NSImageView image aspect fill? - macos

So I am used to UIImageView, and being able to set different ways of how its image is displayed in it. Like for example AspectFill mode etc...
I would like to accomplish the same thing using NSImageView on a mac app. Does NSImageView work similarly to UIImageView in that regard or how would I go about showing an image in an NSImageView and picking different ways of displaying that image?

You may find it much easier to subclass NSView and provide a CALayer that does the aspect fill for you. Here is what the init might look like for this NSView subclass.
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame andImage:(NSImage*)image
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.layer = [[CALayer alloc] init];
self.layer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspectFill;
self.layer.contents = image;
self.wantsLayer = YES;
return self;
Note that the order of setting the layer, then settings wantsLayer is very important (if you set wantsLayer first, you'll get a default backing layer instead).
You could have a setImage method that simply updates the contents of the layer.

Here is what I'm using, written with Swift. This approach works well with storyboards - just use a normal NSImageView, then replace the name NSImageView in the Class box, with MyAspectFillImageNSImageView ...
open class MyAspectFillImageNSImageView : NSImageView {
open override var image: NSImage? {
set {
self.layer = CALayer()
self.layer?.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspectFill
self.layer?.contents = newValue
self.wantsLayer = true
super.image = newValue
get {
return super.image
public override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect)
//the image setter isn't called when loading from a storyboard
//manually set the image if it is already set
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
if let theImage = image {
self.image = theImage

I had the same problem. I wanted to have the image to be scaled to fill but keeping the aspect ratio of the original image. Strangely, this is not as simple as it seems, and does not come out of the box with NSImageView. I wanted the NSImageView scale nicely while it resize with superview(s). I made a drop-in NSImageView subclass you can find on github: KPCScaleToFillNSImageView

You can use this: image will be force to fill the view size
( Aspect Fill )
imageView.imageScaling = .scaleAxesIndependently
( Aspect Fit )
imageView.imageScaling = .scaleProportionallyUpOrDown
( Center Top )
imageView.imageScaling = .scaleProportionallyDown
It works for me.

I was having an hard time trying to figure out how you can make an Aspect Fill Clip to Bounds :
Picture credit: https://osxentwicklerforum.de/index.php/Thread/28812-NSImageView-Scaling-Seitenverh%C3%A4ltnis/
Finally I made my own Subclass of NSImageView, hope this can help someone :
import Cocoa
class NSImageView_ScaleAspectFill: NSImageView {
var scaleAspectFill : Bool = false
override func awakeFromNib() {
// Scaling : .scaleNone mandatory
if scaleAspectFill { self.imageScaling = .scaleNone }
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
if scaleAspectFill, let _ = self.image {
// Compute new Size
let imageViewRatio = self.image!.size.height / self.image!.size.width
let nestedImageRatio = self.bounds.size.height / self.bounds.size.width
var newWidth = self.image!.size.width
var newHeight = self.image!.size.height
if imageViewRatio > nestedImageRatio {
newWidth = self.bounds.size.width
newHeight = self.bounds.size.width * imageViewRatio
} else {
newWidth = self.bounds.size.height / imageViewRatio
newHeight = self.bounds.size.height
self.image!.size.width = newWidth
self.image!.size.height = newHeight
// Draw AFTER resizing
Plus this is #IBDesignable so you can set it on in the StoryBoard
I'm new to MacOS Swift development, I come from iOS development that's why I was surprised I couldn't find a clipToBound property, maybe it exists and I wasn't able to find it !
Regarding the code, I suspect this is consuming a lot, and also this has the side effect to modify the original image ratio over the time. This side effect seemed negligible to me.
Once again if their is a setting that allow a NSImageView to clip to bounds, please remove this answer :]

Image scalling can be updated with below function of NSImageView.
[imageView setImageScaling:NSScaleProportionally];
Here are more options to change image display property.
enum {
NSScaleProportionally = 0, // Deprecated. Use NSImageScaleProportionallyDown
NSScaleToFit, // Deprecated. Use NSImageScaleAxesIndependently
NSScaleNone // Deprecated. Use NSImageScaleNone

