What is the correct EIP for BeaEngine dissassembler? - portable-executable

i using BeaEngine for dissassembly my exe file but i can't set correct EIP and my result is different by OllyDBG result
how can set correct EIP ?
void dis()
listBox1.Items.Add("Version: " + BeaEngine.Version);
listBox1.Items.Add("Revision: " + BeaEngine.Revision);
UnmanagedBuffer buffer = new UnmanagedBuffer(File.ReadAllBytes("JetAudio.exe"));
var disasm = new Disasm();
disasm.EIP = new IntPtr(buffer.Ptr.ToInt64() + 0x400);
//disasm.EIP = new IntPtr( 0x401000);
for (int counter = 0; counter < 100; ++counter)
int result = BeaEngine.Disasm(disasm);
if (result == (int)BeaConstants.SpecialInfo.UNKNOWN_OPCODE)
listBox1.Items.Add("0x" + disasm.EIP.ToString("X") + " "+disasm.CompleteInstr);
disasm.EIP = new IntPtr(disasm.EIP.ToInt64() + result);

There are a big difference here.
You are comparing a Dynamic Analysis with a Static analysis.
Before i want to explain what is EIP, EIP is the Extended Instruction Pointer, that points to the next line that will be run by the processor.
What i mean is that, disassemblers don't run the code so you don't have an EIP because the code is not being run by the processor.
basically what they do is take the compiled code (machine code) and translate it to assembly directly from the disk.
Ollydbg does this disassembly dynamically and run the code so you can manipulate the code including the actual EIP.
I never used BeaEngine, but i think this is your problem.


How do I enable GDB/GEF to allow me to see how stack changes as I insert discrete input?

I am trying to identify the offset in which a buffer overflow occurs via pwntools and gdb. Here is the C code (x64):
int input[8];
int count, num;
count = 0;
scanf("%d", &num);
if (num == -1){
} else {
input[count++] = num;
Understanding that the size of the integer is 4 bytes, I am attempting to feed the program a string of integers via pwntools (code below):
from pwn import *
context.log_level = "debug"
io = gdb.debug('_file_')
for i in range(0,10,1):
However, I am having trouble finding the offset and trying to debug the program via gdb. I would like to be able to see changes to the stack as each integer is input (via ni or si). Is there a better way to identify where the program crashes?
I am using the for loop as a proxy for pattern create (with the hope to see which integer causes the crash).
Any insights would greatly be appreciated!

