How can I download ChromeDriver to NitrousIO Box Path? - ruby

I'm trying to use the watir-webdriver to build a webscraper but I'm getting an error message about being unable to find the firefox binary. Well, I'm not using firefox, I'm using Chrome.
So now I need to install the ChromeDriver binary and put in my PATH. Problem is, I have know idea how to do that in the NitrousIO IDE.
UPDATE: I downloaded and unzipped the 64bit binary. Now I'm trying to put it in my path. Eventually I got echo $PATH to read the binary, but I'm still getting an 'unable to find webdriver executable' error.
I tried mving the file into usr/bin but I got a permission denied error. Does anyone know a solution to this?


How to close tab with selenium on macos with chrome driver?

My code
from selenium import webdriver
dr = webdriver.Chrome()
I got this error
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH. Please see
The error is telling you what is wrong: the chromedriver program is not found in your executable path (stored in the environment as $PATH).
You can tell what the current path is using something like this:
import os
print os.environ['PATH']
Once you know the path, you can install chromedriver into one of the directories in the path.
The correct solution would be to just add the path of your chrome driver. The best way to do that is just have the chrome driver in the same directory as you are probably going to be updating it a lot since google is still working on it.

get error when downloading the chromium src code

I try to download the chromium source code and compile it on my mac.
According to the instructions:
I did everything before:
$ fetch chromium
but when I try to download the chromium, it gives the error:
fetch chromium: Get chromium: unsupported protocol scheme ""
Any ideas, why?
ok, I think what happens is someother command override the fetch command. I'm not really sure. But since it is an executable command, I just use the absolute path of the fetch file to run it and it works.

Ubuntu missing error message

I am working with the exiv2 library. I currently faced an issue, and i can't find my way out of it. Here is the issue.
I installed the exiv2 library. When I try to run it, the following error is given.
exiv2: error while loading the shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
But, when i open the /usr/local/lib folder, it exists there. Again when I try to locate the library using the ldd command, the command cannot locate it!
Can anyone help me to find what is going on there? Thanks in advance!
If not how to uninstall the whole library and reinstall it?
I had a similar problem when using the sources for installing.
You can remove the built files with sudo make uninstall from inside the sources folder of exiv2.
The solution to my problem was to simply use the package from the Ubuntu repository: sudo apt install exiv2 libexiv2-dev.
Hopefully this will help you too.

Has anyone managed to add custom icons into Ionic in Windows?

I refer the instructions here
What I did (on Windows):
Install fontforge through web instead of 'brew'
Install SASS through Ruby GEM
Place my-icon.svg inside src/ (of the ionicons-master)
Run the python ./builder/
I think I am very closed. Until i saw this error message:
windowsError: The system cannot find the file specified
And I think I get even closer when I saw the last post of this link
But, I don't get what it means. I downloaded the .exe but it doesn't work.
Is it the python build only meant for MAC? Has anyone managed to make this work in Windows?

Mathematica won't find SerialIO package

I'm following a guide from The Mathematica Journal that describes how to use Mathematica with the Lego Mindstorms NXT. I have some trouble getting started and got stuck with the SerialIO package.
I use Mac OSX and I have installed the package to:
The command Needs["SerialIO`"] gives me the following error message:
LinkOpen::linke: Could not find MathLink executable.
And trying
SetDirectory[FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages", "SerialIO", $SystemID}]];
Does not help either, it gives:
SetDirectory::cdir: Cannot set current directory to /Applications/
There seem to be some problem with the alias/symbolic link in the SerialIO folder. By default they pointed to an absolute directory on the machine that this library was built on:
MacOSX-x86-64 -> /Files/schofield/Packages/SerialIO/Build/Mac/build/Deployment/Package/SerialIO/MacOSX
I tried deleting the alias and creating a symbolic link in the terminal:
ln -s MacOSX MacOSX-x86-64
Running the SetDirectory command again result in... no result, so I guess thats good. The commands seem to have been loaded as when typing Serial it want to autocomplete to SerialOpen etc.
However, using the command mybrick = SerialOpen["name of serial port"] does not put the NXT in connected mode (<> on NXT display). Does anyone else got it to work?
There was a problem in SerialIO in combination with Mathematica9. After some correspondence in may 2013, Wolfram Support find the problem and updated SerialIO for me. It seems logical that they also update SerialIO on their site. Please have a try and download SerialIO again and update. My OS is MaxOSX.