Here is another approach which uses SwiftUI under the hood
The major advantage here is that if your image has dark & light modes, then they are respected when the system appearance changes
(I couldn't get that to work with the other approaches)
This relies on an image existing in your assets with imageName
import Foundation
import AppKit
import SwiftUI
open class AspectFillImageView : NSView {
open var imageName: String?
didSet {
if imageName != oldValue {
open override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
self.needsLayout = true
func insertSwiftUIImage(_ name:String?){
guard let name = name else {
let iv = Image(name).resizable().scaledToFill()
let hostView = NSHostingView(rootView:iv)
//I'm using PureLayout to pin the subview. You will have to rewrite this in your own way...
func commonInit() {
public override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect)
required public init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)

Answers already given here are very good, but most of them involve subclassing NSView or NSImageView.
You could also achieve the result just by using a CALayer. But in that case you wouldn't have auto layout capabilities.
The simplest solution is to have a NSView, without subclassing it, and setting manually it's layer property. It could also be a NSImageView and achieve the same result.
Using Swift
let view = NSView()
view.layer = .init() // CALayer()
view.layer?.contentsGravity = .resizeAspectFill
view.layer?.contents = image // image is a NSImage, could also be a CGImage
view.wantsLayer = true


How to draw NSPopupButtonCell highlighted image

I have NSPopupButton inside NSToolbar that has borderder = false which is having some color burn blend when highlighted. If I use bordered = true the image is drawn with nice dark overlay.
I am trying to achieve to draw highlighted state the same way as it is in bordered=true
PS: NSButtonCell with bordered = false works out of the box.
I can achieve the behaviour by having bordered = true and overriding drawBezel and do nothing there but I want to know
Things I tried:
class ToolbarPopUpButtonCell : NSPopUpButtonCell {
override var isHighlighted: Bool {
get { return true }
set { super.isHighlighted = newValue }
override func drawImage(withFrame cellFrame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
super.drawImage(withFrame: cellFrame, in: controlView)
//used in case bordered = true so we do nothing
override func drawBezel(withFrame frame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
//doesn't work
override var interiorBackgroundStyle: NSView.BackgroundStyle
return .raised
class ToolbarPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton {
override func awakeFromNib() {
cell?.setCellAttribute(.cellLightsByBackground, to: 1)
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
return NSMakeSize(32 + 5, 32)
Notice the image on right which works for bordered = false (NSButtonCell)
The only hack I found is to draw a subsitute cell. Still seeking a better solution.
- (void)drawImageWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSImage *image = [self image];
NSButtonCell *swapCell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] initImageCell:image];
[swapCell setHighlighted:[self isHighlighted]];
[swapCell drawImage:image withFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];

How to efficiently draw a Core Image with a Filter into an NSView?

