After multiplying a lot of rotation matrices, the end result might not be a valid rotation matrix any more, due to rounding issues (de-orthogonalized)
One way to re-orthogonalize is to follow these steps:
Convert the rotation matrix to an axis-angle representation (link)
Convert back the axis-angle to a rotation matrix (link)
Is there something in Eigen library that does the same thing by hiding all the details? Or is there any better recipe?
This procedure has to be handled with care due to special singularity cases, so if Eigen provides a better tool for this it would be great.
I don't use Eigen and didn't bother to look up the API but here is a simple, computationally cheap and stable procedure to re-orthogonalize the rotation matrix. This orthogonalization procedure is taken from Direction Cosine Matrix IMU: Theory by
William Premerlani and Paul Bizard; equations 19-21.
Let x, y and z be the row vectors of the (slightly messed-up) rotation matrix. Let error=dot(x,y) where dot() is the dot product. If the matrix was orthogonal, the dot product of x and y, that is, the error would be zero.
The error is spread across x and y equally: x_ort=x-(error/2)*y and y_ort=y-(error/2)*x. The third row z_ort=cross(x_ort, y_ort), which is, by definition orthogonal to x_ort and y_ort.
Now, you still need to normalize x_ort, y_ort and z_ort as these vectors are supposed to be unit vectors.
x_new = 0.5*(3-dot(x_ort,x_ort))*x_ort
y_new = 0.5*(3-dot(y_ort,y_ort))*y_ort
z_new = 0.5*(3-dot(z_ort,z_ort))*z_ort
That's all, were are done.
It should be pretty easy to implement this with the API provided by Eigen. You can easily come up with other orthoginalization procedures but I don't think it will make a noticable difference in practice. I used the above procedure in my motion tracking application and it worked beatifully; it's both stable and fast.
You can use a QR decomposition to systematically re-orthogonalize, where you replace the original matrix with the Q factor. In the library routines you have to check and correct, if necessary, by negating the corresponding column in Q, that the diagonal entries of R are positive (close to 1 if the original matrix was close to orthogonal).
The closest rotation matrix Q to a given matrix is obtained from the polar or QP decomposition, where P is a positive semi-definite symmetric matrix. The QP decomposition can be computed iteratively or using a SVD. If the latter has the factorization USV', then Q=UV'.
Singular Value Decomposition should be very robust. To quote from the reference:
Let M=UΣV be the singular value decomposition of M, then R=UV.
For your matrix, the singular-values in Σ should be very close to one. The matrix R is guaranteed to be orthogonal, which is the defining property of a rotation matrix. If there weren't any rounding errors in calculating your original rotation matrix, then R will be exactly the same as your M to within numerical precision.
In the meantime:
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
Eigen::Matrix3d mmm;
Eigen::Matrix3d rrr;
rrr << 0.882966, -0.321461, 0.342102,
0.431433, 0.842929, -0.321461,
-0.185031, 0.431433, 0.882966;
// replace this with any rotation matrix
mmm = rrr;
Eigen::AngleAxisd aa(rrr); // RotationMatrix to AxisAngle
rrr = aa.toRotationMatrix(); // AxisAngle to RotationMatrix
std::cout << mmm << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << rrr << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << rrr-mmm << std::endl << std::endl;
Which is nice news, because I can get rid of my custom method and have one headache less (how can one be sure that he takes care of all singularities?),
but I really want your opinion on better/alternative ways :)
An alternative is to use Eigen::Quaternion to represent your rotation. This is much easier to normalize, and rotation*rotation products are generally faster. If you have a lot of rotation*vector products (with the same matrix), you should locally convert the quaternion to a 3x3 matrix.
M is the matrix we want to orthonormalize, and R is the rotation matrix closest to M.
Analytic Solution
Matrix R = M*inverse(sqrt(transpose(M)*M));
Iterative Solution
// To re-orthogonalize matrix M, repeat:
M = 0.5f*(inverse(transpose(M)) + M);
// until M converges
M converges to R, the nearest rotation matrix. The number of digits of accuracy will approximately double with each iteration.
Check whether the sum of the squares of the elements of (M - M^-T)/2 is less than the square of your error goal to know when (M + M^-T)/2 meets your accuracy threshold. M^-T is the inverse transpose of M.
Why It Works
We want to find the rotation matrix R which is closest to M. We will define the error as the sum of squared differences of the elements. That is, minimize trace((M - R)^T (M - R)).
The analytic solution is R = M (M^T M)^-(1/2), outlined here.
