Spring security workflow - spring

I'm new to Spring Security, and I can't grasp the basic workflow of it. I read again and again the official documentation but I feel more confused. I can't figure out what are exactly :
authentication manager/provider
authentication object
user detail
user details service
It seems that authentication object is built thanks to user detail but the latter need the former to be built (that's what I understood from the doc).
Does anyone have a simple explanation on how all of these things are used ?

Authentication manager allows multiple authentication providers (eg an in memory db and a normal db?). Authentication provider looks up a user details implementation, via whichever user details service has been specified. The authentication object is then created from that.
User service and user details implementation are completely independent of spring security, you do not need spring security to use them.
[Ref docs]


Spring boot application authenticating user by physical presence at the server

I am working on a Spring boot application and have received a requirement where a certain endpoint must be accessible only by authorized users that too the user must be present physically at the system serving the app. An optional case is the user could also be able to access the endpoint if the user has SSH access to the server. This makes me think that some sort of key (a file or a program) can be used to unlock the endpoint. Not being a person proficient in security, this has put me at a loss on how to implement such a feature using Spring Boot. Any help is appreciated.
Spring boot doesn't have built in support for this scenario, but what you actually need is PAM (Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules) port for java (JPam can be a good solution).
You can write your own AuthenticationProvider for spring security which will do something like this in it's validation method:
Pam pam = new Pam();
boolean authenticated = pam.authenticateSuccessful(username, password));
This library is good enough documented (pdf)
Another PAM for java solution can be found here libpam4j

How to provide security for the password using spring

I am new to spring. My requirement is:
I need to get the user name and password in my component class. validate it with by invoking the webservices available at my client.
So I want to provide security to my password which can not be directly visible anywhere.
So how to implement this?
Please give suggestions
Spring Security can participate in many different authentication environments. While we recommend people use Spring Security for authentication and not integrate with existing Container Managed Authentication, it is nevertheless supported - as is integrating with your own proprietary authentication system.
What is authentication in Spring Security?
Let's consider a standard authentication scenario that everyone is familiar with.
A user is prompted to log in with a username and password.
The system (successfully) verifies that the password is correct for the username.
The context information for that user is obtained (their list of roles and so on).
A security context is established for the user
The user proceeds, potentially to perform some operation which is potentially protected by an access control mechanism which checks the required permissions for the operation against the current security context information.
The first three items constitute the authentication process so we'll take a look at how these take place within Spring Security.
The username and password are obtained and combined into an instance of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken (an instance of the Authentication interface, which we saw earlier).
The token is passed to an instance of AuthenticationManager for validation.
The AuthenticationManager returns a fully populated Authentication instance on successful authentication.
The security context is established by calling SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(...), passing in the returned authentication object.
This could help: http://www.viddler.com/v/c596114a

Real Time examples for Oauth2 Grant Types and Good document, example for Oauth2 with Spring MVC

I've read about Oauth2 few days before, it has entities like Client, Resource Owner, Resource Server, Authorization Server and i understood the explanations too. but i don't understand the grant type's completely still i got confusion on following types. Oauth2 has 4 different grant types like,
Authorization code
Resource Owner Password Credentials
Client Credentials
please, give me some real time examples for the above types to differentiate the implementation. I need to know that what are the types of grant implementation spring security oauth2 has and full flow for spring oauth2 with security.
I have gone through some example implemented with oauth2 with spring mvc, spring security. but it's confusing me i don't get clear picture of the api implementation.
I'm looking for good Oauth2 flow and document with Spring mvc and Spring security. please help me.
In terms of understanding the flows and the differences between them, this presentation is the best resource I found online. After this, if you read the OAuth2 spec description, it'll be much easier to follow.
Unfortunately, in terms of code samples, there isn't good Spring Security OAuth2 sample code out there (the Sparklr and Tonr examples are okay but not super clear). Best resource there is to look at unit tests in Spring Security OAuth2 code on github.
One question I want to ask is - are you looking to create your own OAuth2 Provider or do you just want to connect to Facebook, Google, etc as OAuth2 client. If it's the second part, I would suggest skipping Spring Security OAuth2 and instead look at Spring Social project.
For creating an OAuth2 Provider, check out this code by Dave Syer (he is the lead of Spring Security OAuth project) . It shows how you can create an OAuth2 Provider and Resource Server in 20 lines of code. This is the easiest way to create Spring Security OAuth code.
It uses Spring Boot and Spring Security OAuth projects. Of course, you'll have to understand Spring Security, JavaConfig configuration and the OAuth2 protocol properly to understand how all of this works.
Authorization Code is redirection based flow, in most application when we login via Facebook or google we use this grant type.
Implicit is used mostly in mobile or single page application, Client confidentiality is not guaranteed here. This also has a redirect flow similar to Authorization Code. This does not support refresh token.
Password Grant Type is used when client application and resource owner belong to same application, this is goin to be case when your application is end to end working. Here we are sharing username and password. unlike the above two where we authenticate via Facebook or google.
Client Credentials: its a way to access it own service. like one microservice to access another microservice.
I also got into OAuth2 using spring last month.
I've read most of the OAuth2 spec and used the samples from the spring-security source, which are wonderful. That way I got a running application which I could use to play with and view it's sources next the the specs.

Spring Social Twitter - User Authentication

I'm new to Spring Social and I'm writing a Spring MVC application which users should use for, let's say, tweet, follow/unfollow users. So far I can do everything I want with my own credentials (stored in a property file) using the TwitterTemplate.
I need the application to do the same on behalf of other users (authenticating them when registering in my application).
You probably want to look at this part of Spring Social reference document as an entry point. I have experienced it with facebook and linked in and it works pretty well to store connections credentials in a database.
You also want to make sure I guess that you do not use the ProviderSignInController highlighted in some of the code samples which is designed for using the social provider as an authentication infrastructure for a web application but a ConnectController which has proved to be efficient in offline access cases. See section 4 of the spring social reference documentation.

Spring Acegi - Social Network platform

Can spring Acegi security be used for a social networking application where users can set their security preferences to share their data only with their friends?
The common scenario of the Acegi tutorials is where you want to authorize actions per user role, but what about authorizing users to view specific data, say, only their friends'?
Is it possible to use Acegi for that? How?
Short answer: yes.
Note that Acegi is now part of Spring, and is now known as Spring Security.
As to how to it, that's a much more complicated question, and likely has as many right answers as those willing to try. Your final solution will depend on the needs of the app your developing, the environment your in, and the organization you are designing for. I'll assume that you want everyone (or most) to see the basic information, and that the sensitive information only appears on the page if the requester is a friend.
I believe the most basic means of all will involve using the SecurityContext within your servlet/controllers/resources (far too many ways to design a web app to make assumptions here), and page templates (jsf, jsp, etc..., etc..), to get get access to the currently authenticated user, and include only the information that user is allowed to access.
The fundamental elements of Spring Security are
- Security Interceptor
- Authentication Manager
- Access Decision Manager
- Run-As Manager
- After-Invocation Manager
The actual implementation of a security interceptor will depend on what resource is being secured. If you’re securing a URL in a web application, the security interceptor will be implemented as a servlet filter. But if you’re securing a method invocation, aspects will be used to enforce security.
A security interceptor does little more than intercept access to resources to enforce security. It does not actually apply security rules. Instead, it delegates that
responsibility to the various managers.
Through using proper manager(s) you will manage to fulfill your requirements.
Reference: Manning Spring in Action 2nd Edition August 2007
