One liner command to extract #of ID occurrences in a very long file - bash

I have the following really huge file (million lines) with the following format:
Timestamp, ID, GUID
2014-04-14 23:59:59,754 2294 123B24C6452231DC1770FE37E6F3D51168
2014-04-14 23:59:59,757 102254 B9E0CE6C9F67745326F9FD07C5B31B4E1D65
ID is a number which can be any from single digit and up to 6 digits.
GUID has a constant length (as above).
I would like to get #of occurrences for each ID in the file.
Output should looks something like:
Count, ID
8 2294
15 102254
I am trying to get this with a single grep using uniq and sort without much succeess.
Appreciate help.

If there are single spaces in between the fields (as in your example) rather than commas (as in your format), then you could use:
cut -d' ' -f3 hugefile | sort | uniq -c
Another alternative, if the separator might be several spaces:
awk '{print $3}' hugefile | sort | uniq -c
You could also do all the work inside the awk program (untested):
awk '{c[$3]++} END { for (n in c) print c[n], n }' hugefile

You can use this,
grep -Po '(?<= )[0-9]+ ' yourfile | sort | uniq -c


check if column has more than one value in unix [duplicate]

I have a text file with a large amount of data which is tab delimited. I want to have a look at the data such that I can see the unique values in a column. For example,
Red Ball 1 Sold
Blue Bat 5 OnSale
So, its like the first column has colors, so I want to know how many different unique values are there in that column and I want to be able to do that for each column.
I need to do this in a Linux command line, so probably using some bash script, sed, awk or something.
What if I wanted a count of these unique values as well?
Update: I guess I didn't put the second part clearly enough. What I wanted to do is to have a count of "each" of these unique values not know how many unique values are there. For instance, in the first column I want to know how many Red, Blue, Green etc coloured objects are there.
You can make use of cut, sort and uniq commands as follows:
cat input_file | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq
gets unique values in field 1, replacing 1 by 2 will give you unique values in field 2.
Avoiding UUOC :)
cut -f 1 input_file | sort | uniq
To count the number of unique occurences you can make use of wc command in the chain as:
cut -f 1 input_file | sort | uniq | wc -l
awk -F '\t' '{ a[$1]++ } END { for (n in a) print n, a[n] } ' test.csv
You can use awk, sort & uniq to do this, for example to list all the unique values in the first column
awk < test.txt '{print $1}' | sort | uniq
As posted elsewhere, if you want to count the number of instances of something you can pipe the unique list into wc -l
Assuming the data file is actually Tab separated, not space aligned:
<test.tsv awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq
Where $4 will be:
$1 - Red
$2 - Ball
$3 - 1
$4 - Sold
# COLUMN is integer column number
# INPUT_FILE is input file name
cut -f ${COLUMN} < ${INPUT_FILE} | sort -u | wc -l
Here is a bash script that fully answers the (revised) original question. That is, given any .tsv file, it provides the synopsis for each of the columns in turn. Apart from bash itself, it only uses standard *ix/Mac tools: sed tr wc cut sort uniq.
# Syntax: $0 filename
# The input is assumed to be a .tsv file
cols=$(sed -n 1p $FILE | tr -cd '\t' | wc -c)
cols=$((cols + 2 ))
for ((i=1; i < $cols; i++))
echo Column $i ::
cut -f $i < "$FILE" | sort | uniq -c
This script outputs the number of unique values in each column of a given file. It assumes that first line of given file is header line. There is no need for defining number of fields. Simply save the script in a bash file (.sh) and provide the tab delimited file as a parameter to this script.
awk '
for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++)
for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++)
for(fi=1; fi<=NF; fi++){
for (item in arr[fname[fi]])
' $1
Execution Example:
bash> ./ <path to tab-delimited file>
Output Example
isRef A_15 C_42 G_24 T_18
isCar YEA_10 NO_40 NA_50
isTv FALSE_33 TRUE_66

Counting the number of names in a category in a .csv with bash

I would like to count the number of students in a .csv file depending on the category
Category 1 is the name, Category 2 is the country, Category 3 is the city
The .csv file is displayed as such :
I have tried in my .sh script but it didn't work
sort -k3 -t; students.csv
I am trying to make a bash script that counts students by city and something that can also count one city just by executing the script such as
cat students.csv | ./ NYC
The terminal will only display the students from NYC
If I've understood you correctly, something like this?
cut -d";" -f3 mike.txt | sort | uniq -c
(Sorry, incorrect solution first time - updated now)
To count only one city:
cut -d";" -f3 mike.txt | grep "NYC" | wc -l
Depending on the size of the file, how often you'll be doing this etc. it may be sensible to look at other solutions, eg. awk. But this solution will work just fine.
The reason for the error message "sort: multi-character tab 'students.csv'" is you haven't given the -t option the separator character. If you add a semicolon after -t, the sort will work as expected:
sort -k3 -t';' students.csv
There is always awk:
$ awk -F\; 'a[$1]++==0{c++}END{print c}' file
Once you describe your requirements more throughly, (count the names but sort -k3. Update the OP, please) we can help you better.
Edited to match your update:
$ awk -F\; -v col=3 -v val=NYC '
(length(val) && $col==val) || length(val)==0 && a[$col]++==0 {
END { print c }
' file
If you set -v val= with the value you are looking for and -v col= with the column number, it counts the occurrences of val in col. You you set col but not val ot counts different values in col.

