Using in the cloud - spring

I noticed that Spring reference application (Sagan) uses the SimpleCacheManager implementation. See here for source code of Sagan.
I was surprised by this choice because I thought that all but small applications running on a single node would use something like a Redis cache manager and not the simple cache manager.
How can a large application like Sagan -which I assume runs on cloudfoundry- use this simple implementation?
Any comment welcome.

Well, the SimpleCacheManager choice has been made because it was the simplest solution that could possibly work. Note that Sagan is, at least for now, not storing a lot of data in that cache and merely using it to respect various APIs rate-limiting and get better performance on some parts of the application.
Yes, Sagan is running on CloudFoundry (see this presentation) and is using CF marketplace services.
Even if cache consistency between instances is not a constraint for now, we could definitely add another marketplace service, here a Redis Cloud instance, and use this as a central cache repository.
Now that we're considering using that cache for more features, it even makes sense to at least consider that use case, since it could lower our monthly bill (pay a small fee for a redis service and use less memory for our CF instances).
In any case, thanks a lot balteo for this insightful question, we've created a Github issue for that.


What is the right method for storing files in a microservice architecture?

I'm currently working on a traditional monolith application, but I am in the process of breaking it up into spring microservices managed by kubernetes. The application allows the uploading/downloading of large files and these files are normally stored on the host filesystem. I'm wondering what would be the most viable method of persisting these files in a microservice architecture?
You have a bunch of different options, Googling your question you'll find many answers, for any budget and taste. Basically you'd want high-availability storage like AWS S3. You could setup your own dedicated server to store these files as well if you wanted to cut costs, but then you'd have to worry about backups and availability. If you need low latency access to these files then you'd want to have them behind CDN as well.
We are mostly on prem. We end up using nfs. Path to least resistance, but probably not the most performant and making it highly available is tough. If you have the chance i agree with Denis Pshenov, that S3-like system for example minio might be a better alternative.
Maybe you should have a look at the rook project ( It's easy to set up and provides different kinds of storage and persistence technologies to your CNAs.
There are many places to store your data. It also depends on the budget that you are able to spent (Holding duplicate data means also more storage which costs money) and mostly on your business requirements.
Is all data needed at all time?
Are there geo/region-related cases?
How fast needs a read / write operation need to be?
Do things need to be cached?
Statefull or Stateless?
Are there operational requirements? How should this be maintained?
A part from this your microservices should not know where the data is actually stored. In kubernetes you can use Persistent-Volumes that can link to a storage of your Cloud-Provider or something else. The microservice should just mount the volume and be able to treat it like a local file.
Note that the Cloud Provider Storages already include solutions for scaling, concurrency etc. So I would probably use a single Blob-Storage under the hood.
However it has to be said, there is trend to understand a microservice as a package of data and logic coupled together and also accept duplicating the data, which leads to better scalability.
See for more information:

Rate-Limit an API (spring MVC)

I'm looking the best more efficient way to implement (or use an already setup) rate limiter that would protect all my rest api url. the protection I'm looking at is a "call per second per user limiter"
I had a look on the net and what comes out was the use of either "Redis" or Guava RateLimiter.
To be honest I have never used Redis and I'am really not familiar with it. But by looking on its docs it seems that it has a quite robust rate limiter system.
I have also had a look at Guava's RateLimiter. And it looks a bit easier to use (don't need a redis installation etc...)
So I would like some suggestion of what would be "in my case" the best solution? Is using Redis "too much"?
Have any of you already tried RateLimter? Is this a good solution? Is it scaleable?
PS: I am also open to other solutions than the 2 I aforementioned if you think there are better choices.
Thank you!
If you are trying to limit access to your Spring-based REST api you should use token-bucket algorithm.
There is bucket4j-spring-boot-starter project which uses bucket4j library to rate-limit access to the REST api. You can configure it via application properties file. There is an option to limit the access based on IP address or username.
If you are using Netflix Zuul you could use Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit which uses different storage options: Consul, Redis, Spring Data and Bucket4j.
Guava’s RateLimiter blocks the current thread so if there’s a burst of asynchronous calls against the throttled service lots of threads will be blocked and might result exhaust of free threads.
Perhaps Spring-based library Kite meets your needs. Kite's "rate-limiting throttle" rejects requests after the principal reaches a configurable limit on the number of requests in some time period. The rate limiter uses Spring Security to determine the principal involved.
But Kite is still a single-JVM approach. If you do need a cluster-aware approach Redis is a way to go.
there is no hard rule, it totally depends on your specific situation. provided that "I have never used Redis", I would recommend guava RateLimiter. compare to redis, a completely new nosql system for you, guava RateLimiter is much easier to get started with. by adding a few lines of code, you are enable to distribute permits at a configurable rate. what left to do is to adapt it to fit your need, like providing rate limit on a per user basis.

