Image gallery assistance if you may - image

I created an image gallery that works great, the only problem I have is that I don't know how to set up my program so when you open it it opens with the pictures as thumbnails and if you click on the thumbnails the image expands.
int maxImages;
int imageIndex;
// Declaring an array of images.
PImage[] images;
void setup() {
images = new PImage[maxImages];
maxImages = 2;
imageIndex = 0; // Initial image to be displayed is the first
for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i ++ ) {
images[i] = loadImage( "changeling" + i + ".jpg" );
void draw() {
// Displaying one image

Here it's the idea, to show the images i'm setting them whit a width and height of 100 you can use any value or your own algorithm to get the best sizes.
Knowing the space in the sketch that every image occupies I can know when the mouse was inside one of them when an mouse click event happen. Then I proceed to expand the image by doubling the size until it reaches a good size comparing whit the screen size, Again you can use you own value or algorithm to get the best expansion ratio.
Once the mouse it's clicked again when an image is expanded it goes back to the thumbnail again.
Hope this can be useful.
int maxImages;
int imageIndex;
boolean imageExpand;
// Declaring an array of images.
PImage[] images;
void setup() {
maxImages = 2;
imageIndex = 0; // Initial image to be displayed is the first
boolean imageExpand;
images = new PImage[maxImages];
imageExpand = false;
for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i ++ ) {
images[i] = loadImage( "changeling" + i + ".jpg" );
void draw() {
void mouseClicked(){
for(int i=0; i < images.length; i++){
if((images[i].X > mouseX) && (images[i].X + images[i].width < mouseX)){
if((images[i].Y > mouseY) && (images[i].Y + images[i].height < mouseY)){
imageExpand = true;
imageExpand = false;
void expandImage(PImage myImage){
int largeWidth, largeHeight;
while((myImage.width * 2 < 600) && (myImage.height * 2 < 400)){
largeWidth = myImage.width * 2;
largeWidth = myImage.height * 2;
image(myImage, 0, 0, largeWidth, largeHeight);
void showThumbnail(){
int posX = 0, posY = 0, lastImage = 0;
for(int i=0; i < images.length; i++){
if(posX + 100 < 600){
image(images[i], posX, posY, 100, 100);
posX = posX + 100;
posX = 0;
posY = posY + 100;
image(images[i], posX, posY, 100, 100);
Regards Jose


