Ez publish 4.7: embed twit in xml block - ezpublish

I want to embed a tweet into xml block using ezoe. Is there any way to embed custom html code into it?
Tweet embed code looks like this:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Bla bla </p>— Air France (#airfrance) April 9, 2014</blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

You need to activate the html class for the literal tag.
# The class 'html' is disabled by default because it gives editors the
# possibility to insert html and javascript code in XML blocks.
# Don't enable the 'html' class unless you really trust all users who has
# privileges to edit objects containing XML blocks.
=> reproduce the following in your admin & front siteaccesses
and settings/siteaccess/yourfrontsiteaccess/content.ini.append.php
Once done, you'll be able to choose the html class.
That said, enabling this feature suggests that contributors are aware of and concerned by possible security issues such as XSS. This should never be enabled for anonymous users (when you let them create comment objects with rich text fields for instance).


Add posts to Jekyll index page, without .md files

I would like to write a generator plugin to add some post-like items to my blog. The items are supposed to appear in the blog index, but they have no page associated to them (you can't click on them).
I know I need something like
class QuoteGenerator < Generator
safe true
def generate(site)
# add a single post
site.posts << QuotePost.new(site, site.source, "Blub")
But what I don't understand is how to implement my Post subclass. I've found that other plugins (like this one to embed Flickr photos) write the data they want to a markdown+YAML file, and then reference this file:
class QuotePost < Post
def initialize(site, base, title)
# Nooo, I don't want to create a .md file for this
name = "2016-05-13-test.md"
dir = ""
# (write out .md file here)
super(site, base, dir, name)
But then, I would hardly need a Plugin in the first place. I could just generate the markdown files myself (with an external script).
What I'd like to do is to just set a couple of variables in my Post subclass, and have them available in the template for the blog index. How can I do that?
The case you've described looks to be unrelated to Post, since usual posts are file-based. Collections may be suitable, but again - that's not clear how you getting the content.
I'd suggest two major options:
Use _data/ to set an object list, where each item has the required properties if you can define them via a static JSON/CSV/etc file (or generate it once, to separate external data producer and jekyll visualization).
Use :pre_render hook and a plugin if you have to define the data via code -
your hook will also receive a payload hash as a second parameter which allows you full control over the variables that are available while rendering
Having your data in site.data variable allows you to iterate through items, render something or include a template and so on. Also there are plugins which generate new pages based on site's data.
The right answer depends on how you're getting the content, which markup you need and how those items will be used.

zend 2 view rendering template with same name from a different module

I'm working with reusable modules in Zend2 and I have a little problem which concerns code duplication.
I have an User module, which has i.e an HTML template register (template path: user/user/register).
It contains some basic HTML but in one of my projects, I need to embed this template with a < div > for CSS stylization (the rest of the HTML page doesn't change).
After the User module, I load my Application module where I can overwrite the user/user/register template and put new code but I'm unable to render the original user/user/register template through it.
Example of code in Application module -> user/user/register:
This causes an endless loop and I don't want to copy/paste all the HTML from my user/user/register template in User module.
Anyone can help me ?
Thank you !
What you're trying to achieve won't work. You can not have two templates with identical names. The Module that loads the key the latest will always have priority.
You have to understand that templates are just a key inside a big array.
'view_manager' => array(
'template_map' => array(
'layout/layout' => 'my\layout.phtml'
So if you have two modules providing this configuration, it doesn't change the fact that both use the key layout/layout. Therefore whatever Module loads later, wins.
TL/DR You can only overwrite templates, not extend them. In your case you have to create a separate template.