Bash - Count number of occurences in textfile and display in descending order

I want to count the amount of the same words in a text file and display them in descending order.
So far I have :
cat sample.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
Which is mostly giving me satisfying output except the fact that it includes special characters like commas, full stops, ! and hyphen.
How can I modify existing command to not include special characters mentioned above?
You can use tr with a composite string of the letters you wish to delete.
$ echo "abc, def. ghi! boss-man" | tr -d ',.!'
abc def ghi boss-man
Or, use a POSIX character class knowing that boss-man for example would become bossman:
$ echo "abc, def. ghi! boss-man" | tr -d [:punct:]
abc def ghi bossman
Side note: You can have a lot more control and speed by using awk for this:
$ echo "one two one! one. oneone
two two three two-one three" |
awk 'BEGIN{RS="[^[:alpha:]]"}
/[[:alpha:]]/ {seen[$1]++}
END{for (e in seen) print seen[e], e}' |
sort -k1,1nr -k2,2
4 one
4 two
2 three
1 oneone
How about first extracting words with grep:
grep -o "\w\+" sample.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

Sort a file in unix by the absolute value of a field

I want to sort this file by the absolute value of the Linear regression (p) column in descending order. My attempt to do this didnt quite work. Im not sure what it fails. I found this code from
awk -F',' '{print ($2>=0)?$2:-$2, $0}' OFS=',' mycsv1.csv | sort -n -k8,8 | cut -d ',' -f2-
X var,Y var,MIC (strength),MIC-p^2 (nonlinearity),MAS (non-monotonicity),MEV (functionality),MCN (complexity),Linear regression (p)
Please help me to understand the awk script to sort this file.
You could use sed and sort for this and follow the #hek2mgl's very smart logic of adding and removing a field at the end to retain the original number:
sed -E 's/,([-]?)([0-9.]+)$/,\1\2,\2/' file | sort -t, -k9,9 -nr | cut -f1-8 -d,
sed -E 's/,([-]?)([0-9.]+)$/,\1\2,\2/' => creates field 9 as the absolute value of field 8
sort -t, -k9,9 -nr => sorts by the newly created field, numeric and descending order
cut -f1-8 -d, => removes the 9th field, restoring the output to its original format, with the desired sorting order
Here is the output:
Take three steps:
(1) Temporarily create a 9th field which contains the abs value of field 8:
LC_COLLATE=C awk -F, 'NR>1{v=$NF;sub(/-/,"",v);printf "%s%s%s%s",$0,FS,v,RS}' file
^ ------ make sure this is set since sorting, especially the decimal point
depends on the local.
(2) Sort that output based on the 9th field:
command_1 | sort -t, -k9r
(3) Pipe that back to awk to remove the last field. NF-- decreases the number of fields which will effectively remove the last field. 1 is always true, that makes awk print the line:
command_2 | cut -d, -f1-8
Could get awk to do it all:
awk -F, 'NR>1{n[substr($NF,1,1)=="-"?substr($NF,2):$NF]=$0}NR==1;END{asorti(n,out);for(i in out)print n[out[i]]}' file

Unix - Sorting file name with a key but not knowing its position

I would like to sort those files using Unix commands:
The result I am waiting for here is MyFile_fdfdsf_20140326.txt
So I'd like to get the file with the newest date.
I can't use 'sort -k', as the position of the key (the date) may vary
But in my file name there are always two "_" delimiters and a dot '.' for the file extension
Any help would be appreciated :)
Then use -t to indicate the field separator and set it to _:
sort -t'_' -k3
See an example of sorting the file names if they are in a file. I used -n for numeric sort and -r for reverse order:
$ sort -t'_' -nk3 file
$ sort -t'_' -rnk3 file
From man sort:
-t, --field-separator=SEP
use SEP instead of non-blank to blank transition
-n, --numeric-sort
compare according to string numerical value
-r, --reverse
reverse the result of comparisons
Thank you for you answer. It's perfect. But out of curiosity, what if
I had an unknown number of delimiters, but the date was always after
the last "_" delimiter. MyFile_abc_def_...20140326.txt sort -t''
-nk??? file – user3464809
You can trick it a little bit: print the last field, sort and then remove it.
awk -F_ '{print $NF, $0}' a | sort | cut -d'_' -f2-
See an example:
$ cat a
$ awk -F_ '{print $NF, $0}' a | sort | cut -d'_' -f2-