The problem is that this requires finding the square root of M^T M. However, if we notice, there are many matrices whose closest rotation matrix is R. One of these is M (M^T M)^-1, which simplifies to M^-T, the inverse transpose. The nice thing is that M and M^-T are on opposite sides of R, (intuitively like a and 1/a are on opposite side of 1).
We recognize that the average, (M + M^-T)/2 will be closer to R than M, and because it is a linear combination, will also maintain R as the closest rotation matrix. Doing this recursively, we converge to R.
Worst Case Convergence (Speculative)
Because it is related to the Babylonian square root algorithm, it converges quadratically.
The exact worst case error after one iteration of a matrix M and error e is nextE:
nextE = e^2/(2 e + 2)
e = sqrt(trace((M - R)^T (M - R)))
R = M (M^T M)^-(1/2)
Given a bunch of arbitrary vectors (stored in a matrix A) and a radius r, I'd like to find all integer-valued linear combinations of those vectors which land inside a sphere of radius r. The necessary coordinates I would then store in a Matrix V. So, for instance, if the linear combination
K=[0; 1; 0]
lands inside my sphere, i.e. something like
if norm(A*K) <= r then
The vectors in A are sure to be the simplest possible basis for the given lattice and the largest vector will have length 1. Not sure if that restricts the vectors in any useful way but I suspect it might. - They won't have as similar directions as a less ideal basis would have.
I tried a few approaches already but none of them seem particularly satisfying. I can't seem to find a nice pattern to traverse the lattice.
My current approach involves starting in the middle (i.e. with the linear combination of all 0s) and go through the necessary coordinates one by one. It involves storing a bunch of extra vectors to keep track of, so I can go through all the octants (in the 3D case) of the coordinates and find them one by one. This implementation seems awfully complex and not very flexible (in particular it doesn't seem to be easily generalizable to arbitrary numbers of dimension - although that isn't strictly necessary for the current purpose, it'd be a nice-to-have)
Is there a nice* way to find all the required points?
(*Ideally both efficient and elegant**. If REALLY necessary, it wouldn't matter THAT much to have a few extra points outside the sphere but preferably not that many more. I definitely do need all the vectors inside the sphere. - if it makes a large difference, I'm most interested in the 3D case.
**I'm pretty sure my current implementation is neither.)
Similar questions I found:
Find all points in sphere of radius r around arbitrary coordinate - this is actually a much more general case than what I'm looking for. I am only dealing with periodic lattices and my sphere is always centered at 0, coinciding with one point on the lattice.
But I don't have a list of points but rather a matrix of vectors with which I can generate all the points.
How to efficiently enumerate all points of sphere in n-dimensional grid - the case for a completely regular hypercubic lattice and the Manhattan-distance. I'm looking for completely arbitary lattices and euclidean distance (or, for efficiency purposes, obviously the square of that).
Offhand, without proving any assertions, I think that 1) if the set of vectors is not of maximal rank then the number of solutions is infinite; 2) if the set is of maximal rank, then the image of the linear transformation generated by the vectors is a subspace (e.g., plane) of the target space, which intersects the sphere in a lower-dimensional sphere; 3) it follows that you can reduce the problem to a 1-1 linear transformation (kxk matrix on a k-dimensional space); 4) since the matrix is invertible, you can "pull back" the sphere to an ellipsoid in the space containing the lattice points, and as a bonus you get a nice geometric description of the ellipsoid (principal axis theorem); 5) your problem now becomes exactly one of determining the lattice points inside the ellipsoid.
The latter problem is related to an old problem (counting the lattice points inside an ellipse) which was considered by Gauss, who derived a good approximation. Determining the lattice points inside an ellipse(oid) is probably not such a tidy problem, but it probably can be reduced one dimension at a time (the cross-section of an ellipsoid and a plane is another ellipsoid).
I found a method that makes me a lot happier for now. There may still be possible improvements, so if you have a better method, or find an error in this code, definitely please share. Though here is what I have for now: (all written in SciLab)
Step 1: Figure out the maximal ranges as defined by a bounding n-parallelotope aligned with the axes of the lattice vectors. Thanks for ElKamina's vague suggestion as well as this reply to another of my questions over on by chappers:
function I=findMaxComponents(A,r) //given a matrix A of lattice basis vectors
//and a sphere radius r,
//find the corners of the bounding parallelotope
//built from the lattice, and store it in I.