Kissfftr different results x86 - Atheros AR9331

This is my first question on stackoverflow and my englsich is unfortunately poor. But I want to try it.
A customized routine of twotonetest of kissfft brings on two different systems very different results.
The under ubuntu translated with gcc on x86 program brings the correct values. That with the openWRT SDK translated for the Arduino YUN (Atheros AR9331) program displays incorrect values​​. It seems as if since the definition of FIXED_POINT is ignored.
Defined is:
#define FIXED_POINT 32
the function:
double GetFreqBuf( tBuf * io_pBuf, int nfft)
kiss_fftr_cfg cfg = NULL;
kiss_fft_cpx *kout = NULL;
kiss_fft_scalar *tbuf = NULL;
uint32_t ptr;
int i;
double sigpow=0;
double noisepow=0;
long maxrange = SHRT_MAX;
cfg = kiss_fftr_alloc(nfft , 0, NULL, NULL);
tbuf = KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nfft * sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar));
kout = KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nfft * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx));
/* generate the array from samples*/
for (i = 0; i < nfft; i++) {
//nur einen Kanal, eine Krücke, würde nun auch mit 2 kanälen gehen, aber so ist schneller
if (io_pBuf->IndexNextValue >= (i*2))
ptr = io_pBuf->IndexNextValue - (i*2);
ptr = io_pBuf->bufSize - ((i*2) - io_pBuf->IndexNextValue);
tbuf[i] = io_pBuf->aData[ptr] ;
kiss_fftr(cfg, tbuf, kout);
for (i=0;i < (nfft/2+1);++i) {
double tmpr = (double)kout[i].r / (double)maxrange;
double tmpi = (double)kout[i].i / (double)maxrange;
double mag2 = tmpr*tmpr + tmpi*tmpi;
if (i!=0 && i!= nfft/2)
mag2 *= 2; /* all bins except DC and Nyquist have symmetric counterparts implied*/
/* if there is power between the frq's, it is signal, otherwise noise*/
if ( i > nfft/96 && i < nfft/32 )
noisepow += mag2;
sigpow += mag2;
//printf("TEST %d Werte, noisepow: %f sigpow: %f noise # %fdB\n",nfft,noisepow,sigpow,10*log10(noisepow/sigpow +1e-30) );
return 10*log10(noisepow/sigpow +1e-30);
As input samples of 16-bit sound from the same file be used. Results differ for example from-3dB to-15dB. AWhere could you start troubleshooting?
Possibility #1 (most likely)
You are compiling kissfft.c or kiss_fftr.c differently than the calling code. This happens to a lot of people.
An easy way to force the same FIXED_POINT is to edit the kiss_fft.h directly. Another option: verify with some printf debugging. i.e. place the following in various places:
printf( __FILE__ " sees sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar)=%d\n" , sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar) )
Possibility #2
Perhaps the FIXED_POINT=16 code works but the FIXED_POINT=32 code does not because something is being handled incorrectly either inside kissfft or on the platform. The 32 bit fixed code relies on int64_t being implemented correctly.
Is that Atheros a 16 bit processor? I know kissfft has been used successfully on 16 bit platforms, but I'm not sure if FIXED_POINT=32 real FFTs on a 16 bit fixed point has been used.
viel Glück,