I am applying a perspective Core Image filter to transform and draw a CIImage into a custom NSView and it seems slower than I expected (e.g, I drag a slider that alters the perspective transformation and the drawing lags behind the slider value). Here is my custom drawRect method where self.mySourceImage is a CIImage:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
if (self.perspectiveFilter == nil)
self.perspectiveFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIPerspectiveTransform"];
[self.perspectiveFilter setValue:self.mySourceImage
[self.perspectiveFilter setValue: [CIVector vectorWithX:0 Y:0]
// ... set other vector parameters based on slider value
CIImage *outputImage = [self.perspectiveFilter outputImage];
[outputImage drawInRect:dstrect
Here is an example output:
My experience with image filters tells me that this should be much faster. Is there some "best practice" that I am missing to speed this up?
Note that I only create the filter once (stored as a property).
I did make sure the view has a CALayer for a backing store. Should I be adding the filter to a CALayer somehow?
Note that I never create a CIContext -- I assume there is an implicit context used by NSView? Should I create a CIContext and render to an image and draw the image?
Here's how I use a GLKView in UIKit:
I prefer subclassing GLKView to allow for a few things:
initializing from code
overriding draw(rect:) for the UIImageView equivalence of contentMode (aspect fit in particular)
when using scaleAspectFit, creating a "clear color" for the background color to match the surrounding superviews
That said, here's what I have:
import GLKit
class ImageView: GLKView {
var renderContext: CIContext
var rgb:(Int?,Int?,Int?)!
var myClearColor:UIColor!
var clearColor: UIColor! {
didSet {
myClearColor = clearColor
var image: CIImage! {
didSet {
var uiImage:UIImage? {
get {
let final = renderContext.createCGImage(self.image, from: self.image.extent)
return UIImage(cgImage: final!)
init() {
let eaglContext = EAGLContext(api: .openGLES2)
renderContext = CIContext(eaglContext: eaglContext!)
super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
context = eaglContext!
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
override init(frame: CGRect, context: EAGLContext) {
renderContext = CIContext(eaglContext: context)
super.init(frame: frame, context: context)
enableSetNeedsDisplay = true
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
let eaglContext = EAGLContext(api: .openGLES2)
renderContext = CIContext(eaglContext: eaglContext!)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
context = eaglContext!
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
if let image = image {
let imageSize = image.extent.size
var drawFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: CGFloat(drawableWidth), height: CGFloat(drawableHeight))
let imageAR = imageSize.width / imageSize.height
let viewAR = drawFrame.width / drawFrame.height
if imageAR > viewAR {
drawFrame.origin.y += (drawFrame.height - drawFrame.width / imageAR) / 2.0
drawFrame.size.height = drawFrame.width / imageAR
} else {
drawFrame.origin.x += (drawFrame.width - drawFrame.height * imageAR) / 2.0
drawFrame.size.width = drawFrame.height * imageAR
rgb = myClearColor.rgb()
glClearColor(Float(rgb.0!)/256.0, Float(rgb.1!)/256.0, Float(rgb.2!)/256.0, 0.0);
// set the blend mode to "source over" so that CI will use that
glBlendFunc(1, 0x0303);
renderContext.draw(image, in: drawFrame, from: image.extent)
A few notes:
The vast majority of this was taken from something written a few years back (in Swift 2 I think) from objc.io with the associated GitHub project. In particular, check out their GLKView subclass that has code for scaleAspectFill and other content modes.
Note the usage of a single CIContext called renderContext. I use it to create a UIImage when needed (in iOS you "share" a UIImage).
I use a didSet with the image property to automatically call setNeedsDisplay when the image changes. (I also call this explicitly when an iOS device changes orientation.) I do not know the macOS equivalent of this call.
I hope this gives you a good start for using OpenGL in macOS. If it's anything like UIKit, trying to put a CIImage in an NSView doesn't involve the GPU, which is a bad thing.

iOS8: Adding Gradient To UIButton Using IB

I'm using Auto-Layout. I have three UIButton's that take up the entire screen. Each UIButton has a different background color and I would like to add Gradient to each.
Following are the steps that I took:
Subclassed UIButton called CustomButton
Assigned each of these buttons CustomButton in Identity Inspector.
In CustomButton class, I declared two #IBInspectable properties.
I pass in these colors through the IB.
Below is how I configuered the gradient in CustomButton:
import UIKit
#IBDesignable class CustomButton: UIButton {
#IBInspectable var topColor: UIColor!
#IBInspectable var bottomColor: UIColor!
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
let gradientColors: [CGColor] = [topColor.CGColor, bottomColor.CGColor]
let gradientLocations: [Float] = [0.0, 1.0]
let gradientLayer: CAGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradientLayer.colors = gradientColors
gradientLayer.locations = gradientLocations
However, the gradient is still not showing. What am I doing wrong?
This isn't working either:
import UIKit
#IBDesignable class CustomButton: UIButton {
#IBInspectable var topColor: UIColor!
#IBInspectable var bottomColor: UIColor!
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
let gradientColors: [CGColor] = [topColor.CGColor, bottomColor.CGColor]
let gradientLocations: [Float] = [0.0, 1.0]
let gradientLayer: CAGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradientLayer.colors = gradientColors
gradientLayer.locations = gradientLocations
gradientLayer.frame = self.bounds
First off, don’t create layers in -drawRect—it’s meant for drawing into the current Core Graphics context, and can get called multiple times, which will result in creating a new gradient layer each time. Instead, override -initWithCoder: and create the layer there.
The reason your layer isn’t showing up at all is because its frame isn’t set and is defaulting to CGRectZero, i.e. a 0✕0 rectangle. When you create the layer, you should be setting its frame to the view’s bounds. If the view’s going to change size, you should also override -layoutSubviews and update the layer’s frame there.