[dims,vecs]=size(A); //figure out how many vectors there are in A (and, unnecessarily, how long they are)
U=eye(vecs,vecs); //builds matching unit matrix
iATA=pinv(A'*A); //finds the (pseudo-)inverse of A^T A
iAT=pinv(A'); //finds the (pseudo-)inverse of A^T
I=[]; //initializes I as an empty vector
for i=1:vecs //for each lattice vector,
t=r*(iATA*U(:,i))/norm(iAT*U(:,i)) //find the maximum component such that
//it fits in the bounding n-parallelotope
//of a (n-1)-sphere of radius r
I=[I,t(i)]; //and append it to I
I=[-I;I]; //also append the minima (by symmetry, the negative maxima)
In my question I only asked for a general basis, i.e, for n dimensions, a set of n arbitrary but linearly independent vectors. The above code, by virtue of using the pseudo-inverse, works for matrices of arbitrary shapes and, similarly, Scilab's "A'" returns the conjugate transpose rather than just the transpose of A so it equally should work for complex matrices.
In the last step I put the corresponding minimal components.
For one such A as an example, this gives me the following in Scilab's console:
A =
0.9701425 - 0.2425356 0.
0.2425356 0.4850713 0.7276069
0.2425356 0.7276069 - 0.2425356
I =
- 2.9494438 - 3.4186986 - 4.0826424
2.9494438 3.4186986 4.0826424
I =
- 2. - 3. - 4.
2. 3. 4.
The values found by findMaxComponents are the largest possible coefficients of each lattice vector such that a linear combination with that coefficient exists which still land on the sphere. Since I'm looking for the largest such combinations with integer coefficients, I can safely drop the part after the decimal point to get the maximal plausible integer ranges. So for the given matrix A, I'll have to go from -2 to 2 in the first component, from -3 to 3 in the second and from -4 to 4 in the third and I'm sure to land on all the points inside the sphere (plus superfluous extra points, but importantly definitely every valid point inside) Next up:
Step 2: using the above information, generate all the candidate combinations.
function K=findAllCombinations(I) //takes a matrix of the form produced by
//findMaxComponents() and returns a matrix
//which lists all the integer linear combinations
//in the respective ranges.
v=I(1,:); //starting from the minimal vector
next=1; //keeps track of what component to advance next
changed=%F; //keeps track of whether to add the vector to the output
while or(v~=I(2,:)) //as long as not all components of v match all components of the maximum vector
if v <= I(2,:) then //if each current component is smaller than each largest possible component
if ~changed then
K=[K;v]; //store the vector and
v(next)=v(next)+1; //advance the component by 1
next=1; //also reset next to 1
v(1:next)=I(1,1:next); //reset all components smaller than or equal to the current one and
next=next+1; //advance the next larger component next time
K=[K;I(2,:)]'; //while loop ends a single iteration early so add the maximal vector too
//also transpose K to fit better with the other functions
So now that I have that, all that remains is to check whether a given combination actually does lie inside or outside the sphere. All I gotta do for that is:
Step 3: Filter the combinations to find the actually valid lattice points
function points=generatePoints(A,K,r)
possiblePoints=A*K; //explicitly generates all the possible points
for i=possiblePoints
if i'*i<=r*r then //filter those that are too far from the origin
points=[points i];
And I get all the combinations that actually do fit inside the sphere of radius r.
For the above example, the output is rather long: Of originally 315 possible points for a sphere of radius 3 I get 163 remaining points.
The first 4 are: (each column is one)
- 0.2425356 0.2425356 1.2126781 - 0.9701425
- 2.4253563 - 2.6678919 - 2.4253563 - 2.4253563
1.6977494 0. 0.2425356 0.4850713
so the remainder of the work is optimization. Presumably some of those loops could be made faster and especially as the number of dimensions goes up, I have to generate an awful lot of points which I have to discard, so maybe there is a better way than taking the bounding n-parallelotope of the n-1-sphere as a starting point.
Let us just represent K as X.
The problem can be represented as:
(a11x1 + a12x2..)^2 + (a21x1 + a22x2..)^2 ... < r^2
(x1,x2,...) will not form a sphere.