Visual Studio code metrics misreporting lines of code

The code metrics analyser in Visual Studio, as well as the code metrics power tool, report the number of lines of code in the TestMethod method of the following code as 8.
At the most, I would expect it to report lines of code as 3.
public class UnitTest1
private void Test(out string str)
str = null;
public void TestMethod()
var mock = new Mock<UnitTest1>();
string str;
mock.Verify(m => m.Test(out str));
Can anyone explain why this is the case?
Further info
After a little more digging I've found that removing the out parameter from the Test method and updating the test code causes LOC to be reported as 2, which I believe is correct. The addition of out causes the jump, so it's not because of braces or attributes.
Decompiling the DLL with dotPeek reveals a fair amount of additional code generated because of the out parameter which could be considered 8 LOC, but removing the parameter and decompiling also reveals generated code, which could be considered 5 LOC, so it's not simply a matter of VS counting compiler generated code (which I don't believe it should do anyway).
There are several common definitions of 'Lines Of Code' (LOC). Each tries to bring some sense to what I think of as an almost meaningless metric. For example google of effective lines of code (eLOC).
I think that VS is including the attribute as part of the method declaration and is trying to give eLOC by counting statements and even braces. One possiblity is that 'm => m.Test(out str)' is being counted as a statement.
Consider this:
if (a > 1 &&
b > 2)
var result;
result = GetAValue();
return result;
and this:
if (a> 1 && b >2)
return GetAValue();
One definition of LOC is to count the lines that have any code. This may even include braces. In such an extreme simplistic definition the count varies hugely on coding style.
eLOC tries to reduce or eliminate the influence of code style. For example, as may the case here, a declaration may be counted as a 'line'. Not justifying it, just explaining.
Consider this:
int varA = 0;
varA = GetAValue();
and this:
var varA = GetAValue();
Two lines or one?
It all comes down to what is the intent. If it is to measure how tall a monitor you need then perhaps use a simple LOC. If the intent is to measure complexity then perhaps counting code statements is better such as eLOC.
If you want to measure complexity then use a complexity metric like cyclomatic complexity. Don't worry about how VS is measuring LOC as, i think, it is a useless metric anyway.
With the tool NDepend we get a # Lines of Code (LoC) of 2 for TestMethod(). (Disclaimer I am one of the developers of this tool). I wrote an article about How do you count your number of Lines Of Code (LOC) ? that is shedding light on what is logical LoC, and how all .NET LoC counting tooling rely on the PDB sequence points technology.
My guess concerning this LoC value of 8 provided by VS metric, is that it includes the LoC of the method generated by the lambda expression + it includes the PDB sequences points related to open/ending braces (which NDepend doesn't). Also lot of gymnastic is done by the compiler to do what is called capturing the local variable str, but this shouldn't impact the #LoC that is inferred from the PDB sequence points.
Btw, I wrote 2 others related LoC articles:
Why is it useful to count the number of Lines Of Code (LOC) ?
Mythical man month : 10 lines per developer day
I was wondering about the Visual Studio line counting and why what I was seeing wasn't what was being reported. So I wrote a small C# console program to count pure lines of code and write the results to a CSV file (see below).
Open a new solution, copy and paste it into the Program.cs file, build the executable, and then you're ready to go. It's a .Net 3.5 application. Copy it into the topmost directory of your code base. Open a command window and run the executable. You get two prompts, first for name of the program/subsystem, and for any extra file types you want to analyze. It then writes the results to a CSV file in the current directory. Nice simple thing for your purposes or to hand to management.
Anyhoo, here it is, FWIW, and YMMV:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
namespace CodeMetricsConsole
class Program
// Concept here is that the program has a list of file extensions to do line counts on; it
// gets any extra extensions at startup from the user. Then it gets a list of files based on
// each extension in the current directory and all subdirectories. Then it walks through
// each file line by line and will display counts for that file and for that file extension.
// It writes that information to a CSV file in the current directory. It uses regular expressions
// on each line of each file to figure out what it's looking at, and how to count it (i.e. is it
// a line of code, a single or multi line comment, a multi-line string, or a whitespace line).
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(); // spacing
// prompt user for subsystem or application name
String userInput_subSystemName;
Console.Write("Enter the name of this application or subsystem (required): ");
userInput_subSystemName = Console.ReadLine();
if (userInput_subSystemName.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Application or subsystem name required, exiting.");
Console.WriteLine(); // spacing
// prompt user for additional types
String userInput_additionalFileTypes;
Console.WriteLine("Default extensions are asax, css, cs, js, aspx, ascx, master, txt, jsp, java, php, bas");
Console.WriteLine("Enter a comma-separated list of additional file extensions (if any) you wish to analyze");
Console.Write(" --> ");
userInput_additionalFileTypes = Console.ReadLine();
// tell user processing is starting
Console.WriteLine("Getting LOC counts...");
// the default file types to analyze - hashset to avoid duplicates if the user supplies extensions
HashSet allowedExtensions = new HashSet { "asax", "css", "cs", "js", "aspx", "ascx", "master", "txt", "jsp", "java", "php", "bas" };
// Add user-supplied types to allowedExtensions if any
String[] additionalFileTypes;
String[] separator = { "," };
if (userInput_additionalFileTypes.Length > 0)
// split string into array of additional file types
additionalFileTypes = userInput_additionalFileTypes.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// walk through user-provided file types and append to default file types
foreach (String ext in additionalFileTypes)