Magento: adminhtml Block Directive Not Loading in frontend Email Template

I've been scouring the net in pursuit of this one. Magento Commerce comes us dry for me. grepping core code, reading Alan Storm, perusing Inchoo, and even finding related questions on SO turn up no answers for me.
With that said, my problem is with a transactional email template that works when processed from the backend but not from the frontend. Here's a snippet:
<td width="100%" colspan="2" align="left">
<!-- inject products quote table -->
{{block type="adminhtml/sales_quotation_email" template="sales/quotation/email_quote_items.phtml" inherits=$template quote=$quote salesrep=$salesrep}}
<!-- inject cross-sell products table -->
{{block type="adminhtml/sales_quotation_email" template="sales/quotation/email_quote_cross_sells.phtml" inherits=$template quote=$quote salesrep=$salesrep}}
In the backend, these blocks are rendered as expected. In the front-end, everything above and below these block directives is rendered, but it appears that the directives die in processing when it comes time to render the template. No errors are thrown.
I followed the advice here, but no luck. Originally I tried to use setDesignConfig on the email template model, but that didn't work. I even tried to set the area as an attribute in the directive, but that also did not work. A colleague suggested that I have two copies of the above templates: one set in design/adminhtml and the other design/frontend. I'd rather not have to worry about extra maintenance. Plus, I fear that I'd encounter the same problem if the block type specified in the directive comes from adminhtml. I don't want that solution.
So what am I doing wrong? What do I not understand?
How does Magento resolve the real path to the template, and is a template forced to reside in the area of its parent block?
Help is needed! Thanks.
I found a related post on Magento Commerce that put me back on track. I started dumping out the design configuration in two controllers: 1 in frontend and one in adminhtml. I noticed immediately that theme information was missing in the frontend request. See some sample output from my frontend controller:
Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package Object (
[_store:protected] =>
[_area:protected] => frontend
[_name:protected] => mypackage
[_theme:protected] => Array
[layout] =>
[template] =>
[skin] =>
[locale] => mytheme
[_rootDir:protected] =>
[_callbackFileDir:protected] =>
[_config:protected] =>
[_shouldFallback:protected] => 1 )
Notice that layout, template, and skin are empty in the theme property. When I dumped the design configuration from an adminhtml controller, these properties were set.
So going back to my frontend controller, I added the following line before I instantiated my email template model:
And poof! It worked! My blocks directives were processed and the fully rendered content was returned as expected.
So although my thinking was correct to set the area, that alone wasn't enough. I also has to configure the theme.
I'm happy with the solution. I hope it helps others. But to fully answer this question, I'm still curious if anyone knows why package information is missing from the design configuration during a frontend request. Does it have to do with the block type in the directive coming from adminhtml? That would make sense, because adminhtml has no need to worry about theme information. I just don't know where those decisions would be made in core code. See update below.
Learned even more since the original post. My question gave a code sample that built a block of a type that came from adminhtml. The path to the template, I thought, was resolving to the front-end, and that was why no template could be found. That wasn't actually the case. An adminhtml block, because of its class naming convention, will look in design/adminhtml/package/default/module for your template.
However, in my particular Magento installation, I have a design override in local.xml that changes the admin theme so that it admin requests check design/adminhtml/package/mytheme/module for templates. And that is where my phtml templates are stored. So on a front-end request, the controller has no clue about this override, and is only building up the design configuration based on what is set in the store configuration for the particular package and theme.
In summary, my call to setTheme() must utilize that modified config data, like so:
(string) Mage::app()
I guess that goes to say, then, that a simple call to setArea() would be sufficient for most installations.
Finally, you will need to revert the design configuration changes after your work is done, otherwise subsequent actions might produce undesired results.

Magento - Difference between translate.csv and core_translate

What is the difference between translate.csv translations and the database method via the table core_translate?
Here is part of init() method from app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Translate.php
//Loading data from module translation files
foreach ($this->getModulesConfig() as $moduleName=>$info) {
$info = $info->asArray();
$this->_loadModuleTranslation($moduleName, $info['files'], $forceReload);
From it you can see that Magento load translation in the following order, i.e. there are three options in Magento to add a custom translation to a text string: module translation, theme translation and inline translation.
Module translation
Module translations are stored in app/locale/languagecode_COUNTRYCODE/ folder in form of csv files, named as Namespace_Modulename.csv All string in extensions that are inside __() method can be translated this way
Theme translation
Strings can be translated inside your theme, for that you just need to set locale via Magento admin area, then create translate.csv in app/design/frontend/<package>/<theme>/locale/languagecode_COUNTRYCODE and put your translated strings inside this CSV
“My Cart”,”My Basket”
“My Account”,”Account”
Inline translation
To enable inline translation you need to log into Admin panel and go to System -> Configuration -> Developer and then find Translate inlined and set Enabled for frontend Yes
All translation made by this method will be stored in core_translate table inside your database. In order to understand better how this method works, check this video out.
The text above is a part of my article on our blog
core_translate table is for phrases that depends on StoreView
/app/design/frontend/YOUR PACKAGE/YOUR THEME/locale/YOUR LOCALE/translate.csv for phrases in YOUR LOCALE language for YOUR THEME. If you change theme this phrases will not be used (translate.csv from new theme will be used).
If phrase is available in database and in csv, then DB phrase will be used.
As I see it, core_translate is useful when you are running magento in a distributed method on multiple servers, and reading from the filesystem just isn't ideal.
I use core_translate with inline translations to handle translated content in CMS blocks. (a mod)
The reason for this is that it is faster to read from the db than to parse a .csv. (I do not know if this is true with caching turned on, but it seemed like the safest route to go)
I dug up this old forum that suggested a few things. Possibly Magento is trying use the inline core_translate approach and push out the translate.csv. However given the forum thread is from 2008 that doesn't seem to be the case. The other suggestion is that some languages use core_translate on the database while some keep the records in a .csv. Possibly the .csv is for local maintainers and the core_translate is for admins. Here's the thread http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/40510/

