How is this expression evaluated - ruby

Can anyone say how ruby evaluates this:
a = 1
b = 2
a, b = b, a + b
a will be 2 and b will be 3, not 4 as you might expect
It seems that instead of working from left to right it does both sides in parallel somehow?

It is expressed as :-
a = 1
b = 2
a, b = b, (a + b)
a # => 2
b # => 3
This is called parallel assignment. Here all RHS expressions will be evaluated first (left to right). After that assignment will be happened from left to right.
It means, the calculation as follows :
a, b = b, a + b
a, b = 2, (2 + 1)
a, b = 2, 3 # now the real assignment will be happened here.

This is called parallel association, and, like name suggests, it works like all the assignments are done in parallel. You can for example write:
a = 1
b = 2
a, b = b, a
a #=> 2
b #=> 1

a = 1
b = 2
a, b = b, a + b
#=> 2
#=> 3
Here first rvalue is assigned to first lvalue and the result of second rexp is assigned to second lvalue. These assignments are parallel in nature not sequential.
a, b = b, a is a swap operation using parallel assignments. This makes me think Ruby might be using temporary variables to perform parallel assignments. I invite for corrections here.


Algorithm to precisely compare two exponentiations for very large integers (order of 1 billion)

We want to compare a^b to c^d, and tell if the first is smaller, greater, or equal (where ^ denotes exponentiation).
Obviously, for very large numbers, we cannot explicitely compute these values.
The most common approach in this situation is to apply log on both sides and compare b * log(a) to d * log(c). The issue here is that logs are floating-point operations, and as such we cannot trust our answer with 100% confidence (there might be some values which are incredibly close, and because of floating-point error we get a wrong answer).
Is there an algorithm for solving this problem? I've been scouring the intrernet for this, but I can only find solutions which work for particular cases only (e.g. in which one exponent is a multiple of another), or which use floating point in some way (logarithms, division) etc.
This is sort of two questions in one:
Are they equal?
If not, which one is greater?
As Peter O. observes, it's easiest to build in a language that provides an arbitrary-precision fraction type. I'll use Python 3.
Let's assume without loss of generality that a ≤ c (swap if necessary) and b is relatively prime to d (divide both by the greatest common divisor).
To get at the core of the question, I'm going to assume that a, c > 0 and b, d ≥ 0. Removing this assumption is tedious but not difficult.
Equality test
There are some easy cases where a = 1 or b = 0 or c = 1 or d = 0.
Separately, necessary conditions for a^b = c^d are
i. b ≥ d, since otherwise b < d, which together with a ≤ c implies a^b < c^d;
ii. a is a divisor of c, since we know from (i) that a^b = c^d is a divisor of c^b = c^(b−d) c^d.
When these conditions hold, we can divide through by a^d to reduce the problem to testing whether a^(b−d) = (c/a)^d.
In Python 3:
def equal_powers(a, b, c, d):
while True:
lhs_is_one = a == 1 or b == 0
rhs_is_one = c == 1 or d == 0
if lhs_is_one or rhs_is_one:
return lhs_is_one and rhs_is_one
if a > c:
a, b, c, d = c, d, a, b
if b < d:
return False
q, r = divmod(c, a)
if r != 0:
return False
b -= d
c = q
def test_equal_powers():
for a in range(1, 25):
for b in range(25):
for c in range(1, 25):
for d in range(25):
assert equal_powers(a, b, c, d) == (a ** b == c ** d)
Inequality test
Once we've established that the two quantities are not equal, it's time to figure out which one is greater. (Without the equality test, the code here could run forever.)
If you're doing this for real, you should consult an actual reference on computing elementary functions. I'm just going to try to do the simplest thing that works.
Time for a calculus refresher. We have the Taylor series
−log x = (1−x) + (1−x)^2/2 + (1−x)^3/3 + (1−x)^4/4 + ...
To get a lower bound, truncate the series. To get an upper bound, we can truncate but replace the final term (1−x)^n/n with (1−x)^n/n (1/x), since
(1−x)^n/n (1/x)
= (1−x)^n/n (1 + (1−x) + (1−x)^2 + ...)
= (1−x)^n/n + (1−x)^(n+1)/n + (1−x)^(n+2)/n + ...
> (1−x)^n/n + (1−x)^(n+1)/(n+1) + (1−x)^(n+2)/(n+2) + ...
To get a good convergence rate, we're going to want 0.5 ≤ x < 1, which we can achieve by dividing x by a power of two.
In Python, we'll represent a real number as an infinite generator of shrinking intervals that contain the true value. Once the intervals for b log a and d log c are disjoint, we can determine how they compare.
import fractions
def minus(x, y):
while True:
x_lo, x_hi = next(x)
y_lo, y_hi = next(y)
yield x_lo - y_hi, x_hi - y_lo
def times(b, x):
for lo, hi in x:
yield b * lo, b * hi
def restricted_log(a):
series = 0
n = 0
numerator = 1
while True:
n += 1
numerator *= 1 - a
series += fractions.Fraction(numerator, n)
yield -(series + fractions.Fraction(numerator * (1 - a), (n + 1) * a)), -series
def log(a):
n = 0
while a >= 1:
a = fractions.Fraction(a, 2)
n += 1
return minus(restricted_log(a), times(n, restricted_log(fractions.Fraction(1, 2))))
def less_powers(a, b, c, d):
lhs = times(b, log(a))
rhs = times(d, log(c))
while True:
lhs_lo, lhs_hi = next(lhs)
rhs_lo, rhs_hi = next(rhs)
if lhs_hi < rhs_lo:
return True
if rhs_hi < lhs_lo:
return False
def test_less_powers():
for a in range(1, 10):
for b in range(10):
for c in range(1, 10):
for d in range(10):
if a ** b != c ** d:
assert less_powers(a, b, c, d) == (a ** b < c ** d)

