How to set up Percona Xtradb cluster with Amazon AutoScaling? - amazon-ec2

I want to make a cluster of 3 Percona Xtradb+application servers in ec2 using AutoScaling groups, so that if some server fails for some reason, it can be shut down and ASG would then restart the server getting all the current data from the other 2 working servers.
So to implement this I've made 3 instances (A, B, and C) and on initial startup instance A tests port 4567 of instances B and C and if on any of them this port is open, Xtradb is started with proper wsrep_cluster settings, SST is fetched from the running instance.
If that port is closed on both instances, A starts with wsrep_cluster=gcomm:// so it becomes the "origin" of the cluster, thinking instances B and C were simply never started yet, waiting for them to connect later.
The problem is, if instances B and C are running, but A can't connect to them on launch, "split brain" is going to occur. How do I avoid this situation?

If A cannot talk to B and C when A starts up, then A will bootstrap. You won't really have split brain. You would have two separate clusters. You would have existing data on B/C and no data on A.
You probably need service discovery, something like Consul or etcd, to function as 'source of truth' for the status of your cluster in an automated fashion, like you are trying to achieve. On startup for each node, contact Consul and look for a key-pair representing any nodes. If none, bootstrap and then register with discovery service. Each node, once online, should have a regular update to srv disc saying "I'm still here".
The real problem occurs when all nodes go down and ASG has to rebuild all of them. Where does the data come from in this case? There would not be any. This is one of the biggest downsides to automated configurations like this. It would be better for you just to have proper monitoring for when a node goes offline so you can take smarter actions.


Conditionally restart a service

I've just learned how to use notifications and subscriptions in Chef to carry out actions such as restarting services if a config file is changed.
I am still learning chef so may just have not got to this section yet but I'd like to know how to do the actions conditionally.
Eg1 if I change a config file for my stand alone apache server I only want to restart the service if we are outside core business hours ie the current local time is between 6pm and 6am. If we are in core business hours I want the restart to happen but at a later time, outside core hours.
Eg2 if I change a config file for my load balanced apache server cluster I only want restart the service if a) the load balancer service status is "running" and b) all other nodes in the cluster have their apache service status as running ie I'm not taking down more than one node in the cluster at once.
I imagine we might need to put the action in a ruby block that either loops until the conditions are met or sets a flag or creates a scheduled task to execute later but I have no idea what to look for to learn how best to do this.
I guess this topic is kind of philosophical. For me, Chef should not have a specific state or logic beyond the current node and run. If I want to restart at a specific time, I would create a cron job with a conditional and just set the conditional with chef (Something like debian's /var/run/reboot-required). Then crond would trigger the reboot.
For your second example, the LB should have no issues to deal with a restarting apache backend and failover to another backend. Given that Chef runs regulary with something called "splay" the probability is very low that no backend is reachable. Even with only 2 backends. That said, reloading may be the better way.

How to properly scale Jelastic app servers horizontally

I have several stateless app servers packed into Docker containers. I have a lot of load on top of them and I want to horizontally scale this setup. My setup doesn't include load balancer nodes.
What I've done is simply increased nodes count — so far so good.
From my understanding Jelastic have some internal load balancer which decides to which node it should pass incoming request, e.g.:
user -> -> one of 10 of app nodes created.
But I've noticed that lot of my nodes (especially last ones) are not receiving any requests, and just idling, while first nodes receive lion share of incoming requests (I have lot of them!). This looks strange for me, because I thought that internal load balancer doing some king of round-robin distribution.
How to setup round-robin balancing properly? I came to the conclusion that I have to create another environment with nginx/haproxy and manually add all my 10 nodes to list of downstream servers.
Edit: I've setup separate HAProxy instance and manually added all my nodes to haproxy.cfg and it worked like a charm. But the question is still open since I want to achieve automatic/by schedule horizontal scaling.
Edit2: I use Jelastic v5.3 Cerebro. I use custom Docker images (btw, I have something like ~20 envs which all about of custom images except of databases).
My topology for this specific case is pretty simple — single Docker environment with app server configured and scaled to 10 nodes. I don't use public IP.
Edit3: I don't need sticky sessions at all. All my requests came from another service deployed to jelastic (1 node).

CoreOS, Fleet and Etcd2 fault tolerance

I have a 23 node cluster running CoreOS Stable 681.2.0 on AWS across 4 availability zones. All nodes are running etcd2 and flannel. Of the 23 nodes, 8 are dedicated etcd2 nodes, the rest are specifically designated as etcd2 proxies.
Scheduled to the cluster are 3 nginx plus containers, a private Docker registry, SkyDNS, and 4 of our application containers. The application containers register themselves with with etcd2 and the nginx containers pick up any changes, render the necessary files, and finally reload.
This all works perfectly, until a singe etcd2 node is unavailable for any reason.
If the cluster of voting etcd2 members loses connectivity to a even a single other voting etcd2 member, all of the services scheduled to the fleet become unstable. Scheduled services begin stopping and starting without my intervention.
As a test, I began stopping the EC2 instances which host voting etcd2 nodes until quorum was lost. After the first etcd2 node was stopped, the above symptoms began. After a second node, services became unstable, with no observable change. Then, after the third was stopped quorum was lost and all units were unscheduled. I then started all three etcd2 nodes again and within 60 seconds the cluster had returned to a stable state.
Subsequent tests yield identical results.
Am I hitting a known bug in etcd2, fleet or CoreOS?
Is there a setting I can modify to keep units scheduled onto a node even if etcd is unavailable for any reason?
I've experienced the same thing. In my case, when I ran 1 specific unit it caused everything to blow up. Scheduled and perfectly fine running units were suddenly lost without any notice, even machines dropping out of the cluster.
I'm still not sure what the exact problem was, but I think it might have had something to do with etcd vs etcd2. I had a dependency of etcd.service in the unit file, which (I think, not sure) caused CoreOS to try and start etcd.service, while etcd2.service was already running. This might have caused the conflict in my case, and messed up the etcd registry of units and machines.
Something similar might be happening to you, so I suggest you check each host whether you're running etcd or etcd2 and check your unit files to see which one they depend on.