allowedExtensions.Add(ext.Trim()); // remove spaces
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
// summary file to write to
String summaryFile = userInput_subSystemName + "_Summary.csv";
String path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
String pathAndFile = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + summaryFile;
// regexes for the different line possibilities
Regex oneLineComment = new Regex(#"^\s*//"); // match whitespace to two slashes
Regex startBlockComment = new Regex(#"^\s*/\*.*"); // match whitespace to /*
Regex whiteSpaceOnly = new Regex(#"^\s*$"); // match whitespace only
Regex code = new Regex(#"\S*"); // match anything but whitespace
Regex endBlockComment = new Regex(#".*\*/"); // match anything and */ - only used after block comment detected
Regex oneLineBlockComment = new Regex(#"^\s*/\*.*\*/.*"); // match whitespace to /* ... */
Regex multiLineStringStart = new Regex("^[^\"]*#\".*"); // match #" - don't match "#"
Regex multiLineStringEnd = new Regex("^.*\".*"); // match double quotes - only used after multi line string start detected
Regex oneLineMLString = new Regex("^.*#\".*\""); // match #"..."
Regex vbaComment = new Regex(#"^\s*'"); // match whitespace to single quote
// Uncomment these two lines to test your regex with the function testRegex() below
//new Program().testRegex(oneLineMLString);
FileStream fs = null;
String line = null;
int codeLineCount = 0;
int commentLineCount = 0;
int wsLineCount = 0;
int multiLineStringCount = 0;
int fileCodeLineCount = 0;
int fileCommentLineCount = 0;
int fileWsLineCount = 0;
int fileMultiLineStringCount = 0;
Boolean inBlockComment = false;
Boolean inMultiLineString = false;
// write to summary CSV file, overwrite if exists, don't append
using (StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter(pathAndFile, false))
// outFile header
outFile.WriteLine("filename, codeLineCount, commentLineCount, wsLineCount, mlsLineCount");
// walk through files with specified extensions
foreach (String allowed_extension in allowedExtensions)
String extension = "*." + allowed_extension;
// reset accumulating values for extension
codeLineCount = 0;
commentLineCount = 0;
wsLineCount = 0;
multiLineStringCount = 0;
// Get all files in current directory and subdirectories with specified extension
String[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), extension, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// walk through all files of this type
for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Length; i++)
// reset values for this file
fileCodeLineCount = 0;
fileCommentLineCount = 0;
fileWsLineCount = 0;
fileMultiLineStringCount = 0;
inBlockComment = false;
inMultiLineString = false;
// open file
fs = new FileStream(fileList[i], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(fs))
// walk through lines in file
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
if (inBlockComment)
if (whiteSpaceOnly.IsMatch(line))
if (endBlockComment.IsMatch(line)) inBlockComment = false;
else if (inMultiLineString)
if (multiLineStringEnd.IsMatch(line)) inMultiLineString = false;
// not in a block comment or multi-line string
if (oneLineComment.IsMatch(line))
else if (oneLineBlockComment.IsMatch(line))
else if ((startBlockComment.IsMatch(line)) && (!(oneLineBlockComment.IsMatch(line))))
inBlockComment = true;
else if (whiteSpaceOnly.IsMatch(line))
else if (oneLineMLString.IsMatch(line))
else if ((multiLineStringStart.IsMatch(line)) && (!(oneLineMLString.IsMatch(line))))
inMultiLineString = true;
else if ((vbaComment.IsMatch(line)) && (allowed_extension.Equals("txt") || allowed_extension.Equals("bas"))
// none of the above, thus it is a code line
} // while
outFile.WriteLine(fileList[i] + ", " + fileCodeLineCount + ", " + fileCommentLineCount + ", " + fileWsLineCount + ", " + fileMultiLineStringCount);
fs = null;
} // using
if (fs != null) fs.Dispose();
// update accumulating values
codeLineCount = codeLineCount + fileCodeLineCount;
commentLineCount = commentLineCount + fileCommentLineCount;
wsLineCount = wsLineCount + fileWsLineCount;
multiLineStringCount = multiLineStringCount + fileMultiLineStringCount;
} // for (specific file)
outFile.WriteLine("Summary for: " + extension + ", " + codeLineCount + ", " + commentLineCount + ", " + wsLineCount + ", " + multiLineStringCount);
} // foreach (all files with specified extension)
} // using summary file streamwriter
Console.WriteLine("Analysis complete, file is: " + pathAndFile);
} // try block
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
catch (Exception e2)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e2.Message);
} // main
// local testing function for debugging purposes
private void testRegex(Regex rx)
String test = " asdfasd asdf #\" adf ++--// /*\" ";
if (rx.IsMatch(test))
Console.WriteLine(" -->| " + rx.ToString() + " | matched: " + test);
Console.WriteLine("No match");
} // class
} // namespace
Here's how it works:
the program has a set of the file extensions you want to analyze.
It walks through each extension in the set, getting all files of that type in the current and all subdirectories.
It selects each file, goes through each line of that file, compares each line to a regex to figure out what it's looking at, and increments the line count after it figures out what it's looking at.
If a line isn't whitespace, a single or multi-line comment, or a multi-line string, it counts it as a line of code. It reports all the counts for each of those types of lines (code, comments, whitespace, multi-line strings) and writes them to a CSV file. No need to explain why Visual Studio did or did not count something as a line of code.
Yes, there are three loops embedded in each other (O(n-cubed) O_O ) but it's just a simple, standalone developer tool, and the biggest code base I've run it on was about 350K lines and it took like 10 seconds to run on a Core i7.
Edit: Just ran it on the Firefox 12 code base, about 4.3 million lines (3.3M code, 1M comments), about 21K files, with an AMD Phenom processor - took 7 minutes, watched the performance tab in Task Manager, no stress. FYI.
My attitude is if I wrote it to be part of an instruction fed to a compiler, it's a line of code and should be counted.
It can easily be customized to ignore or count whatever you want (brackets, namespaces, the includes at the top of the file, etc). Just add the regex, test it with the function that's right there below the regexes, then update the if statement with that regex.

