Transfer my Joomla website to another folder, but not worked - joomla

I am facing a Problem in my Joomla Website, when I shifted all my Joomla website files and folder to a Test folder , I got the following error
:- Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in includes/joomla.php.
I resolved it by removing &(ampersand) from includes/joomla.php, but now I am facing problem that nothing is visible to me. All I can see is a blank page. Please take a look at
I have tried this code in includes/joomla.php but not succeed
$temp = func_get_args();
array_shift( $temp );
$args = array();
foreach ($temp as $k => $v) {
$args[] = &$temp[$k];


Replace Old image with new image in laravel

public function updateproduct(Request $request, $id)
// dd($request->all());
$product = Product::where('id', $id)->first();
if(is_null($product)) {
$product = new Product();
$existingimages = Image::where(['product_id'=> $product->id, 'source'=> 1])->get();
if($existingimages->count() > 0)
foreach($existingimages as $existingimage) {
$filename = public_path().'files/'.$existingimage->name;
foreach($request->file('images') as $file){
$name = rand(1,9999).'.'.$file->getClientOriginalName().$file->getClientOriginalExtension();
if($file->move(public_path().'/files/', $name)){
$updateImage = Image::firstWhere('product_id', $product->id);
$updateImage->images = $name;
$updateImage->source = 1;
Please check updated question. Request you to correct me if I wrong. Right now it only updates 1 image and other images remains same. please help me with this.
Your code is somewhat confusing, I'm afraid.
Your request appears to allow for multiple images to be uploaded. Here :
you look like you're trying to delete any images that already exist, but when you store upload images you're assigning them a random name (which Laravel can already handle for you, by the way, so there's no need to do it yourself) so you're unlikely to be actually deleting them because there'll likely be no file at that location anyway.
Nowhere does your code actually delete any existing images from the database. Essentially what you want to do is :
If the upload has images, retrieve all the existing images for that product.
Delete the physical files for those existing images.
Delete the database entries for those existing images.
Upload your new images and save their details to the database.
Translating that into code means :
// Delete any existing image files and database entries.
$existingimages = Image::where('product_id', $product->id)->get();
if($existingimages->count() > 0)
foreach($existingimages as $existingimage) {
$filename = public_path().'files/'.$existingimage->name;
// Carry on with your upload
It adds new images because you are using the Image::create method. If I understood correctly, you want to modify the images of your products in the image table.
Try to modify your code like :
$updateImage = Image::firstWhere('product_id', $product->id);
$updateImage->images = $name;
$updateImage->source = 1;

Error 404 WP Ajax Request

I was working on creating a WP plugin that will load other plugins only on specific URL. These plugins are deactivate in WP admin plugins, and are only loaded when a specific page is accessed.
Within my plugin's Class construct function:
$exp = explode('/', $uri);
$uri = $exp[2];
$options = get_option( $this->plugin_name );
$key = array_search( '/'.$uri.'/', array_column($options, 'url') );
$plugin_dir = $options[$key]['plugin']; // this prints plugin file directory ex. /MyPlugin/myplugin.php
include( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . $plugin_dir);
Above code loads the plugin on specific URL/page. Meaning the variable $plugin_dir grabbed the correct directory. BUT, problem occur when there's an AJAX request from that plugin. Ex. when i try to delete an item using ajax request, it returns Error 404 Bad request.
Weird part is, almost same code above, but this time, i manually assign the plugin directory to a variable: ex.
$exp = explode('/', $uri);
$uri = $exp[2];
$options = get_option( $this->plugin_name );
$key = array_search( '/'.$uri.'/', array_column($options, 'url') );
$plugin_dir = '/MyPlugin/myplugin.php'; // manually place the plugin file dir
//same output as $plugin_dir = $options[$key]['plugin'];
include( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . $plugin_dir);
But this time, plugin works really well. No Ajax bad request error.
What could be the possible explanation for this? Is there any solution about this issue, so that i can dynamically get the plugin file directory from wp options based on the Request URI.
Also, another issue. Instead of REQUEST URI, i wanted to get the POST/PAGE ID instead, but everything returns NULL/empty. Still inside the construct function, i tried different approach to get the page ID:
global $post;
var_dump($post->ID); //returns NULL
global $wp_query;
var_dump($wp_query->post->ID); //returns NULL
echo get_the_ID(); //returns empty/NULL
Is there a way how to properly get the POST/PAGE details, or even just the ID?
Thank you.

