combine multiple java method bytecode sequence - bytecode

I am wondering whether it is possible to combine multiple java method bytecode sequences into one method. Assume we have a method A, which invokes another two method B1, and B2.
A bytecode sequences:
invokevirtual B1
iload ..
invokevirtual B2
At runtime, B1 and B2 may be close correlated and we want to combine B1 bytecodes and B2 bytecodes, together with bytecodes between "invokevirtul B1" and "invokevirtual B2", into one method.
I am not sure whether it is possible to implement, I would appreciate if some clue can be provided. THanks.

Yes, it is possible, with a few minor restrictions. The main restriction is that a single method's bytecode is limited to 65535 bytes, but you're unlikely to run into this restriction in practice. The number of exception handlers, local variable slots, and operand stack size in a single method are also limited, though these are even less likely to be reached.

See ASM bytecode manipylation framework code example from my paper "Using ASM framework to implement common bytecode transformation patterns" [1].


Boolean expression optimization in compiler and high end processor pipeline

I want to calculate a boolean expression. For ease of understanding let's assume the expression is,
O=( A & B & C) | ( D & E & F)---(eqn. 1),
Here A, B, C, D, E and F are random bits. Now, as my target platform is high-end intel i7-Haswell processor that supports 64 bit data type, I can make this much more efficient using bit-slicing.
So now, O, A, B, C, D, E and f are 64 bits data type,
O_64=( A_64 & B_64 & C_64) | ( D_64 & E_64 & F_64)---(eqn. 2), the & and | are bitwise operators similar to C language.
Now, I need the expression to take constant time to execute. That means, the calculation of Eqn. 2 should take the exact number of steps in the processor irrespective of the values in A_64, B_64, C_64, D_64, E_64, and F_64. The values are filled up using a random generator in the runtime.
Now my question is,
Considering I am using GCC or GCC-7 with -O3, How far can the compiler optimize the expression? for example, if A_64 becomes all zeroes (can happen with probability 2^{-64} ) Then we don't need to calculate the first part of eqn.2 then O_64 becomes equal to D_64 & E_64 & F_64. Is it possible for a c compiler to optimize such a way? We have to remember that the values are filled up at runtime and the boolean expressions have around 120 variables.
Is it possible for a for a processor to do such an optimization (List 1) during runtime? As my boolean expression is very long, the execution will be heavily pipelined, now is it possible for a processor to pull out an operation out of the pipeline in if such a situation arises?
Please, let me know if any part of the question is not understandable.
I appreciate your help.
Is it possible for a c compiler to optimize such a way?
It's allowed to do it, but it probably won't. There is nothing to gain in general. If part of the expression was statically known to be zero, that would be used. But inserting branches inside bitwise calculations is almost always counterproductive, and I've never seen a compiler judge a sequence of ANDs to be "long enough to be worth inserting an early-out" (you can certainly do so manually, of course). If you need a hard guarantee of course I can't give you that, if you want to be sure you should always check the assembly.
What it probably will do (for longer expressions at least) is reassociate the expression for more instruction-level parallelism. So code like that probably won't be just two long (but parallel with each other) chains of dependent ANDs, but be split up into more chains. That still wouldn't make the time depend on the values.
Is it possible for a for a processor to do such an optimization during runtime?
Extremely hypothetically yes. No processor architecture that I am aware of does that. It would be a slightly tricky mechanism, and as a general rule it would almost never help.
Hypothetically it could work like this: when the operands for an AND instruction are looked up and one (or both) of them is found to be renamed to the hard-wired zero-register, the renamer can immediately rename the destination to zero as well (rather than allocating a new register for the result), effectively giving that AND instruction 0-latency. The flags output would also be known so the µop would not even have to be executed. It would roughly be a cross between copy-elimination and a zeroing idiom.
That mechanism wouldn't even trigger unless one of the inputs is set to zero with a zeroing idiom, if an input is accidentally zero that wouldn't be detected. It would also not completely remove the influence of the redundant AND instructions, they still have to go through (most of) the front-end of the processor even if it is just to find out that they didn't need to be executed after all.

How to see the local variable in DDC-I debugger?

I am trying to see the index value of for loop in DDC-I debugger and it always shows me ERROR.
With the assembly of the same, it shows the following instruction:
cmp cr7,0,r20,r23
so it's comparing r20 and r23 but both of these registers don't hold the index value. I am not sure what is cr7 ?
In short, most embedded tool chains (including the ones you pay for) are horrible about reconstructing local/automatic variables in even lightly optimized code. A lot of them simply can't reconstruct variables that never have storage because they live in registers the whole time (loop index variables like the one you can't see are typical cases). Some even have issues with interim computation holders, and arguments (since they're almost always passed as registers).
Typical strategies might be:
Temporarily turning off optimizations around the code in question
Temporarily moving the variable in question to the global scope
Becoming proficient at reading disassembly.
This isn't a terribly practical answer, but it is surprising for a lot of people that are new to the embedded world or never had the luxury of a source level debugger on their embedded platform.
On PowerPC there are eight CR fields, cr0 to cr7. If you don't specify a CR field for a compare result the default is cr0, but in this case cr7 is specified and so the flags in field cr7 will indicate the result of the compare operation. There are 4 condition code bits in each CR field: lt, gt, eq and so. Typically the compare will be followed by a conditional branch, bc.
There is some useful info in this IBM developerWorks article: Assembly language for Power Architecture, Part 3: Programming with the PowerPC branch processor.