Node thinks that it is online when it's network cable is unplugged. Pacemaker/Corosync

I am trying to cluster 2 computers together with Pacemaker/Corosync. The only resource that they share is an ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr this is the main problem:
Since there are only two nodes failover will only occur if the no-quorum-policy=ignore.
When the network cable is pulled from node A, corosync on node A binds to and pacemaker believes that node A is still online and the node B is the one offline.
Pacemaker attempts to start the IPaddr on Node A but it fails to start because there is no network connection. Node B on the other hand recognizes that node B is offline and if the IPaddr service was started on node A it will start it on itself (node B) successfully.
However, since the service failed to start on node A it enters a fatal state and has to be rebooted to rejoin the cluster. (you could restart some of the needed services instead.)
1 workaround is the set start-failure-is-fatal="false" which makes node A continue to try to start the IPaddr service until it is successful. the problem with this is that once it is successful you have a ip conflict between the two nodes until they re cluster and one of the gives up the resource.
I am playing around with the idea of having a node attribute that mirrors cat /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier which is 1 when the cable is connected and zero when it is disconnected and then having a location rule that says if "connected" == zero don't start service kind of thing, but we'll see.
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
After speaking with Andrew Beekhof (Author of Pacemaker) and Digimer on the irc network, I have learned that the actual cause behind this issue is do to the cluster being improperly fenced.
Fencing or having stonith enabled is absolutely essential to having a successful High Availability Cluster. The following page is a must read on the subject:
Cluster Tutorial: Concept - Fencing
Many thanks to Digimer for providing this invaluable resource. The section on clustering answers this question, however the entire article is beneficial.
Basically fencing and S.T.O.N.I.T.H. (Shoot the other node in the head) are mechanisms that a cluster uses to make sure that a down node is actually dead. It needs to do this to avoid shared memory corruption, split brain status (multiple nodes taking over shared resources), and most make sure that your cluster does not get stuck in recovery or crash.
If you don't have stonith/fencing configured and enabled in your cluster environment you really need it.
Other issues to look out for are Stonith Deathmatch, and Fencing Loops.
In short the issue of loss of network connectivity causing split brain was solved by creating our own Stonith Device and writing a stonith agent following the /usr/share/doc/cluster-glue/stonith/README.external tutorial, and then writing a startup script that checks to see if the node is able to support joining the cluster and then starts corosync or waits 5 minutes and checks again.
According your configuration, the heartbeat between two nodes will use "" , i think it's totally wrong.
Usually the corosync need to bind to private IPs, and the resource IPaddr service should use different ip which named traffic IP.
For example:
Node A: (For heartbeat); ip)
Node B: (For heartbeat) ; ip)
If my understanding is correct ,ipaddr service will startup an virtual ip base on traffic ip, we assume it's

AppFabric Redundancy

We just tested an AppFabric cluster of 2 servers where we removed the "lead" server. The second server timeouts on any request to it with the error:
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheException: ErrorCode<ERRCA0017>:SubStatus<ES0006>:
There is a temporary failure. Please retry later.
(One or more specified Cache servers are unavailable, which could be caused by busy network or servers. Ensure that security permission has been granted for this client account on the cluster and that the AppFabric Caching Service is allowed through the firewall on all cache hosts. Retry later.)
In practive this means that if one server in the cluster goes down then they all go down. (Note we are not using Windows cluster, only linking multiple AppFabric cache servers to each other.)
I need the cluster to continue operating even if a single server goes down. How do I do this?
(I realize this question is borderlining Serverfault, but imho developers should know this.)
You'll have to install the AppFabric cache on at least three lead servers for the cache to survive a single server crash. The docs state that the cluster will only go down if the "majority" of the lead servers go down, but in the fine print, they explain that 1 out of 2 constitutes a majority. I've verified that removing a server from a three lead-node cluster works as advertised.
Typical distributed systems concept. For a write or read quorum to occur in an ensemble you need to have 2f + 1 servers up where f is number of servers failing. I think appfabric or any CP (as in CAP theorem) consensus based systems need this to happen for working of the cluster.
Thats actually a problem with the Appfabric architecture and it is rather confusing in terms of the "lead-host" concept. The idea is that the majority of lead hosts should be running so that the cluster remains up and running. So if you had three servers you'd have to have at least two lead hosts constantly communicating with each other and eating up server resources and if both go down then the whole cluster fails. The idea is to have a peer-to-peer architecture where all servers act as peers meaning that even if two servers go down the cluster remains functioning with no application downtimes. Try NCache:
