How to add Artifact metadata to nexus server - maven

I want to know how can I add metadata for an artifact which I want to push to nexus repository.
Can I define the metadata in POM file. Is there any tags in pom for doing this?
If adding through POM is not possible what are the other ways to do this?

There are three ways you can do it imho.
Add properties right in the pom. The problem I see with that is that you can not inspect the values easily in Nexus or search on them.
Add another file that is a properties file as an attached artifact with the Maven build helper plugin. That way they are in a separate file that can be parsed a bit easier than a Maven pom. Otherwise the same problems from 1. are there.
For both of these approaches you could create a custom Nexus plugin that shows that information somehow.
If you are using Nexus Professional you can activate the Custom Metadata plugin and use the approach described on the support site to get the properties into Nexus. Then you can also use search and so on to find specific components based on their metadata.

A simple way to do it is to add a <properties> tag with different properties holding your metadata.
<>The King</>
<my.goal>Bring joy to my people</my.goal>
You can put in anything you want and it will be in the pom put under Nexus.
I hope this helps.


Configure JFrog artifact repository for Maven project

I'm working on some generic template which I need to use Jfrog artifactory for the repository. I have gone through their documents they are specified to use setting.xml (need to add report info) for maven, but I don't want to force down the users to change there settings.xml who are going to use my template.
So i want it should be in my parent pom to access this and use further.
While you can define repositories in (parent) POMs, the settings.xml often overrides these settings.
If the settings.xml has a <mirror>*</mirror> entry, everything from the (parent) POM will be useless.
So the standard way to go is to change the settings.xml.

Where to actually put internal repository URL?

I see several options:
directly in pom.xml
in company super-pom
in settings.xml (global or user)
in a profile or directly (in settings.xml or pom.xml)
We want our Jenkins to push artifacts to internal repository, and developers to pull missing artifacts from there.
If I put the repository URL in pom.xml, and later the internal repository is moved to a different address, the released versions will all have a broken link.
Super-pom saves some repetition, but in a clean setup you need to somehow know where the repository is to find the parent POM — to tell you where the repository is.
Having the URL in settings allows one to change it without modifying the artifacts, but there are two problems:
build will fail due to unresolved dependencies, if maven settings have no reference to the internal repo
developers have to update their settings.xml files manually
I'm also unsure about the merits of putting repository configuration in profiles. I know it let's you easily switch the repositories on and off, but shouldn't the -o option and snapshot resolution settings be enough for most uses?
What about using a different repository (e.g. with instrumented classes) for integration tests?
Configure a single repository in the users ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml and configure other needed repositories in your appropriate repository manager either Nexus, Artifactory or Archiva. In Jenkins there is the Config File Provider plugin which exactly handles such situations in a very convinient way.
If you want to have repeatable builds and good control over your organization internally, use a repository manager and use a mirrorOf entry in everyone’s settings.xml to point at that url.
If you are exposing your source and want to make it easy for others to
build, then consider adding a repository entry to your POM, but don’t
pick a URL lightly, think long-term, and use a URL that will always be
under your control.

intellij idea specify repository for downloading sources

It seems that question can be related to How to automatically attach source code for dependency in Intellij? but it`s not in full manner.
In debug mode I'm getting into decompiled file and idea ask me to download or set the path to sources.
For resolving I'm using some nexus repository which aggregates different vendors public jars (proxy repositories,reuploaded jars and etc). Unfortunately it contains jars but very often it doesn't contain sources or javadocs.
But at the same time vendors' repositories contain sources. After clicking "download" button - I can see that idea try to find sources only in "" repository.
So is any ability to set the list of repositories where Idea can search sources?
IntelliJ will respect your normal Maven configuration. You can define repositories in the actual pom.xml or in your maven user setting under ~/.m2/settings.xml. See
Check settings of IntelliJ IDEA "Settings-->Maven-->Repositories
There are two sections:
Index Maven Repositories
Artifactory or Nexus Service URLs

How can I add meta data to a maven pom

I have a maven pom which is deployed to a repo -And I want to add extra meta data to the tags..... For example, date created, git md5, etc...
Most importantly , I want this meta data to be seen in the pom itself, (and also embedded in the jar/zip artifact, but that is easy to do).
Can I add more (nonidentifying) xml fields to a pom declaration, which can be used for browsing but not necessarily required for defining the pom resource ?
If not, what is a simple way to annotate information about a resource in a maven deployment server (I'm using archiva, which is similar to nexus)-- of course, there is the "version" field, but I don't want to have to cram all my metadata into just one field.
There are some fields in the pom.xml that can be used that are found under More Project Information in the Pom reference.
You could probably squeeze some information into the description tag and parse the way you like.
Or you could even use <properties/> and create some useful tags there that fulfill your requirements. It may not be the recommended way to use properties for this but it is still an option.
By using properties it would be very easy to get those values into the MANIFEST.MF file by using filtering techniques in combination with the Maven Jar Plugin.
An alternative approach is to use features offered by your chosen Maven repository manager:
Custom metadata in Nexus
Properties in Artifactory
Don't know if Archiva has these features, but they enable you to add custom information to artifacts but more importantly they also allow you to search on these tags.
Hope this helps.
Sonatype support question on metadata

How do i set Maven to retrieve dependencies first from my own remote repository (Archiva)?

How do i set Maven to retrieve external dependencies first from my own remote repository (using Archiva), and if its not found, Archiva will download from external sources, and at the same time saves the downloaded dependency?
You essentially have to set up your .m2/settings.xml file, nothing fancy.
Here is a pretty comprehensive guide. While based on Artifactory, the aspects of POM configuring are obviously general. That should give you all the information you need.
