Open a socket connection to bluetooth device without a virtual COM port - windows

I am using the 32feet bluetooth library to connect to a device that supports Serial Port Profile (SPP). I try to connect like this:
using (BluetoothClient client = new BluetoothClient())
var address = new BluetoothAddress(0xecfe7e11c3af);
BluetoothEndPoint endPoint = new BluetoothEndPoint(address, BluetoothService.SerialPort);
var stream = client.GetStream();
Everything is great until the Connect method is called. At this point, Windows interrupts the program flow with a bubble alert that says
"A bluetooth device is trying to connect -- click to allow this"
At which point the user is led through a wizard that ends up installing drivers and a Bluetooth virtual COM port shows up in Device Manager. I don't want this to happen -- I want to simply access the stream and communicate directly with the device without windows intervening. Is this possible? What can be done to tell Windows to keep out of my business?
I'm attempting to connect to a Bluetooth 4.0 device. I've done something similar in the past with a 2.0 device and Windows does not interfere in this case.

Have a look at
It's a small wrapper library that uses the windows bluetooth networking API that could help you.
In particular if your bluetooth USB dongle or bluetooth device has been correctly recognized by the appropriate drivers and the remote bluetooth device is already paired with the PC, you don't need to install a bluetooth virtual COM port that shows up in Device Manager but you simply use the write or read calls to access directly the stream for communicating with the paired device.


Bluetooth pairing between Win32 and Bluemod+SR - passkey entry

I am developing a Win32 application for a Windows 10 tablet that shall connect to a embedded device via Bluetooth. The embedded device uses the Telit BlueMod+SR as bluetooth module.
In Windows, I use the interface from "bluetoothapis.h" for Connection and Pairing and winsock2 for communication.
I have to implement pairing using passkey entry between the devices, initiated by the Windows tablet. The tablet provides passkey entry, the embedded device is display-only.
The way it works at the moment is that:
Windows creats a non-blocking socket and configures it as requiring authentication by setting SO_BTH_AUTHENTICATE.
Windows passes my Authentication Callback to BluetoothRegisterForAuthenticationEx().
Windows calls ConnectEx() on the remote BT device.
If successful, the Authentication Callback is executed, giving me the passkey (which is displayed by the embedded device).
The user is asked to input the passkey on the tablet which then compares the input with the passkey from the Authentication callback.
My problem is, although it works, I think that this is not the way the passkey entry is intended. It doesn't feel like a valid way to establish a secure connection since the embedded device seems to transmit the passkey via Bluetooth to the tablet.
Should the passkey be openly transmitted via Bluetooth from the remote device to the initiating device?
Or should the user be the only one that gives the passkey to the tablet?
If the way it is implemented is wrong:
Does somebody have an idea why the passkey is available through the Authentication Callback on Windows? I guess there is something wrong with the configuration of the BlueMod module, but I haven't been able to change the behavior.

Windows 10 FT_OpenEx() API open error when insert/remove other USB device

We have device ""FT245R USB FIFO" USB to Seriel for communication from Windows 10 using D2xx driver.
FT_OpenEx() API works without any issue. But whenever user unplug/plug new USB device(Mass storage device) , during that time FT_OpenEx() API failed to execute, so handle invalid and our data communication interepted. Could you let us know what can I do further to resolve this issue ?
Note: I have opened handle using following command FT_OpenEx("FT245R USB FIFO", FT_OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION, &handle), I open it everytime, whenever I need to talk with communication device. tried with seriel number of the device , but still communication fails when unplug/plug other USB device.

USB CDC communication freeze on Windows

I have problem with communication via USB CDC with Windows. On Linux or Mac everything work good.
So, when I try to connect to my COM port I get notification from PUTTY "Unable to open communication to COM2. Unable to configure port.
It is my own device based on Rx63n uC, I transmit in FullSpeed standard, packet in size less than 64 bytes. I'm used 2 endpoints for bulk transfer IN/OUT.
In USBLyzer I got information thatSTALL packet is received from my device after error (USBD_STATUS_CANCELED).
I used driver from Windows 10 usbser.sys.
Any ideas what is wrong?
I forgot to add that in USBLyzer I see a lot of my packets, and after transferred some data it generate error as above.

How to know a filter device driver is hooked to a com port

I have been trying to determine if a USB serial port (COM) port is monitored by a system bus driver without success. Basically I have an application that monitors a com port via a filter device driver. I was able to do this after reading this article from the Dr Dobb's magazine. Now what am trying to achieve in a seperate app is to be able to determine if there is an app hooked to a particular com port using a filter device driver. Can anyone help or guide me

bluetooth device to windows API via com port

So I have a bluetooth device, this device uses SPP to transfer data between the PC and itself. It connects fine through Windows as a bluetooth device. I can find it, enter the paring code and assign it to a COM port. Now I want to be able to send data through the com port using Windows API but it is refusing to do so.
I suspect that I need to setup the COMMCONFIG Structure correctly (see below)
Unfortunately I have no idea what is the proper setting. I know SPP is supposed to emulate the RS-232 communication... so maybe I have to study up on that to figure out the right setting? Or is there some automatic way to set the COMMCONFIG structure.
I seriously doubt it. If it would be used then you'll have no chance at guessing at the custom provider data without docs from the driver author. Pay attention to the handshake signals, serial port devices routinely ignore anything sent to them when the DTR signal is turned off. And not send anything back with DTR off. A driver would emulate that. Use EscapeCommFunction() to turn them on. Also try a serial comm program like HyperTerminal or Putty to test this so you can isolate the source of the problem.
Why not use the Bluetooth sockets API? No need for troublesome (virtual) COM ports then.
If you're using managed code then see my library 32feet.NET
If using native code, use SOCKADDR_BTH with Winsock connect etc, see e.g. Bluetooth and connect (Windows) Then you can use the standard Winsock send/recv API
Ok, I found that you can use the
GetCommConfig and GetCommState functions to figure out the settings.
