Uninstalling Visual Studio without harming the system - visual-studio

Today, on Windows 7, for testing purposes, i first installed Internet Explorer 11, then Visual Studio 2013 Express Desktop, then Visual F# Out of Band Release 3.1.1.
After starting Visual Studio, i ran into misc Issues (scrolling with middle mouse button is broken, clicked links do not open windows, there are no F# templates as this tutorial suggests).
Therefore i want to uninstall this Software again. Here is a list of things which were installed on my System (5+ GB)
Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio 2013
Erforderliche Komponenten für SSDT
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Multi-Targeting Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SDK
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SDK - DEU Lang Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Multi-Targeting Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 SDK
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 SDK (Deutsch)
Microsoft Help Viewer 2.1
Microsoft Help Viewer 2.1 Sprachpaket - DEU
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Command Line Utilities
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier App Framework
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier App Framework (x64)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects (x64)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL ScriptDom
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL-Sprachdienst
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1 x64 DEU
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - DEU (12.0.30919.1)
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Build Utilities - DEU (12.0.30919.1)
Microsoft Visual F# 3.1.1
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 für Windows Desktop - DEU
Microsoft-System-CLR-Typen für SQL Server 2012
Microsoft-System-CLR-Typen für SQL Server 2012 (x64)
Paket zur Festlegung von Zielversionen für Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch)
And now the Question: I have never before installed such a huge software, but i want my 5GB back - is it safe to uninstall all items of this list or did the Visual Studio installer replace some older files on my system so that some other software may not work anymore if i do?

In general an installation/ uninstallation proccess, provided you follow the procedure defined by the vendor and as long as it is concerning a verified program is never harmful to a system.
Specifically for your Question, if you unistall Visual Studio 2013:
No harm will be done
The other programs you are listing will not get unistalled (e.g .NET 4.5, SQL Express 2012 etc.)
You wont have back your 5GB of space because Visual Studio 2013 is taking about 2 GB
Most of other programs will be still functional (e.g SQL Server,SQl Management Studio)
If you want to have your 5 GB back you have to unistall all the remaining programs. Consider which of them will be of later use (e.g .NET 4.5) as well which take the most space (e.g SQL Express Server 2012)

Uninstalling Visual Studio should work ok, but some of the runtimes and system files will remain after uninstall even if you uninstall everything. This is just how Windows works. Certain files and settings will never be removed if they are installed on the system. They are permanent additions to the system.