Mapping Untyped Lisp data into a typed binary format for use in compiled functions

Background: I'm writing a toy Lisp (Scheme) interpreter in Haskell. I'm at the point where I would like to be able to compile code using LLVM. I've spent a couple days dreaming up various ways of feeding untyped Lisp values into compiled functions that expect to know the format of the data coming at them. It occurs to me that I am not the first person to need to solve this problem.
Question: What are some historically successful ways of mapping untyped data into an efficient binary format.
Addendum: In point of fact, I do know which of about a dozen different types the data is, I just don't know which one might be sent to the function at compile time. The function itself needs a way to determine what it got.
Do you mean, "I just don't know which [type] might be sent to the function at runtime"? It's not that the data isn't typed; certainly 1 and '() have different types. Rather, the data is not statically typed, i.e., it's not known at compile time what the type of a given variable will be. This is called dynamic typing.
You're right that you're not the first person to need to solve this problem. The canonical solution is to tag each runtime value with its type. For example, if you have a dozen types, number them like so:
0 = integer
1 = cons pair
2 = vector
Once you've done this, reserve the first four bits of each word for the tag. Then, every time two objects get passed in to +, first you perform a simple bit mask to verify that both objects' first four bits are 0b0000, i.e., that they are both integers. If they are not, you jump to an error message; otherwise, you proceed with the addition, and make sure that the result is also tagged accordingly.
This technique essentially makes each runtime value a manually-tagged union, which should be familiar to you if you've used C. In fact, it's also just like a Haskell data type, except that in Haskell the taggedness is much more abstract.
I'm guessing that you're familiar with pointers if you're trying to write a Scheme compiler. To avoid limiting your usable memory space, it may be more sensical to use the bottom (least significant) four bits, rather than the top ones. Better yet, because aligned dword pointers already have three meaningless bits at the bottom, you can simply co-opt those bits for your tag, as long as you dereference the actual address, rather than the tagged one.
Does that help?
Your default solution should be a simple tagged union. If you want to narrow your typing down to more specific types, you can do it - but it won't be that "toy" any more. A thing to look at is called abstract interpretation.
There are few successful implementations of such an optimisation, with V8 being probably the most widespread. In the Scheme world, the most aggressively optimising implementation is Stalin.

How to force gcc to use all SSE (or AVX) registers?

I'm trying to write some computationally intensive code for Windows x64 target, with SSE or the new AVX instructions, compiling in GCC 4.5.2 and 4.6.1, MinGW64 (TDM GCC build, and some custom build). My compiler options are -O3 -mavx. (-m64 is implied)
In short, I want to perform some lengthy computation on 4 3D vectors of packed floats. That requires 4x3=12 xmm or ymm registers for storage, and 2 or 3 registers for temporary results. This should IMHO fit snugly in the 16 available SSE (or AVX) registers available for 64bit targets. However, GCC produces a very suboptimal code with register spilling, using only registers xmm0-xmm10 and shuffling data from and onto the stack. My question is:
Is there a way to convince GCC to use all the registers xmm0-xmm15?
To fix ideas, consider the following SSE code (for illustration only):
void example(vect<__m128> q1, vect<__m128> q2, vect<__m128>& a1, vect<__m128>& a2) {
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
vect<__m128> v = q2 - q1;
a1 += v;
// a2 -= v;
q2 *= _mm_set1_ps(2.);
Here vect<__m128> is simply a struct of 3 __m128, with natural addition and multiplication by scalar. When the line a2 -= v is commented out, i.e. we need only 3x3 registers for storage since we are ignoring a2, the produced code is indeed straightforward with no moves, everything is performed in registers xmm0-xmm10. When I remove the comment a2 -= v, the code is pretty awful with a lot of shuffling between registers and stack. Even though the compiler could just use registers xmm11-xmm13 or something.
I actually haven't seen GCC use any of the registers xmm11-xmm15 anywhere in all my code yet. What am I doing wrong? I understand that they are callee-saved registers, but this overhead is completely justified by simplifying the loop code.
Two points:
First, You're making a lot of assumptions. Register spilling is pretty cheap on x86 CPUs (due to fast L1 caches and register shadowing and other tricks), and the 64-bit only registers are more costly to access (in terms of larger instructions), so it may just be that GCC's version is as fast, or faster, than the one you want.
Second, GCC, like any compiler, does the best register allocation it can. There's no "please do better register allocation" option, because if there was, it'd always be enabled. The compiler isn't trying to spite you. (Register allocation is a NP-complete problem, as I recall, so the compiler will never be able to generate a perfect solution. The best it can do is to approximate)
So, if you want better register allocation, you basically have two options:
write a better register allocator, and patch it into GCC, or
bypass GCC and rewrite the function in assembly, so you can control exactly which registers are used when.
Actually, what you see aren't spills, it is gcc operating on a1 and a2 in memory because it can't know if they are aliased. If you declare the last two parameters as vect<__m128>& __restrict__ GCC can and will register allocate a1 and a2.