Magento, translate validation error messages

I have successfully created new rules for the prototype validation, now I need to translate the error messages (Location: String in Javascript). However, I can only translate all the messages, my new custom ones don't appear to be translatable. How do I change this?
Maybe you need an jstranslator.xml file inside etc folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<some-message-name translate="message" module="mymodule">
<message>This is the text in my own js validation</message>
With the following structure and meanings:
<jstranslator> - [one] XML root node.
<some-message-name> - [zero or more] root node child elements with a unique XML element name across all jstranslator.xml files (otherwise last in loading order based on module listing wins).
translate="message" - (optional) a hint that the child element(s) that is being translated is named "message", however this is hardencoded for the js translation XML files (Magento CE 1.9, search for "*/message") and this attribute does not need to be used.
module="mymodule" - (optional) name of the module, if left out the value is "core". It will be used to instantiate the data-helper later on (from that module) which then is reponsible to load the translations (e.g. from the CSV files).
<message> - [zero or one per parent] message to translate. the text value of this elements node-value is taken to be added to the javascript Translator object data.
All jstranslator.xml files of activated modules are processed.
Then put your translation line into the Something_Mymodule.csv file:
"This is the text in my own js validation", "(translated in a different language or speech)"
Then in your js scripts you can use your own translations via the Translator:
Translator.translate('This is the text in my own js validation');
Further References
Correct usage of jstranslator.xml
To translate custom javascript error messages you need also to add them to the following file:
find a function _getTranslateData()
and you'll see a bunch of messages already in there.
just add your message somewhere in the array like this:
'This is my validation message' => $this->__('This is my validation message')
Don't forget a comma (,).
And then put translation in some translate file.
In the file where you use this message (I use it in opcheckout.js file) you need to wrap text in Translator.translate('This is my validation message').
I haven't figured out yet if it's important which translate file that is. You can try Mage_Core.csv .
I needed it in Mage_Checkout.csv and it works in there.
Anyway, for those who are interested in more, I noticed that these javascript messages are printed in header of every html page and some worrie that it messes with the SEO. Anyway this is printed in file
\app\design\frontend\bmled\default\template\page\html\head.phtml with the code.
<?php echo $this->helper('core/js')->getTranslatorScript() ?>
Check for more here:
I hope this helps, I just hope this works everywhere, so far I tested it on Onepage Checkout only.
You can edit app/local/ur_language/Mage_Core.csv file, adding original string in the first Column the translated one in the second. All the javascript translations are stored in this file.
What's helped me (Magento EE 1.6) -
I added new translation object:
var _data = {
'This is a required field.':
"<?php echo $this->__('This is a required field.'); ?>",
'Please make sure your passwords match.':
"<?php echo $this->__('Please make sure your passwords match');?>",
'validate telephone error':
"<?php echo $this->__('validate telephone error');?>"
var Translator = new Translate(_data);
if it is defined VarienForm uses it in js validation
We had exactly the same problem with one of our magento projects. We found that the function in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/page/htmlhead.phtml had been commented out:
<?php echo $this->helper('core/js')->getTranslatorScript() ?>
After putting this in, it still did not work, because translations had not been inserted into translate file. Check out those two things and it should start working.
To expand on this, you must add the translation strings to Mage/Core/Helper/Js.php.