Cannot install Visual Studio 2013 update 5 (RTM); Tools for Apache Cordova

I am trying to install VS2013 update 5 but it will not install as it says it is blocked and I must "uninstall the older version of Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova (Multi Device Hybrid Apps) through Control Panel...".
I have uninstalled this as requested (though the new version - 14.0.50619.1 - that installs with VS2015 is still installed) but it still will not let me install and keeps repeating the message.
From Help/About...
Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013 Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.00081
Installed Version: Premium
LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2013 06191-004-0454001-02564 Microsoft
LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2013
Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013 06191-004-0454001-02564
Microsoft Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013
Visual Basic 2013 06191-004-0454001-02564 Microsoft Visual Basic
Visual C# 2013 06191-004-0454001-02564 Microsoft Visual C# 2013
Visual C++ 2013 06191-004-0454001-02564 Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
Visual F# 2013 06191-004-0454001-02564 Microsoft Visual F# 2013
Visual Studio 2013 Code Analysis Spell Checker
06191-004-0454001-02564 Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Code Analysis
Spell Checker
Portions of International CorrectSpell™ spelling correction system ©
1993 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third
Edition Copyright © 1992 Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version
licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights
Windows Phone SDK 8.0 - ENU 06191-004-0454001-02564 Windows Phone
SDK 8.0 - ENU
.NET Reflector Visual Studio Extension Integrates .NET
Reflector into Visual Studio to allow you to seamlessly debug into
third-party code and assemblies, even if you don't have the source
code for them.
Visit www.reflector.net for more information.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Red Gate Software Inc.
Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio Package 1.0 Application
Insights Tools for Visual Studio
ASP.NET and Web Tools 12.4.60425.0 Microsoft Web Developer Tools
contains the following components: Support for creating and opening
ASP.NET web projects Browser Link: A communication channel between
Visual Studio and browsers Editor extensions for HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript Page Inspector: Inspection tool for ASP.NET web projects
Scaffolding: A framework for building and running code generators
Server Explorer extensions for Microsoft Azure Web Apps Web
publishing: Extensions for publishing ASP.NET web projects to hosting
providers, on-premises servers, or Microsoft Azure
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012.2 4.1.21001.0 For additional
information, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=309563
ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 5.2.21010.0 For additional
information, visit http://www.asp.net/
Common Azure Tools 1.5 Provides common services for use by Azure
Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.
Devart dotConnect for Oracle 8.4.447.0 Devart dotConnect for Oracle
Copyright 2002 - 2015 Devart. All rights reserved. Web:
www.devart.com/dotconnect/oracle Support: support#devart.com
Devart Entity Developer 5.7.644.0 Devart Entity Developer Copyright
© 2008-2015 Devart. All rights reserved. Web:
www.devart.com/entitydeveloper Support: support#devart.com
File Nesting 2.1.2 Automatically nest files based on file name and
enables developers to nest and unnest any file manually
Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows Phone Microsoft Advertising
SDK for Windows Phone Build
Microsoft Azure HDInsight HQL Service 2.0.2200.0 Language service
for Hive query
Microsoft Azure HDInsight Tools for Visual Studio 2.0.2200.0 An
integrated development environment for HDInsight application
Microsoft Azure Mobile Services Tools 1.3 Microsoft Azure Mobile
Services Tools
Microsoft Azure Tools 2.6 Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2013 - v2.6.30508.1601
Microsoft Azure Tools 2.4 Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2013 - v2.4.20730.1601
Microsoft Azure Tools 2.7 Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2013 - v2.7.30713.1601
Microsoft Azure Tools 2.5 Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual
Studio 2013 - v2.5.21104.1601
Multilingual App Toolkit 3.1.1250.0 Multilingual App Toolkit helps
you localize your Windows Store app by providing file management,
pseudo and machine translation, translation editor, and build
integration. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkid=245767
NuGet Package Manager 2.8.50926.663 NuGet Package Manager in Visual
Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit
Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 ENU 12.0.31105
Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 ENU
Open Command Line 1.6 Opens a command line at the root of the
project. Support for all consoles such as CMD, PowerShell, Bash etc.
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio Oracle Developer
Tools for Visual Studio Copyright (c) 2005, 2014
PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer 1.2 Microsoft Visual Studio
extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive
Analytics product.
SQL Server Analysis Services Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
Designer Version 12.0.2000.8
SQL Server Data Tools 12.0.50512.0 Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
SQL Server Integration Services Microsoft SQL Server Integration
Services Designer Version 12.0.2344.23
SQL Server Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server Reporting
Services Designers Version 12.0.2344.23
Web Essentials 2013 Adds many useful features to Visual
Studio for web developers.
Windows Phone 8.1 SDK Integration 1.0 This package integrates the
tools for the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK into the menus and controls of
Visual Studio.
Workflow Manager Tools 1.0 1.0 This package contains the necessary
Visual Studio integration components for Workflow Manager.
Has anybody else seen this and is there a workaround?
Can you try this -
Open RegEdit, find this key:
Delete the MDD-specific value: “ReferenceGroups_MDD”.
Do not delete the “ReferenceGroups” value, or you may mess up your JSLS intelli-sense for non-MDD scenarios.
Deleting that ReferenceGroups_MDD value under the JSLS key should unblock the installation of any installers that are blocking because they (incorrectly) think that you still have the VS2013 Tools for Apache Cordova installed.
Note: If you upgrade to Update5, you will lose the ability to work with MDD projects until we release the next version of our tools that work on top of update5. We are in process of validating our next release for Update5 and will release it soon.
I am sorry that the uninstall of our tools (for Apache Cordova) is not working for you.
The command to uninstall a previous version of the tools has 2 different GUIDS in it.
"%ProgramData%\Package Cache\{f2f851cc-42a1-41f2-a2cd-a0e4627a60cb}\vs2013mda_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force/burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43fb-9d8f-167681c19763};vsupdate_KB2829760
The first is the GUID of the Cordova package that you have installed on your machine that you want to uninstall. You can find the correct GUID to use by searching under %ProgramData%\Package Cache for vs2013mda_0.1.exe and find the GUID of the folder where it resides. Substitute the GUID you find on your machine for the first GUID in the command line script.
The second GUID in the command is the GUID of the package that is blocking the uninstall. There are a number of packages that will block the uninstall, and we have included a command for all of them but perhaps not with the right combination of MDD GUID that you have on your machine.
Here is a guide to which GUID you should use in the 2nd part of the command:
If you have VS 2013 Update 4 installed on your machine:
If you have VS 2013 Update 5 CTP1 installed on your machine:
If you have VS 2013 Update 5 CTP2 installed on your machine:
If none of these work for you still, you can find the correct GUID to use by looking in the uninstall log for the MDD tools. When you attempt to uninstall MDD tools via Add Remove Programs, it will create a log file in %Temp% called dd_mda_tools_YYYYMMDDNNNN.log. In that uninstall log there will be a line that looks something like this:
Detected related bundle: {53d408db-eb91-43fb-9d8f-167681c19763}, type: Dependent.
Chances are the GUID for the related bundle in your file will be different from the ones we have covered in the pre-constructed commands. You can substitute the dependent GUID that you find in your uninstall log for the GUID in the 2nd part of the command.
Let me know if this works or not.

Uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 components

I've asked this question over in the SuperUser site, but thought I'd ask it here to due to the expertise of so many SO users.
I've recently installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional (for a university project). We have to design a dummy interface for a system modelling scrum management (i.e. to allow users to create and plan agile projects). We don't need to do any real coding, just design the interface - however, if we choose, we can add in a little C# (we've only programmed in Java and we are at an elementary level, which is why there is so little coding).
I installed the Professional edition of Visual Studio, asking for just the C# package. The program ended up installing all of the following:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects (x64)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 x64 ENU
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.4
Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types (x64)
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
Microsoft Sync Framework SDK v1.0 SP1
Microsoft Sync Framework Services v1.0 SP1 (x64)
Microsoft Sync Services for ADO.NET v2.0 SP1 (x64)
Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Object Model - ENU
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4974
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Runtime - 10.0.30319
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Runtime - 10.0.30319
Microsoft Visual Studio ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional - ENU
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64)
Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools
I've heard that I can't get rid of the SQL Server Compact as it is needed for Visual Studio to run. I'm also aware that the Visual Studio 2010 Professional - ENU IS the actual program. However, after these, bearing in mind my needs for the program, what can I uninstall?
I'll answer my own question. Someone actually left a comment on what to do, but they seem to have deleted it. I don't remember who it was - apologies to them.
I was using Visual Studio 2010 Professional as we got it free through our university's connection to the Microsoft Developer Network.
However, a free version of this software without a lot of what was unnecessary for me exists - Visual Studio Express. It can be found at:

How do I completely remove Visual Studio 11 Beta, before installing Visual Studio 2012?

When I try to install VS2012, the installer suggests I should install it where the old VS11Beta was installed - and that tells me there's some leftovers from VS11Beta that needs to be cleaned.
How can I do that?
In order you have to uninstall:
Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Beta
Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview Pre-Clean Tool
Microsoft Silverlight 5 Beta SDK
Microsoft Silverlight 4 SDK
Microsoft Web Deploy dbSqlPackage Provider Nov 2011
Microsoft Visual Studio 11 SharePoint Developer Tools Beta enu Language Pack
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, RC0 - enu
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects RC0 (x64)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects RC0
Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 RC0 (x64)
Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 RC0
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 SP1 ENU CTP1
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB RC0
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Build Utilities Mar 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL Language Service RC0
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Command Line Utilities RC0
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client RC0
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier App Framework
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL Compiler Service RC0
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL ScriptDom RC0 Prerequisites for SSDT RC0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86)
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages WCF RIA Services V1.0 SP2
Microsoft Web Platform Installer 4.0
IIS 7.5 Express
Microsoft Web Deploy 3.0
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Beta Multi-Targeting Pack
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack
Here the complete reference i have used from microsoft:
Here's how you can cleanup after VS11Beta
First - open 'appwiz.cpl' from Run menu (Win+R).
Remove all occurances of 'Visual Studio 11 Beta*' from the list
Go to your user folder %USERPROFILE%\Documents and delete the 'Visual Studio 11 Beta' folder
Then open 'appwiz.cpl' again, and remove the .NET Framework 4.5 Beta occurances.
Go to the Program Files destination, you installed VS11Beta, and remove the 'Visual Studio 11 Beta' folder
Reboot your machine
If your VS2010 now prompts you with 'Unknown Error' at startup, you have to install either VS2012 (which includes .Net Framework 4.5) or .Net Framework 4.5 stand-alone.
If your VS2010 now prompts you with 'Environment Package Window Management did not load correctly', you need to Repair your VS2010 installation.

SQL Server Compact 4.0 does not show in Visual Studio 2010

I have applied Visual Studio 2010 SP1 to my VS2010 Pro. My VS version now says 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel.
I then downloaded and installed SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0.
However, I still don't see an option for MS SQL Server Compact 4.0. I only see MS SQL Server Compact 3.5.
How can I use SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 with VS2010?
You need to install the tooling and it wil mainly work for web projects. See this blog post: http://erikej.blogspot.com/2011/01/sql-server-compact-40-released.html
Just install Windows Web Platform Installer:
Search for "sp1" and find "Visual Studio 2010" anything mentioning "SQL Compact 4.0" - and install it.
Great tool from Microsoft (the Web Platform Installer), I think.

Visual Studio 2008 (2010 Ultimate Edition) cannot open a project

A couple of us here in the office installed Visual Studio 2010 which after full installation we saw included visual studio 2008.
Now when we attempt to open 2008 projects in this edition of 2008 it fails with a long message about not supporting the project extension of .csproj.
A bit more checking into it I see that there are no csharp or visual basic extensions installed for this edition of visual studio but mainly sql extensions.
Can someone confirm if this edition of visual studio 2008 can be used for regular application (console, web, windows) development (if so how?) or if its only suited for sql development?
------------------- Visual Studio 2008 (incl with 2010 Ultimate) About Info -->
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Version 9.0.30729.1 SP
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 3.5 SP1
Installed Edition: IDE Standard
-- several host fixes removed from list.
SQL Server Analysis Services
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer
Version 10.0.5500.0
SQL Server Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 10.0.5500.0 ((Katmai_PCU_Main).110921-2358 )
SQL Server Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 10.0.5500.0
VS 2010 and VS 2008 UE include all regular applications. VS2010 also installed 2008 folder Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0.. Just simply use 2010 and you'll be fine. It supports all versions.