Why does Pascal forbid modification of the counter inside the for block?

Is it because Pascal was designed to be so, or are there any tradeoffs?
Or what are the pros and cons to forbid or not forbid modification of the counter inside a for-block? IMHO, there is little use to modify the counter inside a for-block.
Could you provide one example where we need to modify the counter inside the for-block?
It is hard to choose between wallyk's answer and cartoonfox's answer,since both answer are so nice.Cartoonfox analysis the problem from language aspect,while wallyk analysis the problem from the history and the real-world aspect.Anyway,thanks for all of your answers and I'd like to give my special thanks to wallyk.
In programming language theory (and in computability theory) WHILE and FOR loops have different theoretical properties:
a WHILE loop may never terminate (the expression could just be TRUE)
the finite number of times a FOR loop is to execute is supposed to be known before it starts executing. You're supposed to know that FOR loops always terminate.
The FOR loop present in C doesn't technically count as a FOR loop because you don't necessarily know how many times the loop will iterate before executing it. (i.e. you can hack the loop counter to run forever)
The class of problems you can solve with WHILE loops is strictly more powerful than those you could have solved with the strict FOR loop found in Pascal.
Pascal is designed this way so that students have two different loop constructs with different computational properties. (If you implemented FOR the C-way, the FOR loop would just be an alternative syntax for while...)
In strictly theoretical terms, you shouldn't ever need to modify the counter within a for loop. If you could get away with it, you'd just have an alternative syntax for a WHILE loop.
You can find out more about "while loop computability" and "for loop computability" in these CS lecture notes:
Another such property btw is that the loopvariable is undefined after the for loop. This also makes optimization easier
Pascal was first implemented for the CDC Cyber—a 1960s and 1970s mainframe—which like many CPUs today, had excellent sequential instruction execution performance, but also a significant performance penalty for branches. This and other characteristics of the Cyber architecture probably heavily influenced Pascal's design of for loops.
The Short Answer is that allowing assignment of a loop variable would require extra guard code and messed up optimization for loop variables which could ordinarily be handled well in 18-bit index registers. In those days, software performance was highly valued due to the expense of the hardware and inability to speed it up any other way.
Long Answer
The Control Data Corporation 6600 family, which includes the Cyber, is a RISC architecture using 60-bit central memory words referenced by 18-bit addresses. Some models had an (expensive, therefore uncommon) option, the Compare-Move Unit (CMU), for directly addressing 6-bit character fields, but otherwise there was no support for "bytes" of any sort. Since the CMU could not be counted on in general, most Cyber code was generated for its absence. Ten characters per word was the usual data format until support for lowercase characters gave way to a tentative 12-bit character representation.
Instructions are 15 bits or 30 bits long, except for the CMU instructions being effectively 60 bits long. So up to 4 instructions packed into each word, or two 30 bit, or a pair of 15 bit and one 30 bit. 30 bit instructions cannot span words. Since branch destinations may only reference words, jump targets are word-aligned.
The architecture has no stack. In fact, the procedure call instruction RJ is intrinsically non-re-entrant. RJ modifies the first word of the called procedure by writing a jump to the next instruction after where the RJ instruction is. Called procedures return to the caller by jumping to their beginning, which is reserved for return linkage. Procedures begin at the second word. To implement recursion, most compilers made use of a helper function.
The register file has eight instances each of three kinds of register, A0..A7 for address manipulation, B0..B7 for indexing, and X0..X7 for general arithmetic. A and B registers are 18 bits; X registers are 60 bits. Setting A1 through A5 has the side effect of loading the corresponding X1 through X5 register with the contents of the loaded address. Setting A6 or A7 writes the corresponding X6 or X7 contents to the address loaded into the A register. A0 and X0 are not connected. The B registers can be used in virtually every instruction as a value to add or subtract from any other A, B, or X register. Hence they are great for small counters.
For efficient code, a B register is used for loop variables since direct comparison instructions can be used on them (B2 < 100, etc.); comparisons with X registers are limited to relations to zero, so comparing an X register to 100, say, requires subtracting 100 and testing the result for less than zero, etc. If an assignment to the loop variable were allowed, a 60-bit value would have to be range-checked before assignment to the B register. This is a real hassle. Herr Wirth probably figured that both the hassle and the inefficiency wasn't worth the utility--the programmer can always use a while or repeat...until loop in that situation.
Additional weirdness
Several unique-to-Pascal language features relate directly to aspects of the Cyber:
the pack keyword: either a single "character" consumes a 60-bit word, or it is packed ten characters per word.
the (unusual) alfa type: packed array [1..10] of char
intrinsic procedures pack() and unpack() to deal with packed characters. These perform no transformation on modern architectures, only type conversion.
the weirdness of text files vs. file of char
no explicit newline character. Record management was explicitly invoked with writeln
While set of char was very useful on CDCs, it was unsupported on many subsequent 8 bit machines due to its excess memory use (32-byte variables/constants for 8-bit ASCII). In contrast, a single Cyber word could manage the native 62-character set by omitting newline and something else.
full expression evaluation (versus shortcuts). These were implemented not by jumping and setting one or zero (as most code generators do today), but by using CPU instructions implementing Boolean arithmetic.
Pascal was originally designed as a teaching language to encourage block-structured programming. Kernighan (the K of K&R) wrote an (understandably biased) essay on Pascal's limitations, Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language.
The prohibition on modifying what Pascal calls the control variable of a for loop, combined with the lack of a break statement means that it is possible to know how many times the loop body is executed without studying its contents.
Without a break statement, and not being able to use the control variable after the loop terminates is more of a restriction than not being able to modify the control variable inside the loop as it prevents some string and array processing algorithms from being written in the "obvious" way.
These and other difference between Pascal and C reflect the different philosophies with which they were first designed: Pascal to enforce a concept of "correct" design, C to permit more or less anything, no matter how dangerous.
(Note: Delphi does have a Break statement however, as well as Continue, and Exit which is like return in C.)
Clearly we never need to be able to modify the control variable in a for loop, because we can always rewrite using a while loop. An example in C where such behaviour is used can be found in K&R section 7.3, where a simple version of printf() is introduced. The code that handles '%' sequences within a format string fmt is:
for (p = fmt; *p; p++) {
if (*p != '%') {
switch (*++p) {
case 'd':
/* handle integers */
case 'f':
/* handle floats */
case 's':
/* handle strings */
Although this uses a pointer as the loop variable, it could equally have been written with an integer index into the string:
for (i = 0; i < strlen(fmt); i++) {
if (fmt[i] != '%') {
switch (fmt[++i]) {
case 'd':
/* handle integers */
case 'f':
/* handle floats */
case 's':
/* handle strings */
It can make some optimizations (loop unrolling for instance) easier: no need for complicated static analysis to determine if the loop behavior is predictable or not.
From For loop
In some languages (not C or C++) the
loop variable is immutable within the
scope of the loop body, with any
attempt to modify its value being
regarded as a semantic error. Such
modifications are sometimes a
consequence of a programmer error,
which can be very difficult to
identify once made. However only overt
changes are likely to be detected by
the compiler. Situations where the
address of the loop variable is passed
as an argument to a subroutine make it
very difficult to check, because the
routine's behaviour is in general
unknowable to the compiler.
So this seems to be to help you not burn your hand later on.
Disclaimer: It has been decades since I last did PASCAL, so my syntax may not be exactly correct.
You have to remember that PASCAL is Nicklaus Wirth's child, and Wirth cared very strongly about reliability and understandability when he designed PASCAL (and all of its successors).
Consider the following code fragment:
Without looking at procedure FOO, answer these questions: Does this loop ever end? How do you know? How many times is procedure FOO called in the loop? How do you know?
PASCAL forbids modifying the index variable in the loop body so that it is POSSIBLE to know the answers to those questions, and know that the answers won't change when and if procedure FOO changes.
It's probably safe to conclude that Pascal was designed to prevent modification of a for loop index inside the loop. It's worth noting that Pascal is by no means the only language which prevents programmers doing this, Fortran is another example.
There are two compelling reasons for designing a language that way:
Programs, specifically the for loops in them, are easier to understand and therefore easier to write and to modify and to verify.
Loops are easier to optimise if the compiler knows that the trip count through a loop is established before entry to the loop and invariant thereafter.
For many algorithms this behaviour is the required behaviour; updating all the elements in an array for example. If memory serves Pascal also provides do-while loops and repeat-until loops. Most, I guess, algorithms which are implemented in C-style languages with modifications to the loop index variable or breaks out of the loop could just as easily be implemented with these alternative forms of loop.
I've scratched my head and failed to find a compelling reason for allowing the modification of a loop index variable inside the loop, but then I've always regarded doing so as bad design, and the selection of the right loop construct as an element of good design.