Automation of selection in Processing

I am currently using a processing sketch to work through a large number of images I have in a folder. I have set an onClick command to advance to the next image in the string. It is quite time consuming and I would like to automate the action that once the sketch is completed the sketch would repeat it's self selecting the next image from the string. The onClick command also save the image the export folder but each time saves with the same file name, I've tried to set up sequential numbering but it hasn't worked so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
String[] imgNames = {"1.jpg", "2.jpg", "3.jpg"};
PImage img;
int imgIndex = 0;
void nextImage() {
frameCount = 0;
img = loadImage(imgNames[imgIndex]);
imgIndex += 1;
if (imgIndex >= imgNames.length) {
imgIndex = 0;
void paintStroke(float strokeLength, color strokeColor, int strokeThickness) {
float stepLength = strokeLength/4.0;
// Determines if the stroke is curved. A straight line is 0.
float tangent1 = 0;
float tangent2 = 0;
float odds = random(1.0);
if (odds < 0.7) {
tangent1 = random(-strokeLength, strokeLength);
tangent2 = random(-strokeLength, strokeLength);
// Draw a big stroke
curve(tangent1, -stepLength*2, 0, -stepLength, 0, stepLength, tangent2, stepLength*2);
int z = 1;
// Draw stroke's details
for (int num = strokeThickness; num > 0; num --) {
float offset = random(-50, 25);
color newColor = color(red(strokeColor)+offset, green(strokeColor)+offset, blue(strokeColor)+offset, random(100, 255));
strokeWeight((int)random(0, 3));
curve(tangent1, -stepLength*2, z-strokeThickness/2, -stepLength*random(0.9, 1.1), z-strokeThickness/2, stepLength*random(0.9, 1.1), tangent2, stepLength*2);
z += 1;
void setup() {
size(1600, 700);
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < img.height; y+=1) {
for (int x = 0; x < img.width; x+=1) {
int odds = (int)random(20000);
if (odds < 1) {
color pixelColor = img.pixels[index];
pixelColor = color(red(pixelColor), green(pixelColor), blue(pixelColor), 100);
translate(x-img.width/2, y-img.height/2);
rotate(radians(random(-90, 90)));
// Paint by layers from rough strokes to finer details
if (frameCount < 20) {
// Big rough strokes
paintStroke(random(150, 250), pixelColor, (int)random(20, 40));
} else if (frameCount < 1000) {
// Thick strokes
paintStroke(random(75, 125), pixelColor, (int)random(8, 12));
} else if (frameCount < 1500) {
// Small strokes
paintStroke(random(20, 30), pixelColor, (int)random(1, 4));
} else if (frameCount < 10000) {
// Big dots
paintStroke(random(5, 10), pixelColor, (int)random(5, 8));
} else if (frameCount < 10000) {
// Small dots
paintStroke(random(1, 2), pixelColor, (int)random(1, 3));
index += 1;
if (frameCount > 10000) {
// if(key == 's'){
// println("Saving...");
// saveFrame("screen-####.jpg");
// println("Done saving.");
// }
void mousePressed() {
Can't you just call the nextImage() function from inside this if statement?
if (frameCount > 10000) {
Would be:
if (frameCount > 10000) {
As for using different filenames, just use an int that you increment whenever you save the file, and use that value in the save() function. Or you could use the frameCount variable:
save("img" + frameCount + ".tif");
If you have follow-up questions, please post a MCVE instead of your whole project. Try to isolate one problem at a time in a small example program that only does that one thing. Good luck.

Array index out of bounds exception: 100

float x = 300;
float y = 300;
float direction = 0;
float increment = 1;
float speed = 5;
boolean toggle = true; // - For spaceship reversal
float wormX = random(0, 600); // - For wormHole v
float wormY = random(0, 600);
float wormGrowth = 0;
boolean growthSwitch = true; // - for wormHole ^
float[] starXpos = new float[100]; //starsRandom
float[] starYpos = new float[100]; //starsRandom
float d = dist(x, y, wormX, wormY);
int score = 0;
//----------------------------------------------\\ Setup
void setup (){
size (600, 600);
//----------------------------------------------\\ Draw
void draw (){
background (0);
wormHole ();
blackHoleAt(100, 40);
blackHoleAt(400, 500);
//----------------------------------------------\\ starsRandom
void starsP1(){
int i = 0;
while (i < 100){
starXpos[i] = random(0, width);
starYpos[i] = random(0, height);
i = i + 1;
void starsP2(){
int i = 0;
while (i < 100){
point(starXpos[i], starYpos[i]);
i = i + 1;
if (key == 'w'){
starYpos[i] = starYpos[i] + 1;
I'm trying to create a form of parallax for the stars in my code. When the user presses w,a,s,d the array of stars should correspond to the direction. I don't understand how this should work as I keep getting this error.
Try formatting your code to better see what's going on:
void starsP2(){
int i = 0;
while (i < 100){
point(starXpos[i], starYpos[i]);
i = i + 1;
if (key == 'w'){
starYpos[i] = starYpos[i] + 1;
Your while loop executes until i == 100. Then after the while loop exits, you use that i variable again. Since i is 100, and your starYpos array only has up to index 99, you get an error.
The fix is to either move that if statement to inside the while loop, or to refactor your code so i doesn't go outside the bounds of the array.

