How do I theme the title of a block in a view - view

I am using views and I have created a block. I need to add a span to Newest members.
I tried using the theme tpl files given by views. The top most file is views-view.tpl.php, I added a class to the first div "vishaltest" however u can see it starts a bit lower than what I want. how can I override this section
<div class="block-title">Newest members</div>
the code:
<section id="block-views-5a3590205379433adabbd042516161b0" class="block block-views clearfix">
<div class="block-title">Newest members</div>
<div class="view view-recently-added-updated-profiles view-id-recently_added_updated_profiles view-display-id-newest_member view-dom-id-e8042a917bbe79ecf65705f5c8bda2a3 vishaltest">

I think you would have more chance to access the block title through block--views-view.tpl.php using $block->subject variable.


Dynamics charts using chartist and angular with ng-repeate

I now and I can show a chart with dynamic data but a fixed number of chart. When I want to show a dynamic number of charts, something happens with ng-repeate. I said something happens, because if in mycharts[0].container.outerHTML I had the html that I need to show the graph (generated by the library), and if I copy and paste in a fixed place in my html, it will show the graph. My ng-repeate code looks as follow:
<div class="row" ng-controller="nodesDataTablesCtrl as nodeCtrl" >
<div ng-repeat="(index, node) in nodeCtrl.nodes" on-finish-render>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div id="{{ }}_MEMORY" class="ct-chart snp_dynamic_chart"></div>
I found a solution, I'm not sure if is a bug of ng-repeate or Chartist.
In my ng-repeate I use nodeCtrl.nodes, which is an array that I receive from an http.get, my solution was create an range function, wich is, a function that receive a Number and return a list from 0 to n-1. Instead of passing the nodeCtrl.nodes which is updated everytime I make a request, I update a variable numberOfNodes with the range function, I mean, my new ng-repeat will be as follow:
<div ng-repeat="(index, node) in nodeCtrl.numberOfNodes" on-finish-render>
and in the success function of my request I do:
numberOfNodes = range(nodeCtrl.nodes.length)
which from my point of view make that ng-repeate don't update in some way internally.
Is important to se that programatically it shouldn't be differen but ...

How to clear selected value from Bootstrap FormHelpers SelectBox

How does one access the various options for the bootstrap formhelpers library?
I have tried every way of accessing them, but get an error every time.
Specifically, I'm trying to clear out the selected value in a bfh-selectbox
see How to reset value of Bootstrap-select after button click
Its hard to clear the value of a select box since its a dropdown. Do you mean setting the dropdown to a specific option?
For your specic question: You can set and get the value of the bfh-selectbox with JQuery like this:
<div id="selBox" class="bfh-selectbox" data-name="selectbox1">
<div data-value="1">Option 1</div>
<div data-value="2">Option 2</div>
<div data-value="3">Option 3</div>
Get value:
var output = $("#selBox").val();
Set value:
$("#selBox").val([Replace with valid option value]);
BFH are great components, but their documentation is really lacking.

How to render html on a given view brefore RenderBody() from the layout is triggered

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC3 project. I'm using Twitter Bootstrap for my styling (not sure if that's important). The problem I have is that my Index.cshtml view of the Home controller has slightly different layout from the other pages (additional image navigation at the top which I don't show once the user select where he wants to go) but this is causing problems so I remove this part from the Index view to another partial view _ImageNavigation.cshtml and what I want to do is render the content of this partial view when Home/Index.cshtml is opened and I want to render it before the #RenderBody() also independently from it so I get the page the way I want it.
Right now in my _Layout.cshtml I have:
<div id="main">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">#RenderBody() </div>
<div class="col-md-2">
//some static content
So I have two ideas first - adding #RenderPage("~/Views/Shared/_ImageNavigation.cshtml") right before #RenderBody() like :
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">#RenderBody() </div>
which produces the effect I want, but as you may guess _ImageNavigation is rendered on every page which is not what I want. I want it only on my Home/Index.cshtml so I guess the maybe some kind of check could be made to see what view is loading and render _ImageNavigation only if it's the correct view. Something like :
if (LoadingView == Home/Index.cshtml)
Of course the above is just pseudo code, I don't know if it's possible and how to make such a check. And also I wonder if there is a way to do it in the page itself. I tried to put #RenderPage("~/Views/Shared/_ImageNavigation.cshtml") directly in my Home/Index.cshtml but obviously this way the page is rendered as if the code is written directly in the View and not loaded explicitly.
Maybe there's other way. This seems like pretty standard problem but I don't seem to find a proper solution.
When you have a smaller number of exceptions I like to use Sections. Here is a very simlified example:
#if (IsSectionDefined("Nav"))
<nav>default nav</nav>
Page with alternative nav:
#section Nav
<nav>My alternate nav</nav>
<div>This is the body for RenderBody</div>
You can read more on Defining Default Content For A Razor Layout Section - Phil Haacked.

TYPO3 - geting images from a folder using Typoscript

I try to read pics (for a slider) from a folder. I have a marker called ###SLIDER### and my images are in the fileadmin/sliders/ folder.
I would like to achieve the following output as in the template that I bought:
<div class="camera_wrap">
<div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/slider_1.jpg">
<div class="camera-caption fadeIn">Text_1</div>
<div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/slider_2.jpg">
<div class="camera-caption fadeIn">Text_2</div>
<div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/slider_3.jpg">
<div class="camera-caption fadeIn">Text_3</div>
How can I load the images from a folder using Typoscript and display it this way?
The following code will give you what you want but without the captions. It works in TYPO3 4.5.x. I'm not sure that it works in higher versions as the description of filelist in the current (as of 16/10/2013) manual is somewhat confusing so I don't know if something has changed in the newer versions.
filelist = fileadmin/sliders/
split {
token = ,
cObjNum = 1
1 {
current = 1
wrap = <div data-src="fileadmin/sliders/|"></div>
wrap = <div class="camera_wrap">|</div>
NOTE: This is a very simple example that presumes that all the images in the folder are already resized to appropriate dimensions and that all the files within the folder are images. To make it better, the first (1) object of the split might be set to be IMG_RESOURCE. This way it would check that only images are outputted and it would allow you to use GIFBUILDER to resize the images if needed.

Load a view inside another view

I've been using django for some time and I decided to start a new project but this time in Codeigniter, I used to extend the template file in my views and put content inside the {% block content %} block but it seens to be different in CodeIgniter.
In CodeIgniter I have something like:
But is there a way to have an unique file with header, content and footer like this?
<div id="header">Welcome</div>
<div id="content">
<div id="footer"> 2013 - Tectcom Telecom</div>
And put a view file with a form inside the content div?
Update your html (layout) file like this:
<div id="content"><?php $this->load->view($content) ?></div>
In your controller, call the view like this:
$view_data = array();
$view_data['content'] = 'form_add_customer';
$this->load->view('path/to/layout', $view_data);
I've used the "Most Simple Template Library for CodeIgniter" in the past with success for smaller projects. I believe it'll provide with the functionality that you require allowing you to have placeholders in a 'template' which you can update in your controller logic.