shows me blank page when upload a .docx document on a website laravel

Hello I am new to laravel and still learning it and I come across different problems and issues and I cant find a way to solve it. I have been stuck to this since very long. Any help would be much appreciated.
The Problem
Whenever I upload a .docx file to my website i get a blank page without any error or without the content of that docx file. I dont know what the problem is. Please help me out with this.
public function getUploadedFile() {
// $destinationPath = 'uploads';
// $path= public_path()."/". $destinationPath;
// $content = utf8_encode(File::get('/var/www/html/asad/File-Uploader/public/uploads/detailed_period_report_template.xls'));
// return view('/files', compact('path'));
$file = $this->request->file('file_name');
$file_name = $this->request->file_name;
if (File::isFile($file_name))
$file_name = File::get($file_name);
$response = Response::make($file_name, 200);
$content_types = [
'application/octet-stream', // txt etc
'application/msword', // doc
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', //docx
'application/', // xls
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', // xlsx
'application/pdf', // pdf
// using this will allow you to do some checks on it (if pdf/docx/doc/xls/xlsx)
$response->header('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document');
return $response;
I dont have any view for this. Do I need one for this ? If yes what would be it like because every docx file has it's set of properties like font, size, etc unlike excel sheets where we just defines columns. Please help me out. Thank you in advance
I have figured it out after so long finally.
It was sending "null" as a file name so what I did now is got the file name from the database instead of storage and then compared it that if that file is in storage and database then open it. Below is the code running for me now.
Thank you #MATEY for all your help though
$upload = new Upload;
$file= public_path(). "/uploads/" . $upload->file_name = $this->request->file_name;
$files = File::get($file);
$response = Response::make($files, 200);
and changed the content type to $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document');
Thank you for the all help #MATEY. You gave me the motivation to fix it plus your else{...} part missing in if condition actually helped me alot finding out the error.

Can't write image data to path in laravel

I am having the same error as this guy is :
Another thread
basically the error i have is uploading the image to the specific path, my code is as follows :
public function postCreate() {
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all() , Product::$rules);
if ($validator->passes()) {
$product = new Product;
$product->category_id = Input::get('category_id');
$product->title = Input::get('title');
$product->description = Input::get('description');
$product->price = Input::get('price');
$image = Input::file('image');
$filename = date('Y-m-d-H:i:s')."-".$image->getClientOriginalName();
Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(468, 249)->save('public/img/products'.$filename);
$product->image = 'public/img/products'.$filename;
return Redirect::to('admin/products/index')
->with('message' , 'Product created');
return Redirect::to('admin/products/index')->with('message' , 'something went wrong')
I was just trying to follow a tutorial on laravel e-commerce web application.
I guess the problem is that i don't have write permisson in my directory , how do i add write permission in my directory. I.E. the public folder, I googled a few places , but i don't understand what is it that i have to edit ?
I.E the htaccesss file or can i make write changes on the cmd ? also how do i check what weather a directory is write protected .
PS. i am using windows . i am attaching a screenshot of the error .
Thank you.
You might want to change the dateformat since windows doesn't allow colons in filenames:
$filename = date('Y-m-d-H:i:s')."-".$image->getClientOriginalName();
And you also might want to add a trailing slash to your path so it doesn't concatenate the filename to the folder path:
Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(468, 249)->save('public/img/products'.$filename);
Generally this error occurs when you do not yet have the directory that will store the image inside the public directory. Sometimes it can be a permission issue.
Does you img directory exists in your public directory?
To fix this, follow the steps:
Use this snippet:
$relPath = 'img/'; //your path inside public directory
if (!file_exists(public_path($relPath))) { //Verify if the directory exists
mkdir(public_path($relPath), 666, true); //create it if do not exists
Or manually create the img directory in public
2.Then you can save your image:
Image::make($image)->resize(468, 249)->save(public_path('img/products'.$filename)); //save you image
$product->image = 'img/products'.$filename; //note
**NOTE: We do not need to specify the public directory in the path because we are using a relative path. The img directory will be created inside public directory.
Along with this, you need to make sure the folder path exists and which has right permissions set.
$relPath = 'img/product/';
if (!file_exists(public_path($relPath))) {
mkdir(public_path($relPath), 777, true);
Where $relPath is the path relative to public directory.
This requirement is however windows specific. In linux, folder directory will be created if it does not exist.
I also recommend all of you to check if $path exists. Like Jose Seie use native PHP check, I recommend you to thought about build-in helpers.
This can be achieved with File Facade helper:
File::exists($imagePath) or File::makeDirectory($imagePath, 777, true);
Advice you to use Laravel built-in functions, classes & helpers to improve the performance of your application!
well , i made the correction that john suggested and then made the following corrections :
I replaced the below code :
Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(468, 249)->save('public/img/products'.$filename);
with :
$path = public_path('img/products/'.$filename);
Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(468, 249)->save($path);
problem solved , i don't know why public_path works , but never mind .

How would i create a vanity url in codeigniter

How can i create a vanity url in codeigniter. Im having real trouble doing this in the framework. And there doesnt seem to be any good answers out there.
It's possible, I'm using this in one of my projects...
Here is a thread on the CodeIgniter forums showing how to do it...
According to Personalized User Vanity URL's in CodeIgniter, you can accomplish this by modifying your routes file:
$handle = opendir(APPPATH."/modules");
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
$route[$file] = $file;
$route[$file."/(.*)"] = $file."/$1";
/*Your custom routes here*/
/*Wrap up, anything that isnt accounted for pushes to the alias check*/
$route['([a-z\-_\/]+)'] = "aliases/check/$1";