This can be done with recursion on dimension--pick a lattice hyperplane direction and index all such hyperplanes that intersect the r-radius ball. The ball intersection of each such hyperplane itself is a ball, in one lower dimension. Repeat. Here's the calling function code in Octave:
function lat_points(lat_bas_mx,rr)
% **globals for hyperplane lattice point recursive function**
clear global; % this seems necessary/important between runs of this function
global MLB;
global NN_hat;
global NN_len;
global INP; % matrix of interior points, each point(vector) a column vector
global ctr; % integer counter, for keeping track of lattice point vectors added
% in the pre-allocated INP matrix; will finish iteration with actual # of points found
ctr = 0; % counts number of ball-interior lattice points found
MLB = lat_bas_mx;
ndim = size(MLB)(1);
% **create hyperplane normal vectors for recursion step**
% given full-rank lattice basis matrix MLB (each vector in lattice basis a column),
% form set of normal vectors between successive, nested lattice hyperplanes;
% store them as columnar unit normal vectors in NN_hat matrix and their lengths in NN_len vector
NN_hat = [];
for jj=1:ndim-1
tmp_mx = MLB(:,jj+1:ndim);
tmp_mx = [NN_hat(:,1:jj-1),tmp_mx];
NN_hat(:,jj) = null(tmp_mx'); % null space of transpose = orthogonal to columns
tmp_len = norm(NN_hat(:,jj));
NN_hat(:,jj) = NN_hat(:,jj)/tmp_len;
NN_len(jj) = dot(MLB(:,jj),NN_hat(:,jj));
if (NN_len(jj)<0) % NN_hat(:,jj) and MLB(:,jj) must have positive dot product
% for cutting hyperplane indexing to work correctly
NN_hat(:,jj) = -NN_hat(:,jj);
NN_len(jj) = -NN_len(jj);
NN_len(ndim) = norm(MLB(:,ndim));
NN_hat(:,ndim) = MLB(:,ndim)/NN_len(ndim); % the lowest recursion level normal
% is just the last lattice basis vector
% **estimate number of interior lattice points, and pre-allocate memory for INP**
vol_ppl = prod(NN_len); % the volume of the ndim dimensional lattice paralellepiped
% is just the product of the NN_len's (they amount to the nested altitudes
% of hyperplane "paralellepipeds")
vol_bll = exp( (ndim/2)*log(pi) + ndim*log(rr) - gammaln(ndim/2+1) ); % volume of ndim ball, radius rr
est_num_pts = ceil(vol_bll/vol_ppl); % estimated number of lattice points in the ball
err_fac = 1.1; % error factor for memory pre-allocation--assume max of err_fac*est_num_pts columns required in INP
INP = zeros(ndim,ceil(err_fac*est_num_pts));
% **call the (recursive) function**
% for output, global variable INP (matrix of interior points)
% stores each valid lattice point (as a column vector)
clp = zeros(ndim,1); % confirmed lattice point (start at origin)
bpt = zeros(ndim,1); % point at center of ball (initially, at origin)
rd = 1; % initial recursion depth must always be 1
printf("%i lattice points found\n",ctr);
INP = INP(:,1:ctr); % trim excess zeros from pre-allocation (if any)
Regarding the NN_len(jj)*NN_hat(:,jj) vectors--they can be viewed as successive (nested) altitudes in the ndim-dimensional "parallelepiped" formed by the vectors in the lattice basis, MLB. The volume of the lattice basis parallelepiped is just prod(NN_len)--for a quick estimate of the number of interior lattice points, divide the volume of the ndim-ball of radius rr by prod(NN_len). Here's the recursive function code:
function hyp_fun(clp,bpt,rr,ndim,rd)
clp = the lattice point we're entering this lattice hyperplane with
bpt = location of center of ball in this hyperplane
rr = radius of ball
rd = recrusion depth--from 1 to ndim
global MLB;
global NN_hat;
global NN_len;
global INP;
global ctr;
% hyperplane intersection detection step
nml_hat = NN_hat(:,rd);
nh_comp = dot(clp-bpt,nml_hat);
ix_hi = floor((rr-nh_comp)/NN_len(rd));
ix_lo = ceil((-rr-nh_comp)/NN_len(rd));
if (ix_hi<ix_lo)
return % no hyperplane intersections detected w/ ball;
% get out of this recursion level
hp_ix = [ix_lo:ix_hi]; % indices are created wrt the received reference point
hp_ln = length(hp_ix);
% loop through detected hyperplanes (updated)
if (rd<ndim)
bpt_new_mx = bpt*ones(1,hp_ln) + NN_len(rd)*nml_hat*hp_ix; % an ndim by length(hp_ix) matrix
clp_new_mx = clp*ones(1,hp_ln) + MLB(:,rd)*hp_ix; % an ndim by length(hp_ix) matrix
dd_vec = nh_comp + NN_len(rd)*hp_ix; % a length(hp_ix) row vector
rr_new_vec = sqrt(rr^2-dd_vec.^2);
for jj=1:hp_ln
else % rd=ndim--so at deepest level of recursion; record the points on the given 1-dim
% "lattice line" that are inside the ball
INP(:,ctr+1:ctr+hp_ln) = clp + MLB(:,rd)*hp_ix;
ctr += hp_ln;
This has some Octave-y/Matlab-y things in it, but most should be easily understandable; M(:,jj) references column jj of matrix M; the tic ' means take transpose; [A B] concatenates matrices A and B; A=[] declares an empty matrix.
