions.
In fact, the only operations allowed are logging in using FTP,
listing the contents of a limited set of directories, and retrieving
files. Some sites limit the contents of a directory listing an
anonymous user can see as well. Note that "anonymous" users are not
usually allowed to transfer files TO the archive site, but can only
retrieve files from such a site.
So, it's just a way to give the general public access to your server. To do this, you need to provide a username that everybody knows (i.e. 'anonymous') without a specific password (i.e. any e-mail address will do). But since everybody can access, you want to protect your content against changes, by enforcing heavy operating restrictions.


Working around the Windows OS limitation of not allowing multiple connections to a server/shared resource

We are building a system on windows where we centrally (server) need to do fopen to either local files or remote smb resources. The idea is to authenticate in the case of remote resources before doing fopen (with unc paths).
We need to authenticate with the credentials the user (client application) supplied for this resource on that remote share. We don't want to copy any resources.
Using the Win Net Api this works smoothly since it stores the given credentials so that subsequent fopens in the same or in different processes succeed.
But there is a problem:
Many of you probably know the following message from windows when trying to connect to a smb share with different credentials then the ones used for a previous connection:
"Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again."
See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/938120 for the defined limitation and possible "work arounds".
Since we have a central server application running as a service ('Local System' account) we hit this limitation with having already two different users :).
Closing the previously established connection to allow for the 2nd one is not an option (ongoing processing).
On the one hand it's great that windows caches authentication information on the other hand it's too limited.
Modifying the hosts file for each user does not look very nice.
Using smb client libraries (like libsmb++, impacket) doesn't seem to be the solution since we need "over process" authentication.
Configuring a "master" smb share user is also not wanted.
Maybe passing windows user auth tokens around is a way?
This problem is of general nature (i.e. independent of language) and I'm convinced that there are people out there who solved it (in a more or less elegant way ;))
I hope my explanation is understandable.
Thanks in advance for any hint.

Require a login and password for writing in the FileZilla server, but not in the reading

I'm working on a android application that writes, in some parts, in a FileZilla server. In my code, I provide the login and password for the FileZilla so that the client could send some pictures and videos to it.
The client later on needs to read the FTP content (Display it), but for that purpose, he needs to enter the login and password, which I can't provide him otherwise he could write whatever he wants in my server.
Is there any way to require a login and password for writing in the FTP server, but not in the reading ??
You can setup two accounts on the server. One with read-only access, and one with write access. Provide the client with password to read-only account. Or you can allow even anonymous read-only access to the server.
EDIT: Also, be aware that it would not be a problem for a hacker to retrieve the hard-coded password from your Android application binary. Make sure you restrict the area, where the account can write to, ideally to a single folder only. You should also set disk quota for the account, so that the hacker cannot fill your server's disk. And you should definitelly monitor the writable folder for an unusual activity.

What is the best way to restrict access to a development website?

I have a site i am working on that i would like to display only to a few others for now. Is there anything wrong with setting up windows user names and using windows auth to prompt the user before getting into the development site?
There are several ways, with varying degrees of security:
Don't put it on the internet - put it on a private network, and use a VPN to access it
Restrict access with HTTP authentication (as you suggest). The downside to this is it can interfere with the actual site, if you are using HTTP auth, or some other type of authentication as part of the application.
Restrict access based on remote IP. Just allow the IPs of users you want to be able to access it.
Use a custom hostname. Have it on a public IP, but don't publish the hostname. This means make an entry in your HOSTS file (or configure your own DNS server, if possible) so that "blah.mysite.com" goes to the site, but that is not available on the internet. Obviously you'd only make the site accessible when using that hostname (and not the IP).
That depends on what you mean by "best": for example, do you mean "easiest" or "most secure"?
The best way might be to have it on a private network, which you attach to via VPN.
I do this frequently. I use Hamachi to allow them to access my dev box so they can see whats going on. they have access to it when they want , and/or when I allow. When they are done I evict them from my Hamachi network and change the password.
Hamachi is a software VPN. Heres a link to Hamachi - AKA LogMeIn
They have a free version which works quite well.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with Windows auth. There are couple of (not too big) drawbacks, though:
your website auth scheme is different from the final product.
you are giving them more access to the box they really need.
you automatically reimaging the machine and redeploying the website is more complex, as you have to automate the windows account creation.
I would suggest two alternatives:
to do whatever auth you plan on doing in the final website and make sure all pager require auth
do a token cookie based auth - send them a link that sets a particular token in a cookie and in your website code add quick check for that token before you even go to the regular user auth
If you aren't married to IIS, and you need developers to be able to change the content, I would consider Apache + SSL + WebDav (aka Web Folders). This will allow you to offer a secure sandbox where developers can change and view the content without having user accounts on the server.
This setup requires some knowledge of Apache so it only makes sense if you are already using Apache or if you frequently need to provide outsiders access to your web server.
First useful link I found on the topic: http://pascal.thivent.name/2007/08/howto-setup-apache-224-webdav-under.html
Why don't you just set up an NTFS user and assign it to the website (and remove anonymous access)