NSPopUpButton arrow color

Is there a way to customize the color of a NSPopUpButton arrow? I've looked around but I've not found an answer yet
I really dont think there is an "easy" way to do this. If you look at the API description, it even states that it doesnt respond to the setImage routine. I have done quite a bit of work sub-classing button objects, etc... and I think this is where you would have to go in order to do what you are asking.
Like too many of these controls, I did it by subclassing NSPopupButton(Cell) and then doing all my own drawing in drawRect...I cheated a little though, and used an image do the actual triangle rather than trying to do it via primitives.
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
//...Insert button draw code here...
//Admittedly the above statement includes more work than we probably want to do.
//Assumes triangleIcon is a cached NSImage...I also make assumptions about location
CGFloat iconSize = 6.0;
CGFloat iconYLoc = (dirtyRect.size.height - iconSize) / 2.0;
CGFloat iconXLoc = (dirtyRect.size.width - (iconSize + 8));
CGRect triRect = {iconXLoc, iconYLoc, iconSize, iconSize};
[triangleIcon drawInRect:triRect];
i did this and its worked for me.
(void)drawImageWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSPopUpButton *temp = (NSPopUpButton*)controlView;
NSString *strtile = temp.title;
AppDelegate *appdel = (AppDelegate*)[NSApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
NSFont *font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:13.5];
NSSize size = NSMakeSize(40, 10);// string size
CGRect rect = controlView.frame;
rect = CGRectMake((size.width + temp.frame.size.width)/2, rect.origin.y, 8, 17);
[self drawImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"icon_downArrow_white.png"] withFrame:rect inView:self.
I have changed arrow color by using "False Color" filter without using any image. So far it is the easiest way to change cocoa control to me.
class RLPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton {
init() {
super.init(frame: NSZeroRect, pullsDown: false)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
func addFilter() {
let colorFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIFalseColor")!
colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor: NSColor.black.cgColor), forKey: "inputColor0")
colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor: NSColor.white.cgColor), forKey: "inputColor1")
// colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor: NSColor.yellow.cgColor), forKey: "inputColor0")
// colorFilter.setValue(CIColor(cgColor: NSColor.property.cgColor), forKey: "inputColor1")
self.contentFilters = [colorFilter]
Swift 5
In interface builder, remove default arrow setting.
Then, apply this subclass for cell, which will add an NSImageView to the right side of the NSPopUpButton.
This way you have complete control over what you set as your custom button and how you position it.
import Cocoa
#IBDesignable class NSPopUpButtonCellBase: NSPopUpButtonCell {
let textColor = NSColor(named: "white")!
let leftPadding: CGFloat = 16
let rightPadding: CGFloat = 30
override func awakeFromNib() {
let imageView = NSImageView()
imageView.image = NSImage(named: "ic_chevron_down")!
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: CGFloat(20)).isActive = true
imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: CGFloat(20)).isActive = true
imageView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: controlView!.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
imageView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: controlView!.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
// overriding this removes the white container
override func drawBezel(withFrame frame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) {
// overriding this allows us to modify paddings to text
override func titleRect(forBounds cellFrame: NSRect) -> NSRect {
// this gets rect, which has title's height, not the whole control's height
// also, it's origin.y is such that it centers title
let processedTitleFrame = super.titleRect(forBounds: cellFrame)
let paddedFrame = NSRect(
x: cellFrame.origin.x + leftPadding,
y: processedTitleFrame.origin.y,
width: cellFrame.size.width - leftPadding - rightPadding,
height: processedTitleFrame.size.height
return paddedFrame
// overriding this allows us to style text
override func drawTitle(_ title: NSAttributedString, withFrame frame: NSRect, in controlView: NSView) -> NSRect {
let attributedTitle = NSMutableAttributedString.init(attributedString: title)
let range = NSMakeRange(0, attributedTitle.length)
attributedTitle.addAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : textColor], range: range)
return super.drawTitle(attributedTitle, withFrame: frame, in: controlView)