Cleaner way to represent languages accepted by DFAs?

I am given 2 DFAs. * denotes final states and -> denotes the initial state, defined over the alphabet {a, b}.
1) ->A with a goes to A. -> A with b goes to *B. *B with a goes to *B. *B with b goes to ->A.
The regular expression for this is clearly:
E = a* b(a* + (a* ba* ba*)*)
And the language that it accepts is L1= {w over {a,b} | w is b preceeded by any number of a's followed by any number of a's or w is b preceeded by any number of a's followed by any number of bb with any number of a's in middle of(middle of bb), end or beginning.}
2) ->* A with b goes to ->* A. ->*A with a goes to *B. B with b goes to -> A. *B with a goes to C. C with a goes to C. C with b goes to C.
Note: A is both final and initial state. B is final state.
Now the regular expression that I get for this is:
E = b* ((ab) * + a(b b* a)*)
Finally the language that this DFA accepts is:
L2 = {w over {a, b} | w is n 1's followed by either k 01's or a followed by m 11^r0' s where n,km,r >= 0}
Now the question is, is there a cleaner way to represent the languages L1 and L2 because it does seem ugly. Thanks in advance.
E = a* b(a* + (a* ba* ba*)*)
= a*ba* + a*b(a* ba* ba*)*
= a*ba* + a*b(a*ba*ba*)*a*
= a*b(a*ba*ba*)*a*
= a*b(a*ba*b)*a*
This is the language of all strings of a and b containing an odd number of bs. This might be most compactly denoted symbolically as {w in {a,b}* | #b(w) = 1 (mod 2)}.
For the second one: the only way to get to state B is to see an a in A, and the only way to get to C from outside C is to see an a in B. C is a dead state and the only way to get to it is to see aa starting in A. That is: if you ever see two as in a row, the string is not in the language; the language is the set of all strings over a and b not containing the substring aa. This might be most compactly denoted symbolically as {(a+b)*aa(a+b)*}^c where ^c means "complement".