Updated / better optimized from original answer:
"vectorized" the code in the recursive function, to avoid most "for" loops (those slowed it down a factor of ~10; the code now is a bit more difficult to understand though)
pre-allocated memory for the INP matrix-of-interior points (this speeded it up by another order of magnitude; before that, Octave was having to resize the INP matrix for every call to the innermost recursion level--for large matrices/arrays that can really slow things down)
Because this routine was part of a project, I also coded it in Python. From informal testing, the Python version is another 2-3 times faster than this (Octave) version.
For reference, here is the old, much slower code in the original posting of this answer:
% (OLD slower code, using for loops, and constantly resizing
% the INP matrix) loop through detected hyperplanes
if (rd<ndim)
for jj=1:length(hp_ix)
bpt_new = bpt + hp_ix(jj)*NN_len(rd)*nml_hat;
clp_new = clp + hp_ix(jj)*MLB(:,rd);
dd = nh_comp + hp_ix(jj)*NN_len(rd);
rr_new = sqrt(rr^2-dd^2);
else % rd=ndim--so at deepest level of recursion; record the points on the given 1-dim
% "lattice line" that are inside the ball
for jj=1:length(hp_ix)
clp_new = clp + hp_ix(jj)*MLB(:,rd);
INP = [INP clp_new];
This problem has been bothering me for several days, hence I decided to ask you for help.
I am reading the book "Quaternions and Rotation Sequence" written by Jack B. Kuipers. In section 6.4, the author derives a formula of a composite rotation quaternion. One of the steps of this derivation is difficult for me to understand.
I would like to briefly describe the derivation process as follow:
Consider a tracking problem as in this picture.
(I am sorry I have to use links instead of posting pictures directly because this is the first time I post a question here so I am not eligible to do so yet)
In the picture, XYZ is a global, reference frame. 2 successive rotations are performed:
The first one is a rotation about the Z axis through an angle alpha, transforming frame XYZ into a new frame x1y1z1.
The second one is a rotation about the y1 axis through an angle beta, transforming frame x1y1z1 into a new frame x2y2z2.
The goal is to find a single composite rotation quaternion which is equivalent to the two rotations above.
The author does this as follow. The first rotation can be represented by the following quaternion p:
p = cos(alpha/2) + k*sin(alpha/2) (1)
In this formula, k is a standard basis vector (we have vectors i, j, k in R3 corresponding to the axes x, y, z respectively).
The second rotation can be represented by the following quaternion q:
q = cos(beta/2) + j*sin(beta/2) (2)
The composite quaternion we are looking for is the product of these 2 quaternions: qp. The formula of this product is in this picture.
In order to derive this final formula, the author uses 2 assumptions about the standard basis vectors i, j, k, which are: k.j = 0 and k x j = -i. And this is where I dont understand.
We all know that, for a set of 3 mutually orthogonal vectors i, j, k, these 2 assumptions above are correct. However, vector k in (1) and vector j in (2) don't belong to the same coordinate frame. In other words, k in (1) corresponds to Z in frame XYZ, and j in (2) corresponds to y1 in x1y1z1. And these are 2 different, distinguish frames, so I think the second assumption used by the author is incorrect.
What do you think about this? Any answer would be appreciated. Thank you.
author uses 2 assumptions about the standard basis vectors i, j, k...
it is not assumption!
You not understand cross product and dot product see
3 mutually orthogonal vectors i, j, k
orthogonal vectors.... What is it(definition)?
Dot_product... What is it(definition)?
Can we define orthogonal vectors via Dot_product?
You must learn a basic of Linear algebra and Complex analysis before understand quaternion.
I have two sets of 3D points (original and reconstructed) and correspondence information about pairs - which point from one set represents the second one. I need to find 3D translation and scaling factor which transforms reconstruct set so the sum of square distances would be least (rotation would be nice too, but points are rotated similarly, so this is not main priority and might be omitted in sake of simplicity and speed). And so my question is - is this solved and available somewhere on the Internet? Personally, I would use least square method, but I don't have much time (and although I'm somewhat good at math, I don't use it often, so it would be better for me to avoid it), so I would like to use other's solution if it exists. I prefer solution in C++, for example using OpenCV, but algorithm alone is good enough.