synchronize two NSScrollView

I read the document Synchronizing Scroll Views, and did exactly as the document, but there is an isssue.
I want to synchronize a NSTableView and a NSTextView. first let NSTableView monitor NSTextView, and everything is ok when I scroll the TextView, but when I try to scroll TableView, I found that the TableView will jump to another place(maybe backward several rows) at first, then continue to scroll from that place.
This issue still exists even after I let TextView monitor TableView.
anyone know what's the problem? can't I synchronize a TableView and a TextView?
OK, now I found that the TableView will go back to the place since last scrolling. for example, TableView's top row is 10th row, then I scroll TextView, now TableView's top row is 20th row, and if I scroll TableView again, the TableView will go back to 10th row first, then start to scroll.
I just ran into this exact problem while troubleshooting a very similar situation (on Lion). I noticed that this only occurs when the scrollers are hidden -- but I verified that they still exist in the nib, and are still instantiated correctly.
I even made sure to call -[NSScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:], but it didn't make a difference. It really seems like this is a bug in NSScrollView.
Anyway, I was able to work around the issue by creating a custom scroller class. All I had to do was override the following class methods:
+ (BOOL)isCompatibleWithOverlayScrollers
// Let this scroller sit on top of the content view, rather than next to it.
return YES;
- (void)setHidden:(BOOL)flag
// Ugly hack: make sure we are always hidden.
[super setHidden:YES];
Then, I allowed the scrollers to be "visible" in Interface Builder. Since they hide themselves, however, they do no appear onscreen and they can't be clicked by the user. It's surprising that the IB setting and the hidden property are not equivalent, but it seems clear from the behavior that they are not.
This isn't the best solution, but it's the simplest workaround I've come up with (so far).
I had a quite similar problem.
I have 3 scrollviews to synchronize.
One that is a header that only scrolls horizontally.
One that is a side bar that only scrolls vertically.
One that is a content area below the header and to the right of the side bar.
The header and side bar should move with the content area.
The content area should move with the header or the side bar if either is scrolled.
Horizontal scrolling was never a problem.
Vertical scrolling was always causing the two views to scroll opposite directions.
The odd resolution I came to was to create a clipView subclass (which I already did, as you pretty much always need to if you want anything nice that doesn't come out of the box.)
In the clipView subclass, I add a property BOOL isInverted and in the override of isFlipped I return self.isInverted.
The weird thing is that these BOOL values for flippedness are set and match in all 3 views from the beginning.
It seems that scrolling machinery is indeed buggy.
My workaround that I stumbled upon was to sandwich the scroll synching code between calls to set both the side bar and content view unflipped and then update any vertical scrolling, then set both flipped again.
Must be some aging code in the scrolling machinery trying to support inverted scrolling...
These are the methods called by the NSNotificationCenter addObserver methods to observe the NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification for the clipViews.
- (void)synchWithVerticalControlClipView:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSPoint mouseInWindow = self.view.window.currentEvent.locationInWindow;
NSPoint converted = [self.verticalControl.enclosingScrollView convertPoint:mouseInWindow fromView:nil];
if (!NSPointInRect(converted, self.verticalControl.enclosingScrollView.bounds)) {
[self.contentGridClipView setIsInverted:NO];
[self.verticalControlClipView setIsInverted:NO];
// ONLY update the contentGrid view.
NSLog(#"%#", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
NSPoint changedBoundsOrigin = self.verticalControlClipView.documentVisibleRect.origin;
NSPoint currentOffset = self.contentGridClipView.bounds.origin;