hazelcast vs ehcache

Question is clear as you see in the title, it would be appreciated to hear your ideas about adv./disadv. differences between them.
I have decided to use Hazelcast because of the advantages like distributed caching/locking mechanism as well as the extremely easy configuration while adapting it to your application.
We tried both of them for one of the largest online classifieds and e-commerce platform. We started with ehcache/terracotta(server array) cause it's well-known, backed by Terracotta and has bigger community support than hazelcast. When we get it on production environment(distributed,beyond one node cluster) things changed, our backend architecture became really expensive so we decided to give hazelcast a chance.
Hazelcast is dead simple, it does what it says and performs really well without any configuration overhead.
Our caching layer is on top of hazelcast for more than a year, we are quite pleased with it.
Even though Ehcache has been popular among Java systems, I find it less flexible than other caching solutions. I played around with Hazelcast and yes it did the job, it was easy to get running etc and it is newer than Ehcache. I can say that Ehcache has much more features than Hazelcast, is more mature, and has big support behind it.
There are several other good cache solutions as well, with all different properties and solutions such as good old Memcache, Membase (now CouchBase), Redis, AppFabric, even several NoSQL solutions which provides key value stores with or without persistence. They all have different characteristics in the sense they implement CAP theorem, or BASE theorem along with transactions.
You should care more about, which one have the functionality you want in your application, again, you should consider CAP theorem or BASE theorem for your application.
This test was done very recently with Cassandra on the cloud by Netflix. They reached to million writes per second with about 300 instances. Cassandra is not a memory cache but you data model is like a cache, which is consist of key value pairs. You can as well use Cassandra as a distributed memory cache.
Hazelcast has been a nightmare to scale and stability is still a major issue.
The dedicated client to grid component choices are
The messy version that cant survive node loss anywhere, negating the point of backups (superclient), or
An incredibly slow native client option that does not allow for any type of load balancing to processing nodes in the grid.
If any host could request records from this data grid it would be a sweet design, but you are stuck with those two lackluster option to get anything out of it.
Also multiple issues with database thread pools locking up on individual members and not writing anything to the databases, causing permanent records loss is a frequent issue and we often have to take the whole thing down for hours to refresh any of the JVM's. Split brain is also still an issue, although in 1.9.6 it seems to have calmed down a little.
Rallying to move to Ehcache and improving the database layer instead of using this as a band-aid.
Hazelcast serializes everything whenever there is a node (standard-one), so the data you will save to Hazelcast must implement serialization.
Hazelcast has been a nightmare for me. I was able to get it "working" in a clustered Websphere environment. I use the term "working" loosely. First, all of Hazelcast's documentation is out of date and only shows examples using deprecated method calls. Trying to use the new code without comments in the Javadocs and no examples in the documentation is very hard. Also, the J2EE container code simply does not work at this point because it does not support XA transactions in Websphere. An error is thrown calling code that follows their only J2EE example explicitly(it does look like Milestone 3.0 is addressing this). I had to forget about joining Hazelcast to a J2EE transaction. It does seem Hazelcast is definitely geared to a non EJB/Non-J2EE container environment. Making calls to Hazelcast.getAllInstances() fails to retain any information about Hazelcast's state when switching from one enterprise java bean to another. That forces me to create a new Hazelcast instance just to run calls that give me access to my data. That causes many Hazelcast Instances to start up on the same JVM. Also,retrieving data from Hazelcast is not fast. I tried retrieving data using both the Native Client and directly as a member of the cluster. I stored 51 lists, each containing only 625 objects in Hazelcast. I could not perform a query directly on a list and did not want to store a map just to get access to that feature (SQL operations can be performed on a map). It took about a half second to retrieve each list of 625 objects because Hazelcast Serializes the entire list and sends it over the wire rather than just giving me the delta (what has changed). Another thing, I had to switch to a TCPIP configuration and explicitly list the ip addresses of the servers I wanted to be in the cluster. The default Multicast configuration did not work and from the group discussions in google, other people are experiencing that difficulty as well. To sum up; I did eventually get 8 machines communicating in a cluster through many hours of torturous programmatic configuration and trial and error (the documentation will be little help) but when I did, I still had no control over the number of instances and partitions being created on each JVM due to the half finished nature of Hazelcast for EJB/J2EE and it was VERY SLOW. I implemented a real use case in the unemployment insurance application I work on and the code was much faster making direct calls to the database. It would have been cool if Hazelcast worked as advertised because I really did not want to use a separate service to implement what I am trying to do. I have used MongoDB extensively so I may skip the whole in memory cache and just serialize my objects as documents in a separate repository.
One advantage of Ehcache is that it is backed by a company (Terracotta) that does extensive performance, failover, and platform testing in a large performance lab. Terracotta provides support, indemnity, etc. For many companies, that sort of thing is important.
I have not used Hazelcast but I've heard that it is easy to use and that it works. I haven't heard anything with respect to scalability or performance of Hazelcast vs Terracotta/Ehcache but given the amount of scalability and failover testing that Terracotta does, it's hard for me to imagine that Hazelcast would be competitive in a production deployment. But I presume it would work fine for smaller uses.
[Bias: I'm a former employee of Terracotta.]
Developers describe Ehcache as "Java's Most Widely-Used Cache". Ehcache is an open-source, standards-based cache for boosting performance, offloading your database, and simplifying scalability. It's the most widely-used Java-based cache because it's robust, proven, and full-featured. Ehcache scales from in-process, with one or more nodes, all the way to mixed in-process/out-of-process configurations with terabyte-sized caches. On the other hand, Hazelcast is detailed as "Clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java". With its various distributed data structures, distributed caching capabilities, elastic nature, memcache support, integration with Spring and Hibernate and more importantly with so many happy users, Hazelcast is feature-rich, enterprise-ready and developer-friendly in-memory data grid solution.
Ehcache and Hazelcast are primarily classified as "Cache" and "In-Memory Databases" tools respectively.