If there is no such solution, I will calculate it by myself, I don't want to bother you so much.
SOLUTION: (from your answers)
For me it's Kabsch alhorithm;
Base info:
General solution:
I also need scale. Scale values from SVD are not understandable for me; when I need scale about 1-4 for all axises (estimated by me), SVD scale is about [2000, 200, 20], which is not helping at all.
Since you are already using Kabsch algorithm, just have a look at Umeyama's paper which extends it to get scale. All you need to do is to get the standard deviation of your points and calculate scale as:
where D is the diagonal matrix in SVD decomposition in the rotation estimation and S is either identity matrix or [1 1 -1] diagonal matrix, depending on the sign of determinant of UV (which Kabsch uses to correct reflections into proper rotations). So if you have [2000, 200, 20], multiply the last element by +-1 (depending on the sign of determinant of UV), sum them and divide by the standard deviation of your points to get scale.
You can recycle the following code, which is using the Eigen library:
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, Eigen::DontAlign> Vector3d_U; // microsoft's 32-bit compiler can't put Eigen::Vector3d inside a std::vector. for other compilers or for 64-bit, feel free to replace this by Eigen::Vector3d
* #brief rigidly aligns two sets of poses
* This calculates such a relative pose <tt>R, t</tt>, such that:
* #code
* _TyVector v_pose = R * r_vertices[i] + t;
* double f_error = (r_tar_vertices[i] - v_pose).squaredNorm();
* #endcode
* The sum of squared errors in <tt>f_error</tt> for each <tt>i</tt> is minimized.
* #param[in] r_vertices is a set of vertices to be aligned
* #param[in] r_tar_vertices is a set of vertices to align to
* #return Returns a relative pose that rigidly aligns the two given sets of poses.
* #note This requires the two sets of poses to have the corresponding vertices stored under the same index.
static std::pair<Eigen::Matrix3d, Eigen::Vector3d> t_Align_Points(
const std::vector<Vector3d_U> &r_vertices, const std::vector<Vector3d_U> &r_tar_vertices)
_ASSERTE(r_tar_vertices.size() == r_vertices.size());
const size_t n = r_vertices.size();
Eigen::Vector3d v_center_tar3 = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), v_center3 = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
v_center_tar3 += r_tar_vertices[i];
v_center3 += r_vertices[i];
v_center_tar3 /= double(n);
v_center3 /= double(n);
// calculate centers of positions, potentially extend to 3D
double f_sd2_tar = 0, f_sd2 = 0; // only one of those is really needed
Eigen::Matrix3d t_cov = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
Eigen::Vector3d v_vert_i_tar = r_tar_vertices[i] - v_center_tar3;
Eigen::Vector3d v_vert_i = r_vertices[i] - v_center3;
// get both vertices
f_sd2 += v_vert_i.squaredNorm();
f_sd2_tar += v_vert_i_tar.squaredNorm();
// accumulate squared standard deviation (only one of those is really needed)
t_cov.noalias() += v_vert_i * v_vert_i_tar.transpose();
// accumulate covariance
// calculate the covariance matrix
Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix3d> svd(t_cov, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
// calculate the SVD
Eigen::Matrix3d R = svd.matrixV() * svd.matrixU().transpose();
// compute the rotation
double f_det = R.determinant();
Eigen::Vector3d e(1, 1, (f_det < 0)? -1 : 1);
// calculate determinant of V*U^T to disambiguate rotation sign
if(f_det < 0)
R.noalias() = svd.matrixV() * e.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixU().transpose();
// recompute the rotation part if the determinant was negative
R = Eigen::Quaterniond(R).normalized().toRotationMatrix();
// renormalize the rotation (not needed but gives slightly more orthogonal transformations)
double f_scale = svd.singularValues().dot(e) / f_sd2_tar;
double f_inv_scale = svd.singularValues().dot(e) / f_sd2; // only one of those is needed
// calculate the scale
R *= f_inv_scale;
// apply scale
Eigen::Vector3d t = v_center_tar3 - (R * v_center3); // R needs to contain scale here, otherwise the translation is wrong
// want to align center with ground truth
return std::make_pair(R, t); // or put it in a single 4x4 matrix if you like
For 3D points the problem is known as the Absolute Orientation problem. A c++ implementation is available from Eigen and paper
you can use it via opencv by converting the matrices to eigen with cv::cv2eigen() calls.
Start with translation of both sets of points. So that their centroid coincides with the origin of the coordinate system. Translation vector is just the difference between these centroids.
