How to make git reset previous credentials on OS X? - macos

I'm a Git instructor, so must have multiple GitHub accounts for demonstration purposes. I'm using Git on both Ubuntu, Windows and sometimes in OS X.
I have a problem in OS X where Git remembers the previous credentials. According to the screen shot, I want to push a testing repository to GitHub account of jeud, but Git remembers the credentials of account tutor4dev, so Git never prompts me for any authentication like I would get when using Ubuntu and Windows.
I have tried git config credential. jeud, but it's still not working.
Please guide what to do, thanks.
In my case, I can reset the current username and password using /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access
But if possible, I would like Git to prompt me for authentication every time when requires for credential.
I have removed the credential helper using git config --global --unset credential.helper and setup core.askpass using git config --global core.askpass true, but Git still uses the username and password stored in the OS.

I have solved my problem by deleting existing credential on my machine using /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access

Try using:
git config --global --edit
That should show you the contents of .gitconfig located at:


Clear git-credential-manager-core cached login

Cannot clear the git-credential-manager-core cache
it always show the last user
Using Windows credentials Manager - no login regarding Git
Using the "Forget: option in Dialog not working
Using "Erase" in Git Bash Not clearing
Delete all Sign-In from Visual Studio
delete all "%LOCALAPPDATA%.IdentityService"
any help would be most appreciated
You should try at command line by git config --global --unset user.password.
Please let me know if it worked.
Disable Git Credential Manager if you don’t use it.
git config --global --unset credential.helper
Do all above Steps - in original Question.
And also clean all content using Internet Explorer

Using git in windows over sshd - stuck in push

In my environment, I cannot log in to the Windows GUI, but I have to use sshd to get a console (cmd.exe) from windows server 2019. Git is installed, but as soon as I try to do a git push, I face a problem:
Usually, in a CMD Console in Windows, a window with the credential manager would pop up, which doesn't work for this use case, where I actually "ssh-ed" via putty to a windows server. It seems that git gets stuck, obviously wanting to open a window.
How can I turn off this behavior, and make git on Windows more "unix-ish", so that like in a Linux environment the username/password prompt appears on the console?
Try and disable the credential helper (in your SSH session)
git config credential.helper=
That will allow you to test if Git is asking for credentials on the command line instead of opening a popup.
Note that this is only if you are cloning HTTPS URL.
Alternative option:
cd path/to/repo
git config --system --unset credential.helper
git config --global --unset credential.helper
git config --unset credential.helper

How do I unlink my computer from a github account?

I've been able to push with the mac GitHub app to a GitHub repo, but I'm trying to use the command line now and I see this error:
remote: Permission to bfred-it/test.git denied to wildlifela.
wildlifela is a company account that I used recently on a different project, I think I only added my SSH key to that account.
The problem is that even after removing my key from that account (wildlifela), my account (bfred-it), the RSA keys from my computer (with ssh-add -D) and emptying the ~/.ssh folder, I still get that error.
It doesn't seem to be a repo issue: I just created a repo on, cloned it to my desktop, created a commit and git push origin master still produces that error.
After following the Generating SSH Keys procedure, ssh -T authenticates me as bfred-it, but I still can't push as bfred-it.
What can I do?
(OSX 10.9)
I worked around this issue by using a different version of git.
Instead of using OS X's git I'm now using homebrew's git and it's working correctly.
If anyone has any insights as to what was happening, please share.
although i removed the ssh keys and the git config files from the OS, it just won't let me clone/pull/push to repositories
Check that the repo is indeed owned by you (for pushing to it)
There always is the option of using https url (with GitHub username/password)
removing the ssh key might not be enough, you also have the ~/.ssh/config file.
As mentioned in the comment, it can depend on your version of Git and on your OS (Windows, Mac or Linux).

Bitbucket, Windows and "fatal: could not read Password for"