NSPoint newOffset = currentOffset;
newOffset.y = changedBoundsOrigin.y;
NSLog(#"\n changedBoundsOrigin=%#\n currentOffset=%#\n newOffset=%#", NSStringFromPoint(changedBoundsOrigin), NSStringFromPoint(currentOffset), NSStringFromPoint(newOffset));
[self.contentGridClipView scrollToPoint:newOffset];
[self.contentGridClipView.enclosingScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:self.contentGridClipView];
[self.contentGridClipView setIsInverted:YES];
[self.verticalControlClipView setIsInverted:YES];
- (void)synchWithContentGridClipView:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSPoint mouseInWindow = self.view.window.currentEvent.locationInWindow;
NSPoint converted = [self.contentGridView.enclosingScrollView convertPoint:mouseInWindow fromView:nil];
if (!NSPointInRect(converted, self.contentGridView.enclosingScrollView.bounds)) {
[self.contentGridClipView setIsInverted:NO];
[self.verticalControlClipView setIsInverted:NO];
// Update BOTH the control views.
NSLog(#"%#", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
NSPoint changedBoundsOrigin = self.contentGridClipView.documentVisibleRect.origin;
NSPoint currentHOffset = self.horizontalControlClipView.documentVisibleRect.origin;
NSPoint currentVOffset = self.verticalControlClipView.documentVisibleRect.origin;
NSPoint newHOffset, newVOffset;
newHOffset = currentHOffset;
newVOffset = currentVOffset;
newHOffset.x = changedBoundsOrigin.x;
newVOffset.y = changedBoundsOrigin.y;
[self.horizontalControlClipView scrollToPoint:newHOffset];
[self.verticalControlClipView scrollToPoint:newVOffset];
[self.horizontalControlClipView.enclosingScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:self.horizontalControlClipView];
[self.verticalControlClipView.enclosingScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:self.verticalControlClipView];
[self.contentGridClipView setIsInverted:YES];
[self.verticalControlClipView setIsInverted:YES];
This works 99% of the time, with only occasional jitter.
Horizontal scroll synch has no problems.
Swift 4 version which uses document view in auto-layout environment.
Based on Apple article Synchronizing Scroll Views with the difference that NSView.boundsDidChangeNotification temporary ignored on clip view when synchronising to other scroll view.
To hide vertical scroller reusable type InvisibleScroller is used.
File SynchronedScrollViewController.swift – View controllers with two scroll views.
class SynchronedScrollViewController: ViewController {
private lazy var leftView = TestView().autolayoutView()
private lazy var rightView = TestView().autolayoutView()
private lazy var leftScrollView = ScrollView(horizontallyScrolledDocumentView: leftView).autolayoutView()
private lazy var rightScrollView = ScrollView(horizontallyScrolledDocumentView: rightView).autolayoutView()
override func setupUI() {
view.addSubviews(leftScrollView, rightScrollView)
leftView.backgroundColor = .red
rightView.backgroundColor = .blue
contentView.backgroundColor = .green
leftScrollView.verticalScroller = InvisibleScroller()
leftView.setIntrinsicContentSize(CGSize(intrinsicHeight: 720)) // Some fake height
rightView.setIntrinsicContentSize(CGSize(intrinsicHeight: 720)) // Some fake height
override func setupHandlers() {
(leftScrollView.contentView as? ClipView)?.onBoundsDidChange = { [weak self] in
print("\(Date().timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate) : Left scroll view changed")
self?.syncScrollViews(origin: $0)
(rightScrollView.contentView as? ClipView)?.onBoundsDidChange = { [weak self] in
print("\(Date().timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate) : Right scroll view changed.")
self?.syncScrollViews(origin: $0)
override func setupLayout() {
LayoutConstraint.pin(to: .vertically, leftScrollView, rightScrollView).activate()
LayoutConstraint.withFormat("|[*(==40)]-[*]|", leftScrollView, rightScrollView).activate()
private func syncScrollViews(origin: NSClipView) {
// See also:
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/NSScrollViewGuide/Articles/SynchroScroll.html
let changedBoundsOrigin = origin.documentVisibleRect.origin
let targetScrollView = leftScrollView.contentView == origin ? rightScrollView : leftScrollView