GetOpenFileName fails in 64 bit, but works in 32Bit?

I have the following code, I use to Open a File Open Dialog using Win32 API. It works fine in 32bit, but fails when I use in a 64bit (In a DLL). What am I doing wrong?
char Filestring[256];
Filter = "OBJ files\0*.obj\0\0";
char* returnstring = NULL;
opf.hwndOwner = mainHWND;
opf.lpstrFilter = Filter;
opf.lpstrCustomFilter = 0;
opf.nMaxCustFilter = 0L;
opf.nFilterIndex = 1L;
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
opf.nMaxFile = 256;
opf.lpstrFileTitle = 0;
opf.lpstrInitialDir = Path;
opf.lpstrTitle = "Open Obj File";
opf.nFileOffset = 0;
opf.nFileExtension = 0;
opf.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
opf.lpfnHook = NULL;
opf.lCustData = 0;
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
returnstring = opf.lpstrFile;
if (returnstring) {
result = returnstring;
EDIT: By failing, I meant that the Open File Dialog doesn't show up. The code still returns zero without any errors.
EDIT 2: I have called CommDlgExtendedError() and it returned 1. From the MSDN reference, does it mean the dialog has invalid lStructSize? I have checked the sizeof(OPENFILENAME) and it returned 140 bytes.
UPDATE: In my Project Settings, Under Code Generation the "Struct Member Alignment" is set to 4 Bytes(/Zp4). I changed this to default and it magically worked. Look for the answers and their comments below for more information.
You aren't initialising lpTemplateName and so it contains random stack noise. This in turn will lead to 'hInstance` being references which also contains stack noise.
When calling a function like this you should first of all zero out the struct and only fill in the fields that are non-zero. Something like this:
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.hwndOwner = mainHWND;
opf.lpstrFilter = Filter;
opf.nFilterIndex = 1L;
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
opf.nMaxFile = 256;
opf.lpstrInitialDir = Path;
opf.lpstrTitle = "Open Obj File";
opf.lpstrDefExt = "*.*";
There was no need to exclude OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT explicitly since you were not including it in the first place!
You state in a comment that this doesn't work. Calling CommDlgExtendedError is a good idea and should tell you why it fails.
You could also try to run the minimal possible GetOpenFileName which is this:
char Filestring[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
I have the very same problem and a partial solution :
+ the simple following simple example (proposed abobe) was not working in x64 mode.
+ I changed the complie option "struct Member Alignment" from 1byte /Zp1 to default which solved this problem (by introducing others !!!)
char Filestring[MAX_PATH] = "\0";
opf.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
opf.lpstrFile = Filestring;
opf.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
To find out more you should call CommDlgExtendedError to get the error code what went wrong. Besides this I would initialize all member of the struct to 0 with
ZeroMemory(&opf, sizeof(opf));
Since the file open dialog is in reality a COM component it could be worth to check out if your thread apartment state is different under 64 bit.
if( RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == CoInitialize(NULL) )
ASSERT(FALSE); // MTA Apartment found
Alois Kraus
As a note in Microsoft Office 2010 64-bit we gave up and used the internal wrappers as the structure turned into 140 bytes and we were not sure how to change alignment.
Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText, MultiSelect)
and Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFilename, FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText)
Needless to say we think all individuals with fairly heavy applications in Excel should start considering other options as maintaining future versions across multiple clients and platforms may just be... insane!
I managed to get around this problem by setting the packing appropriately before including the header file. That way, for the purpose of this one function, we were using the 'default' 16 byte alignment, but did not have to change the packing alignment for the rest of our program:
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma pack( push )
#pragma pack( 16 )
#include "Commdlg.h"
#pragma pack( pop )
#include "Commdlg.h"
#endif // _WIN64

