How to turn on data compare in Visual Studio? - visual-studio

I am looking to compare two databases using the Data Compare tool in Visual Studio. I've found a number of articles on how to do that, but I cannot get to the Data menu they are referring to in all those articles.
I want to know if there is a way to turn the data compare feature on in VS, so that I can actually see the Data menu and then proceed.

I found that the way to do data compare in Visual Studio 2013 is by using:
Tools->SQL Server->New Data Comparison/New Schema Comparison.


Filtering report results in SSRS in Visual Studio 2015

I haven't needed to edit reports in several months, so I'm not sure specifically when the below behavior changed. I'm on Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 Professional with the latest version of SSDT as of this post (April 2016, 14.0.60413.0). The situation is the same in Visual Studio 2013 Update 5.
I have a database with a ton of information in it for various products. I'm trying to use SSDT (report designer) in VS to filter down to only retrieve a single result for a report on a given product in the table, but this doesn't appear to be possible.
In previous versions of SSDT in Visual Studio, I was able to right-click a dataset and edit the query manually. I would SELECT the columns I wanted, then I could add my own WHERE clause to filter by a report parameter. I cannot do this anymore--the options no longer exist. I can edit the query manually, but only at the level of the data source. That isn't helpful because the data source has no concept of a parameter to filter by, only the report does. This MSDN article is incorrect here, see the screenshot below.
What is the correct way to retrieve only a single result for (or filter in general) a given dataset in SSDT/Visual Studio report designer?
Dataset properties (field names redacted):
There are only two ways in which to retrieve only a single result.
Within SQL Server restrict your data using a WHERE clause or similar concept (INNER JOIN etc etc)
within SSRS restrict your data using a parameter
These are the only methods.

How to create SharePoint 2010's site column through Visual Studio 2010?

I was trying to create lists, content type and site columns through Visual Studio 2010. There were options of adding content type and list instance but not of content type. So, I could not figure out how to add site column? What item do I need to add for this and what kind of coding is to be done for the same?
this resources may help you:
Walkthrough: Create a Site Column, Content Type, and List for SharePoint =>
You may also try SharePoint Designer 2010 instead of Visual Studio 2010
You can use CAML but I wouldn't recommend it. The better way is using object model and feature event receiver. An complete example is quite long, here is the link
My recent favorite way to do the same is using PowerShell. But since you ask about how to do it with VS, it is outside the topic here.

Visual Studio 2010 Find in Files, Appending Results

Is there a way (setting or extension?) to have the Visual Studio 2010 Find in Files feature append the search results (rather than replace them)?
I realize you can send the result to one of two result screens, but that is cumbersome, and wont work past two result sets.
Using SlickEdit in the past, It was nice to just append search results, and just scroll up.

is it possible to get Visual studio to index source code to improve string search?

I often use the string search feature for an entire solution in VS2008. Is there a way to improve its search speed by getting VS2008 to index all the source code and config files, similar to how Google Desktop index files?
This adds instant full text search of all files in a VS solution.
Not free but cheap and is well worth the money. 30 day trial.
Remap Ctrl+Shift+F to Entrian's Activate and you get what VS's Find in Files always should have been.
I'm using it in VS 2010, it says it works with 2005 and 2008 as well.
(I have no affiliation with the company).
Though I don't think it is possible to do within visual studio you may want to use WinGrep, or another grep tool to do this sort of search instead.
This is not a supported feature of Visual Studio. The find in files feature simply goes through the files searching for the specified text and does not take advantage of any indexing.
It is possible to search using other 3rd party components using and indexed database though.
I like searching using a tool called WildReplace .

How Can I add additional functions to Visual Studio's Server Explorer?

I am trying to write simple Visual Studio Add-In for code generation. In my solution explorer window there is a database connection an I want to get table names from this active connection.How can I do this?
This looks to be what you need.
I have done this using DDEX Designer. For more information you can see example from Get data sources, data providers and data connections from a Visual Studio