Appfabric Caching: Configuration Provider as single point of failure

After doing some initial research into using Appfabric for caching, my understanding is that the configuration provider for the cluster is a single point of failure as mentioned here:
I want to use appfabric just for distributed caching, particularly for the tagging features. What are the options to avoid having the configuration provider as this failure point? I thought of two but not sure if one is better or if there are any other options.
(1) Create my own caching service configuration provider. I'm guessing this is possible (?) but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'd probably make a provider that fetched the xml file from S3 since I'm already using AWS.
(2) Configure each cache as a single node cluster and then create a proxy client that uses the individual nodes as a distributed cache, a la a memcached type client.
Thoughts or recommendations, or anything else I should consider in making this decision?
Yes, it is a single point of failure.
Microsoft's recomended solutions seem to be:
(SQL Server provider) Use SQL Server
clustering. In my limited
experience of it, using SQL Server
clustering for this is probably a
case of 'the cure is worse than the
disease' i.e. it brings a lot of
pain. Unless you've already got a SQL
Server cluster available, avoid!
provider) Use Windows Server
clustering. I have even less
knowledge of this than SQL
clustering, so I can't say how well (or otherwise)
this might work. It doesn't strike me as a trivial thing to do, though.
You can create your own configuration provider by implementing the ICustomProvider interface and making some registry entries. Using AWS seems like a really good idea to make the config provider resilient, I'd be interested to see how you got on with this.
Creating a proxy client seems to me like you'd be making a lot of work for yourself, at that point it feels like you'd be more fighting against AppFabric rather than working with it.
We have also tried AppFabric but it gave us fair few headaches like for one there's no API access which is making it very difficult to use our current unit testing strategy. We have now moved to NCache that is better option than AppFabric. NCache provides tagging feature and it is not a single point of failure.

How do I update an expensive in-memory cache across a SharePoint farm?

We have 3 front-end servers each running multiple web applications. Each web application has an in memory cache.
Recreating the cache is very expensive (>1 min). Therefore we repopulate it using a web service call to each web application on each front-end server every 5 minutes.
The main problem with this setup is maintaining the target list for updating and the cost of creating the cache several times every few minutes.
We are considering using AppFabric or something similar but I am unsure how time consuming it is to get up and running. Also we really need the easiest solution.
How would you update an expensive in memory cache across multiple front-end servers?
The problem with memory caching is that it's unique to the server. I'm going with the idea that this is why you want to use AppFabric. I'm also assuming that you're re-creating the cache every few minutes to keep the in memory caches in sync across all servers. With all this work, I can well appreciate that caching is expensive for you.
It sounds like you're doing a lot of work that probably isn't necessary. This article has some detail about the caching mechanisms available within SharePoint. You may be interested in the output cache discussed near the top of the article. You may also want to read the linked TechNet article and the linked article called "Custom Caching Overview".
The only SharePoint way to do that is to use Service Application infrastructure. The only problem is that it requires some time to understand how it works. Also it's too complicated to do it from scratch. You might consider downloading one of existing applications and rename classes/GUIDs to match your naming conventions. I used this one: In this case you can have single cache per N front-end servers.