let curOffset = targetScrollView.contentView.bounds.origin
var newOffset = curOffset
newOffset.y = changedBoundsOrigin.y
if curOffset != changedBoundsOrigin {
(targetScrollView.contentView as? ClipView)?.scroll(newOffset, shouldNotifyBoundsChange: false)
File: TestView.swift – Test view. Draws line every 20 points.
class TestView: View {
override init() {
override func setupLayout() {
needsDisplay = true
required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder) {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
guard let context = NSGraphicsContext.current else {
let cgContext = context.cgContext
for x in stride(from: CGFloat(20), through: bounds.height, by: 20) {
cgContext.addLines(between: [CGPoint(x: 0, y: x), CGPoint(x: bounds.width, y: x)])
NSString(string: "\(Int(x))").draw(at: CGPoint(x: 0, y: x), withAttributes: nil)
File: NSScrollView.swift - Reusable extension.
extension NSScrollView {
public convenience init(documentView view: NSView) {
let frame = CGRect(dimension: 10) // Some dummy non zero value
self.init(frame: frame)
let clipView = ClipView(frame: frame)
clipView.documentView = view
clipView.autoresizingMask = [.height, .width]
contentView = clipView
view.frame = frame
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
view.autoresizingMask = [.width, .height]
public convenience init(horizontallyScrolledDocumentView view: NSView) {
self.init(documentView: view)
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
LayoutConstraint.pin(in: contentView, to: .horizontally, view).activate()
view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.topAnchor).activate()
hasVerticalScroller = true // Without this scroll might not work properly. Seems Apple bug.
File: InvisibleScroller.swift - Reusable invisible scroller.
// Disabling scroll view indicators.
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9364953/hide-scrollers-while-leaving-scrolling-itself-enabled-in-nsscrollview
public class InvisibleScroller: Scroller {
public override class var isCompatibleWithOverlayScrollers: Bool {
return true
public override class func scrollerWidth(for controlSize: NSControl.ControlSize, scrollerStyle: NSScroller.Style) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude // Dimension of scroller is equal to `FLT_MIN`
public override func setupUI() {
// Below assignments not really needed, but why not.
scrollerStyle = .overlay
alphaValue = 0
File: ClipView.swift - Customized subclass of NSClipView.
open class ClipView: NSClipView {
public var onBoundsDidChange: ((NSClipView) -> Void)? {
didSet {
private var boundsChangeObserver: NotificationObserver?
private var mIsFlipped: Bool?
open override var isFlipped: Bool {
return mIsFlipped ?? super.isFlipped
// MARK: -
public func setIsFlipped(_ value: Bool?) {
mIsFlipped = value
open func scroll(_ point: NSPoint, shouldNotifyBoundsChange: Bool) {
if shouldNotifyBoundsChange {
scroll(to: point)
} else {
boundsChangeObserver?.isActive = false
scroll(to: point)
boundsChangeObserver?.isActive = true
// MARK: - Private
private func setupBoundsChangeObserver() {
postsBoundsChangedNotifications = onBoundsDidChange != nil
boundsChangeObserver = nil
if postsBoundsChangedNotifications {
boundsChangeObserver = NotificationObserver(name: NSView.boundsDidChangeNotification, object: self) { [weak self] _ in
guard let this = self else { return }
File: NotificationObserver.swift – Reusable Notification observer.
public class NotificationObserver: NSObject {
public typealias Handler = ((Foundation.Notification) -> Void)
private var notificationObserver: NSObjectProtocol!
private let notificationObject: Any?
public var handler: Handler?
public var isActive: Bool = true
public private(set) var notificationName: NSNotification.Name
public init(name: NSNotification.Name, object: Any? = nil, queue: OperationQueue = .main, handler: Handler? = nil) {
notificationName = name
notificationObject = object
self.handler = handler
notificationObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: name, object: object, queue: queue) { [weak self] in
guard let this = self else { return }
if this.isActive {
deinit {
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(notificationObserver, name: notificationName, object: notificationObject)