Getting the current stack trace on Mac OS X

I'm trying to work out how to store and then print the current stack in my C++ apps on Mac OS X. The main problem seems to be getting dladdr to return the right symbol when given an address inside the main executable. I suspect that the issue is actually a compile option, but I'm not sure.
I have tried the backtrace code from Darwin/Leopard but it calls dladdr and has the same issue as my own code calling dladdr.
Original post:
Currently I'm capturing the stack with this code:
int BackTrace(Addr *buffer, int max_frames)
void **frame = (void **)__builtin_frame_address(0);
void **bp = ( void **)(*frame);
void *ip = frame[1];
int i;
for ( i = 0; bp && ip && i < max_frames; i++ )
*(buffer++) = ip;
ip = bp[1];
bp = (void**)(bp[0]);
return i;
Which seems to work ok. Then to print the stack I'm looking at using dladdr like this:
Dl_info dli;
if (dladdr(Ip, &dli))
ptrdiff_t offset;
int c = 0;
if (dli.dli_fname && dli.dli_fbase)
offset = (ptrdiff_t)Ip - (ptrdiff_t)dli.dli_fbase;
c = snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s+0x%x", dli.dli_fname, offset );
if (dli.dli_sname && dli.dli_saddr)
offset = (ptrdiff_t)Ip - (ptrdiff_t)dli.dli_saddr;
c += snprintf(buf+c, buflen-c, "(%s+0x%x)", dli.dli_sname, offset );
if (c > 0)
snprintf(buf+c, buflen-c, " [%p]", Ip);
Which almost works, some example output:
/Users/matthew/Library/Frameworks/Lgi.framework/Versions/A/Lgi+0x2473d(LgiStackTrace+0x5d) [0x102c73d]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/LgiRes.app/Contents/MacOS/LgiRes+0x2a006(tart+0x28e72) [0x2b006]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/LgiRes.app/Contents/MacOS/LgiRes+0x2f438(tart+0x2e2a4) [0x30438]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/LgiRes.app/Contents/MacOS/LgiRes+0x35e9c(tart+0x34d08) [0x36e9c]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/LgiRes.app/Contents/MacOS/LgiRes+0x1296(tart+0x102) [0x2296]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/LgiRes.app/Contents/MacOS/LgiRes+0x11bd(tart+0x29) [0x21bd]
It's getting the method name right for the shared object but not for the main app. Those just map to "tart" (or "start" minus the first character).
Ideally I'd like line numbers as well as the method name at that point. But I'll settle for the correct function/method name for starters. Maybe shoot for line numbers after that, on Linux I hear you have to write your own parser for a private ELF block that has it's own instruction set. Sounds scary.
Anyway, can anyone sort this code out so it gets the method names right?
What releases of OS X are you targetting. If you are running on Mac OS X 10.5 and higher you can just use the backtrace() and backtrace_symbols() libraray calls. They are defined in execinfo.h, and there is a manpage with some sample code.
You mentioned in the comments that you need to run on Tiger. You can probably just include the implementation from Libc in your app. The source is available from Apple's opensource site. Here is a link to the relevent file.