Save image with Processing

I'm trying to save an image after certain time, the problem is that the image size is bigger than the display so when I use the save or saveFrame function it only saves the image that I can see in the display. There is any other way to save the whole image?
This is my code:
PImage picture, pictureFilter, img;
int total, cont, current;
ArrayList<ArrayList<Position>> columns;
String[] fontList;
public class Position {
public int x;
public int y;
void setup() {
fontList = PFont.list();
picture = loadImage("DSC05920b.JPG");
pictureFilter = loadImage("filtrePort2.jpg");
size(picture.width, picture.height);
columns = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Position>>();
for(int i = 0; i < picture.width; i++) {
ArrayList<Position> row = new ArrayList<Position>();
for(int j = 0; j < picture.height; j++){
Position p = new Position();
p.x = i;
p.y = j;
total = picture.width * picture.height;
cont = total;
current = 0;
img = createImage(picture.width, picture.height, RGB);
float randomLetter() {
float value = 23;
boolean found = false;
while(!found) {
value = random(48, 122);
if(value >48 && value <58) found = true;
if(value >65 && value <91) found = true;
if(value >97 && value <123) found = true;
return value;
void draw() {
int x = int(random(0, columns.size()));
ArrayList<Position> rows = columns.get(x);
int y = int(random(0, rows.size()));
Position p = rows.get(y);
color c = pictureFilter.get(p.x, p.y);
int r = (c >> 16) & 0xFF; // Faster way of getting red(argb)
if(r < 240) {
PFont f = createFont(fontList[int(random(0,fontList.length))],random(5, 24),true);
char letter = (char) int(randomLetter());
text(letter, p.x, p.y);
if(rows.size() == 1) {
if(columns.size() == 1) {
} else {
} else {
float percent = float(total-cont)/float(total)*100;
if(int(percent) != current) {
current = int(percent);
save("image_" + current + ".jpg");
println("DONE: " + (total-cont) + "/" + total + " Progress: " + percent + "%");
The code do a lot of stuff but the part that its not working well is at the final when I check if the percentage have been increased in order to save the image
You can write this into a PGraphics context - aka a graphics buffer.
The buffer can be as big as you need it to be, and you can choose whether to draw it on the screen or not..
// Create the buffer at the size you need, and choose the renderer
PGraphics pg = createGraphics(myImage.width, myImage.height, P2D);
// Wrap all your drawing functions in the pg context - e.g.
PFont f = createFont(fontList[int(random(0,fontList.length))],random(5, 24),true);
char letter = (char) int(randomLetter());
pg.text(letter, p.x, p.y);
// Draw your PG to the screen and resize the representation of it to the screen bounds
image(pg, 0, 0, width, height); // <-- this wont actually clip/resize the image
// Save it"image_" + current + ".jpg");
The PImage class contains a save() function that exports to file. The API should be your first stop for questions like this.

Video Delay/Buffer in Processing 2.0

I'm having a ton of trouble making a simple video delay in processing. I looked around on the internet and I keep finding the same bit of code and I can't get it to work at all. When I first tried it, it did nothing (at all). Here's my modified version (which at least seems to load frames into the buffer), I really have no idea why it doesn't work and I'm getting really tired of pulling out my hair. Please... please, for the love of god, please somebody point out the stupid mistake I'm making here.
And now, without further delay (hah, get it?), the code:
VideoBuffer vb;
Movie myMovie;
Capture cam;
float seconds = 1;
void setup() {
size(320,240, P3D);
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
} else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
cam = new Capture(this, cameras[3]);
vb = new VideoBuffer(90, width, height);
void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {;
image(cam, 0, 0);
image( vb.getFrame(), 150, 0 );
class VideoBuffer
PImage[] buffer;
int inputFrame = 0;
int outputFrame = 0;
int frameWidth = 0;
int frameHeight = 0;
VideoBuffer( int frames, int vWidth, int vHeight )
buffer = new PImage[frames];
for(int i = 0; i < frames; i++)
this.buffer[i] = new PImage(vWidth, vHeight);
this.inputFrame = 0;
this.outputFrame = 1;
this.frameWidth = vWidth;
this.frameHeight = vHeight;
// return the current "playback" frame.
PImage getFrame()
return this.buffer[this.outputFrame];
// Add a new frame to the buffer.
void addFrame( PImage frame )
// copy the new frame into the buffer.
this.buffer[this.inputFrame] = frame;
// advance the input and output indexes
println(this.inputFrame + " " + this.outputFrame);
// wrap the values..
if(this.inputFrame >= this.buffer.length)
this.inputFrame = 0;
if(this.outputFrame >= this.buffer.length)
this.outputFrame = 0;
This works in Processing 2.0.1.
Capture cam;
PImage[] buffer;
int w = 640;
int h = 360;
int nFrames = 60;
int iWrite = 0, iRead = 1;
void setup(){
size(w, h);
cam = new Capture(this, w, h);
buffer = new PImage[nFrames];
void draw() {
if(cam.available()) {;
buffer[iWrite] = cam.get();
if(buffer[iRead] != null){
image(buffer[iRead], 0, 0);
if(iRead >= nFrames-1){
iRead = 0;
if(iWrite >= nFrames-1){
iWrite = 0;
There is a problem inside your addFrame-Method. You just store a reference to the PImage object, whose pixels get overwritten all the time. You have to use buffer[inputFrame] = frame.get() instead of buffer[inputFrame] = frame. The get() method returns a copy of the image.