Does disabling anonymous access in IIS create a security risk?

If I uncheck the "Enable anonymous access" checkbox in IIS, so as to password protect a site, i.e. by restricting read access to designated Windows accounts, does the resulting password dialogue which is then presented to all anonymous http requests, represent a security risk in that it (seemingly) offers all and sundry an unlimited number of attempts to guess at any Windows account password?
Okay, not much joy with this so far, so I'm attaching a bounty. Just 50 points sorry, I am a man of modest means. To clarify what I'm after: does disabling anonymous access in IIS offer a password guessing opportunity to the public which did not exist previously, or is it the case that the browser's user credentials dialogue can be simulated by including a username and password in a http request directly, and that the response would indicate whether the combination was correct even though the page was open to anonymous users anyway? Furthermore, are incorrect password attempts submitted via http subject to the same lockout policy enforced for internal logins, and if so does this represent a very easy opportunity to deliberately lock out known usernames, or alternatively, if not, is there anything that can be done to mitigate this unlimited password guessing opportunity?
The short answer to your question is yes. Any time you give any remote access to any resource on your network it presents a security risk. Your best bet would be to follow IIS best practices and then take some precautions of your own. Rename your built in administrator account. Enforce strong password policies. Change the server header. Removing anonymous access, while a password guessing risk, is a very manageable one if used with the proper layered security model.
When you choose an authentication other than Anonymous, you certainly can be subject to password hacking. However, the account that is uses is subject to the standard account lockout policies set in Local Security Policy and your Domain's security policy.
For example, if you have a local account "FRED" and the account lockout policy is set to 5 invalid attempts within 30 minutes, then this effectively prevents account password guessing, at the risk of a denial of service attack. However, setting the reset window to a value (15 minutes?) effectively limits the DOS.
Basic Authentication is not recommeded for a non-SSL connection since the password will travel in plain text.
Digest Authentication requires passwords to be stored on the server using a reversible encryption, so while better than Basic, Digest has its flaws.
Windows Integrated Authentication
includes NTLM and Kerberos.
The IIS Server should be configured via Group Policy or Local Security settings to disable LM authentication ( Network security: LAN Manager authentication level set to "Send NTLMv2 response only" or higher, preferred is "Send NTLMv2 response only\refuse LM & NTLM") to prevent trivial LM hash cracking and to prevent NTLM man in the middle proxy attacks.
Kerberos can be used, however it only works if both machines are members of the same domain and the DC's can be reached. Since this doesn't typically happen over the internet, you can ignore Kerberos.
So the end result is, yes, disabling anonymous does open you up for password cracking attempts and DOS attacks, but these can be prevented and mitigated.
You should read about differnet authentication mechanisms available: Basic, Digest, NTLM, Certificates, etc. The IETF compiled a document that dicusses the pros and cons of some of these (NTLM is propriatary MS protocol).
Bottom line is: You are not done with just disabling anonymous access. You definitely have to consider carefully what the attack scenarios are, what the potential damage might be, what user may be willing to accept and so on.
If you introduce authorization you need to address the risk of credentials being compromised. You should also think if what you actually want to achieve is confidential transport of the content: In this case you will have to instroduce transport layer security like SSL.
I am by know means a hosting guru and I imagine there are ways and means of doing this but my personal opinion is that what you are talking about doing is defiantly an unnecessary security risk. If this site is to be available on the internet i.e. it will have public access then you probably don't want to disable anonymous access in IIS.
Please remember that the idea of being able to configure the anonymous access for a site in IIS is so that you can create a user which has specific permission to read the relevant files for a particular site. What we are talking about here is file access on a physical disc. For one thing a public web server should be in a DMZ and not part of your companies domain so users should not be able to log in with their domain credentials anyway.
The only reason why I could imagine that you would want to switch off anonymous access and force users to input their Windows credentials is for a site which will only be used internally and even then I would probably not choose to restrict access in this manner.
If you want to restrict access to content on a public website then you would probably be better of writing something which handles authentication as part of the site itself or a service which the site can consume. Then if someone were to obtain user credentials then at least all they will be able to do is gain access to the site and there is no potential for a breach of your internal network by any means.
There is a reason why developers spend allot of time writing user management solutions. You will find plenty of advice on how to write something like this and plenty of libraries that will do most of the work for you.