I recently reinstalled Windows and I have a problem with downloading files from repository.
I have installed GIT and Python, but when I am trying to download anything from Bitbucket I get the message:
"fatal: could not read Password for: '': No such file or directory".
What am I doing wrong?
I solved it setting a global parameter:
git config --global core.askpass /usr/libexec/git-core/git-gui--askpass
Try to include your username and password in the URL like this:
git clone
I had the same problem an hour or so ago. My issue was that I was trying to do a git clone but using the https url instead of the ssh one. If you go to your repository you can select ssh or https from the dropdown for the clone url. Hope that helps!
Just solved this Problem
Git in Version contains a but using bitbucket, updating my Git to Version 1.9.0 solved this problem.
I just tried to do the same thing and it did not work for me, and I too recently reinstalled windows on my machine.
I am used to checking out a private repo from my bitbucket account by using the simple command
git clone
and then being prompted to enter a password for my user.
It looks like this might be broken in version I downgraded to version 1.8.4 and it started working as expected.
Git download list:
Hope this helps!
For https connections try installing the "Git Credential Store" (an "optional" step in the BitBucket tutorial).
This is how to install it:
Download git-credential-winstore.exe from
Open the Git Bash Shell and change the current directory to where git-credential-winstore.exe is located
Run ./git-credential-winstore -i /bin/git
Try to use git fetch in order to reenter and update the outdated password.
I had the similar issue. The cached password become invalid due to updating the actual password to new one. But git didn't ask me for reentering the valid password and just gave me an error that Authentication failed while I was trying to pull changes.
But magically, git asked me for the actual password when I typed git fetch instead of pulling the data. Once I entered the new password, apparently git updated the old one in its credentials storage and no longer asked me about the entering password again.
FIX IT (09/2020)
All the the answers here are wrong... You shouldn't NEVER do something like that:
All you have to do is:
Go to Sourcetree -> Preferences -> Git
You will have the section "Git Version" with 2 options: Reset to ebedded Git and Use System Git
Sourcetree use the Ebedded git for default.
Click on "Use System Git" and.... Fixed!
Follow me on:
In my case, the problem was with the global file .gitconfig on Windows.
When I tried to use solution provided by #jsarroyo in Git BASH, I got an error saying that the file .gitconfig.lock did not exist. I could find no way to fix it.
When I completely removed .gitconfig, everything worked fine.
WARNING: This way, you lose all your git settings and you need to configure it again.
In your project go to .git/config and add after username :password
before :
afetr :
I had the same problem with the Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 2 integrated version control. Additionally I have BitBucket and GitHub ssh keys setup on my Windows PC. I was able to fix the issue by setting checked Use credential helper in File | Settings | Version Control | Git
In my case, it was just a wrong password for bitbucket entered into the prompt dialog. When I entered the correct password, the error disappeared.
If you are using android studio you might want to try enabling "Use credential helper".
Go to File -> Settings -> Version control -> Git
Find "Use credential helper" option (mostly at bottom)
Enable this option by marking the checkbox before the option
I got this issue when I upgraded from Windows 7 to 8 and settings messed up for me too. I had to regenerate private and public keys, and change my TortoiseGIT to use plink, instead of SSH.exe
I wrote step by step instructions at
For Bitbucket If you are ok for the repo to be public you can just uncheck the "This is a private repository" checkbox in repo settings. Now a simple git clone should work.

Store https passwords with cygwin's Git

I am using Cygwin and Git. Every time I push/pull to a repo on Bitbucket with a https url I am asked to enter a password.
Is there a way to store these credentials (like with ssh-keys)?
I tried to install Windows Credential Store for Git but I can't get it to work with cygwin's Git.
I found my answer here: Is there a way to skip password typing when using https:// on GitHub?
Remember passwords for 15 minutes (default):
git config --global credential.helper cache
Remember passwords for 10 hours:
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=36000'
Store passwords (didn't try this):
git config --global credential.helper store
git config --unset --global credential.helper
The way OP answered his own question is one way to go about it.
The Windows Credential Store project was discontinued in 2015. Its original author suggests to use Git Credential Manager for Windows, maintained by Microsoft. Their installer is focused on Git for Windows, however the program itself works well with Cygwin, you just have to install it manually.
Go the GCMW's latest release, download the zip file (not the installer), extract its contents (only .dll and .exe files are needed) to C:\cygwin\usr\libexec\git-core\ for 32-bit Cygwin, or C:\cygwin64\usr\libexec\git-core\ for 64-bit Cygwin. Reference
To get git to use GCMW, execute: git config --global credential.helper manager
To get GUI prompts for credentials, execute: git config --global credential.modalprompt true
If you want this to be a per-repository setting, remove the --global option.
I made Windows Credential Store working with cygwin. The only thing that needs to be changed is global ~/.gitconfig file.
Change 'helper' value which can be found usually at the end of the file to the following:
helper = !'/cygdrive/C/Users/<YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME>/AppData/Roaming/GitCredStore/git-credential-winstore.exe'
For an explanation, cygwin simply uses different paths and the value must follow the rules of course.