How to find the sum of all values for a key using Apache Spark having ((key1,value),(key2,value)) pattern

I am having a dataset as following-
Now I need to process the above data to get output like -
Any key in column A will get multiplied by 2 times of C
and any Key in Column B will get multiplied by 3 times of C
So the expected output here will be -
a 100 =30*2+20*2
b 80 =20*3+10*2
c 122 =30*3+10*3+1*2
d 3 =1*3
I could manage to write like following-
val x = sc.parallelize(List(
val myVal ={
case (a,b,c) => ((a-> 2 * c), (b -> 3 * c))
After that I am not able to break it further
How can I get the result expected using spark scala ?
The point is to make it flat first - associate one value with one key. Then it'd be possible to use reduceByKey operation to sum it up.
I'm not scala developer, but something like this would probably work.
.flatMap({ case (a, b, c) => List(a -> 2 * c, b -> 3 * c) })
.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
List here is an additional object that has to be created each time and it might be better to avoid it. So, something like this might work - look through the data twice, but cache it before.
.map({ case (a, b, c) => a -> 2 * c })
.union({ case (a, b, c) => b -> 3 * c }))
.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)

How the shorthand of declaration & initialization are evaluated in go lang?

The shorthand for declaration and initialization in go is
var a, b, c = 1 , 2, 3
Equivalent to following way of declaration and initialization (as per specs)
var a int
var b int
var c int
But I am not getting the answer for the problem found in following code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var a int = 0
var b int = 1
fmt.Println("init a ",a)
fmt.Println("init b ",b)
a, b = b, a+b
fmt.Println("printing a after `a, b = b, a+b`",a)
fmt.Println("printing b after `a, b = b, a+b`",b)
Output should be:
printing a after 'a, b = b, a+b' 1
printing b after 'a, b = b, a+b' 2
Since the value of b is evaluated with a + b i.e 1+1 = 2. But its giving 1.
Here is the playground links of both the working code where you can observe the difference.
a,b = b, a+b
a=b, b=a+b
I know I am missing something to understand, basically how the shorthand expression are evaluated especially when the same variable is involved in the expression.
But where is the proper documentation to refer. Could anyone help on this?
See here
The assignment proceeds in two phases. First, the operands of index
expressions and pointer indirections (including implicit pointer
indirections in selectors) on the left and the expressions on the
right are all evaluated in the usual order. Second, the assignments
are carried out in left-to-right order.
Based on that a+b (0+1) is evaluated first. Then it's assigned. Thus you get the result of a = 1 and b = 1

How do I create arithmetic statements using variables?

I'm trying to create a method to check if three variables a, b and c are a pythagorean triplet. I set it up with a known triplet: 3, 4, 5. This program won't run though and I can't figure out why.
a = 3
b = 4
c = 5
def triplet?
if a**2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2
puts 'pythagorean triplet'
else puts 'not a pythagorean triplet'
It returns the error message:
undefined local variable or method `a' for main:Object (NameError)
Any help will be much appreciated.
a, b, and c are local to the scope they're defined in, and thus aren't visible to separate scopes (such as other methods). See the doc on Object#def:
Starts a new local scope; local variables in existence when the def block is entered are not in scope in the block, and local variables created in the block do not survive beyond the block.
What you want to do is pass numbers as parameters:
def triplet?(a, b, c)
if a**2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2
puts 'pythagorean triplet'
else puts 'not a pythagorean triplet'
triplet?(3, 4, 5)
This will define those three variables in the scope of the triplet? method, then you populate their values by passing them when you invoke the method.
A small point of note, by convention, predicate methods (that is, methods ending in ?) in Ruby conventionally return a boolean. To write this method idiomatically, you might say:
def triplet?(a, b, c)
a**2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2
if triplet?(3, 4, 5)
puts 'pythagorean triplet'
puts 'not a pythagorean triplet'
That way, triplet? will always return a boolean true or false, then you can use it in your code to write English-y sentences.
Within the definition block, which is the scope for local variables, a is not defined, hence the error message.
a = 3
b = 4
c = 5
def triplet?(a, b, c)
if a**2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2
puts 'pythagorean triplet'
puts 'not a pythagorean triplet'
triplet?(a, b, c)
def creates a function. Inside the function block, you have a scope. a, b, and c are not in that scope. Tell the function to take parameters a, b, c and pass it the parameters.
There is no relation between the name you give the function parameters and the function parameters you pass.
The following will also work:
x = 3
y = 4
z = 5
def triplet?(a, b, c)
if a**2 + b ** 2 == c ** 2
puts 'pythagorean triplet'
puts 'not a pythagorean triplet'
triplet?(x, y, z)