Sending a password to a Windows Service

What is the best way to send a password to a Windows Service? Our application needs a password in order to start. I don't care that services are "normally" supposed to run without user interaction. Its good enough for us that an operator can start the application and then log off.
On a unix system, I would just echo the password over stdin but the service has no stdin.
Currently, we use the DPAPI to just store the password using CryptProtectData. While this, works, it presents other problems that are beginning to become troublesome.
I'm guessing that I'll need to use some form of IPC between the service and the application that is sending the password but I'm not sure which method is appropriate, if any.
Two main options:
You could listen on a socket on startup and wait for the required password to be supplied (maybe embed an SSH server in there, so that the password cannot be snooped over the wire)
My preferred option would be to read the password from a configuration file (that can be secured to the minimum readership) or registry setting (again, sufficiently secure such that only your service and administrators can read/change it)
Thanks for responding Rowland.
You could listen on a socket on
startup and wait for the required
password to be supplied (maybe embed
an SSH server in there, so that the
password cannot be snooped over the
I considered that but without certificate verification, wouldn't that leave us open to a man in the middle attack?
My preferred option would be to read
the password from a configuration file
(that can be secured to the minimum
readership) or registry setting
(again, sufficiently secure such that
only your service and administrators
can read/change it)
We're trying to follow "defense in depth" as much as possible such that if an attacker compromised the machine, he would not able to access our application.
You can use kerberos mutual authentication. There are few options and examples there.
But just wondering. On a compromised machine, There may be a key logger. So typing the password is never secure if you want to maintain security in this environment. The same problem exist afaik for unix terminals.
DPAPI in UserMode is really the best option, and storing the encrypted data in a protected location, e.g. registry key with limited ACL.
What exactly were the problems that are beginning to be troublesome? Maybe we can just solve those...
What exactly were the problems that
are beginning to be troublesome? Maybe
we can just solve those...
Currently, the application runs as the Local System account.
Our application stores a number of credentials in an encrypted file and uses the DPAPI (in UserMode) for the encryption.
Thus, when the application is installed, the installer is run as the Local System account. We also have a set of tools that ship with the application, some of which need access to this encrypted file and thus, they too need to run as the Local System account.
By the time the application is installed and started, we're heavily dependent on that account.
We're running into problems because one of our users wants to use the application to access a shared network drive. The Local System account has no such privileges and we can't simply run our service as a different user because our encrypted information is protected under the Local System Account.
We've tried to avoid the process of setting up a user account just for our application because it is installed across many different customers and environments, all of whom have wildly different security policies.
You can access a remote drive from a service running under system account. However, you will need to have credentials & share information to connect to the remote machine. You can use the API wnetaddconnection to gain access. Probably your encrypted file can store this credential as well.