Now we have two sets of coordinates represented as matrices P and Q. One set of points may be obtained from other one by applying some linear operator (which performs both scaling and rotation). This operator is represented by 3x3 matrix X:
P * X = Q
To find proper scale/rotation we just need to solve this matrix equation, find X, then decompose it into several matrices, each representing some scaling or rotation.
A simple (but probably not numerically stable) way to solve it is to multiply both parts of the equation to the transposed matrix P (to get rid of non-square matrices), then multiply both parts of the equation to the inverted PT * P:
PT * P * X = PT * Q
X = (PT * P)-1 * PT * Q
Applying Singular value decomposition to matrix X gives two rotation matrices and a matrix with scale factors:
X = U * S * V
Here S is a diagonal matrix with scale factors (one scale for each coordinate), U and V are rotation matrices, one properly rotates the points so that they may be scaled along the coordinate axes, other one rotates them once more to align their orientation to second set of points.
Example (2D points are used for simplicity):
P = 1 2 Q = 7.5391 4.3455
2 3 12.9796 5.8897
-2 1 -4.5847 5.3159
-1 -6 -15.9340 -15.5511
After solving the equation:
X = 3.3417 -1.2573
2.0987 2.8014
After SVD decomposition:
U = -0.7317 -0.6816
-0.6816 0.7317
S = 4 0
0 3
V = -0.9689 -0.2474
-0.2474 0.9689
Here SVD has properly reconstructed all manipulations I performed on matrix P to get matrix Q: rotate by the angle 0.75, scale X axis by 4, scale Y axis by 3, rotate by the angle -0.25.
If sets of points are scaled uniformly (scale factor is equal by each axis), this procedure may be significantly simplified.
Just use Kabsch algorithm to get translation/rotation values. Then perform these translation and rotation (centroids should coincide with the origin of the coordinate system). Then for each pair of points (and for each coordinate) estimate Linear regression. Linear regression coefficient is exactly the scale factor.
A good explanation Finding optimal rotation and translation between corresponding 3D points
The code is in matlab but it's trivial to convert to opengl using the cv::SVD function
You might want to try ICP (Iterative closest point).
Given two sets of 3d points, it will tell you the transformation (rotation + translation) to go from the first set to the second one.
If you're interested in a c++ lightweight implementation, try libicp.
Good luck!
The general transformation, as well the scale can be retrieved via Procrustes Analysis. It works by superimposing the objects on top of each other and tries to estimate the transformation from that setting. It has been used in the context of ICP, many times. In fact, your preference, Kabash algorithm is a special case of this.
Moreover, Horn's alignment algorithm (based on quaternions) also finds a very good solution, while being quite efficient. A Matlab implementation is also available.
Scale can be inferred without SVD, if your points are uniformly scaled in all directions (I could not make sense of SVD-s scale matrix either). Here is how I solved the same problem:
Measure distances of each point to other points in the point cloud to get a 2d table of distances, where entry at (i,j) is norm(point_i-point_j). Do the same thing for the other point cloud, so you get two tables -- one for original and the other for reconstructed points.
Divide all values in one table by the corresponding values in the other table. Because the points correspond to each other, the distances do too. Ideally, the resulting table has all values being equal to each other, and this is the scale.
The median value of the divisions should be pretty close to the scale you are looking for. The mean value is also close, but I chose median just to exclude outliers.
Now you can use the scale value to scale all the reconstructed points and then proceed to estimating the rotation.
Tip: If there are too many points in the point clouds to find distances between all of them, then a smaller subset of distances will work, too, as long as it is the same subset for both point clouds. Ideally, just one distance pair would work if there is no measurement noise, e.g when one point cloud is directly derived from the other by just rotating it.
you can also use ScaleRatio ICP proposed by BaoweiLin
The code can be found in github
I'm working on a data mining algorithm where i want to pick a random direction from a particular point in the feature space.
If I pick a random number for each of the n dimensions from [-1,1] and then normalize the vector to a length of 1 will I get an even distribution across all possible directions?
I'm speaking only theoretically here since computer generated random numbers are not actually random.
One simple trick is to select each dimension from a gaussian distribution, then normalize:
from random import gauss
def make_rand_vector(dims):
vec = [gauss(0, 1) for i in range(dims)]
mag = sum(x**2 for x in vec) ** .5
return [x/mag for x in vec]
For example, if you want a 7-dimensional random vector, select 7 random values (from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1). Then, compute the magnitude of the resulting vector using the Pythagorean formula (square each value, add the squares, and take the square root of the result). Finally, divide each value by the magnitude to obtain a normalized random vector.