Moving image with the cursor

So, I'm working on a processing project that lets me use an image as a cursor but I've been having problems with the cursor image because it has been constantly blinking. I read that if the cursor image is too big it has a tendency to constantly blink. However, I was wondering if there was any way that I could keep the size of my image, while still maintaining it as a cursor. OR,
I was wondering if there was a code that lets me press the image and drag it around the screen. :/
Here's the code that I've been using.
// Declaring a variable of type PImage
PImage img;
PImage img2;
void setup() {
// Make a new instance of a PImage by loading an image file
img = loadImage("preamble.jpg");
img2 = loadImage("blackgun.png");
void draw() {
// Draw the image to the screen at coordinate (0,0)
//using the image as the cursor
if (mouseX < 50) {
} else {
In the reference they say: "it is recommended to make the size 16x16 or 32x32 pixels" about the image to be used as cursor. You can do this by calling resize:
img2 = loadImage("blackgun.png");
Also there is no point in the lines:
if (mouseX < 50) {
} else {
As either way you end up with the same img2 as cursor image.
YOu can just use:
image(img, mouseX, mouseY);
but the cursor will be over the image.
That's a simple and poor drag...
I have here an old example of a little better drag and drop, it is using rects() intead of images but the idea is the same and you can easily adapt it to use images:
DragMe[] drags = new DragMe[40];
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
for (int i = 0; i < drags.length; i++) {
drags[i] = new DragMe();
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < drags.length; i++) {
void mousePressed() {
for (int i = 0; i < drags.length; i++) {
if (!drags[i].isOver())
drags[i].dontMove = true;
drags[i].offset_x = mouseX - drags[i].pos_x;
drags[i].offset_y = mouseY - drags[i].pos_y;
void mouseReleased() {
for (int i = 0; i < drags.length; i++) {
drags[i].locked = false;
drags[i].dontMove = false;
class DragMe {
float pos_x, pos_y, SIZE = 20;
float prev_x, prev_y;
boolean locked;
boolean dontMove;
color c = color (0, 170, 170);
float offset_x, offset_y;
DragMe() {
pos_x = random(width-SIZE);
pos_y = random(height-SIZE);
void update() {
if (isOver() && !locked && !dontMove || locked && !dontMove )
c = color (170);
c = color (0, 170, 170);
if (isClicked()) {
locked = true;
if (locked && !dontMove) {
pos_x = mouseX - offset_x;
pos_y = mouseY - offset_y;
void display() {
rect(pos_x, pos_y, SIZE, SIZE);
boolean isOver() {
float right_x = pos_x + SIZE;
float bottom_y = pos_y + SIZE;
return mouseX >= pos_x && mouseX <= right_x &&
mouseY >= pos_y && mouseY <= bottom_y;
boolean isClicked() {
return isOver() && mousePressed && !dontMove;