If your number of dimensions is large then this has the strong benefit of always working immediately, while generating random vectors until you find one which happens to have magnitude less than one will cause your computer to simply hang at more than a dozen dimensions or so, because the probability of any of them qualifying becomes vanishingly small.
You will not get a uniformly distributed ensemble of angles with the algorithm you described. The angles will be biased toward the corners of your n-dimensional hypercube.
This can be fixed by eliminating any points with distance greater than 1 from the origin. Then you're dealing with a spherical rather than a cubical (n-dimensional) volume, and your set of angles should then be uniformly distributed over the sample space.
Let n be the number of dimensions, K the desired number of vectors:
while vec_count < K
generate n uniformly distributed values a[0..n-1] over [-1, 1]
r_squared = sum over i=0,n-1 of a[i]^2
if 0 < r_squared <= 1.0
b[i] = a[i]/sqrt(r_squared) ; normalize to length of 1
add vector b[0..n-1] to output list
vec_count = vec_count + 1
reject this sample
end while
There is a boost implementation of the algorithm that samples from normal distributions: random::uniform_on_sphere
I had the exact same question when also developing a ML algorithm.
I got to the same conclusion as Jim Lewis after drawing samples for the 2-d case and plotting the resulting distribution of the angle.
Furthermore, if you try to derive the density distribution for the direction in 2d when you draw at random from [-1,1] for the x- and y-axis ,you will see that:
f_X(x) = 1/(4*cos²(x)) if 0 < x < 45⁰
f_X(x) = 1/(4*sin²(x)) if x > 45⁰
where x is the angle, and f_X is the probability density distribution.
I have written about this here:
#define SCL1 (M_SQRT2/2)
#define SCL2 (M_SQRT2*2)
// unitrand in [-1,1].
double u = SCL1 * unitrand();
double v = SCL1 * unitrand();
double w = SCL2 * sqrt(1.0 - u*u - v*v);
double x = w * u;
double y = w * v;
double z = 1.0 - 2.0 * (u*u + v*v);
I would like to get some code in AS2 to interpolate a quadratic bezier curve. the nodes are meant to be at constant distance away from each other. Basically it is to animate a ball at constant speed along a non-hyperbolic quadratic bezier curve defined by 3 pts.
The Bezier curve math is really quite simple, so I'll help you out with that and you can translate it into ActionScript.
A 2D quadratic Bezier curve is defined by three (x,y) coordinates. I will refer to these as P0 = (x0,y0), P1 = (x1,y1) and P2 = (x2,y2). Additionally a parameter value t, which ranges from 0 to 1, is used to indicate any position along the curve. All x, y and t variables are real-valued (floating point).
The equation for a quadratic Bezier curve is:
P(t) = P0*(1-t)^2 + P1*2*(1-t)*t + P2*t^2
So, using pseudocode, we can smoothly trace out the Bezier curve like so:
for i = 0 to step_count
t = i / step_count
u = 1 - t
P = P0*u*u + P1*2*u*t + P2*t*t
draw_ball_at_position( P )
This assumes that you have already defined the points P0, P1 and P2 as above. If you space the control points evenly then you should get nice even steps along the curve. Just define step_count to be the number of steps along the curve that you would like to see.
Please note that the expression can be done much more efficient mathematically.
P(t) = P0*(1-t)^2 + P1*2*(1-t)*t + P2*t^2
P = P0*u*u + P1*2*u*t + P2*t*t
both hold t multiplications which can be simplified.
For example:
C = A*t + B(1-t) = A*t + B - B*t = t*(A-B) + B = You saved one multiplication = Double performance.
The solution proposed by Naaff, that is P(t) = P0*(1-t)^2 + P1*2*(1-t)*t + P2*t^2, will get you the correct "shape", but selecting evenly-spaced t in the [0:1] interval will not produce evenly-spaced P(t). In other words, the speed is not constant (you can differentiate the previous equation with respect to t to see see it).
Usually, a common method to traverse a parametric curve at constant-speed is to reparametrize by arc-length. This means expressing P as P(s) where s is the length traversed along the curve. Obviously, s varies from zero to the total length of the curve. In the case of a quadratic bezier curve, there's a closed-form solution for the arc-length as a function of t, but it's a bit complicated. Computationally, it's often faster to just integrate numerically using your favorite method. Notice however that the idea is to compute the inverse relation, that is, t(s), so as to express P as P(t(s)). Then, choosing evenly-spaced s will produce evenly-space P.